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16805478 No.16805478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on the impending extinction of w*men?

>> No.16805510

>Dude wants to be a woman
>whole-chromosomed are going to disappear

>> No.16805531

If that's true why's she so heckin cute and valid?

>> No.16805540

no tranny its not about trannies its the true aspect of femininity (which you hate/can never truly grasph

>> No.16805541


>> No.16805555

I nutted over this guy a few times (videos of him with things in his ass on pornhub). On the third time I got this weird wave of disgust that physically hurt my penis, it felt like that pain you feel when you keep masturbating after you already nutted.

I genuinely dont think I will ever be able to watch tranny porn again.

>> No.16805559

The videos are too much. Just stick to the soft core pictures

>> No.16805561

I'm writing a book with the opposite premise actually. the extinction of men is coming via their feminization. They can fertilize eggs with a woman's bone marrow and the resulting baby is limited to XX chromosomes. Hive future. You'll like the book

>> No.16805562

You are mistaken. It is by making itself an appendage of women that the penis can make it through the gate of the near future.

>> No.16805565


>> No.16805572

I'd advise against opening this door, but his name is taftaj.

>> No.16805588

I beat it to traps every now and then. It isn’t the sort of thing I’m interested in pursuing in real life, purely a fantasy. I’m really into cum and I had a very very negative sexual experience with a woman that I’m still not over, so masturbating to traps is a way of avoiding that unpleasantness.

>> No.16805587
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>> No.16805597

you're one to talk dyke. even if you were attracted to men you would never raise an offspring due to your repugnant personality and hatred of mankind

>> No.16805610

woah I didn’t realize butterfly was secretly based (hatred of mankind)

>> No.16805614

>Any good books on the impending extinction of w*men?
I have never considered this. I think the whole queer demsoc order is much more likely to extinct men.

>> No.16805620


the industrial society is what will extinct men

>> No.16805715

Based butterfree. If only you could always be this based

>> No.16805812
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I love laughing at stupid dykes seething at trannies.

A man is superior to a woman, he is naturally determined to be the dominant sex.

A man can lose his manhood to become a fuckslut, a tranny, in a literal attempt to be a woman. He loses much in this, he voluntarily defeats the great forces within himself to become a fucksleeve. Manhood is something of virtue and in being a tranny this virtue is lost.

A woman can't lose her womanhood by being a dyke because nothing is below woman but child. Then again, while something distinctly stronger can voluntarily become weaker, something distinctly weaker cannot voluntarily become stronger. Trannies being able to pass through both worlds while the dyke is trapped in her autistic malignant suffering of the lowest order invokes the anger and jealous of the dyke. The dyke is the lowest order of being, it bites the hand that feeds and rages uncontrollably more than any other race of degenerate scoundrel Satan bestowed upon the surfsce.

Butterfly, listen, you can't do this on your own. You need a boost to actually upgrade your being into manhood. You should take steroids and hit the gym and become the disgusting abomination you've always dreamed you could be.

>> No.16805850
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>> No.16805861
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>men are better at being women than women, leaving the latter in complete irrelevance

>> No.16805893

i remember why i stopped going on /lit/.....penis discussion is impossible to avoid. just accept your homosexuality even though jesus hates you.

>> No.16805899

dude no one is going to read any of that. you wasted duh energies