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16804282 No.16804282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know exactly how social media eclipsed literary work as the premiere mode of influencing society?

>> No.16804290

traps are gay, bro.

>> No.16804294

i love her

>> No.16804299

How did we end up like this? People taking selfies, and all the other things.
I wish I could live in a small pseudo-nation without internet. Someone has to be sick enough to do something like it.

>> No.16804301

Women and faggots have such a bizarre view of female beauty. Tranny aesthetics.

>> No.16804321
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, EIPUAjEW4AE585S[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic posts. Anna is a great example of how social media snark is more influential than modern books. Has anyone even read Zizek since the 90s?

>> No.16804322

People have doing portraits for 10,000+ years, probably longer. shut up pseud.

>> No.16804326
File: 52 KB, 382x390, Screenshot_2017-10-05-08-43-25_kindlephoto-98006316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those man mittens, though.

>> No.16804340

Just stop. Don't simplify by ignoring the fact that is has been extremely saturated the past 10 years. I even notice it in children, narcissistic little fucks uncapable of luv. First literature, then love, and the degeneracy arises. Glad I'm born to die.

>> No.16804350

You're the pseud if you think that's comprable

>> No.16804351

It’s on their phones. Get over it.

>> No.16804353
File: 146 KB, 556x820, 1511395499946_kindlephoto-26083820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the internet red pills all. or destroys all, you choose.

>> No.16804364

The internet has eroded people's attention span and compelled them to form strong parasocial relationships with people like Anna in the face of increasing atomization. The result is an ever expanding network of grifters who bounce from hot take to hot take in an attempt to keep up with the unyielding need of the e-proles for quick and cheap interpretations of current events so as to ease their anxiety and lack of identity without risking any thought or effort into the matter.
Now please stop posting this haggard flint faced wannabe troon.

>> No.16804367

Yeah I do.

>> No.16804379

What are you talking about? It's natural to look at yourself and to present yourself to others.

>> No.16804380

It's accessible, delivered directly to you for free, algorithms curate it for you, and all of society is plugged into it instead of a minority of people who actively search for new books.

>> No.16804384

Ur a simpleton that's for sure. Ur completely ignoring that the development has been increased, and that narcissistic traits have gone up. U are one of them and a proof of that. Thank you, retard. For proving my point, now gentlely kys u stupid bitch haha *littlebitssss*

>> No.16804385

let the plebs have their circus

>> No.16804386

You are a baby. Grow up.

>> No.16804392

Selfies really are fucking insane when you step outside the way we've all been wired to accept it as normal, and look at it like a real human being for a change. It's a grown adult preening like a narcissist about their physical appearance, and bitches do it multiple times a day, every day into their 30s and even beyond. It's mental sickness.

>> No.16804398

Internet free communes will probably be a well established thing by the end of the century. It would be a good pressure outlet for the disgruntled members of society.

>> No.16804400

Ease of consumption and production

>> No.16804405
File: 347 KB, 1400x2036, 1605040660872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thought about your nasolabial folds recently? Or your forehead wrinkles? You should look in the mirror and try out different facial expressions to see how pronounced and visible your nasolabial folds are. It's one of the top ways that men think you look "old." Protip, they are twice as obvious to men as they are to you.

>> No.16804410

Ooo and there we go, I challenge ur way of existence and intelligence, so u say words that means just as much as the shit in my ass wich is flushed into the toilet everyday. U don't even understand what u are saying stupid bitch, u should not be allived to vote ever now,kys. Hmhm.

>> No.16804412

who is this

>> No.16804417

Whatever you are blathering about is the result of being a damaged person.

>> No.16804425
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1602975673703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at your bumble profile. Can you see forehead wrinkles in any of the pictures? Some white girls have bad genetic luck and get pronounced forehead wrinkles early. It makes you look dry.

>> No.16804439

keep your head up queen, your helmet is slipping. if selfies took years to a.) master the craft of taking and b.) execute, after mastering...i’d have a lot more respect for everyone who posted them. paint a portrait instead of posting your caked-up-duck-lips-glazed-over-eyes-flaccid-hair-hatchetface on twitter.

>> No.16804455

It's not exactly free, the service may be but there's still an original outlay for your device and, usually, your internet access.

>> No.16804461


>> No.16804472


Anita Catchacan

>> No.16804483

Am amazed of how simple some people are, not just regarding this topic but in general. Like, are they happier than me (it appears so) or are they so rid of personality that they are more like a hamster in a wheel? Living in the good'ol comfortable bubble, or am I fucking insane? This question often leans towards suicide wich I think is a very real possibility, am 25, already feel old and outdated. I don't understand shit no more. Is suicide answer or? Being serious, and seriously drunk...

>> No.16804495

Don't kill yourself if you believe in God and if you don't believe in God don't kill yourself incase Pascal's wager.

>> No.16804497

Sorry for offtopic,but going through clinical depression, and this is deffo a factor. Feel no belonging, apparantly I'm too critical and these medicines don't help, getting some new brand apparantly or some shit... Dunno.

>> No.16804506

I think a lot of criticism of TV and mass media can be applied to thinking about social media as well. So read some Baudrillard, or read some McLuhan, or even read Infinite Jest. The important thing to consider is that in addition to being endlessly reproducible and addictive, social media offers the illusion of agency and participation. So instead of just watching a representation of politics (for example) on a screen, you are watching a representation of politics that lets you pretend you are doing politics via posting.

>> No.16804508

Don't know what Pascals's wager is, will read up upon. But no, don't believe in a god, and neither should anyone else, this is proven by science already, don't mean to be an asshole but u know, can't ignore glaring facts.

>> No.16804521

the group (internet) is too large to belong to. hence virtue signalling, a shallow attempt to attain honor .>>16804483
things are getting strange, not sure if it's the internet or what, just accept and try to play as if you were a child, the body wants to live, the mind wants to die. the body is the master so quit fixating on the mind.

>> No.16804537

Read on the whole Pascals wager thing yehyeh, many people claim christiany basically because of this, a word more familiar to me is redudancy, wich if theres really a god, he will obviously see through and fuck u off to hell or something lol idc, it's all up there with hercules and odin to me hhaha XD

>> No.16804539

Such an ugly woman. Gross.

>> No.16804556

That's rather disheartening, as I have always been more intellect than anything else. i share sherlock H view: "I am a brain, the rest is mere appendix".
Thank you for kind regards though, hope you do good, go to school, if u can (y)

>> No.16804566

Not sure what u mean with: "as if child" thing so theres that xP.

>> No.16804598
File: 74 KB, 2000x1204, 2000px-IQ_distribution.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am amazed of how simple some people are
Don't feel too bad, it's normal. You need to keep in mind that, even in the most intelligent countries on the planet, LOTS of people have a sub-100IQ. Even if you're just one standard deviation of 15 above the average person then you're going to be absolutely mogging the majority of people you meet. It only gets worse as you go further and further above 115.