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16804213 No.16804213 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that offer a critique of academia and academic thought?

>> No.16804237

Nick Land can't be considered part of the Academia, and Jordan Peterson is on the fringes of Academia (JBP still trapped inside the liberal ontological horizon). See the spirit you fucking substantial nigger; a tranny who never set a foot inside a college but believes in intersectional shit and relativism is more part of academia (as a consumer) than a professor who would say "fucking leftist faggots and globohomos, breaking the nomoi of the cosmos; they're gonna kill us all".

>> No.16804258
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>got memed into reading Meltdown
Fuck you niggers.

>> No.16804267

Not Kacszynski that's for sure. Incoherent rambling terrorist.

>> No.16804325


>> No.16804349

refute him, fag

>> No.16804360

There is nothing to refute

>> No.16804366
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Not him but i like computer
boom, refuted

>> No.16804372

just drink Shapiro hot cum, OP

>> No.16804407

>Can't ask me to refute an argument if I deny the existence of the argument.

>> No.16804415

How did philosophers go from fighting in wars and challenging their respective states to sitting in university departments enforcing dogmas?

>> No.16804424

Land was literally a professor at a university, he might not be part of it now but he definitely was when a lot of his work was published.

>> No.16804477

accfag do you ever read?

>> No.16805367

Well, the thing is, Kazinsky has no argument. His whole life’s work is the product of the delusion of thinking you can really escape society or think you can LARP it out of the world. Society has no end. His life is nothing but the stare into an abyss of societal pessimism. His solution is apocalypse, which shows to me the same tread that fascists, evangelicals and all psychic pessimism has shown me before, the desire for a better world through death.

>> No.16805701 [DELETED] 

To be fair pessimism is wrong about things being bad, it's just wrong about there also being good things.

>> No.16805702


>> No.16805895

Refrain from ever posting on this board again, retarded nigger.

>> No.16805913

>I’m so mindraped into consumerist complacency that the political imagination required conceive of an alternative to the current state of affairs is simply no longer there. Any alternative is the apocalypse.
Just translated your post bro, I expect a tip

>> No.16805922

State a thesis dumbo

>> No.16806273
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>listen to interview with Ted
>expect gruff Nick Nolte voice
>get Midwestern Jordan Peterson squeak
Don't think I can take him seriously anymore.

>> No.16806369

Poor insecure OP has a chip on his shoulder - so sure smart people are more dumb and bad than he is (thanks for helping me feel reassured about this Rupert Murdoch!)

>> No.16806378


>> No.16806392

t. incredibly assmad university hanger-on'er

>> No.16806416
File: 646 KB, 646x484, Screenshot_2020-11-11 'Harry Potter' fans will soon be able to walk through the original Gringotts Bank and step foot insid[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot radically change or replace a system using the political tools and ethics of that system.

There is an excellent refutation to this thesis but you can't make it.

>> No.16806548

>Reiterate classical marxist analysis from the 19th century that capitalism benefits from destruction of structures and rebellions to increase productivity by fostering innovation as long they do not endager the underlying economical system.
>Reiterate that the education system is always reactionary because it must reproduce the current condition.
>Become a hobo.
I do not understand why so many people love Kacszynski.

>> No.16806551

accfag seething.

>> No.16806558

Because you're dumb?

>> No.16806875

Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.16806963

It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

>> No.16807055

Imagine getting filtered by a meme.

>> No.16807210

Dangerously based

>> No.16807323

>end of capitalism.
but that's not hard to imagine.

>> No.16807400
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Not that poster, but what I'd say is that the "intellectuals" are really just what normal people call humanities professors. I mean sure, if we were precise and said humanities professors should be shot for being oxygen thieves who produce nothing of value, then that would a valid enough point.

But the truth of the matter is that rather than kill the entire humanities department, it is much easier and morally sound to just defund them and invest the money in STEM.

>> No.16807464
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>> No.16807484


>> No.16807498

What is about attacking academia that attracts brainlets? Can they not stand they they've all converged upon left wing conclusions or that professors and researchers are smarter than them?

>> No.16807507

Intellectuals and Society by Sowell

>> No.16807516

These brainlet academics are all poor. They reach left wing conclusions in order to amass power and prestige and therefore wealth.

>> No.16807521

Dumbass theory of how desires work supported by nothing is the main one. Plus a total techno-determinist view of how technology relates to centralization.

>> No.16807729

Everyone is seething at this post, but anon is completely correct.
Nick Land and JBP are both on the fringes of academia and would not be considered mainstream practitioners of their respective subjects, philosophy and psychology. I don't see how this claim is in any way controversial.

>> No.16807768

Get a load of this brainlet

>> No.16807808

source for the quote?
googling doesn't return direct matches.

>> No.16807894

the irony of you posting this thought, attached to an image from a documentary.

>> No.16808164

Has anyone here actually given up on pursuing a career in academia to becoming jaded and cynical with the system?

Both me and my ex gf wanted to be academics, but we have shared experiences of nepotism, pointless busywork, knowing academics who are miserable, funding bullshit and much more.

I swear the system is designed to keep more people out than invite in. I don’t like the thought of using my brain to basically whore myself out by writing papers to support the ideological biases of particular institutions.

>> No.16808204

Me. I'm just doing art now and shitposting about metaphysics and phenomenology with randos online and irl now.

>> No.16808320

While it isn't a book, Kevin Solway's 'An Investigation into Academic Nothingness' is a good essay that offers a critique of both academia and academic thought.

>This essay is in response to a particular academic book, but could have been a response to any of countless books typical of Western academic philosophy, or of the humanities in general. Thus the reader can appreciate the message of this essay without having read the actual book in question, since if the reader has read even one paragraph of Western academic philosophical drivel of any kind, they will have been more than sufficiently informed.


>> No.16808346

Uncle Ted kaczynski

>> No.16808392

cap and com are not new ideas unique to the semi-modern intellectuals who coined the titles. the conflicting concepts of equality, through opportunity to be equal, and equality, through enforcement, are as old as human social structures. cap may assume people are imperfect and jade a lot of romantics, but com absolutely requires that people be perfect. the limits of corruption one method can survive and still provide for its practitioners is far greater than the other. corruption is always the problem though. trying to argue that
>It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism
is just being willfully stupid. it's not about
>end of capitalism
>end of academia
the situation should be viewed as a question of corruption, and ideally in utero systems should be designed to withstand corruption. this is why cap is better than com. this is why academia sucks. not because cap is inherently, as a theoretical idea, better than com, and not because academia as a theoretical institution provides no worth, but because corruption will always exist, and until the people who design systems understand this there will always be problems as the lifespan of an institution approaches its limit.

academia has become very, very corrupt. it is the modern day church, where the wealthy donate to have cathedrals (research centers/living quarters) built in their name to show their piety, and where religious dogma (scientific consensus) is more important than the actual pursuit of scientific progress (as if a 'consensus' should mean anything, or has historically been anything but an actual detriment to science). but like those times where the church played this corrupt institutional role, there are still base-level practitioners of religion (academia), who like the small village father (the untenured and undergrad teacher and tutor), actually holds to the tenants due to a distance from the corruption (the wealth).

>> No.16808403

I know it's Ted, idiot. Which work?

>> No.16808478

he was never a professor, he just lectured
and afaik, he never published anything (proto-blogging doesn't count) except thirst for annihilation (on routledge) a lot of which is about how academia is a lost cause

>> No.16808514

you're the only one seething here accfag.

>> No.16808615

Academic niggas are stupid as fuck

>> No.16808635

Ultimate midwit take. They’re “left wing” because they work to reproduce dogma

>> No.16808649

It’s interesting how people who were once a part of academia seem to hate it the most

>> No.16808670

Who's the one in the middle

>> No.16808688

Fuck off nick

>> No.16808937

Wtf did he fry his brain?

>> No.16808949

Ask me how I know you've never read ISAIF.

>> No.16808966


>> No.16808985

Most academics have never worked a real job and it's really easy to tell which

>> No.16809142

Tbf, I wanted to become an academic primarily to escape getting a job. Then I became too ill to work, so I didn’t need that excuse anymore.

>> No.16809250
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the fact that this guy is a professor of philosophy tells you more about academia than any book could teach you.

>> No.16809286

Kaczynski tries to avoid being a moralist but does what every philosoper pre-Neetsch does and commits to moral essentialism in the form of presumption or redressing teleological claims in a rational garb. I find his political ideal to be novel and interesting and his psychoanalytical exposition of the "leftist" pretty funny, but on the whole it's not a philosophically sound theory for the aforementioned reason.

>> No.16809414

>doesnt follow neetch therefore wrong