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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.08 MB, 3310x1347, New Sincerity writers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16796080 No.16796080 [Reply] [Original]

>The next real literary "rebels" in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of anti-rebels, born oglers who dare somehow to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse and instantiate single-entendre principles. Who treat of plain old untrendy human troubles and emotions in U.S. life with reverence and conviction. Who eschew self-consciousness and hip fatigue. These anti-rebels would be outdated, of course, before they even started. Dead on the page. Too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, quaint, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that'll be the point. Maybe that's why they'll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today's risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the "Oh how banal". To risk accusations of sentimentality, melodrama. Of overcredulity. Of softness. Of willingness to be suckered by a world of lurkers and starers who fear gaze and ridicule above imprisonment without law. Who knows.

are you sincere?

>> No.16796108

Tao is the only writer here worth anything.

Scott has potential to be an amazing writer, but he is too afraid to go all in. He hovers around this midwit Believer caliber shit. Scott just fucking go for it. Jordan, if you see Scott tell him to fucking go hard and not be so afraid of his own potential. He is a coward.

Jordan is one of us, but his writing is whatever. Good on him for actually writing a book.

Again, only Tao.

>> No.16796137

I sincerely think everyone in this picture is a faggot.

>> No.16796170
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>Of softness.
>Clearly repressed.
DFW predicted both of ya

>> No.16796183

I really agree with your analysis of Scott. A lot of his books are good but they could be so much more.

>> No.16796195

>I'm a rebel
>no, I'm the real rebel
>I'm the realest rebel, I rebel against anti-rebeliousness
Maybe get a new stock phrase.

>> No.16796267
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>> No.16796305
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>> No.16796307
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>> No.16796317
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>> No.16796332

Megan is the first Depressive Pixie Dream Girl

>> No.16796358

Sincerity is that word, anon.

>> No.16796369

I know Tao. Who are the other three?

>> No.16796385

this fucking cunt lives off marketing her stuff to losers like you.
that megan boyle bitch including herself into everything and shilling herown book.
This thread is a Megan Boyle ad campaign.
check filename

>> No.16796396
File: 176 KB, 1070x1058, jordan _big papa pump_ castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan's book sounds interesting.

>> No.16796395

>>The next real literary "rebels" in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of anti-rebels, born oglers who dare somehow to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse and instantiate single-entendre principles. Who treat of plain old untrendy human troubles and emotions in U.S. life with reverence and conviction. Who eschew self-consciousness and hip fatigue. These anti-rebels would be outdated, of course, before they even started. Dead on the page. Too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, quaint, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that'll be the point. Maybe that's why they'll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today's risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the "Oh how banal". To risk accusations of sentimentality, melodrama. Of overcredulity. Of softness. Of willingness to be suckered by a world of lurkers and starers who fear gaze and ridicule above imprisonment without law. Who knows.

That unironically sounds like me (though I'm sure everyone true conservative person believes the same)
wheres the article from?

>> No.16796412

"E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction"

>> No.16796431

>megging out this hard
maybe you aren't ready to leave irony, anon

>> No.16796432

>this [artist] lives off marketing her stuff to [people who are receptive to it]

i am happy to have contributed to an artist i like supporting herself on her work, although she unfortunately does not make enough to live off it.

>> No.16796479

simp spotted.

>> No.16796491


if novels are just about novelists getting distracted on twitter,
and are read only by other wannabe novelists who also get distracted by twitter (this includes you and me)
reveals the fact that novels are mostly pointless in this era.

>> No.16796500

It's true. I realized this years ago, being a poet.

>> No.16796509

Is being sincere really that much of an accomplishment? Just be sincere lmao

>> No.16796514

they are like a secret handshake between similarly damaged psyches. i'm okay with that. it is in some way the only way we can communicate

>> No.16796520
File: 181 KB, 780x516, face-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sss...Sc...Scott? Jor... Jordan? Tao! Tao it's me, Noah. I'm right here.

>> No.16796521
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1558082597872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

39:4.14.The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys. Men use them—advance in spirit status—by decisions, by more decisions, and by more decisions. The highest moral choice is the choice of the highest possible value, and always—in any sphere, in all of them—this is to choose to do the will of God. If man thus chooses, he is great, though he be the humblest citizen of Jerusem or even the least of mortals on Urantia.

>> No.16796537

sorry mx profiler, I'm not on twitter, nor a novelist, but I will read jordan's book based on the themes outlined, though who knows what it may become between now and publication. Maybe he abandons the novel and origami becomes his personal technology, but his approach could still make paper swans and elephants powerful

>> No.16796541

Old idea, old meme.

>> No.16796548

Hip fatigue.
Prophet Foster Wallace to some

>> No.16796549

Being sincere was a big deal in the late 90's, yes. Maybe less now. Reactionary culture and a large scale return to our Western roots turned all that po-mo nonsense on its head. But, for instance, thus forum isn't very sincere. Many others even less.

>> No.16796561
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Who's taking picture???

>> No.16796569

>next real literary "rebels" in this country

>> No.16796576

>There's one single timeline

>> No.16796582
File: 19 KB, 339x382, 1595305926587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collaborative nobel called 4Chan /lil/.

>> No.16796586

What's the essential download on Noah? Does he belong to the sincerity sodality

>> No.16796602

Of all the books I have read by him they have all been pretty bad. I will say his book on laymans Buddhism is pretty good. I think it's a book that could help a lot of normies.

>> No.16796604

I sincerely think I've had enough of u

>> No.16796623

who the fuck are all these authors apart from tao

>> No.16796634

Margaret Megan Matlock Boyle poetess author of the 2013 novel "Liveblog".

>> No.16796642

Welcome to Alternative Literature /altlit/

>> No.16796651

meggie meg only gets hotter as time passes :3

>> No.16796818

>she will never serve you frozen yoghurt at the mall food court
why even be sincere?

>> No.16796955

quick somebody bury nuclear waste in this barbed anon

>> No.16797366

Kind of hard to be ironic on the internet. I think the culture of 4chan is even past that into post-irony. When people say "based and redpilled" they are being sincere about it

>> No.16798446

Does Tao really belong in this new genre? new style?

>> No.16798538

I don't know who 2 and 4 are. The frog-eyed girl is cute but someone said she's a dope fiend

>> No.16798621
File: 725 KB, 1492x1024, 1554024113549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you sincere?
I do my best.

>> No.16798637

>I'm an establishmentarianist
>well I'm a disestablishmentarianist
>I'm an antidisestablishmentarianist
Stop English. No

>> No.16798646

What a shit ironic meme. Finally baited people though

>> No.16798650

>Decides to live
How about I decide to heem that pseud? Is that sincere enough for you?

>> No.16798757
File: 553 KB, 1200x1800, 3D292A50-00A4-478C-858D-486E3F902A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, the e girls are getting uglier and uglier. She makes the plain janes at my job look hot in comparison. The simps must be cratering to levels of desperation previously unrealized to be orbiting this girl whose face screams “I smell like old sneakers”

>> No.16798774

Sounds like a chink psyop since those people can't into doubur meanigu or humour

>> No.16798810

Neo Confucianism for the internet age or something, idk. Someone else work it out

>> No.16798830

>he thinks until he notices chinks laughing at him every time he wears a green hat

>> No.16798911

The peak of Chinese humour, wearing an improperly colored hat. Thank you for proving my point

>> No.16799008
File: 449 KB, 3072x2048, 1475267441-gettyimages-50397607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and David Foster Wallace called the precocious writers to sit with him

>> No.16799059

>t. literal cuck

>> No.16799686
File: 313 KB, 943x1148, nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noah Cicero
kinda a chad

>> No.16799694
File: 149 KB, 994x833, jg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has joseph grantham been sponsored for membership yet?

>> No.16800254

>tao lin
>megan boyle
who're the other two?

>> No.16800351

You're typing in letters which are green, kinda like the online version of a green hat. Got something goin on in your personal life, big guy?

>> No.16801569

you're forgetting RC Waldun

>> No.16801717

the one in the pink recreational smock
>Scott McClanahan (born June 24, 1978) is an American writer, economist, explorer, and martial artist.[1] He lives in Beckley, West Virginia and is the author of eight books. His most recent book, The Sarah Book, was featured in Rolling Stone, Village Voice, and Playboy.[2][3][4] NPR called the book "brave, triumphant and beautiful — it reads like a fever dream, and it feels like a miracle."[5] McClanahan is also a co-founder of Holler Presents, a West Virginia-based production and small press company.

>> No.16802292

guy in the hat looks like Javier Lucumí

>> No.16802368

Honestly we're just trapped in this forever.
Being anti-establishment here is the same as being pro-establishment.
If you buy vegan products you'll buy them from a subsidiary of the same company that throws baby chicks in a blender to make nuggets. It's literally just branding, everything is. There is no real "action" to be made. Products are products, you just brand them differently as the times require. And everything is a product, even other people, so when the time for change comes around you can just change the people you're selling, the sub-product of the product-people will always be the same.
Companies make it a point to sound anti-establishment because now it's good to be anti-establishment. Companies have found a way to sound authentic and human when they are not. They have probably baked some very refined microexpression research into advertisments by now, and if they didn't they will do that soon. I also think advertising is just smoke and mirror to keep people imagining that advertising is "commercials", while advertising today is made by people who act genuine and non-affiliated. Sometimes it's made by the unwitting crowds themselves. People are becoming product-billboards, what do they need sincerity for? Things will be forever the same except they will just replace one hashtag with the other and people will keep doing the same stuff while changing the hashtag. You literally just have to change the hashtag because you're a marketer on some company's payroll either way, or you are a slave to the company's product and you use their products to promote yourself as a product.
I don't even see the point of "sincerity", whatever that means right now because it simply isn't possible over the internet. There are no stakes on the internet, and sincerity is all about putting yourself at risk. What does it matter that you don't treat things "ironically" when emotions are commodified? What does it matter if you do that as an author when people will never stop doing that?

>> No.16802374

McLanahan is great, have you tried Bud Smith also?

>> No.16802437

"Oh my god, " I screamed in horror as the image expanded. Someone simps for that?

>> No.16802526

Nice word vomit bro, concise is key.

>> No.16803941

Jordan Castro rightmost iirc

>> No.16803944

>concise is key
if you want to open insipid doors, sure

>> No.16804014

Jordan would have you pliéing your gauzy gams before the room's piqued distaste in under fifteen seconds

>> No.16804090


I'm so sincere that if I get any reaction out of anybody ever which I don't it would exclusively be derisive laughter

>> No.16804577
File: 202 KB, 1080x1110, fifteen left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16804890

New Sincerity is the reason why we have woke brands telling us to self-care in all lowercase, fuck them

>> No.16804899

Unironically this is just anime. The popularity of anime is new sincerity.

>> No.16805355
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>megheads moving product
god bless the troops

>> No.16806777

laughed audibly

>> No.16806793

I keep my own chickens and feel pretty good about it; does that count for nothing?

>> No.16807038

t. consoomer

>> No.16807117

imagine thinking postmodernism rebels against capitalism. Read Frederic Jameson you pseud

>> No.16807804

>Rebel against free choice
I don't read europe types

>> No.16808716

missed the point so much you hit another one

>> No.16808746

the term "new sincerity" is itself ironic

>> No.16809070
File: 2.62 MB, 2592x1936, bafroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing their themes of therapy, as well as reconstructing and maintaining healthily their own self-conscious states of mind, so I toy with "therapism" or literary therapy. Given where the authors are in life, their effacing retrospect is expected, but maybe there's greater stakes for them: it's no longer 'lol writing' stunts now that there's an inevitably spiritual aspect to the writing, literary technology having saved many of these authors' lives.

>> No.16809181
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Big oof.


>> No.16809238

could you slaughter one humanely if it were fatally injured? Would you gut it and use the carcass? what level of survival reality do you occupy?

>> No.16809289

Vodon clients mostly