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16791334 No.16791334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He was right about literally everything.

>> No.16791346

give us an example.

>> No.16791355

He was and is a feckless faggot who fell for Fukuyama's meme, and (You) are, too.

>> No.16791398

>As soon as politicians have learnt to buy political support from the ‘public purse’, and conditioned electorates to embrace looting and bribery, the democratic process reduces itself to the formation of (Mancur Olson’s) ‘distributional coalitions’ – electoral majorities mortared together by common interest in a collectively advantageous pattern of theft. Worse still, since people are, on average, not very bright, the scale of depredation available to the political establishment far exceeds even the demented sacking that is open to public scrutiny. Looting the future, through currency debauchment, debt accumulation, growth destruction, and techno-industrial retardation is especially easy to conceal, and thus reliably popular. Democracy is essentially tragic because it provides the populace with a weapon to destroy itself, one that is always eagerly seized, and used. Nobody ever says ‘no’ to free stuff.

>> No.16791447

See, he'd be somewhat right if he didn't confuse democracy for an oligarchy

>> No.16791500

What's the difference?

>> No.16791514


>> No.16791533

What's the difference?

>> No.16791579

No, he wasn't, you just haven't read enough.

>> No.16791617
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I guess you’re incapable of knowing such complex things, so just trust us. They’re completely different

>> No.16791652

No suggestions? Thought not.

So Democracy is a sentimental lie that doesn't actually exist and Oligarchy is what Democracy actually is in practice.

>> No.16791674

Republics are similar to Oligarchies in many ways

>> No.16791681

It is a lie that oligarchs tell their people they have just for voting. This is why you can’t fathom it existing. They’ve brainwashed your kind pretty thoroughly

>> No.16791709

What? So the oligarchs have brainwashed me to not believe in democracy? That doesn't seem to make sense considering a rejection of democracy goes hand in hand with a rejection of the ruling class.

>> No.16791715
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>yet again the schlubby socialist dyke pops out of the woodwork to shill for neoliberalism

>> No.16791730
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>> No.16791746

nothing human makes it out of the queer future

>> No.16791749

How is this not making sense? You’ve been led to believe you live in a democracy. (In the US right?) the founders didn’t want a democracy. They didn’t set up a democracy. Calling it a democracy is a political ploy. The real leaders are the wealth that buy the politicians. Mostly phony factions arise and you pick a team even though they’re all buddies.
Voting is not democracy.

Never have I shilled for liberalism or neoliberalism, you sack of shit

>> No.16791765

wipe your ass you smelly cunt

>> No.16791766

in practice there isn't, except with democracy you're slightly more ruled by mobs of 80 IQ niggers and white trash instead of wealthy old school racists.

>> No.16791767

Not only that, you do it for free.

>> No.16791777

Yes, they called it a republic.
What would be a democracy by your definition?

>> No.16791969

I'm understanding you now and I agree with most of what you said, except for who you think the ruling class are.

>he ruling class must be plausibly identified. It should be noted immediately, in contradistinction to Marxist principles of social analysis, that this is not the ‘capitalist bourgeoisie’. Logically, it cannot be. The power of the business class is already clearly formalized, in monetary terms, so the identification of capital with political power is perfectly redundant. It is necessary to ask, rather, who do capitalists pay for political favors, how much these favors are potentially worth, and how the authority to grant them is distributed. This requires, with a minimum of moral irritation, that the entire social landscape of political bribery (‘lobbying’) is exactly mapped, and the administrative, legislative, judicial, media, and academic privileges accessed by such bribes are converted into fungible shares. Insofar as voters are worth bribing, there is no need to entirely exclude them from this calculation, although their portion of sovereignty will be estimated with appropriate derision.

The rich can buy favors from the king if they want, but that does not make them the king.

>> No.16792066

Land is peak pseud. When you say that name it just shows that you've never read anything good

>> No.16792081

True enough under monarchy, but not so much under oligarchy. They’re a lazy class, and leave it largely to the bureaucracy, who never do anything to disturb the capitalist aristocracy

>> No.16792116

How is he wrong? How is he a psued? (Don't mention fanged noumena)

>> No.16792136

>don't mention his best-known work
Landfags are truly unbelievable in their pretension and gall

>> No.16792538
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>> No.16792580

Oh no no no

>> No.16792633

>People in need of proper healthcare
And you keep these to jackoff?
This is somehow a defense of your favourite class?

>> No.16792644


>> No.16792657

>what if we just did more neoliberalism but tried to be nice

>> No.16792668

You think these dumb bitches are whales because they don't have HEALTHCARE?! AHAHAHAHAHA

Oh my god you stupid lesbo.


Fuck me.

>> No.16792672

Direct democracy isn’t neoliberalism, nor would it lead to it. You’re either retarded or trolling fascist who hates majority rule

>> No.16792683

So they’re your relatives.

>> No.16792694

and what do you think direct democracy will result in after its been implemented in neoliberal countries? what is the general populace going to do and perpetuate?

>> No.16792710

Ahahahahaha OO SNAP.

You dumb hog. No wonder you couldn't land even an assistant professorship with all your rote ideological memorization and perfect alignment with neoliberal theology. You're dumb as a box of fucking hammers.

>> No.16792736

She skimmed some dumb book about giving brown hordes the vote and how that will lead to gay doula worker's paradise and thinks she's not just a dispenser for globalist platitudes.

>> No.16792741

Self rule, reorganization and focuses of all that matter to their people and place, IE environment and other necessities. If the liberals hijack it and keep capitalism (and after centuries of that system’s failure, who would keep it?) it will crumble apart and return to what we have now.

>> No.16792772

Do you have more than 33 zizeks saved?

>> No.16792784

You do realize the biggest problem facing modern politics and philosophy is that nobody can fucking kill neoliberalism and nobody can even imagine a future different from it.

If the esoteric of the world fail to come up with answers for its replacement what the fuck do you think people that work all day at service jobs and watch netflix for their 2 free hours a day are going to do with their vote? Political movements dont even fucking exist anymore, there is no class consciousness among people to even begin to imagine a world outside of capitalism, if its even possible at all anymore. Its debatable if class even behaves as it should anymore and if that hasnt been diffused into a meaningless node like everything else

I am sick to death of you lib shits

>> No.16792806


>> No.16792815
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>I cannot imagine not doing this self destructive system, therefore you cannot either.
You dig your own grave pretending there’s a gun pointed at your head. You people are blind to the others attempting to break free, and pledge to your cruel masters that you won’t help them even if you did see them.

You’re sick of lib shit? Why do you perpetuate it? Why do you serve it? You’re not sick of it at all. You’re in love with your victimhood

>> No.16792823

you're retarded

>> No.16792836

Are you white?

>> No.16792860

It's accfag. There's only 1

>> No.16792875

10s of millions of people protested this summer and achieved nothing. Politics doesnt exist anymore. Political mechanisms like protesting and voting and completely disconnected from the state. Even if they werent, power has been disconnected from the state and dispersed into multinational corporations and organizations and bureaucratic obscurity.

Electoralism itself has no future and it is impossible for it to generate a new future when it is reliant on:
1. The legitimacy of politics as a meaningful way of addressing resource distribution
2. The power of the state to exert power to achieve the goals a popular mandate demands from them
3. The ability of the voters to formulate an ideology and vision for the future beyond neoliberal capitalism and social democratic government

All 3 requirements for a functioning direct democracy state NO LONGER EXIST.

You yourself can only imagine a world of neoliberalism with minor tweeks. "oh if we had direct democracy everything would be fine", "oh people would just realize the right thing to do". This is complete horseshit and completely disregards reality. You're lack of imagination and preference for minor tweaks to neoliberalism are more of a fantasy than Marxist utopians saying the revolution is just around the corner any day now.

Yes. You are a retard no matter which race i am.

>> No.16792876

Racial consciousness for whites is the biggest threat to the global liberal-capitalist order. That's why it's the last taboo.

>> No.16792918

No it isnt. its the incredibly shallow idea that "everything is find except for all these non-whites". Radical white supremacy is a by product created by neoliberalism and the internalized truth that no economic or political change is possible, so the only outlet for our anger at the neoliberal order is that its somehow been coopted by non-white intruders and that they are the source of the alienation and destruction.

White nationalism is a coping mechanism for people that have surrendered the future to neoliberalism.

>> No.16792921

>10s of millions of people protested this summer and achieved nothing
The cop riots? That was put on to cover the protests and strikes that started in the spring and largely continue. We are in an economic downturn and people are hurting because of that more than George fucking Floyd. You fall for the media far too easily... I don’t even want to engage with you anymore. Wake up, kid.

>> No.16792931

you're a mess. you have no idea what you're talking about. A MESS

>> No.16792945

>You fall for the media far too easily
>police violence protests were a false flag cover up to prevent people from knowing the secret revolutionary strikes were infiltrating the system
>the fact that 10s of millions of people can protest for months and it has no affect on politics is actually a good thing
>We need direct democracy btw

>> No.16792990

You are correct in your assessment of the futility of electoral politics. A system cannot be reforged by the sanctioned instruments allowed that system. Ted K wrote about this three decades ago.

However you're a fool to dismiss racial politics, especially for your own race. Only whites do this, and if you haven't noticed, everything is being taken from us.

>Radical white supremacy is a by product created by neoliberalism
You're not wrong. "Radical white supremacy" is a propaganda spook of neoliberalism, and doesn't exist. Your imagination of white worker's solidarity movements comes entirely from media hyper-realities. In this sense you're no better off than "lib shit"

>> No.16793022

Have sex and go to the gym and you'll stop giving a shit about race.

>> No.16793059

>Sex will make me a happy neoliberal
Have sex.

>> No.16793066

personal insecurity leads directly to race politics

>> No.16793074

See if you can get jews or blacks to stop engaging in racial politics.

>> No.16793079

take a shower
hit the gym
have sex
get a clue

>> No.16793102

Try sending your kid to a school full of niggers you fucking idiot

>> No.16793105

Thanks Rabbi.

>> No.16793108


>> No.16793115

wait what are we talking about is it modern oligarchy or modern sexual market value

>> No.16793120
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>> No.16793135

Nick Land's redemption arc.

>> No.16793149
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so modern sexual market value

>> No.16793171
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>> No.16793551

goddamn you're fucking dumb and annoying

>> No.16793685
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Well it's not over yet!

>> No.16793736


The difference is if the US was a real oligarchy you wouldn’t be changing president in january. There is a difference, but it’s more of a scale than two binary conditions.

>> No.16793924

Why would he send his kid to a school in a low socioeconomic area?

>> No.16793959
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Please explain why the season of the spectacle has any bearing on the system of power.

Please please please be interesting. Zodiacal or circadian rationales would be welcome.

>> No.16793979

>I assume he's got money why should he care what happens to other Whites

ONLY White people are enjoined to think this way.

>> No.16793989

Who pays you to shit up this board?