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16791014 No.16791014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The incel phenomenon is the ultimate and final refutation of Marxist historical materialism. One of the basic tenents of materialist conception of history is that old social structures (state, institutional religion etc.) decay with the advancements in material production therefore opulence renders most traditional institutions obsolete. According to Engels (and it is probable Marx would agree) monogamy belongs to those institutions that will wither away in communism. From 'Principles of Communism':
>It will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which society has no occasion to intervene. It can do this since it does away with private property and educates children on a communal basis, and in this way removes the two bases of traditional marriage – the dependence rooted in private property, of the women on the man, and of the children on the parents.
and 'Origins of Family, Private Property and the State'
>We can already see from this that to emancipate woman and make her the equal of the man is and remains an impossibility so long as the woman is shut out from social productive labor and restricted to private domestic labor. The emancipation of woman will only be possible when woman can take part in production on a large, social scale, and domestic work no longer claims anything but an insignificant amount of her time. And only now has that become possible through modern large-scale industry, which does not merely permit of the employment of female labor over a wide range, but positively demands it, while it also tends towards ending private domestic labor by changing it more and more into a public industry.
But there is one thing missing here - we now know for a fact that in absence of social pressure, traditional values etc. women settle for the top of the top of male population, this is supported by OkCupid data where women rated 80% of men as average or below average in attractiveness. It was possible for Engels to omit this simple fact because he lived in pre-Tinder times, ironically he was reaping the benefits of the very traditional monogamous society he sought to destroy - no offense but both Marx and Engels were not too good looking (at best 6/10), check Engels' early youth photos without his beard where he looks like your stereotypical mouthbreather.

>> No.16791016
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This means that despite their good intentions Marx and Engels effectively wanted to create a hell on Earth for bottom 70% of male population. As soon as we understand basic evolutionary psychology we'll find out that the spectre of communism is not so inevitable as they thought, even if their dreams of communism affording material affluence to all members of society came true it would lead to a social disaster with male virginity/inceldom rates at 60 or so percent. Honestly it's a mystery to me how meme culture created this weird association between radical leftism and basedboys/unmasculine men because from what we've just established it seems that communism is the most Chad enabling ideology in existence. Their radical image notwithstanding, communists are actually not that radical, at a fundamental level they want more of what we've been doing for the last 50 years - more brainless consoomers, more sin and more degeneracy, liberals fear communists because they are the logical conclusion of liberalism, a liberal experiment which went terribly wrong. I think it's reasonable to expect that the vast majority of men who are undesirable to women and have absolutely no chances of finding one in absence of strict social norms of conduct (which communism promises to break down) would not be inclined to support that system which BTFOs historical materialism out of orbit.