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16787521 No.16787521 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on reading while being high?

>> No.16787553

Pretty hard. I'm high right now and it's pretty hard, because you have to re-read everything several times to understand anything. On the pro-side: you give more thought to the text. But it's also possible you've forgotten everything next day.

>> No.16787566

I tried reading the Silmarillion high on LSD when I was 17yo and that was super difficult. Also funny. 6/10

>> No.16787623

One time I read parts of the Gospel of Matthew while tripping on LSD and it was the most mind-blowing thing ever, completely changed my life. If you're gonna do this, make sure you get a source with Jesus's words in red ink

>> No.16787669

I read the apocryphic Gospel of Thomas high on MDMA, that was pretty great, I started transcribing it from the print-out I was reading it on into my diary, I felt every word, good stuff

>> No.16787683

Yeah, Gospel of Thomas is another good one, and short enough that you could actually read it all in one sitting while high.

But eventually you'll probably want to talk to people sober about the material and that pretty much means Bible study at a church, and all of them will pretty much look at you like you're demon-possessed if you bring up Gospel of Thomas, lol

>> No.16787716

I read (out-loud) through the majority of hypersphere (by /lit/) with my buddy while we were on shrooms and/or acid over a year.

Good shite

>> No.16787717

Ya I always avoided talking about that kinda stuff, there'S an invisible wall with that. Have you had any other experiences on psychedelics relating to scripture? Just Christian? Have you ever tried to meditate on them, or simply locked yourself in a dark, silent room?

>> No.16787730
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Yeah, I do it with a controlled dose from my vape and a cup or two of coffee. You want to ease into the hippie speedball so you can still maintain focus on the text while getting the contemplative boost of the high. This means not getting ripped loke you're still in freshman year which I know is beyond most of you.

If you're not using a bougie vape like me, you can do what I did when I was a poorfag and distribute your marijuana into a small spliff which you smoke with your book either outdoors or in the bath. Alternately if you want to avoid tobacco entirely (and you are advised to, though this method is slightly inferior) you can simply pack a bowl with about half as much as you usually use.

As a final note, I usually enjoy reading accessible works like essays while high but there are exceptions, like Plato's Dialogues or Moby Dick which are greatly enhanced. However something like Infinite Jest or War and Peace is to be avoided - anything with many characters is an absolute chore while stoned.

>> No.16787754
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The Gospel of Thomas paradox: If GoT is satanic, then you shouldn't mention it because it's satanic. But if GoT is godly, then you shouldn't mention it because "These are the secret sayings of Jesus Christ" and you DO know what "secret" means, right?

Now here's the part that will drive you insane: there's no way to tell whether the orthodox church censures GoT because they believe it's bad, or whether they censure it because they believe it's meant to be kept secret.

I've read various other pieces of scripture while high (including, yes, Thomas). Always fun, not always as mind-blowing as Matthew though. I've read some Buddhist material high too and it's also good but not as good as Christian stuff.

>> No.16787782

If I get just a little stoned from my one hitter, I’ll read for hours and get super into the text. If I get even a little bit higher it’s physically impossible

>> No.16788174

Get a dry vape when you graduate college anon, no joke.

>> No.16788757

Reading while high can be enjoyable but I generally have lower retention of what I read. On the subject of reading on LSD, friends and I tried to read/act out some scenes of Macbeth while coming up on acid. Eventually the letters started melting and we had to stop but we were all laughing up a storm until then.

>> No.16788806

Thank you good sir. I'm smoking a pipe in my robe to you.