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16787504 No.16787504 [Reply] [Original]

For a while I've been having this book idea juggling around in mind. It's a post-apocalyptic story set in Germany in a universe where Germany won World War II and then World War III happened and nuclear apocalypse. The main character would be apart of the remains of the Nazi government who now want to reclaim Germany as the radiation has died down by this point, with the main character being sent out in a scouting group.
Besides the political concerns that I won't get into, I do have a major concern if I ever decide to type this and publish it. My concern is that the main character won't be likable since he is going to be pretty much a Nazi.
Any advice?

>> No.16788461
File: 131 KB, 1559x902, peaceful protester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe make it a little bit ambiguous as to weather or not he's a nazi for the first couple thousand words, just make him likable before people realize then pull a twist on them. You could even disguise the whole setting for the first chapter or so then disclose everything at once at end of the chapter. If the message you're going for it somewhere along the lines of
>things are actually pretty good even though the Nazis won
then the first chapter could be quite easily written in a generic setting, with subtle hints before the reveal.

>> No.16788475

Could be good, just depends on the direction you take it. If the main character is a fanatical Nazi presented sympathetically... yeah, your only ardent readers will be the Stormers.