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16787346 No.16787346 [Reply] [Original]

Cringe or based?

>> No.16787352

cringe politics, based personality.

>> No.16787379

based boy

>> No.16787386

based for tricking commies into becoming right wing

>> No.16787430

cringe pedophile

>> No.16787442

vulgar plastic vagina stamina trainer

>> No.16787445


>> No.16787450

Hegelian so cringe, but otherwise pretty based. Chomsky is cooler tho.

>> No.16787455

Also a Lacanian so double cringe like dude read Deleuze.

>> No.16787539
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>> No.16787548

Hate him on virtue of his annoying accent. I literally can't understand him unless there are subtitles

>> No.16787563

I already am eating from the trash can all the time

>> No.16787564


>> No.16787565

hi jordan

>> No.16787573

he btfo peterson forever and since then he was unable to recover

>> No.16787613

Based when he sticks to the stuff he's expert in (Hegel, Lacan, film analysis, obscure Eastern Bloc realpolitik), cringe when he tries to overreach himself in other areas (he doesn't understand shit about Mao, based on the anthology he did for Verso, and his meme coronavirus book was pretty bad).
Chomsky USED to be cool in the "manufacturing consent" days, he fell off hard and became a garden-variety lib begging people to vote for Biden like all the rest. The ghosts of Kunduz Hospital laugh at him.

>> No.16787644
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To quote TVTropes, I would say this guy is "So bad it's terrible".

Chomsky rightly said of him that he has never expressed an idea that couldn't be expressed by a 12-year-old.

The accent is a fundamental part of his schtick. With a little practice you can actually mimick it (including the sniffles and everything) and then whatever you say in it sounds mystically profound. Fun stuff.

Basically the guy's a 21st century sophist.

>> No.16787689


>> No.16787691

Public personality zizek is bringe, never read him so can't say if he based or cringe

>> No.16787708

I would cringe if I heard anyone mentioning zizek, especially in public

>> No.16787934

good thing you'll never end up talking to people in public

>> No.16788030

Hes a statist liberal and soft cultural conservative. But also not an idiot.
I see him as basically a really smart new left middle aged man from the 70s whose been transported to 2020s

>> No.16788066

this. i really hate the fact that people have to become celebrities without dignity like this, it's very offputting and makes me not want to take them seriously. but at the same time if you applied that standard to many the actual worthwhile big brains of history, a lot of them probably would have ended up pulling the same cringe.

>> No.16788072

Zizek is good. The problem with Zizek is that he's popular, which presents an opportunity for pseuds on the internet to call him bad and thus elevate themselves. Same goes for literally anyone who gets public recognition.

>> No.16788347

Anti voting retards are how you know someone is a midwit doing it for the aesthetics.

>> No.16788350


>> No.16788628

Sometimes cringe sometimes based. Like most.

>> No.16788659

vote bloo no matter hoo retards are how you know someone is a midwit doing it for the aesthetics.

>> No.16788751

based because he consistently is able to piss everybody off from both ends of the politcal spectrum after 25 years

>> No.16788819

based retard

>> No.16788825


>> No.16789099

You wanna debate it on stream buddy :)

>> No.16789442

He didnt give him benzos or covid

>> No.16789522

what is his best book?

>> No.16789532

he rambles on and on and frankly I don't got time for that. if you cant get to a point you're dumb in my book

>> No.16790398


>> No.16790452

cringe Christian universalist. He keeps repeating how he knows nothing about politics, great then shut the fuck up

>> No.16790641

This, perfectly summed up

>> No.16790661

>harm reduction is voting blue no matter who
ya, you're totally a larper.