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16779994 No.16779994 [Reply] [Original]

Genius or hack?
In other words, is the Book of Mormon worth reading as a fictional text?

>> No.16780392

the book of mormon is the greatest work of self-insert fanfiction in history

>> No.16780396
File: 160 KB, 1000x750, E9359220-BF6B-482B-9E25-2CCAC8A56B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see that South Park episode?
Check that out.

>> No.16781360
File: 466 KB, 975x590, 21312341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consumes shitty entertainment made by pedophiles
Checks out.

>> No.16781380

another anon filtered by chad parker and chad stone

>> No.16781558


By definition it can't be read as a fictional text.

>> No.16781569

I think he meant Little Witch Academia
So he's filtered by chad sucy and chad akko

>> No.16781673
File: 327 KB, 859x960, gigachad .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petty criminal discovers magical golden plates that allow him to have multiple waifus and lift money from pseuds. I am thinking based.

>> No.16781697

I think the fact that his church continues to exist to this day and milk millions upon millions from gullible retards and still make them feel like they haven't done enough is proof of his genius.

As for the Book of Mormon, it's mind-numbingly dry. I honestly don't know how people ever found it compelling. But Joseph Smith was incredibly based. He got to bang tons of hot sliz, even married sliz while making the husbands think it was condoned by God, and get a taste of power through his "prophet" status. Most can only dream of such things.

>> No.16781701

It's proof of the permafrost level temperature IQ of amerishits actually

>> No.16781719


if you read "Rough Stone Rolling" you get the impression the book of mormon was basically a side-hustle.

Joseph smith tried a million ways to make money, and they mostly all failed:
He owned 2 ferries (sunk), a hotel, a red brick store (bankrupt), an egyptian museum (burned down), the general of Zion's army (they turned around), ran for president (lost), was mayor (got killed for it), annotated the old and new testament, as a kid was a treasure hunter (almost put in jail for losing people money), started the "school for prophets," and a few other things

the dude was a genius

>> No.16781724
File: 103 KB, 799x1028, Possibly Joseph Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy actually sounds like a very despicable person irl, and if the daguerreotypes of him are real, he looks the part too. Of course nothing like his drawings and paintings.

>> No.16783058
File: 123 KB, 319x310, 688EE049-277F-49E0-8B60-BC1E387D4F54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mormon pizza gater.
>Posts pepe
It all makes sense now.

Haven’t watched a South Park in ages