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File: 87 KB, 566x843, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16779627 No.16779627 [Reply] [Original]

This book has never been refuted, but it's still banned. Why?

>> No.16779630

It's so gay it got banned, just like OP

>> No.16779960


>> No.16780020

This shit is like a 12 gauge redpill that blows your brains out

>> No.16780075

lol where is this pile of shit banned

>> No.16780082

Why is it a pile of shit? Have you even read it?

>> No.16781381

What's this all about?

>> No.16781415


Oy vey.

>> No.16781423

I like it when they ban books because it just let's me know what I should read

>> No.16781429

Didn't they also ban "the history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind"?
Pretty sure the guy who wrote that was like second in command for South Africa's central bank

>> No.16781564

in case you didn't notice the jewish gameplan is to lever everything and bluff and double down infinitely

they think they have enough material control to ride out their plan against any backlash or setbacks,
until they have the technology to exterminate all nonjews and replace them with machines

they have succeeded in replacing the voluntary agency of humans with the compelled agency of sub/post-human cattle;
the real humans have been bluffed out of playing the game while the retard cattle stampede insanely everywhere

the jews aren't even close to being able to exterminate their human enemies or even their subhuman cattle, their power is fragile and entirely a bluff,
an epidemic of civil violence would bring their tower crashing down and if a human who is aware of them were to take power they would be annihilated

>> No.16781571

it also puts a heavy burden of duty on you to act on your knowledge since almost all others will be ignorant and idle

>> No.16781605
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Everything you've said is right except for the last paragraph.
At this point I think every prediction of their immanent failure is a cope.

>> No.16782553

I can't seem to find it so yes, probably. Good book.

>> No.16782559
File: 262 KB, 500x600, constantly shitpost everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even 24 hours have past and we're having the same thread again

>> No.16782565

Do you have a problem with it, rabbi?

>> No.16782605

It doesn't need to be refuted, it just needs to be realized that literally nothing would change even if the capitalist class didn't have any Jews besides maybe a less strong push against antisemitism

>> No.16782704
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not gonna read this (im a jew, dont want some goy telling me objective truths i already know) but my sides bursted at this sequence of reviews
of course it's the rainbow flag avatar with passive-agressive list titles

>> No.16782716

It isn't banned?

Also the issue is with capitalism, not Jews themselves, they just happen to be the race who for historic reasons have come out on top of the capitalist system.

>> No.16782723

How so? Capitalism as we know it is a jewish invention. It would definitely change something. But it sounds like you haven't read the book.

>> No.16782728

It's as good as banned. And no, the issue is with jews, as they are not only capitalists but also communists. They play both sides. They've come out on top of both because they invented both. Have you read the book?

>> No.16782734

based jew (but you should read it anyway)

>> No.16782764



>> No.16782773

1. False since jews are now overrepresented in universities (and in positions of influence). False since the president does not hold a lot of power by any means. Plus MacDonald also speaks about Europe, not just America.
2. Have you heard of the Balfour declaration? You are being very disingenuous now. Jews have been by far the most influential group in shaping history, just look at the overrepresentation of jews in many fields of expertise and power.
>Now name me a single case where libel against Jews was proven to be true. You can't, because there isn't any.
MacDonald made no arguments on this issue, you brought it up. More derailing.
>What you want is that Jews are the only people in the world to have people in charge commit bad things.
Nice strawman, I don't, and neither does MacDonald. We're just wondering why we can't point it out when they do bad things collectively.
What is antisemitic about any of the statements MacDonald has made? Is it anti-semitic to notice things? That would be odd.
>Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation
The double standard is that we can accuse white people or chinese people of these practices, but now jews. Why not? Are there double standards in discussing certain behaviours?

>> No.16782776

i was trying to link the whole thread not that reply

my bad

let me try again


>> No.16782781

>oy vey it's some abstract thing not the people doing it to you
This too, is a jewish trick.

>> No.16782791

It's funny how it was a 400+ post thread with not a single refutation of any claim by MacDonald, just constant whataboutism and guilt by association.

>> No.16782900

sorry i exclusively read fine literature and entertaining niche non-fiction. i am literally unconcerned with earthly ordeals

>> No.16782916

> i am literally unconcerned with earthly ordeals
That's very un-jewish of you.

>> No.16782929
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i'm a faulty jew, dont care about money nor having gentile bow before me. i took the contempative dreamer pill

>> No.16782936

Change what exactly? Major companies are controlled by shareholders who care about nothing but profitability, a CEO can be the nicest guy in the world but only if he wants to be replaced by the shareholders.
>well maybe if there were less (((shareholders)))...
Yeah I'm sure white people would definitely coordinate to make a loss on the stock market to make the world a better place; your ideology is literally no different from those liberals that want #moreblackfemaleCEOs

>> No.16783231
File: 395 KB, 1217x870, 2020-11-14_16-06-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"freely available everywhere except one online retailer" is not "as good as banned"
many other online retailers still sell it, example pic related, a well respected uk bookseller
a better question is why nobody ever mentions the other books in the series. it just leads me to believe that people just want to post shit threads about it because of muh joos but nobody has actually ever read it.

>> No.16783244

>they play both sides
Okay now name a race where this isn't true

>> No.16783258

>contempative dreamer pill
Sounds cozy

>> No.16783316

>your ideology is literally no different from those liberals that want #moreblackfemaleCEOs
Yeah, identity politics is mind rot

>> No.16783328

I don't car what ethnic tribe you're from, nobody has an essence in them that gives them evil cultural traits

>> No.16783344

No rabbi, I just don't want jews dictating what happens in my country. I don't care about your false equivalencies, I just want my own people to take care of their own without jewish interference.
I respect that.

>> No.16783380

>"freely available everywhere except one online retailer" is not "as good as banned"
Being banned from the largest bookstore world wide is pretty much "as good as banned" and you know it.
>a better question is why nobody ever mentions the other books in the series. it just leads me to believe that people just want to post shit threads about it because of muh joos but nobody has actually ever read it.
That's assumptions, I'm OP and I've read all of MacDonald's books. I agree, Culture of Critique is somewhat of a meme and it gets the conversation going. But it's because they're less relevant to current issues, although they're just as good. I recommend everyone to read the entire trilogy.
It's about playing both sides both internationally and in countries that aren't their own. All races have this tendency, jews just act it out way more often.

>> No.16783382

>I want the ruling class to be replaced by people who look like me but will in the end have near identical policies to the former one
What idpol really does to motherfucker

>> No.16783393

>It's about playing both sides both internationally and in countries that aren't their own. All races have this tendency, jews just act it out way more often.
Can you prove that

>> No.16783413


>> No.16783423

That’s what the book is about. Also look at the major power positions in media/finance/academia/politics and follow the trail to Israel.
Pretty easy but you won’t.

>> No.16783428

I never said that, disingenuous retard. Our current system is a jewish materialistic invention, I want none of it, nor jews in it. What they do on their own is their own business.

>> No.16783436

Yes, read the book. Well documented with primary sources.

>> No.16783449

>They play both sides. They've come out on top of both because they invented both. Have you read the book?
This is idpol mental gymnastics. Yes Jews all share one mind, if a Jew is a capitalist and another is a communist, that means it's just one Jew playing both sides. This is totally not schizo thinking

>> No.16783450

I've seen people write paragraphs and paragraphs on here trying to dissuade people from reading it only to admit they haven't read the book themselves. I think you would only see this sort of behavior with Jews because if the book was about any other group it would be completely uncontroversial.

>> No.16783453

So it's a systemic problem and not a racial one
Good to know, I agree with you
You could pretty easily follow the trail to basically any major country in the Western world if you wanted to due to neoliberalism

>> No.16783460

It's funny how all the criticism of the book in these threads is not about the actual contents, but what people who haven't read it think is in it.

>> No.16783466

>So it's a systemic problem and not a racial one
No, it's both. They're not mutually exclusive. Have you read the book?

>> No.16783468

>follow the trail to Israel.
lol israel is a second world country with a gdp per capita about the same as cyprus
they can't organise decent public sanitation never mind a global conspiracy

>> No.16783476

Sounds mutually exclusive to me if the ebil joos can't have any power without a corrupt system

>> No.16783477

the question in the op asked why the book is banned. we have already seen that the book is not actually banned. basically op is a faggot but is going to bitch about his meme book anyway

>> No.16783479

It's not just israel, it's international jews, which also includes israel. They're so overrepresented in media, academia, justice, banking, infrastructure all over the western world that there's really no one in a better position to enact a "global conspiracy" than them. You're not even trying.

>> No.16783480

He believes that all Jews share a mystical essence that makes them evil

>> No.16783486

It's as good as banned. And it still hasn't been refuted. What in the book is untruthful according to you?

>> No.16783491

>You're not even trying.
you specifically said "follow the trail to israel". stop changing the fucking goalposts

>> No.16783495

Why don't you read the book and criticize the arguments in it instead of putting words in my mouth?
>Sounds mutually exclusive to me if the ebil joos can't have any power without a corrupt system
If they're the one who invented and implemented the system it sure can be buddy, you're not the brightest are you?

>> No.16783500

>It's as good as banned
jesus christ anon change the fucking record
it isn't banned. you can buy it at a hundred online retailers. amazon are not the government yet

>> No.16783502

That was someone else, I think "israel" is too narrow as well, that's why I explained what he should have said. Now disprove what I said.

>> No.16783507

Amazon is the largest bookstore in the world. Anything that happens there has a ripple effect, it's been banned from various places. Can you refute anything that's in the book though?

>> No.16783524

Witness this person ignore how much of the globe's most valuable resource, oil, is controlled by the eternal Arab. Notice how all his malice is toward the sworn enemy of the Saudis, the Jews, and not the true masters of the world. He will never ask himself "Wait, why hasn't any president ever criticized the Saudis? Why do all presidents have pictures of them bowing to Saudi royalty?"
That would be true but the Jews didn't create the stock market sorry to say

>> No.16783531

>it's been banned from various places.
name some

>> No.16783545

First answer my question you keep dodging. What is in the book that would merit it being banned anywhere?
I dislike Saudis nearly just as much as jews. But Arabs don't dictate culture, they just have oil. What's your point now?

>> No.16783558


>> No.16783569
File: 97 KB, 500x800, History-of-central-banking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That would be true but the Jews didn't create the stock market sorry to say
You might want to read up on you Amsterdam and London history and look up the ethnicity of the people involved, anon.

>> No.16783584

i'm not dodging any questions. op stated that this book is banned. it obviously isn't. >>16783507 stated it is banned from various places. i am asking you or anyone to name some. for each place that it is banned, i could easily show a place where it is freely available. the op question is "why is this book banned", the answer is "it isn't banned". nothing to do with the actual contents of the book, which i don't give a flying fuck about.

>> No.16783596

Pilpul. It's banned from Amazon, why is that? What is in the book that merits it being banned? If you answer that question, which was the original question, I'll give you more examples
>nothing to do with the actual contents of the book, which i don't give a flying fuck about.
You should, because then you would understand it shouldn't have been banned anywhere

>> No.16783609
File: 252 KB, 1024x633, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Arabs don't dictate culture
they most certainly do, in a number of ways

>> No.16783625

Yeah they were Dutch and English, probably a couple Scottish people too unless you can name a couple Jews heading megacorporations such as the VOC in the 1600's

>> No.16783634
File: 191 KB, 1370x672, 2020-11-14_17-04-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's banned from Amazon, why is that?
ask jeff fucking bezos. amazon is a private company, they can choose to sell whatever they want. which incidentally includes macdonald's other books.
you utter moron

>> No.16783640

You need to read more, anon.
>a couple Jews heading megacorporations such as the VOC in the 1600's
You don't know much about the jewish situation in Amsterdam before and during that do you?

>> No.16783646

>But Arabs don't dictate culture

>> No.16783651

Wouldn't have been possible without jewish cultural degredation.

>> No.16783654

>It's fine to talk about how arabs dictate culture (when they obviously don't) but if you claim that jews do that's anti-semitic /pol/ drivel

>> No.16783663

So what's in this book specifically that would merit it being banned anywhere? Or are you agreeing that it shouldn't have been banned?

>> No.16783671

So I take it you can't
I mean neither can I which is why I asked
I do know that there were Jewish investors in the Netherlands at the time, at some point they even almost managed to make up almost 4% of shares held in the Dutch West India Company lmao
They were basically running the place god damn

>> No.16783675
File: 357 KB, 1530x896, 2020-11-14_17-07-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incidentally, here's the book freely available on the website of one of the uk's biggest high street chains, proving yet again that it isn't fucking banned.

>> No.16783676

>arabs don't dictate culture in their countries

>> No.16783678


>> No.16783685

epic strawman, anon.

>> No.16783688

>They were basically running the place god damn
Unironically this. I've given you multiple resources to look it up, now it's up to you to do the legwork.

>> No.16783698

It's still banned from Amazon, what's in the book that merits it being banned anywhere? Or are you agreeing that it shouldn't have been banned from Amazon?

>> No.16783709

sweet baby christmas crackers
you anon are a special kind of stupid

>> No.16783711

Funny how we went from talking about jewish influence to arab influence, in a thread about a book about jewish influence. It's almost like it's out of a playbook.

>> No.16783722

maybe you shouldn't have started talking about arabs then

>> No.16783724

Answer the question, retard. What's in the book that merits its being banned from anywhere? What's in it that's so offensive?

>> No.16783726

ISP's are private companies, should they be able to ban people they have political disagreements with?

>> No.16783732

But I didn't, rabbi. >>16783524 This anon did.

>> No.16783749

unfortunately the answer is yes. a private company should not be forced to provide goods or services that are fundamentally against their policies or standards. if you disagreed with the idea of that baker being forced to make a cake for a gay couple, you should also hold the same standards for any private company.

>> No.16783756

holy fuck I hate you people

>> No.16783764

watchu mean u people?

>> No.16783771

Reminder that nothing in the book has been refuted by any of the kvetching anons here, who are just arguing the semantics of banning, instead of addressing what was in the book that was so offensive in the first place.

>> No.16783777

Giving me resources without giving me a concrete example of what I asked for is either evidence that
a) you didn't do the reading yourself
b) the resource doesn't actually answer my question

>> No.16783782

If I ever took over the country I would just shoot people like you in the head. You're stupidity is poisonous to other people who can't think about the implications of their philosophy so it needs to be rooted out by the stem.

>> No.16783791

Alright buddy, whatever you like. Now let's address the contents of the book.

>> No.16783792

schizo posters

>> No.16783795
File: 271 KB, 1869x957, 1578204704554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does the general public only seem to talk about this author's most important book
>why are you talking about this book in a thread about this book
>muh antisemites

Spin that dreidel, Chuck.

>> No.16783798

>If I ever took over the country I would just shoot people like you in the head.
good thing you're just a powerless piece of trash then eh
>You're stupidity
did you do that deliberately?

>> No.16783800

why? for pointing out the obvious? for noticing patterns?

>> No.16783811

You're not as smart and clever as you think you are, you're actually insane

>> No.16783813

Are you aware of the hasbara playbook, anon? It fits very well with what happened in this thread. You should read it.

>> No.16783814
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>> No.16783830

Great arguments, Freud.

>> No.16783838
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 543534346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys let's talk about my arch nemesis ethnic group, da jooz
>arrg I really hate these gypsies, it's totally not just a cultural prejudice I inherited from my home country Khazakstan
>anyways read this unrefuted book on why the jew is the soul of Satan, thank you very much

>> No.16783844
File: 26 KB, 500x334, 1592250758859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google hasbara playbook
>it's real

>> No.16783852

I would read the book but nobody who has read it apparently likes talking about what it really says according to this thread so I assume it's not about anything interesting

>> No.16783861

You'd assume a book that get so many people so riled up would be refuted by now huh? I wonder why that is.

>> No.16783881

Don't assume, find out for yourself. I like talking about it but nobody addresses the contents, like you're doing.

>> No.16783885

Why would it be refuted? it's a literally who book, one of many which say the same things

>> No.16783899

There are academic refutations. They refute things Macdonald never said and are generally ignored.

>> No.16783910

If it's banned, and the author lost his position for alleged anti-semitism, shouldn't there be arguments in the book that are untruthful? Or can we ban books when they have conclusions we don't like now?
>it's a literally who book
Gee I wonder why when it's so suppressed everywhere
>one of many which say the same things
Any other good ones you recommend?

>> No.16783914

Banned by who exactly?
You can get it anywhere, is anyone coming to knock on your door for talking about it?

>> No.16783917

Like most Americans I had romantic notions about Gypsies until I met some.
Like most Americans I had romantic notions about jews until I gave their claims some scrutiny.

>> No.16783919

You might want to read Culture of Critique, anon.

>> No.16783929

>Any other good ones you recommend?
Eustace Mullins and E Micheal Jones was my introduction to antisemitic thought

>> No.16783932

Fuck off rabbi, that's not the book. What's in the book that would merit it being banned from amazon?

>> No.16783933

Why haven't any of the academic refutations been refuted

>> No.16783939

They have been, by MacDonald.

>> No.16783948

Besos doesn't like it?
Amazon is not a public service poltard

>> No.16783952

Which in turn, have been refuted by academia

>> No.16783953

You do know how relative those experiences are going to be right? Imagine judging an entire ethnicity because of a bad experience, never mind the fact that someone else would be greeted by hospitality and warmth from other members of the same ethnic group. You're an actual brainlet if you get sucked into hysterical claims about random ethnic groups

>> No.16783956

I didn't like what I've seen from EMJ so far but I'll check out Mullins, thanks.

>> No.16783960

this is exactly the kind of circular reasoning that people accuse macdonald of

>> No.16783965

>double standards
What's in the book that merits it being banned anywhere? Why did the author lose his job at the university he worked for publishing this? What's so offensive about his arguments?

>> No.16783981

Lots of people hate E Michael Jones because he isn't racist enough, and he's coming from a Christian perspective. Dude is still a repressed homosexual though, the psyche of all these people is always deranged

>> No.16783983

No one else is willing to defend him because if they would, they would lose their jobs. You can't be this disingenuous. You should know how academia works. Dissent is not allowed.

>> No.16784002
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I've listened to about six hours of interviews with Macdonald talking about it. I get the jist.
I prefer to read histories.

They were refuted almost immediately, which is why people ignore them.
Not just by him.

>I'll try tactical libertarianism! That's a good trick!

>> No.16784009

Well if there's nothing offensive about his arguments it sound like he was just retarded

>> No.16784013

There are no double standards
Amazon is a business, what they sell or do not sell is up to them. Just as they can refuse to sell to you if they so chose.

>> No.16784017

>I can't refute a thing he says so I'll try fruedian ad homs!
The tactics of (((these people))) are always obvious.

>> No.16784021

Cry harder butthurt poltards

>> No.16784034

Yes there are double standards, you're just being disingenuous. Why did the author lose his job over this book?
That's not an argument. Or do you agree there was nothing offensive about it and he shouldn't have been banned?

>> No.16784035

>The tactics of (((these people))) are always obvious.
Quit projecting

>> No.16784048

Being kicked out of academia for being retarded is the expected result

>> No.16784049

Have you read the hasbara playbook anon? It's not projection if it's a documented practice.

>> No.16784051

>Why did the author lose his job over this book?
Why would I give a shit?
This is /lit/, not some self-help group for butthurt conspiracy theorists. Talk about literature or fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.16784055

anyone who wears a bowtie is at least a little gay, there's nothing wrong with that but it's still true

>> No.16784058

The reason he was kicked out was anti-semitism, not retardation. What's anti-semitic about the book? Stop being disingenuous.

>> No.16784059

antisemitism and retardation go hand in hand

>> No.16784067

Except Hitler knew about them and failed, they only use what happened as fuel for their fire. The holocaust is probably the best thing that ever happened for these guys. Now they can bring it up and cry antisemitism to get whatever they want

>> No.16784068

Why don't you tell me?
If there's nothing antisemitic about it, then it was just retarded

>> No.16784070

>Why would I give a shit?
Because you value freedom of speech?
>Talk about literature or fuck off back to /pol/
Nobody is willing to engage the content of the book, including you. Why don't you try discussing the book?

>> No.16784072

>I'll call him a crying poltard that's a good trick!

>if i project my projection the goyim will never see through it!

>i'll just keep calling him gay!

>i'll call him retarted!

I thought jews were supposed to have high IQs.

>> No.16784077

What's anti-semitic about the book? Stop being disingenuous.

>> No.16784083

>The holocaust is probably the best thing that never happened for these guys.

>> No.16784084

I'm not Jewish, retard

>> No.16784091

>Why don't you tell me?
I honestly don't know, I found nothing anti-semitic in the book. That's why threads like this exist.
>If there's nothing antisemitic about it, then it was just retarded
What was retarded about it?

>> No.16784098

How pathetic are you?

>> No.16784101


>> No.16784119

>Through the series, MacDonald asserts that Jews as a group have biologically evolved to be highly ethnocentric and hostile to the interests of white people.
Idk but if this wikipedia summary is true, that really is a retarded concept seeing as I really can't visualize how that would help Jews reproduce more

>> No.16784122
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>I'll just lie that always works

>> No.16784128

Not you, *I*. Why would *I* give a shit? I don't. Your thread has nothing to do with literature.
I already told you I don't a shit about your book, or it's contents, I don't give a shit about Jews, or identity politics, or what gets sold on Amazon
I made a single post making fun of the claim it was BANNED, and everything since that has been bait responses and M-muh jews
Just kys already you fucking retards

>> No.16784138
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wowow weewow everyone who doesn't agree with me is a secret Jew, conniving and gaslighting me on an oriental knitting board

>> No.16784140

>Just kys already you fucking retards
That goes for you too frogger

>> No.16784154

Then why are you replying, butthurt retard? Fuck off of you don't give a shit, this proves you actually do.

>> No.16784167

He actually lays out very good arguments based on primary sources in his books. It's not about reproducing more, but not mixing with other groups. Keeping a distinct ethnic identity while being an international people.

>> No.16784206
File: 2.60 MB, 4600x1788, Holocaust Handbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One I don't know about. Neat.

You might be interested in this. Most are free as ebooks.



>> No.16784207

I mean that makes some sense if you ignore all the cases where Jews do mix with other populations, which would be rather easy to do since those children might not even be aware of being half Jewish. It's rather doubtful that they "keep it in the family" more than other diaspora groups

>> No.16784221

Who cares. Even if Jews do run the world they only do it through the techno-industrial system. They're slaves to it, and not the other way around.

>> No.16784224

>Chabad doesn't exist goy and if it does its mission is just some religious esoterica nothing to see here

>> No.16784244

>being rich and powerful sucks!
Talk about copes.

>> No.16784245

Yes I'm familiar with the series, the one I posted I found randomly and is what got me into this rabbit hole.

>> No.16784250

You should read up on the history of jews more, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Incidentally MacDonald has written three excellent books on the topic.

>> No.16784251

Nice misreading of my post. You rabid anti-Semites are actually retarded.

>> No.16784252

whats the hasbara playbook

>> No.16784257

I don't give a shit about your book, or about you, or what you think
What I give a shit about is jannies not purging you pol scum that have turned the board into a morass of shit

>> No.16784268

Google it. You'll never see the internet the same way again.

>> No.16784291

>who cares
So you're not disagreeing with the book?
Do you think MacDonald is anti-semitic?

>> No.16784304

>you disagreed with me you're an antisemite!

Please post about how you're not a jew again. I liked that one.

>> No.16784305

>Google it. You'll never see the internet the same way again.
can't find a link to the book

only a couple random websites?

>> No.16784323

It's actually Hasbara handbook. It's not supposed to be public, it was leaked. There are PDFs floating around. Basically it's
>Wikipedia defines Hasbara as “Public diplomacy in Israel” and refers to it as “public relations efforts to disseminate abroad positive information about Israel.” That’s true enough but in reality Hasbara is a manipulative propaganda machine. Students are paid to spread pro-Israel messages online and have been slaving away in the Hasbara War Room to sell the Gaza war in social media. According to the Hasbara Handbook – their main target audience is USA.

>> No.16784361
File: 8 KB, 190x262, Google's Jew Sergey Brin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird. There are links to PDF copies in the first five results of every other search engine. I wonder why that is.

>> No.16784367

post the link to the pdf thanks

>> No.16784371


>> No.16784372

is it this?

>> No.16784381


>> No.16784395
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1552482591078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny must be orthodox.

>> No.16784396

nvm >>16784372

>> No.16784437

because it talks bad about Jews

>> No.16784444

Reminder that nothing in the book has been refuted by any of the kvetching anons here. They refuse to engage the contents.

>> No.16784454

So anti-semitism is not people who don't like jews, but people who jews don't like?

>> No.16784471
File: 1.03 MB, 1300x800, 1554963278958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quads don't lie.

>> No.16784475

That book is the real redpill, all other redpills are fake and gay in comparison

>> No.16784509

I mean no shit, every state has propaganda campaigns on the internet for similar purposes, it's not just Israel.

>> No.16784536

Those other nations don't control my country through bribery and blackmail though so I care a lot less about them.

>> No.16784550

But the difference with israel is the free pass of (perceived) anti-semitism. Plus that they have the most disproportionate power in the world. These issues combined with propaganda make a very stifling cocktail.

>> No.16784591

Israel do not actually outright control the US, there would have been a war in Iran if that were true. There are obviously links between higher-ups in Israel and those elsewhere in the world, but that group of people is not simply 'Israel'.

Many western countries had been subverted before Israel even existed, it makes more sense to see Israel as another project by this one group, rather than the country itself being the nexus of power.

>> No.16784617

>Israel do not actually outright control the US, there would have been a war in Iran if that were true.
No, that's a retarded statement to make, Israel isn't that stupid. It's easy to see Israel has more control over the US than the other way round though.
> There are obviously links between higher-ups in Israel and those elsewhere in the world, but that group of people is not simply 'Israel'.
Sure, just like when we talk about the US or China. We all know this.
>Many western countries had been subverted before Israel even existed, it makes more sense to see Israel as another project by this one group, rather than the country itself being the nexus of power.
Actually correct. That doesn't change the fact that Israel is the home hub though.

>> No.16784625

>there would have been a war in Iran if that were true
>thinking you go to war without planning years/decades in advance
>trump didn't start any wars
>biden who voted for the iraq war just got elected :^)


>> No.16784667

>Israel do not actually outright control the US
Anyone who watches this and still believes that is lying: either to themselves or others.

>there would have been a war in Iran if that were true.
This is because jewish factions are having a genuine disagreement over that policy, not because gentile Americans have a say.

Otherwise I agree with you. Israel is just a jewish base of operations. It's very important and contains half their global population, but they're very good at operating without it. See the Solzhenitsyn history posted here >>16784002
It's one of the better descriptions of their subversion playbook.

>> No.16785067

>I'm going to ignore what you said and just call you ignorant instead
Holy shit it really was easy to refute that book

>> No.16785244
File: 185 KB, 1200x800, rabbi harry wanton 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The principal usurers,many of whom were Jewish,[5] were charging interest rates as high as 48% per annum. As Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4BC-65AD), the philosopher, would later remark in de Superstitione “The customs of that most criminal nation have gained such strength that they have now been received in all lands. The conquered have given laws to the conqueror.”

This book is great. Thanks for recommending it.

>I'll try coming back an hour later and mischaracterizing the replies that's a good trick!
I'm sorry but the goyim know.

>> No.16785354

>So you're not disagreeing with the book?
Like I said I don't care who runs the world be it Jews, whites or Chinese people.
Whoever "runs it" is the enemy anyway.

>> No.16785378

Where download?

>> No.16785459

Nevermind, found it.

>> No.16785461

How does referencing Chabad even begin to refute my post? Hasidic Orthodox Jews make up a fraction of a fraction of the total Jewish population, and are definitely not the ones in positions of power lol
Honestly you're just coping at this point

>> No.16785488

I found always admired and been inspired by the Jews. It took them 2,000 years, but they won back their homeland and have a massive amount of influence in the West. They have given persecuted minorities the guide on how to win back what belongs to them.

>> No.16785522

the other minorities are too dumb to do what Jews do, and Jews will happily exploit them anyway, you're just licking the balls of people in power, which is probably the only thing you're capable of doing

>> No.16785533

I don't think they did anything special. Any group of people with a sufficiently strong in-group preference will succeed within and eventually dominate a group that sufficiently open to out-groups while having a weak in-group preference. Jews can easily camouflage their interests and be accepted by whites.

>> No.16785627
File: 458 KB, 776x914, 1417991521588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purpose of Chabad is, as you say, "to keep it in the family." That is, to reduce the community dissolution caused by secularization & outbreeding, and restore ethnic cohesion. It is not just part of the jewish strategy to preserve distinct ethnic identity, but an actual institution dedicated to it. One of many, but bringing secular jews back into the fold is its special provenance.

The very existence of Chabad House is evidence of Mcdonald's thesis, specifically when it comes to preserving ethnic boundaries. This is most thoroughly outlined in his book A People That Shall Dwell Alone.

Of course you knew this. But you were hoping I was a retard who thought it was some secret Illuminati temple where the puppet masters pull strings or something. That would be an easy target to shoot down.

The goyim do in fact know.

>> No.16785651

The "guide" I mentioned boils down to:
1. Strong in-group preference
2. Heavy emphasis on intellectualism
3. Major media presence
Any group can win if it has these things.

>> No.16785689

There you go ignoring what I said again, the point of the post was to point out how retarded it was to extrapolate from a tiny minority of Jewish people to the entire Jewish population
The existence of the Chabad House is evidence of nothing unless you can show that that behavior is exclusive to the Jews, which it obviously isn't
Try again

>> No.16785695

>Any group can win if it has these things AND OTHERS DO NOT.

Jews use much of their ethnic political advantage to ensure they're the only ones who get to employ these strategies, and literally no blow is too low in achieving this end. Including genocide. This is what makes them so fucking dangerous to everyone else.

>> No.16785711

This is projection, Nazi's project their own motives on the Jews. You can't complain that genocide is bad, when you want to do it yourself

>> No.16785722

>Any group can win if it has these things AND OTHERS DO NOT.
Clearly not the case. Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, even Indians and Asians are able to capitalize on their media presences to make progress. Only White people don't do this.

>> No.16785733

These are for sale on the Barnes and Noble website. Barnes and Noble is a book store. Amazon is not a book store and most people are not using ereaders. The surveys are performed on Amazon MTurk users who mainly get paid in Amazon gift cards.

>> No.16785740

whites don't need to make progress, they're already on the top of the totem pole privilege wise

>> No.16785759

>they're already on the top of the totem pole privilege wise
in literally no quantifiable way. They are openly discriminated against by universities and outearned by Jews and Asians

>> No.16785774

Extremely problematic thread.

>> No.16785775

Just because you got bullied by twinks in university, doesn't make them wrong.

>> No.16785784

not a reply to either point

>> No.16785787


>> No.16785788

>Oy vey goy those jews are totally different from the rest of us and nothing they do means anything at all!

>I'll just project my projection again maybe they won't notice this time around!
>Also I'll call him a Nazi that usually works too!

They are allowed these advantages against whites, and each other. The moment they push against jewish power they learn whose system it really is and where the limits are. If the Whites were gone and Asians were the biggest ethnic group they'd get the White treatment.

I don't believe you believe this.
See? I knew you didn't.

>> No.16785790


>> No.16785795

You didn't address either university discrimination(applies to Asians too), or income/wealth. You can't.

>> No.16785816

>>I'll just project my projection again maybe they won't notice this time around!
It's not a projection, white supremacists see everyone who's not a genetically pure specimen of their in group an existential threat that must be exterminated. Jew's aren't even this bad in the sense that they consider anyone born with a Jewish mother a fellow Jew, and they've been known to fight for the rights of other minority groups.

>> No.16785824

>all Jews exist as a monolith
Okay schizo

>> No.16785851



This one is my favorite: jews complaining they're not over-represented ENOUGH

>> No.16785873

>white supremacists see everyone who's not a genetically pure specimen of their in group an existential threat that must be exterminated.
EXACTLY the projection I'm talking about.

When it comes to dealing with outsiders you absolutely are.

>> No.16785878

Look up Sumerian Swindle: How the __ betrayed mankind

>> No.16785881

Reminder that nothing in the book has been refuted by any of the kvetching anons here. They refuse to engage the contents.

>> No.16785898

>books gets refuted multiple times in thread
>y-you didn't refute it though
The cope never ends

>> No.16785939
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>by G_d

>> No.16785951

Where? None of its arguments have been addressed, only what people who haven't read it think it is about. Stop being so disingenuous.

>> No.16785966

Well this guy >>16785788 resorted to claiming the Jews are hivemind in his defense of the book and no one has refuted me yet so the book is refuted

>> No.16785979

>I'm a retard
alright then, I don't know what I expected

>> No.16785989
File: 371 KB, 596x432, cope collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the eternal coper so swiftly resorts to ad hominem attacks

>> No.16786039

>this guy made a claim that's not in the book
>I refuted him
>therefore I refuted the book
Yes you're a retard, retard. If you want me to engage, criticize the arguments MacDonald makes that are supposed to be anti-semitic. I'll wait.

>> No.16786055

Already did, go back further in the thread of comments

>> No.16786061

>Well this guy >>16785788 (You) resorted to claiming the Jews are hivemind
Nope. I didn't say that. Macdonald doesn't say that. I didn't say he does.

I agree with Macdonald: You have internal disagreements and factions, but present a united front against outsiders, and employ a set of common strategies to further you group interest at the expense of others. Which I have said in several posts in this thread.

By attacking straw men and using ideological trigger words to characterize your opponents you are just making the point for >>16785951

>> No.16786067

He knows what he's doing.

>> No.16786072

Point me to it, I can't find it. Probable because you didn't.

>> No.16786082

Of course, it's once again straight out of the handbook. It's like they're not even trying.

>> No.16786223

Still waiting for that epic refutation of MacDonald's arguments...

>> No.16786705

Reminder that nothing in the book has been refuted by any of the kvetching anons here. They refuse to engage the contents.

>> No.16786748

Jews argue ike fat high school girls. It's sophistry, buzzwords and ghetto snaps all the way down.

>> No.16786766

>private company choosing not to list a product now means it is "banned"
this just in, the coles down the road doesnt stock frosties (frosted flakes), guess they are now banned

>> No.16786768

Are you a bot? You've been posting the same thing ad nauseam since this morning when you made the thread. Repetitively saying something doesn't convince us, it's just annoying and cringe

>> No.16786778

Maybe you should refute something in the book then.

>> No.16786785

Refute what exactly? Antisemitism is retarded, and most antisemites are mental ill weirdo old men

>> No.16786796

>lol anyone who opposes thing X is secretly thing X
You are insufferable, and your destination is, rightly, a dark grave.

>> No.16786801

Had you actually read the book, you would know what you were supposed to try and refute.

>> No.16786808

>we're not stocking this cereal even though it's profitable and I'm the only guy anywhere near you that sells cereal
>i'm not doing it because the manufacturer said maybe I should stop banning things I don't like
>this isn't a ban though lol

So he's right. You can't do it.

>> No.16786827
File: 48 KB, 500x500, artworks-000073268647-6lvxt7-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are insufferable, and your destination is, rightly, a dark grave.

>> No.16786842
File: 22 KB, 222x255, 1ad902edd284941687f4a1a0b8d3482a402091f8c3112ba613e316dfa61a3c01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16786846
File: 880 KB, 366x229, checkeanu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16786855

>we're not stocking this cereal even though it's profitable and I'm the only guy anywhere near you that sells cereal
you can order from 100s of book stores. they all have international shipping.
stop playing a victim you fucking GIRL

>> No.16786856

el diablo mucho satanas

>> No.16786901

Why don't you try to dismantle any of the supposedly anti-semitic arguments then?

>> No.16786917

Doesn't matter, it's banned from the largest international bookstore. What in the book merits it being banned from there?

>> No.16786919

Just sell the book, bigot.

>> No.16786930

What arguments? I doubt the people shilling this book even read it

>> No.16786936

good thing I got the book before it was banned

>> No.16786941

Coles stopped selling frosties because of how much sugar was in them. Idgaf I walk down to IGA and buy a box.

>but they are the largest retailer!
Then you should intentionally NOT buy from them! Why do you want to support these monopolies instead of independent businesses? Are you an NPC?

>> No.16786965

Answer the question. What in the book merits it being banned from anywhere?

>> No.16786980

It isnt banned it just isnt stocked. Go into a physical bookstore and tell me how many books are banned just because they arent stocked.

>> No.16786984

You are being disingenuous and avoiding discussing the subject.
The one you're replying to is the not interested in the morality of supporting large companies.

>> No.16786991

You can't buy it from amazon. The author has lost his job over the book. What is in the book that merits it being banned anywhere, or the author losing his job?
It's funny how you keep kvetching about the semantics of banning instead of addressing the issue.

>> No.16786994

Now you're outright lying in addition to discussing the subject.
The book is banned on amazon.

>> No.16787045

Buy it from Amazon and find out :^)

>> No.16787055

>You are being disingenuous
No, that would be you claiming outright that "the book is banned" because a single retailer doesnt stock it.
typically when someone says something is banned it is banned by law. BY LAW. Not because a sole retailer does not stock it.

You are trying to play the victim card and its fucking pathetic. Grow up you altright incel child.

>The author has lost his job over the book

>outright lying
Im not the one who said "the book is banned". That is you and the other victim incels.
The book is not for sale on amazon, that is what you are meant to say. Not "DA BOOK IS BANNED"

>> No.16787070

>da book is banned guys you cant buy it anywhere!

Who the fuck buys books of amazon anyway? Monopoly supporting bootlicking NPC cucks thats who

>> No.16787072

I own it but I think it shouldn't be banned, why do you think it should be?
Stop the pilpul and semantics game and answer the question already. What is in the book that merits its removal from amazon?

>> No.16787079

Stop the pilpul and semantics game and answer the question already. What is in the book that merits its removal from amazon?

>> No.16787088

>What is in the book that merits its removal from amazon?
Whatever the retailers reason is their reason. Its called a free market. Why do you want to force private companies to do what you want? Are you some kind of communist?
learn the definition of ban and remove then remove yourself from this site

>> No.16787095

Stop the pilpul and semantics game and answer the question already. What is in the book that merits its removal from amazon?

>> No.16787103

literally this
correct or not, da joos is just more idpol bullshit

>> No.16787108

learn the definition of ban and remove then remove yourself from this site

>> No.16787112

Stop the pilpul and semantics game and answer the question already. What is in the book that merits its removal from amazon?

>> No.16787114

Refute this:

>> No.16787122

There is nothing bullshit about idpol if they're the one dictating the rules of the game, anon.

>> No.16787123

Yes you're a proud and sincere libertarian we all believe you.

Why is it bullshit? Perhaps you could refute one of the theses in MacDonald's books to illustrate your point.

>> No.16787164

>The intellectual movements Prof. MacDonald discusses in this volume are Marxism, Freudian psychoanalysis, the Frankfurt school of sociology, and Boasian anthropology. Perhaps most relevant from a racial perspective, he also traces the role of Jews in promoting multiculturalism and Third World immigration. Throughout his analysis Prof. MacDonald reiterates his view that Jews have promoted these movements as Jews and in the interests of Jews, though they have often tried to give the impression that they had no distinctive interests of their own. Therefore Prof. MacDonald’s most profound charge against Jews is not ethnocentrism but dishonesty — that while claiming to be working for the good of mankind they have often worked for their own good and to the detriment of others. While attempting to promote the brotherhood of man by dissolving the ethnic identification of Gentiles, Jews have maintained precisely the kind of intense group solidarity they decry as immoral in others.

>> No.16787215

these are all the books banned by amazon

>> No.16787278

Huh. These books have one thing in common. That's quite a coincidence.

>> No.16787290

Merely a Cohencidence.

>> No.16787308


>> No.16787544

Just coming back to see if anyone's made a refutation of the book on its theses and their merits. Guess I'll wait.

>> No.16788024

Huh. Still waiting.

>> No.16788069

many such cases

>> No.16788369

I can vouch that I ordered it from amazon before it was banned among a bunch of other books, and culture of critique was the only one thats order got cancelled and refunded. Had to buy it from a different website in the states but I did secure a copy. Well worth the money lol very cool book

>> No.16788384

Capitalism is the decision that the price of a good is decided by the buyer and seller instead of a third party (the state). Stop using the word capitalism as some vague ideology. its not an ideology lol its a law of nature. Capitalism is the way things have been since the beginning of time.

>> No.16788416

>capitalism is just exchange of things
Shut the fuck up retard