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16778634 No.16778634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did modern society forget the wisdom of the ancients?

>> No.16778644

It's more just wisdom itself, in this example; but you're right, people's problems on the whole and small would be cut by 70% to the bare meaningful essentials if they were to read the Greeks and New Testament regularly.

>> No.16778647

It wasn't true.
Oh, you mean racism? We were still racists seventy years ago Anon. It's not modernity, it's your dad who fucked up.

>> No.16778661

Fuck democracy, give me enlightened despotism any day

>> No.16778663

The Jew never forgot. That's why he did it.

How did he do it? Vice and bribery.

>> No.16778678

People became so self-centered they only care for material that confirms their already previously chosen worldview and don't want it challenged in the slightest, lest their complete identity collapse.

>> No.16778680

this didn't age well

>> No.16778688

Why? He turned out to be completely right. The French Revolutionary model of society as a voluntary system where people adhere to a social contract has been completely BTFO as western nations become completely fragmented shitholes where the citizens wage eternal culture wars on each other since they have no common fraternal bond.

>> No.16778692

Strangely to me it makes more sense now than ever. Fuck I need to go back to the Greeks don’t I

>> No.16778730

yeah if we look at america and europe I would say it aged like fine wine

>> No.16778745

WW1 and the Somme wiping out the gentleman class. Macintyre says its fucking gone, and we are in the dark ages.

>> No.16778751

Its fucking spot on

>> No.16778755


>> No.16778760

we got the wisdom of google

>> No.16778765

God help us all

>> No.16778788

Aristotle (pbuh) foretold the fall of the Roman empire.

>> No.16778797

>stock meme phrase injected into thread for the guaranteed replies

Kids should not be on 4chan((nnel))

>> No.16778802

Bait or underage

>> No.16778806

This board is full of cringy pussies and threads like this really drive it home.

>> No.16778811

17% of British officers were killed in WW1. Almost every one of them probably were somewhat capable of reading Xenophon in greek.

>> No.16778816

the ancients were retards, they didn't even have iphones

>> No.16778831

Just because ancient people believed one thing doesn't make it right, infants often have a lack of experience.

>> No.16778835

It has been preserved in twitter in stylistically captivating aphorisms.

>> No.16778855

Socrates and Aristotle were not infants.

>> No.16778873
File: 52 KB, 646x475, 94B2B1F2-7AA6-4B00-B06E-E8CF8029492E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Ionia and other places, and generally in countries which are subject to the barbarians, the custom is held to be dishonourable; loves of youths share the evil repute in which philosophy and gymnastics are held because they are inimical to tyranny; for the interests of rulers require that their subjects should be poor in spirit and that there should be no strong bond of friendship or society among them, which love, above all other motives, is likely to inspire, as our Athenian tyrants-learned by experience; for the love of Aristogeiton and the constancy of Harmodius had strength which undid their power. And, therefore, the ill-repute into which these attachments have fallen is to be ascribed to the evil condition of those who make them to be ill-reputed; that is to say, to the self-seeking of the governors and the cowardice of the governed

Why did modern society forget the wisdom of the ancients?

>> No.16778880

Yes they were, most of their ideas were primitive shower thoughts

>> No.16778888

>loves of youths share the evil repute in which philosophy and gymnastics are held because they are inimical to tyranny
uhhhhh demobros?

>> No.16778898

Just because modern people believe one thing doesn't make it right, infants often have a lack of experience.
you realize you sound like a braindead retard yeah?

>> No.16778909

you sound like a faggot, but ok yea

>> No.16778961

People who are using this to promote racism are forgetting that the concept of "white" didn't exist during that time. He was thinking more along the lines of regional ethnic groups, maybe even just the city state of Athens. "Democracy only works if your city is made up of Athenians, but if you have a city that is equal part Athenian and Corinthian than it won't work". So he would argue against a "White America" working because "White" includes everything from Ireland to Russia.

>> No.16779094

where does aristotle talk about this?

>> No.16779138

Look at France, resentment only lasts so long.

>> No.16779155
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Should I read the complete works of Plato or Aristotle?

>> No.16779159

He’s wrong though

>> No.16779164


>> No.16779171

Isn't A refined P?

>> No.16779177

No he's spot on, as proven by modern multicultural societies. What do you think he is wrong about?

>> No.16779178

based ancient nord btfoing leftists niggers

>> No.16779184

No. Both have their merits.

>> No.16779197
File: 275 KB, 900x1200, 04846A2E-3ADC-47EF-B01A-28CBC797B2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your condition is rather delicate, and it’s because, I am sure, your sandal pinches; new leather, you know, is quite likely to cut into flesh that is tender. That is why Asclepius readily heals wounds received in war and hunting and all such accidents, but neglects these others because of the voluntariness of the action—as due to indiscretion rather than to a god’s capricious malevolence. Why then don’t you walk barefoot? What grudge have you against the earth? Slippers and sandals and top-boots and shoes are for the wearing of invalids or the aged. Philoctetes, at any rate, is pictured in such protective garb—because he was lame and ill. But the philosopher from Sinope and the Theban Crates and Ajax and Achilles are pictured as wearing no shoes, and Jason as wearing but one. For the story goes that, when Jason was crossing the Anaurus River, one boot was caught by the mud and held fast under the stream, and so he had one bare foot—not that he deliberately chose to have, but that chance taught him what was best; and he went his way the victim of a salutary robbery. Let nothing come between the earth and your bare foot. Fear not, the dust will welcome your tread as it would welcome grass, and we shall all kiss your footprints. Ο perfect lines of feet most dearly loved! Ο flowers new and strange! Ο plants sprung from earth! Ο kiss left lying on the ground!
—‘To a barefoot boy,’ Philostratus

Why did modern society forget the wisdom of the ancients?

>> No.16779217

What book is this quote from?