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16777469 No.16777469 [Reply] [Original]

All art is quite political.

>> No.16777506
File: 100 KB, 793x1023, 4e7db36e7d18be6fc0b0d818351822ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post war model based art theory
the system process focused pre-political method would have leaped us from Darwin to Lamarck

>> No.16777627


>> No.16777692

Artist has political opinions, therefore they shape their creative thinking process

>> No.16777756

what if someone's creative thinking process and political opinion are both derivative of other personal aspects? aesthetic taste, philosophical opinions, environment etc

>> No.16777762

Art exists independent of the artist. What an artist thinks has nothing to do with the art he creates.

>> No.16777774

>all art before invention of the state isn't actually art

>> No.16777849
File: 99 KB, 624x900, listen here noob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The political is not compatible with the artistic, because the former, in order to prove, has to be one-sided.
t. Tolstoy

>> No.16777988

Are the DBZ and Pokemon drawings I made in 2nd grade political?

>> No.16778595

Not all life is political. why would art be?

>> No.16778618

All art is left wing

>> No.16778643

Yeah it is.

>> No.16778655

Piss poor bait not even worth the honor of this (You)

>> No.16778660

maybe if we lived in a polis. i have no sway over the state, so most of the things I do can't count as political (the main exception is voting)

>> No.16778684

The anime OCs I made in high school were political?

>> No.16778821

Political organizations aren't inherently statist

>> No.16778846

>pretending you can enter the mind of the artist during creation


>> No.16778945

You don’t have to, what matters is what you discern

>> No.16780522


>> No.16780539


>> No.16780839

your inability to affect change is the result of politics

>> No.16780851


>> No.16780898

First based post by this anon.

>> No.16780919


>> No.16780924

Tarkovsky taught me that any artist who sells himself to politics ought to be discredited

>> No.16780944

Most people who think this are coming at it from an instructional perspective in which they want art to serve an explicitly political purpose. Marxists, religious people, and similar. They therefore read politics into art such that little boy reading Thomas the tank engine is participating in bougie indoctrination and must be coerced to read Thomas the tankie instead.

>> No.16780976


>> No.16781027

Would you not consider a cave painting art?

>> No.16781048

yes. grug mobilize against big mammoth

>> No.16781052

I'm sorry is this the fucking ART board?
You should all get a 3-day ban

>> No.16781078

The use of text in a sculpture makes literature, which is also art

>> No.16782538

And they win

>> No.16782556


>> No.16782562

They do have a better understanding of metapolitics, don't they? Still, sucks to be them and see everything in political instead of human terms. But, we're grossly stereotyping.

>> No.16782584

neon lights is the worst fad the art world has ever had

>> No.16782596

Surely it's still better than painting with body fluids and excrements?

>> No.16782597

specifically text in neon. it's all Instagram thot bullshit. Flavin is alright though.

>> No.16782604

Surprised its still even popular, thought that ugly shit stayed in the 50s and 60s

>> No.16782619
File: 506 KB, 2438x1596, Brueghel-Icaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its true but not in the banal way people often take it to be. Not every piece of art has a political message it explicitly wants to get across like all art is inevitably some cheap propaganda poster. Of course there is Art for Art's sake, the two are not incompatible. But every piece of art is made within a society with its own dynamics and contradictions, and these will always be baked into the art.

A nice example: Bruegel's Icaro. Its a great piece of Art, and its great as Art for Art's sake. But it also consciously shows the myth of icarus as a minor thing happening to the side (you can see one leg of him splashing into the ocean still), focusing instead on a common farmer, a merchant's trading ship, etc. This was painted during the enlightenment, when the power shifted form aristocracy and church (preferring themes of greek myth and bible) to rich merchants and common folk. As such the commissions from artists changed. Bruegel jokingly incorporates this shift in power into the painting.

>> No.16782664

no, it is not

>> No.16782681

You sound suspicious...

>> No.16782824

“Art for arts sake” wasn’t a thing until the romantics but I see your point

>> No.16782881

Ah ye youre right. not sure how to phrase it otherwise, Art as such? Art with aesthetics as its main aim? idk

>> No.16782895


That definition is really included in the definition of Leisure, which is activity that is an end in itself. As opposed activity that is a mere means to a different end.

>> No.16782896
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Based Tarko

>> No.16782908


Art with an overt political message usually doesn't have much staying power, and most contemporary art tends to be disposable anyway. This piece will probably have little significance to anyone who sees it even a decade from now, and people digging up the remains of American civilization in 100 years probably won't even recognize it as a work of art. They might be curious as to why someone thought that particular date was worth making an electric sign of, but if they look it up they will see no significance to it beyond that it was the date that an unremarkable doofus was elected to replace another doofus.

Nobody in the present era can stay focused on anything for terribly long. People get intensely emotional about current events, but only until the next big event. This whole era is nothing but a giant mass of humans getting intensely pissed off at each other for a few days at a time over things that usually nobody even remembers or cares about a year later. Right now, left-wing artfag types are seethingly buttblasted about Trump, but they were just as buttblasted about Bush II and Reagan, both of whom are just remembered as presidents now.

When enough time has passed, people will probably not have particularly intense feelings about Trump, Biden, or any of the shit that has been going on for the last couple of years. But, there will likely be something else inspiring buttblast, and a new crop of talentless 20-somethings will be mashing together crappy sculptures or having neon signs custom made to express their feelings about it. Their pieces will generate buzz in shit magazines read by other talentless 20-somethings, and then it will all get tossed into some back room of some museum along with all the other crap these kinds of people manufacture that no one will recognize as art in 100 years.

Political art is just a giant waste of everyone's time.