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File: 11 KB, 279x200, Gilles_Deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16776911 No.16776911 [Reply] [Original]

He seems cool, other than Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus what are some more mind fucks by him?

>> No.16776918


>> No.16776939

Difference and Repetition maybe? IDK I just keep coming back to it.

>> No.16776942


>> No.16776962

His books on Spinoza and Nietzsche

>> No.16776972

masochism: coldness and cruelty

>> No.16777077

Difference and Repetition
The Logic of Sense
The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque

>> No.16777153

Is he really big into German Idealism?

>> No.16777177

He is somewhat well-disposed toward Kant but loathes Hegel

>> No.16777180

He copied Schelling

>> No.16777193

who the fuck actually reads that shit cover to cover?

>> No.16777253

I like Schelling so I might get something out of it. I know he and Lacan hated each other's guts. Is the divide in lit more between Lacan and Deleuze than Land and Zizek? And no I won't bother to give trads the attention.

>> No.16778239

His Kafka book is good. His Nietzsche book is his best starting point