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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 320x228, EEEEE EEE EEEE BED TAO LIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1677645 No.1677645 [Reply] [Original]

A couple weeks ago i told lit i read Richard Yates by tao and i bitched cause it fucking sucked. And even though lit told me not to, i bought Shoplifting From American Apparel afterwards. And i read it today and wow.. it was much better, it was really funny and seemed to have some depth to it (unlike richard yates).

to make a long story short i was pretty impressed and think i want to buy some of his other work. ive narrowed it down to bed or eeeee eee eeee

anyone here read ether of those two? which is better.

>> No.1677660

fuck off tao

>> No.1677665

fuck off Tao Lin.

>> No.1677672

haven't read it by i have a friend that's a fan, i think.. Eee eee eee wasn't that good, but bed is supposed to be pretty good if you like his style, i believe.

i think there is some tripfags that vouch for him, wait for them to come around

>> No.1677681

-tripfags are scared to vouch for him, because they think it can ruin there reputation even more as if.. so they just like him secretly

>> No.1677766


I hear lots of great reviews of Tao Lin's work, so I decided that I'll pick up one of his books along with Tropic of Cancer and tell /lit/ about the experience.

>> No.1677801

dont buy richard yates, get shoplifting

>> No.1677812

And don't buy shoplifting.

>> No.1677814

yates is written and better you can tell how amateur his writing is in shoplifting from american apparel but yates is boring and pointless.

>> No.1677836


Thanks guys, I'll pick up Eeeee Eee Eeee along with Tropic of Cancer on my next trip to the indie book store in my town.

>> No.1677998

Tao is overrated everywhere expect here, where he is underrated. its kind of weird.

>> No.1678048
File: 250 KB, 560x400, 1301788949685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1678393

i'll never understand why everyone here hates him..

>> No.1678429

ill never understand why everyone here hates the shit out of this guy

>> No.1678437

Note the fact that every one of these posts is incapable of capitalizing "i".

Samefagging is no excuse for sloppy grammar TAo.

>> No.1678574

not tao btw

um i never capitalize I here, or on the internet really, i dont think many people do.. unless its srs argument, then taking out every grammatical error is crucial to winning

>> No.1678578

> not tao btw

as in im not the person [tao lin] thats been same fagging this bitch

>> No.1679120

I read Richard Yates, thought it was mediocre. I liked the very modern feel, though.

>> No.1679134

Why is there no free e-book of his books anywhere?

>> No.1679142
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-04-04 at 12.44 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go for Bed, the stories have quite a bit of variety. If you liked SFAA you'll most likely enjoy Eeeee Eee Eeee as well, but I'd go for Bed first.