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16773705 No.16773705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

leave this board and never return if
>you embrace any kind of perennialist worldview
>you appeal to nature
>you do not fully understand the difference between philosophy, anthropology, history, history of philosophy and philosophy of history
>you acknowledge similarities among different religions/cultures without being aware of the differences
>you believe these similarities contribute to any philosophical statement
>you use cultural/historical evidence as proof for any given metaphysics or normative moral order
>you define a given metaphysical order as "tradition" on the base of historical and/or cultural analysis
>you do not question the accuracy of any kind of historical or religious analysis which is more than 50 years old
>you are not aware of the current methods of research in the fields of philosophy, history of religion, comparative religion, and history
>you believe previous civilizations had a deeper connection with any of the following: nature, god, the divine, the truth
>you believe you can use one and the same system of symbols to interpret cultures that are centuries apart and rarely came into contact with each other
>you believe time is cyclical
>you believe time is ordered hierarchically in ages of different degrees of goodness
>you believe this is a "dark age"
>you are not aware of ancient and modern philosophical and scientific discussion on the nature of time
>you use the words "degenerate", "degeneracy", "degeneration" in any given context
>you are unable to offer detailed and well-arguend explanation on what precisely is degenerating, from what, and why

>> No.16773725

okay bye bye

>> No.16773742

>leave this board and never return
stopped reading there, really good advice, bye guys

>> No.16773775

Your brain is degenerating, from living your life, because you're an idiot

>> No.16773781

>man wants to love itself
>this is achieved through the participation to enterprises which have certain goals
>these goals need to be seen as objective to feel satisfactory
>none of these goals are objective (through the enterprises can be objective)
>reason grows with time through the learned repetition of past discoveries or the increased possibilities of the division of the thought labor
>reason teaches us that the aforementioned goals are subjective
>as time passes the number of goals that feel satisfactory decreases
>as time passes it becomes harder for man to love itself
>as such one can talk of degeneracy of self-love
>self-love being the only thing that matters for man, we can talk of a degeneracy of man
Not sure I am being very clear. Also the word "corruption" would be more appropriate I thing, but hey, I took the bait as it was.

>> No.16773782

>Making demands without the ability to enforce them
Keep pissing yourself in public, we all know it makes you feel all nice and warm even though you look like a retarded loser