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/lit/ - Literature

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16772830 No.16772830 [Reply] [Original]

She is a terrible author and a bad person.

>> No.16772838

what gives

>> No.16772845

I only watch her videos in hopes of catching a glimpse of those absolute milkers

>> No.16772853

has any nigger here even read her book

>> No.16772866


>> No.16772868
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What's her endgame?

>> No.16772869

She's got tits. What does it matter?

>> No.16772872

Holy shit just looking at her draws the semen from my balls. Is she married?

>> No.16772883

I've been seeing that gif for years and I never realized that it was her. Huh, neat

>> No.16772884

I can't be the only one who hopes she just inflates to hamplanet tier, right? I have a fat fetish and the thought of Lindsey being a nice big heifer gives me a boner.

>> No.16772890
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dead babies

>> No.16773016

yes, she married some huwite blonde tall man

>> No.16773291

why is she a bad person?

>> No.16773327

/lit/ is full of trad Caths who reject the 2nd Vatican council
but beyond that, every Lindsay thread has obligatory alt-right incels seething over "muh abortion"

>> No.16773385

Is that how she got a book deal?

>> No.16773410

>/lit/ is full of trad Caths who reject the 2nd Vatican council
lit is full of kids of protestant americans who decide to LARP as Catholic on the internet while being NEET in their parents' basement.

>> No.16773414

To do what every liberal does, which is fill that ever increasing void left in her soul with consumer goods.

>> No.16773418

I think you're both out of touch

>> No.16773432

nooooo not the heckin babyerinos

>> No.16773483

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.16773561
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>> No.16773570
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>> No.16773628

this is kind of based though

>> No.16773639

she had a baby with Heath Ledger, the best Joker

>> No.16773823

She's just leftist Brittany Venti

>> No.16773915

What a nasty little sow

>> No.16773919

Her feet are boring af

>> No.16773920

0/10 critique, you're a terrible shitposter and a worse piece of shit

>> No.16773973

>/lit/ is full of trad Caths who reject the 2nd Vatican council

>> No.16773984

Imagine the type of person you would have to be to murder your baby and then make a movie about it.

>> No.16773993

>Bret Easton Ellis's cousin
is that why she Tartts herself up?

>> No.16773995

Yeah, but also fuck moviebob for being such a submissive little faggot. He deserves every time a woman stomps on him.

>> No.16774009

This too. Perhaps Lindsay was in that moment an agent of judgements divine, an angelic fetus having interceding to St. Peter on her behalf and begun thereupon her tweet

>> No.16774051

ayy lmao lit is shit

>> No.16774054

why do you hate babies?

>> No.16774062

I read the first few pages. It gave me Twilight flashbacks. Imagine Lindsay Ellis narrating how she's hopelessly in debt from alcoholism and her mom annoying her with practical advice. I put it down before she became the most important girl in the whole wide world.

>> No.16774064

Wow, you were absolutely right.

>> No.16774068

Wow, just wow. I can't even.

>> No.16774095

Sounds like Emperess Theressa

>> No.16774176
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>> No.16774195

>Defending Movieblob

>> No.16774199
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don't fuck with the moveibob army

>> No.16774210

Calling her nasty is not a defense of him. You're dumb.

>> No.16774283

Well that goes without saying

>> No.16774321

>that first comment
lmao based bishop barron

>> No.16774323

Compelling argument.

>> No.16774330

Unlike you who fills it with resentment

>> No.16774333

You will never be a woman

>> No.16774347

I'm not trans and you are still filled with resentment.

>> No.16774416

At least I'm not a fag

>> No.16774475

>he doesn't know
oh no no no no

>> No.16774795

There is no such thing as "trans," tranny. You're a man in a dress.

>> No.16776705

>have a friend that watches both of these fucks
Wonder what he thinks.
Why the fuck do people even watch Youtubers? Shit's beyond me.

>> No.16776736

If somebody were to tell me in real life that they were a male feminist I would genuinely assume they have rapist tendencies. Every one of them is a creep.

>> No.16776760

I'd penetrate her vagina with my big throbbing cock if you catch my meaning

>> No.16776765

Moviebob deserves this

>> No.16776769

She filmed the abortion? Now that's a movie i'd enjoy.

>> No.16776771

She is cute

>> No.16776774

It's good to shit on people who deserve it

>> No.16776785

It's called Day of the Dead: Contagion.

>> No.16776822

Seethe harder, fatboy. She is not obligated to be movieblob's friend.

>> No.16776825

This is now a moviebob hate thread

>> No.16776831

Moviebob is the movie critic of the times.

>> No.16776886

I personally watch moviebob as performance art to mock the degeneration of modern culture

>> No.16776907

I tried to watch his latest video to see if he would mention Lindsey but I couldn't even get a minute in.

>> No.16777019

Ok what is the deal with the abortion what did she say/do?

>> No.16777029

Some simp took these moviebobarmy ruse post seriously and went complaining to Bobert. I imagine this is the kind of thing roasties and normies have experienced when they say they've been harrased online.

>> No.16777061

She was indoctrinated into an ideology that convinced her to murder her own baby. She made a shitty internet movie documenting the natural guilt she felt. Now she's forever stuck being a feminist because changing her mind would force her to properly face what she did.

>> No.16777100

there was a topic about her in /fit/ as well, what the hell is going on? Coincidence?

>> No.16777106

She made fun of Moviebob on Twitter and he had to lock down his account.

>> No.16777121

I hate all those fat, bald men on YouTube who review the 70s and 80s cartoons of their childhood like that's even worth a second thought. I would like to round them all up and burn them in an oven.

>> No.16777123

Based Lindsay btfos MovieBlob

>> No.16777126

nevermind, that explains it. some fuck named movie bob sicced his retard fans on her and they decided to come shitpost on 4chan about it.

>> No.16777143

Lmao this might be the dumbest atempt at a right wing gatcha I've ever seen.

>> No.16777160

The #Bobarmy will not be stopped!

>> No.16777165

Tourists out today.

>> No.16777186

Thats right, dilate straight back to resetera, this #BobMob country you tranny faggot.

>> No.16777235
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>> No.16777294

Telling someone trannies don't exist as a response to someone saying they aren't a tranny is hilariously dumb and I don't care what dead memes you have that say otherwise.

>> No.16777570
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>> No.16777575

Biden probably agrees with the person you’re replying to tranny

>> No.16777581
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>> No.16777852

Why are trannies like this?

>> No.16777907

lol, imagine being a blumpftard, can you even imagine how they must be seething


>> No.16777912
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Only reddit simps for whores. Especially after they hit the wall.


>> No.16778044


>> No.16778149

Lol you tell me man
Imagine being so gay that saying anything vaguely positive about someone constitutes simping. I wouldn't Lindsay, I hope that despite being a such a colossal faggot you wouldn't fuck Bob.

>> No.16778326

Based Abortion fetish manga.

>> No.16778402

So whose baby was it?

>> No.16778415

it was a black guys so she did her offspring a favor by sparing it from life as a mutt

>> No.16778418

Fair enough.

>> No.16778432

Not that guy, but I support abortion and don't hate babies, I fuck em all the time

>> No.16778507

No, the father was Indian or Asian likely. It was Todd in the Shadows from back when she used to work at Channel Awesome.

>> No.16778543

she looks Chinese in this photo

>> No.16778554

She looks like someone who murdered a fetus and has blood on her hands.

>> No.16778570

What does someone like that look like?

>> No.16778586

Like Lindsay Ellis

>> No.16778607

you will never be a real woman

>> No.16778610

Wtf I like Lindsey Ellis now

>> No.16778667

Shit I hope your right lmao.

>> No.16778705

Lindsay Ellis' prose is much dryer and snarkier, and I don't mean that in a good way.

>> No.16778723

i have no respect for college educated white bisexual women, they've been around since the greeks

>> No.16778809

Welcome! Just FYI: This isn’t Reddit or Twitter. You’re allowed to tell people to «get fucked» or call them bad words here. Please enjoy your stay and have fun.

>> No.16778828

Welcome! Just FYI: This isn’t Reddit or Twitter. You’re allowed to tell people to «get fucked» or call them bad words here. Please enjoy your stay and have fun

>> No.16779106

So is morphyx Moviebob?


>> No.16779112

Woman confirmed.

>> No.16779136

Well which is it? Lmao

>> No.16779143
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scared rabbi?

>> No.16779147

Dilate yourself a new vagina.

>> No.16779148

I’m not the person who called you trans. You’re arguing with two people here ma’am.

>> No.16779167

I don't have vagina
I'm aware but your making me have serious doubts, maybe I am a woman traped in a mans body lmao

>> No.16779170
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>> No.16779176

Yeah, that's why you have to use the dilator every day for such and such hours or it will close up.

>> No.16779195

I know people with autism have a hard time with sarcasm but I honestly hope your just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.16779228

POst benis

>> No.16779242
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Are you moviebob's new boyfriend? Are you Moviebob himself? Or are you going to be a tranny now? Those are the questions.

>> No.16779266


>> No.16779272

This is a blue board sadly
At what point was I defending MovieBlob?

>> No.16779274

lol have sex simp haha u never will

>> No.16779286

You evade questions the same way as him, defend Lindsay and generally just act like a butthurt incel so yeah, you might be him I think.

>> No.16779287

Oh no a virgin on 4chan said I'll never get laid again.
What am I supposed to tell my girlfriend Or your mother?

>> No.16779304

I said Lindsay was based for shitting on Blob, then started joking around with you tranny obessed virgins.

>> No.16779314

You're either
a) Bob
b) a tranny

Bob is such a simp he would still defend Lindsay for shitting on him. That is how much of a simp he (you) is/ are.

>> No.16779336

I applaud your attempt at deductive reasoning, that kinda thinking would get you far if you weren't a retarded incel.

>> No.16779339

Haha moviebob btfo

>> No.16779344

have sex

>> No.16779351

Good idea. Later Virgins

>> No.16779368

Your blanket doesn't count.

>> No.16779504

Holy fuck that's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time

>> No.16779541

and off to the tranny discord it goes to ERP

>> No.16779564

That is perhaps the stupidest argument ever made in the public forum. That this lady is a professor of anything is an indictment of our entire educational establishment.

>> No.16779732

I read like three chapters. I had no idea who she was before I bought the book. It's badly written, it's full of fucking pop culture references from a time period I'm not familiar with. Most importantly, it's kind of boring.

>> No.16779740

You bought a book by someone you'd never heard of before?

>> No.16779779

Let me rephrase that. I saw a couple of vids of her where she talked about the publishing process. I also enjoyed a couple of vids she did on other shit. I bought the book because it sounded interesting. I didn't realize she was the nostalgia chick until much later. I also don't frequent /lit/ so I had no idea about her reputation here until after I tried reading it.

>> No.16779796


>> No.16779957

No one is going to talk about how her book is trash?

>> No.16779971


>> No.16780159

Nobody read it. She bragged for a week that she was "#7" on the NYT Times bestseller list but I refuse to believe even her dumbest paypigs bought much less read it.

>> No.16780172

She got pissy when some low rent Hollywood production "stole" this gif for it's trailer even though her entire e-career since the Nostalgia Chick days was built around violating copyright.

>> No.16780293
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This thread and most of its posters need to gtfo

>> No.16780310

You need to kys ugly spinster.

>> No.16780331

I read a sample, didn’t seem like my cup of tea (or at all good). I like her videos though.

>> No.16780346

No, it’s the kids who are wrong.

>> No.16780713

>you might be able to win a fight with your unborn child
absolute gold, has anyone here read Bob's book?

>> No.16780874

Fuck off tranny tripfag

>> No.16781076

You will never be with a real woman