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/lit/ - Literature

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16772140 No.16772140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros, I've been thinking about this lately: are we in fact the rogue academics?
I see a lot of well read anons who post here. I see a lot of sophisticated discussion on philosophy. I see some talented fiction writers with wonderful prose.
I feel like we are in fact the real rogue academics. The environment of Academia is just too stuffy, sensitive, and petty. It only makes sense that the real ones, the ones who have always been prone to take time alone to write, find places like these refreshing and comforting.

>> No.16772144

Eat shit chud. Just because you can't thrive in academia doesn't mean it is politicized.

>> No.16772148

now that I think... I am

>> No.16772155


t. Undergrad

>> No.16772160

Maybe the real rogue academics were the friends we made along the way.

>> No.16772165

>he's been fooled by the cathedral
I'd feel bad for you if I didn't despise you.

>> No.16772166

The modern humanities isn't conducive to intellectual progress.

>> No.16772172

To be "rogue academics" implies even the slightest element of cohesion, which this website's community lacks entirely

>> No.16772173

The humanities have no place the antiversity, sorry plebs.

>> No.16772174

Does this guy consider himself an academic of some sort? All the videos and essays I've watched/read of him are all full of obvious remarks and superficial analysis. I think he has still to proof himself if he want to larp at the levels he is larping.

>> No.16772175

Holy based

>> No.16772182

What's it like being 19 these days? Does it feel good paying all that money to watch documentaries and get all your assignments from home?

>> No.16772185

If 'rogue academics' means 'informal academics' then yeah, probably. Shit will get insufferable if we refer to ourselves as rogue academics though.

>> No.16772188

Imagine getting bullied by twinks

>> No.16772190

No we are just a shit board populated with cretins with zero self awareness, as this thread painfully demonstrates.

>> No.16772195
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>> No.16772197
File: 41 KB, 863x299, Screenshot from 2020-11-12 23-28-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of you guys studying and weird shit?

>> No.16772198

>using moldshit buzzwords

>> No.16772199

Speak for yourself chud

>> No.16772202

show me the lie

>> No.16772203

This is what we like to calling "buyer's remorse cope."

>> No.16772204

Is it greedy to want there to have been a 77?

>> No.16772206

No I am speaking for the quality of the whole board which is demonstrably shit

>> No.16772213

How much more student loan payments do you need to make?

>> No.16772214

The "Cathedral" is a moldshit buzzword with no coherent meaning

>> No.16772215

I remember there is a wojak for this, maybe loomer?

>> No.16772219

Imagine having your brain so utterly destroyed, again, I'd feel bad for you if I didn't despise you.

I bet you actually took a humanities degree, too.

>> No.16772224

tho i agree that lit academia has become disgustingly politicized, academias existance was never justified in the first place when it came to the arts. discussion about art is always stupid, bcuz art is never really about things you can talk about. you always have to go out of your way to make it about something that it isnt about to make it discussable. on lit its okay cuz it doesnt have the pretension of being anything more than the sincere thoughts of anons or monkey poo.

>> No.16772228

Nah, that would be Greg Johnson and all the other writers at counter-currents

>> No.16772229

this board is essentially the modern equivalent to the French salons of past

>> No.16772240

Do you have a room temp IQ or something? I'm not that anon, but Jesus, kid. Think for a second, would ya?
It's a huge institution backed by the government that has just seemingly raised tuition costs for the sole purpose of profit, and since they stand at the gates to the, supposedly, higher echelons of society, they act as a sort of pseudo-priestclass in the secular Western states. You can find curriculums online. You can all their books online for free.
The average person going to Uni for the humanities is completely braindead, only going in because of a vague notion of that's what you're supposed to do. No wonder companies nowadays are skimming over the dime-a-dozen humanities majors. Who would fall for a scam that obvious?

>> No.16772241

>paying for education
Not everyone lives in a lolbert country
And yes this board's quality is demonstrably shit. And if you consider yourself a "rogue academic" I recommend taking your head out of your ass.

>> No.16772243

No this place is filled and festering with underage homos, its more like a LARP club with a few good posters, a few bad posters who sometimes make good posts and a patronage of directionless worshippers. Please, tell me now, where else can we go?

>> No.16772255

Maybe try reading him before talking crap?

>But first, let’s nail down our terms. The great power center of 2008 is the Cathedral. The Cathedral has two parts: the accredited universities and the established press. The universities formulate public policy. The press guides public opinion. In other words, the universities make decisions, for which the press manufactures consent. It’s as simple as a punch in the mouth.

Reset Revolution ol8

>> No.16772256

yeah nah basically
good olde super smarties don't wear their hearts on their sleeves in the mainstream, though this place isn't exactly Athens, see:
>No U!

>> No.16772258

The Faustian spirit left Europe in the 19th century.
Europeans will never become the dominant cultural curators they once were ever again.

>> No.16772259

Academia is a spook (and a scam). If you consider yourself a rogue "academic" you're already too compromised. The only path is anti-academic and /lit/ has no place in such a realm. It's only for STEM.

>> No.16772263

Can somebody edit this pic but make it so it looks like he’s just been facefucked really hard? Because that expression is perfect. Getting me all worked up fuck

>> No.16772264

I would say yes. I've seen d'uh proses of many anon here. And I gotta say d'at im impressed by d'ere ability.

>> No.16772270

No it doesn't.

>> No.16772271

>haha jokes on you I didn't waste my money, just my life!
touché anon

>> No.16772280

Imagine seething over random strangers on the internet
No wonder you think wasting your time reading moldshit makes you a "Rogue Academic"

>> No.16772282

>Hurr-dee-durr let's pay an arm and a leg to study works that one can buy for <$100 USD on Amazon
Go to college for your career's sake, use your free time for your own sake.

>> No.16772291

Kill yourself, lesbian.

>> No.16772292

The point is that Moldshit is a moron who doesn't understand anything and thinks the New York Times staff promote communism

>> No.16772294

>Rogue Academic
I consider myself no such thing, anyone who identifies as such academic, rogue or otherwise is compromised.

>> No.16772295

Oh yawn. Another contumacious middle class white boy.
You just read "accelerationism" and "facism" together in a wikipedia article.
You don't even know why you're angry. You just are. It's hilarious.

>> No.16772305

Not an argument. You can log off 4chan at any time, anon, and you can go actually read books :)

>> No.16772311

I already predicted what the term without reading a word from him it's fucking obvious.
I am calling it a buzzword because Moldbug is a complete idiot who thinks modern cultural liberalism is communism.

>> No.16772319

>I don't know what I'm talking about
>the cathedral told me what to think and I haven't verified any of it
great job proving everyone wrong anon, you really showed them.

>> No.16772320

Have you ever considered that MSNBC is lying to you? lmao

>> No.16772323

I never even read moldbug and it's obvious an analogy on how these institutions are like a religion

>> No.16772324

Who is this baby faced chink?

>> No.16772326

a reminder that his real name is Robin Wu.

>> No.16772335

The only reason Europe is "the dominant cultural curator"has to do with technological, economic and military superiority, and if it stops being so in the future it would be because China or whoever gains dominance on the above sectors. Not because of Spengler buzzwords.

>> No.16772337

Based and tantizing. My newest fantasy
Sadly for French salons of the past this statement may be more true than you realize
Or they're seeking artistic sinicures
>No U
>Basically nah
Never is a long time
It's not the worst lit board in the world

>> No.16772344

Imagine thinking people competent enough to succeed in higher education instead of posting wojaks are the ones wasting their life

>> No.16772346

>modern cultural liberalism is communism.
I understand, as you've stated, you don't know what you're talking about. But this statement is black (a lie) propaganda. You perform some dramatic mental gymnastics to come to this conclusion, and it's probably based on Moldbug's resistance to calling anyone a communist and prefers the term "reds".

You've been lied to, but you don't care.

>> No.16772347

Astonishing that there's a whole generation of people out there who base their entire worldviews off of what they're sold. Like damn, man. All those news networks, journals, publications, higher education, all things created to profit off of ideas. Complete Stockholm syndrome. What better way than to make sure that this cash cow keeps producing, never questioning the systems that were built for it, keeping it firmly attached on that conveyor belt to the slaughterhouse.

>> No.16772352

>a humanities degree from a university is "higher education"
literally marketing buzzwords used to sell a product.

>> No.16772353

You'll still be here after you graduate, except you won't have a fucking decent job lol

>> No.16772356

What is this 'system' you are talking about?

>> No.16772360

>no coherent meaning
Is what you said, motherfucker. We can all read it right there, lol

Anyways, glad to see this development. Regardless of who holds the title.

>> No.16772366

Cabals and cartels have been made before among the elite of the world. Why would they care about us?
Brilliant to gate keep work, in cahoots with loan agencies and various deans.
Anons always forget that money is like a drug.

>> No.16772368

Smol-brain take. It's not just about profit, there is also a broader social agenda and ideology they have, and another they wish to instill.

>> No.16772374

Well no shit, idiot. That was implied. Sorry you have autism.
>Lucis Trust

>> No.16772377

>Oh yawn. Another contumacious middle class white boy.
>You just read "accelerationism" and "facism" together in a wikipedia article.
Friendly advice: If you want to insult someone don't project your own insecurities on them.
I am sorry but just because you read moldshit doesn't make you a rogue academic. You are just a punk.

>> No.16772383

actually you're right i'm retarded

>> No.16772387

That response was so predictable. Your faggot Alinsky tactics don't work here.