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/lit/ - Literature

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16769002 No.16769002 [Reply] [Original]

>My favorite author is Burroughs
What kind of person do you imagine?

>> No.16769005 [DELETED] 

An average dude. Wanna play LoL?

>> No.16769048

So the average man shoots his wife in the face? You sound like a dangerous man - I don't think I want to hang out with you...

>> No.16769068 [DELETED] 


>> No.16769080

Def like going to children's parks

>> No.16769166

A retard. Not in the internet "haha ur such a retard", but actually medically retarded.

>> No.16769219
File: 25 KB, 300x480, Rainer_Maria_Rilke,_1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite poet is Rilke
Who do you imagine?

>> No.16770652

redpilled degenerate

>> No.16770674
File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, bc3a72ed5c47e8c0dd5bc52028c5df5005-kanye-west.rsquare.w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite poet is Kanye

What kind of person do you imagine?

>> No.16770683

Extremely based.

>> No.16770692


>> No.16770772

It was an accident, bro, I was real torn up about it

>> No.16770838

the kind of guy that defends pedophilia

>> No.16770860

a man can either shoot his wife in the face or not
that's an 50 / 50 chance
50% so very average indeed

>> No.16770868

What do you mean, the op is asking what kind of person likes burroughs as an author, not whether they identify with the guy as much as humanly possible

>> No.16770905

>what kind of person likes burroughs

A person who's a piece of shit probably with lots of affectations. I've spent a lot a fair amount of time around the literary institutions that are associated with the Beat movement and this is is the conclusion I've come to. I once saw this phenomenon hit critical mass when I attended a book reading by Ferlinghetti.

>> No.16772039

jesus christ, he gets drunk and shoots his wife and everyone loses their shit. Rimbaud says "if you only knew how fucking stupid you look standing there with that fish in your hand!" and Verlaine shoots him and nobody says anything.

>> No.16772043

Burroughs was co-opted by the beats. his work wasn't beat any more than Hunter Thompson's was traditional journalism.

>> No.16772047
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My favorite writer is Louis-Ferdinand Céline, what kind of man do you imagine?

>> No.16772071

>What kind of person do you imagine?
Degenerate and directionless young man.

>> No.16772180
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Literally me

>> No.16773853

I think you're pretty gay sir

>> No.16773893

Anyone who did anything worthwhile with their life 40 years ago. Burroughs was instrumental in shaping cyberculture
Now you're all phonebots with dragondildos so far up your asses you think you have brains

>> No.16773982

It's cool. Ill paly LOL with you. What rank are you? Im plat 1 so we should have similar rank because I only play ranked.

>> No.16774106

Anon, lol is for faggots

>> No.16774158

Basically any contributor to early Industrial culture. As depraved as you can possibly imagine

>> No.16774167

anything similar to WSB kind of prose?

>> No.16774184


>> No.16774188

>Rimbaud says "if you only knew how fucking stupid you look standing there with that fish in your hand!" and Verlaine shoots him
this sounds like a skit making fun of Marcel Duchamp.

>> No.16774447

Wtf is the Rimbaud shit real?

>> No.16775289

I think Burroughs offers a ton of catharsis for pretty normal people, actually, who probably have healthy drug experimentation habits and decent lifestyles. The way he approaches degeneracy is never at the expense of some anger towards the world, there's very little in his books to convince you or persuade you that he's secretly noble-- which is pretty prevalent in a lot of addicts' novels. The objective coldness towards his lifestyle in Junkie, with little whining or martyrdom, makes it incredibly interesting and actually a little hard to relate to.

When I was at the zenith of my Burroughs phase, I think I was more drawn to him out of fascination than emulation.

>> No.16775419

you digest writers through your 'phases'? if you are older than 21, pls slit your throat.

>> No.16775525

A murdering junkie pederast who molests little brown catamites in liminal cities.

>> No.16775663

I don't like how known this makes me feel.

>> No.16775688

A based one.

>> No.16775730

Burroughs or Bukowski

>> No.16775767

Gibson and Ballard are kinda similar

>> No.16775769

Oh fuck off and go read a book

>> No.16776064


>> No.16776097

he was my favourite author at a point and i don't know how typical i was as a fan of him but here it was:
>drug addict
>rampant homosexual
>simultaneously self important and self deprecating
>constantly intellectualizing
>fetishizing all of the above qualities
if burroughs is your favourite author, it gets better and i feel for you

>> No.16776157

your average art-hoe wannabe…

>> No.16776403

Me, five to ten years ago. Still like him a lot though, one of the few authors whose books I have re-read

>> No.16776414

you missed

>> No.16776431

monkey man

>> No.16776922

well i wasnt those things so i didn't miss them, dick

>> No.16776932

A homosexual expat who lives in Morocco

>> No.16776978

a troon

>> No.16777105
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