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16768751 No.16768751 [Reply] [Original]

>he was a warlord. A conqueror
>it doesn't recognize the separation of church and state
>it's incompatible with Judeo-Christian values

Is his critique of Islam valid? Is it antithetical to the west?

>> No.16768781

Peterson would not dare criticize Jews.

>> No.16768812

I like jp but he's dead wrong when it comes to Islam. His recommended book on Islam is from a neo nazi propaganda misinformer, as such, his views reflect that.
Also he's retarded because judaism ultimately wants to have a monarchism with Jewish courts and laws so to claim "Judeo-Christians" are against that is dumb

>> No.16768817

Let's start where we have to start: Europe. The wave of attacks (3 in France, 1 in Austria) are just one example of the total failure of the multiculturalist project promoted by the postmodernist leftists that flooded Europe after World War II.

The first thing to understand is that neither the left nor the right will ever be definitively defeated. That idea of "the end of the story" (Fukuyama style) is far from possible. What will continue to happen is that both trends will continue to alternate.

Why? Because none have learned the basic lessons. That is why they fail again, they once again feed up the people, and they again provoke the voters to put the opposite pole in power. In Europe we are currently seeing the erosion of the left.


A) If Trump loses today, the right is not defeated. B) The attacks in France and the attack in Vienna show that, in reality, this time, it is the left that is defeated.

The European left scored a good success in understanding that it was pointless to destroy the capitalist economy, and on the basis of the free market it managed to build the famous European social-democratic model, which has been successful to a greater or lesser degree, in some countries. It is going well.

But they also gave in to an idiotic idea, stemming from a pang of conscience caused by the devastation of World War II and the Holocaust. From there arose a cultural flaw that is summarized as "white Europeans have been sons of bitches."

And don't tell me "but they have been." Let me explain something to you: we have ALL been. The WHOLE humanity still has not gotten rid of many of its distinctly animal behaviors (hey, 16 million years of primate evolution are not easily overcome just like that).

Europeans were only the best-armed and best-organized sons of bitches, and that's why they defeated other sons of bitches in other parts of the world. But struggles for power, exploitation, injustice, hunger and all that were the norm all over the world.

The detail - paradoxically - is that Europe is more philosophically advanced than the rest of the world, and the remorse of conscience (something that the Chinese, for example, still do not know) is due to a greater intellectual clarity typical of European culture.

Let me explain: at least, Europe already has the capacity to say "hey, we really were being assholes". The problem is that the new generations (since the 1960s) took that idea where they shouldn't. In other words, they took the postmodern-Foucauldian path.

The result is a philosophical mess disguised as a fight against injustice, called "post-colonialism". Beyond its intellectual rhetorical pyrotechnics, the bottom line in the minds of its adherents is that everything related to colonialist white Europe is bad.

>> No.16768825

LMAOOOOOO link? Proof? Where did he say this you mongoloid

>> No.16768829

>it's incompatible with Judeo-Christian values
It's the same exact shit rebranded

>> No.16768831

Hence an idiotic slogan: "you have to be with the resistance." And it is idiotic because - paradoxically - it departs from a fundamental idea put forward by Foucault: micropowers and their struggles are present throughout society, everywhere, all the time.

That's why we could see painful examples like Sartre defending a shitty genocidal maniac like Pol Pot. Because "he was against the empire." Or more or less intelligent people who continue to applaud Cuba and defend Fidel. Or Maduro. Or Chávez.

When you start to unravel all the speeches, in the end you only find a deep resentment against Western European culture. So it's not about thinking. Only to take sides, and it must be for resistance, even if it is equal or worse than brutal.

What is unique about the case is that it is an ideology promoted from within Europe, and that is why it is clear that it is due to a pang of conscience. Obviously, other brutal (and worse) ideologies like Soviet socialism before or extremist Islamism today, are happy.

Under this ideological notion, Europe tried a new form of multiculturalism since the 1980s or 1990s. One in which migrants were not forced to submit to the rule of (European) law, appealing to their right to preserve their identity.

Sounds cute, but it was bullshit. The only thing that was conceived was the creation of ghettos where extremism flows uncontrollably, and from which TERRORIST groups have emerged with their own agenda: to impose their ideas by force and subdue everyone else. Don't like something? They kill you.

A good example of this idiocy was the case of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who died in 2003 in Baghdad. De Mello was a great opponent of the USA. And he had good reason to be, but he never understood the scale of things.

>> No.16768839

The Iraqis responded with a bombing at the UN headquarters in Baghdad, and De Mello died in the rubble of his office. All for not being aware that there are also sons of bitches in the Arab world. Everywhere, not just in the West.

The recent attacks in Europe are the logical consequence of not understanding that there are groups to which if you give them an inch, they take a mile. The funny thing is that, deep down, there is still a deeply racist idea on the part of left-wing progressive Europeans.

According to this idea, the whole world is a group of animals without their own ideas that only react to the stimuli of the European white man. If Europe did everything wrong, it is inevitable that they will be angry and do terrorism. How to end terrorism? By giving up Europe.

Obviously they don't explain it to you like that. But that's what postcolonialism and modern multiculturalism are about, unwittingly. And not. The "others" are not animals that only react. They have ideas and projects of their own, and some are not good at all.

What is ahead? Simple: A European society who's fed up with this. One that, because it is uneducated, is impervious to philosophical sophistication, and prefers practical and direct projects in the style "we are going to annihilate terrorists", or "let's make Europe great again". Does it sound familiar?

The situation is creating the perfect scenario for sooner or later the extreme right to seize power in Europe. And then pandemonium is going to break out, and the Muslims are going to lose out. Too bad, because most of them are normal and peaceful people.

Therefore, even if Trump loses the election, that is not a defeat for the right. It would be, at best, a setback. The liberal, postcolonial left-wing ideological model has failed, and terror can take hold of Western societies.

If that happens, politicians like Trump will become increasingly common. And those who come will arrive with increasingly brutal projects and policies. So welcome all of you. The party is just beginning. The next 20 or 30 years are going to be a terrible mess.

And the funny thing is that almost nobody will understand what happens. The only thing I dare to assure you is that, after the worst, the system that will continue to strengthen will be the capitalist one. It is too pragmatic and adaptable, so it will survive like a crocodile.

Regarding the recent elections in the USA, they will not be the ones that determine a new course for the world. Pay attention to Europe. This is where the next stage of history is unfolding, with the right back to power.

>> No.16768858

it isn't

>> No.16768863

There's something else you could replace Islam with and it still works

>> No.16768915

Peterson went crazy as a punishment from the noumenal part of his soul at the impotence his phenomenical psychic to realise liberalism and equilibrium with the cosmos are incompatible.

let's give him some years and he may denounce the "jew"

>> No.16768916

>he was a warlord. A conqueror
This is bad because???

>> No.16768919

also this

>> No.16768925

t. underage edgelord

>> No.16768936

>The first thing to understand is that neither the left nor the right will ever be definitively defeated. That idea of "the end of the story" (Fukuyama style) is far from possible. What will continue to happen is that both trends will continue to alternate.
The issue is that the Left has unironically won socially everything that matters.
> But they also gave in to an idiotic idea, stemming from a pang of conscience caused by the devastation of World War II and the Holocaust. From there arose a cultural flaw that is summarized as "white Europeans have been sons of bitches."
> Europeans were only the best-armed and best-organized sons of bitches, and that's why they defeated other sons of bitches in other parts of the world. But struggles for power, exploitation, injustice, hunger and all that were the norm all over the world.
> The detail - paradoxically - is that Europe is more philosophically advanced than the rest of the world, and the remorse of conscience (something that the Chinese, for example, still do not know) is due to a greater intellectual clarity typical of European culture.
Native American here and I will have to agree.
I guess you refer to the General culture because I definitely have read chinese guys that admit guilt over atrocities.
But yeah, Western culture actually can self-analize themselves, which bizarrely makes them the morally superior culture despite that causing them to hate themselves.
Based Euros.
> That's why we could see painful examples like Sartre defending a shitty genocidal maniac like Pol Pot. Because "he was against the empire." Or more or less intelligent people who continue to applaud Cuba and defend Fidel. Or Maduro. Or Chávez.. When you start to unravel all the speeches, in the end you only find a deep resentment against Western European culture. So it's not about thinking. Only to take sides, and it must be for resistance, even if it is equal or worse than brutal.
Its because their culture pushes them to be, you just look ugly if you dare to say the right wingers have a point.
I literally got called a fascist for saying that the government that lasted less that one year and set up elections since their first week was NOT a dictatorship
The issue is that the modern Right is utterly unnatractive with outdated values that are repulsive for everyone outside their bubble.
Even critics of communism admit their enemies meant well, critics of fascism are all about how fascists are evil incarnate and nothing will top them.

>> No.16768948

Criticizing the jews gets you ostracized, but criticizing Islam gets your head chopped off. So yeah he is right.

>> No.16768958

Still waiting for an actual response.

>> No.16768979

Killing people is considered bad in modern Western society. A religion who worships a warlord prophet is seen as cringe.

>> No.16769011

>The "others" are not animals that only react. They have ideas and projects of their own, and some are not good at all.
More of less this, this is the failure of anti imperialism.
> The situation is creating the perfect scenario for sooner or later the extreme right to seize power in Europe. And then pandemonium is going to break out, and the Muslims are going to lose out. Too bad, because most of them are normal and peaceful people.
Yeah, this type of analysis that puts the blame on muslim extremists but realizes most muslims are just generic people is what is needed, not another tirade of "WHITE PEOPLE BAD" (Thought I agree French secularism radicalizes mulims rather easily, the answer is still more complex that secularism bad but still).
> The liberal, postcolonial left-wing ideological model has failed, and terror can take hold of Western societies.
I don't think so, no terrorist attack on Europe can traumatize people as much as the white supremacists in the west.
However...dunno, a European 9/11 that kills Jews would DEFINITELY change a lot of stuff because it would put the contradiction at its obviousness.
Mean you, it still wouldn't discredit it totally. I feel China and India would because it would show that, well, former colonized people can be awful.
Especially China because Westerners already take sides inside India, Modi is Hitler,etc.
But China? Oh boy, that is different.

>> No.16769030

> Or more or less intelligent people who continue to applaud Cuba and defend Fidel. Or Maduro. Or Chávez.. When you start to unravel all the speeches, in the end you only find a deep resentment against Western European culture.

That feel when you realize Cuba and Venezuela are countries which have western european cultures.

>> No.16769067

Not to the people that defend them

>> No.16769091

>Killing people is considered bad in modern Western society.
Last time I checked we participate in hero worship when it comes to our troops, who kill people our country perceives a bad.

>> No.16769104
File: 41 KB, 680x491, B091A24C-9335-4BCD-AB36-46EA0DF9C436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judeo-Christian values

>> No.16769106
File: 36 KB, 300x300, pepelaugh-emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't recognize the separation of church and state
I'm lolling out loud at North Americans' understanding of Christian values

>> No.16769113

Sounds like redneck American shit, not really Western European society.

>> No.16769118

Yeah, Redneck Americans are really hated by educated High Society, they hate their fellow countrymen even more that actual criminals

>> No.16769120

No, arabs that aren't dirt poor illiterate peasants like Marvel movies and interracial porn just as much as the average American.

>> No.16769122

t. South American.

>> No.16769135

A religion so peaceful and true that it only became widespread after conquest.

>> No.16769137

t. branquelo

>> No.16769153

I would say it’s not a valid criticism, separation of church and state is an invalid concept. The church has just changed as you can see with the case of America, the church is now the so-called liberal and democratic values which people will use to justify whatever ends they desire. A warlord? Warlords existed in every place and every time.

The real criticism of Islam is that it’s another crazy ideology and we don’t need one more crazy ideology in the West, especially one full of foreigners who want to take over politically and culturally. His reasons aren’t good but he has the right idea. The only reasons cucks are pro-Islam because they want to show everyone how tolerant they are and who better to show your tolerance with than rabid dogs

>> No.16769179

>A warlord? Warlords existed in every place and every time.
He means in relation to the modern West, not as a whole. A religion that worships a pedophile prophet-warlord can't seriously be part of the West.

>> No.16769280
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t. slave moralist

>> No.16769311

I'm just explaining why the West sees them like that.

>> No.16769320

this is your brain on "enlightenment." Christianity is Classical Hellenism grafted onto jewish folklore. What is the Christian God? John tells us in the first few versus of his gospel. God is the logos, which in translated into English as the "Word." (A terrible translation that loses all the meaning of the original word) God is the natural order/reasoning behind the universe. He is the same logos that the pre-christian philosophers talked about.

>> No.16769674

Without slave morality Islam wouldn't even be a thing. Abrahamic religion is notoriously rife with seethe revenge fantasies either here or in the afterworld.

>> No.16769732

Talking about hell in Islam most definitely serves more for keeping fear in the hearts of the believers than in contemplating the fate of one's enemies. It is referred in the latter context a few times but almost always it's a warning

>> No.16769897

literally just google it and it comes up lol?

>> No.16769913
File: 90 KB, 750x476, F98EF847-644E-4761-8F36-DC4FB364165F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, like 200 years together for example?
>”FFJCJFJFJDJDHHHFJFJFKDKFK” *overdoses on opiates*

>> No.16770067


> What other definition is there of Master?
Someone who is adept at something to the point of being viewed as a teacher or model in that field.
A state which muslims are incapable incapable of achieving, so there, Peterson debunked.

>> No.16770173

Get this pseud out of here

>> No.16770302

That was an issue of contemporary Anti-semitic belief, much like how poltards still spout out said nonsense.

>> No.16770319

>Islam already rules the world because youll get banned on twitter for being mean to muslims
Peterson is such a retard

>> No.16770544

the more i read and the more i live, the more i hate the metaphysical framework of the jews

>> No.16770765

There is a reason you post the most bleached looking womyns in birquas. Deep down you desire to be white western man with all his accomplishments and now you feel satisfied that as he's dying of old age you can fuck with him in ways you wouldn't dream of when he was in his prime.

Even if Westerners die out you and yours will never live up to the heights they achieved.

>> No.16770771

checked and 100% true of my own personal experiences

>> No.16770858

All of those things are true but it really amounts to a description and not a critique. Islam is a top-down phenomenon, mandated by conquest. Christianity was bottom-up, converting until it claimed the souls of emperors.

>> No.16770936
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>> No.16772055

This little essay seems like a cope desu. Nothing in the world suggests Europeans will do anything but continue to bend over for Muslims.

>> No.16772683

my most base gut reaction says that something doesn't seem quite right with mohammed compared to the descriptions of the lives of jesus and buddha, but that's just me

>> No.16773206

Of course they do, criminals are victims of the racist rednecks.

>> No.16773215

Please go back!

>> No.16773226

Pseud?? He's one of the most important philosophers of our time! You just don't understand what he is saying!

>> No.16773233

Achievements only count in the afterlife.

>> No.16773252

I would say this is decently accurate except in South East Asia where Muslim business ethics and Sufist nearly pantheistic teachings at the time were very attractive to the mystical hindu-buddhists that were very liquid and volatile in terms of their faith before settling for Islam.

>> No.16773260

He’s right desu. Islam is closer to aryan than judo-christian. Just look at Teutonic crusaders. Thank God we have moved past this barbarism and the Church has embraced its true ideals of love and temperance

>> No.16774264

>the Church has embraced its true ideals of love and temperance
Ah right, the age old practice of pederasty

>> No.16774292

The "Judeo" part is also incompatible with Christian values

>> No.16774516

Were the Teutonic and Briton converts not Christians because they didn't care about any of that shit and mostly couldn't read?

>> No.16774568

Slave morality.

>> No.16774576

What is the metaphysical framework of the Jews? What makes it so different from others?

>> No.16774602

What is he wrong about that considerably alters the validity of his whole shtick?

>> No.16774754

>>he was a warlord. A conqueror
So were Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, and a whole bunch of Judeo-Christian prophets. Fuck, one of the names of God Himself is Lord of Hosts, being a conqueror and a warlord is almost a prerequisite to being a prophet of God.
>>it doesn't recognize the separation of church and state
Neither did Judaism for 4000 years. Christianity might have cucked to the Romans, but the Lord of Hosts does not care about separating state from religion. Half the Old Testament is about matters of state and rule and law and punishment, Islam is closer to the Judaic system than Christianity is.
>>it's incompatible with Judeo-Christian values
It's always weird to me when these Americanized Christians try to make this connection between Judaism and Christianity. If anything, Islam is more closely related to Judaism than Christianity has ever been. Christianity is the odd one out in most aspects. Jews and Muslims have similar dietary laws, they both follow the commandments, they both hold to the pact between God and Abraham, and they both agree that Christianity is pagan and polytheistic. Ask any Jew or any Muslim which religion they share more in common with. They both agree trinitarian belief is completely contrary to all prophetic teachings, since the time of Abraham, or Noah before him. Christians should stop trying to keep Islam at a distance while drawing near to Judaism. Islam is closer to the prophets than Christianity has been for the past two thousand years.

>> No.16774995

> all btfo by >>16774754
thats probably because u know nothing about the prophet. its really sad how one of, if not THE most influential single man in all of human history is so neglected in western schooling. there is not a single righteous or commendable trait exhibited by buddha or jesus that was not shared and even perfected by the prophet muhammed. 4channelers on this board will never give a fair representation of him, because they all obsessively larp as christians and defenders of western culture, and all their arguments can be summed up in meme format.
but the fact remains, few if any individuals have been as important to human history as the prophet.

he was an orphaned shepherd, who grew up to become one of the most respected people in his society. he was made prophet, in a society submerged in idolatry, sexual immorality, and every type of sin. he preached to his people in hiding, then in the open, to worship God alone and to fear and love Him in all dealings and above all else. his message was the same as all prophets before - worship God alone, and do good deeds, and stay away from sin. his people rejected him, as the people of Noah and Abraham rejected them. he was first insulted, then attacked, then beaten and persecuted to the point where he and the few who followed him were in danger for their lives. he and his followers fled their homes and livelihoods, and had to seek refuge with strangers, as Moses had two thousand years prior. there, in the city Yathrib, ruled by pagan arabs and jews, the muslims grew in number. the pagans of Mecca were not content in chasing them out of their homes and stealing their possessions, so they kept coming after them, until they attacked the muslims at Badr, then later in Uhud, then later in the outskirts of Yathrib/Medina. these battles were all defensive on the side of the muslims, with the pagan Meccans being on the offensive.

yet, after all these years of conflict and persecution, when the prophet was given power and came back to Mecca as a conqueror, he did not fight the people. he gathered his enemies of 20+ years, who had starved him and his people to the point his wife died, who had killed his companions and his family members, who had chased him out of his home, who had come after him to the land he sought refuge to wage war against him, and who had done all of this just because he worshipped God alone. he gathered these people in front of him, and he told them that all their previous crimes were forgiven, and they would not be punished. after this proclamation of amnesty, even his worst enemies, like abu sufyan ibn harb, ikrimah ibn abu jahl, hind bint utbah, and many others - people who had fought him tooth and nail for decades - all of them entered into Islam, and left behind idol worship. 1/2

>> No.16775007

prophet muhammed lived like an ascetic, despite holding nations in his hand. thousands would give their lives and wealth for him, yet he went hungry almost every day. his wife said they only cooked meat every few months, and most of the time lived off of a few date fruits and water or milk. he could have taken the money given to him by his followers, but he gave that money to those even more poor than himself. he was an emperor living the life of a shepherd. he was a king wearing the clothes of a poor man. he had a nation at his beck and call, yet he didn’t afford himself the luxury of eating meat or bread. a companion of the prophet once asked him for the cloak he was wearing, and the prophet took it off his own back and gave it to him as a gift. the other companions present later yelled at the man, asking him why he would do such a thing, because everyone knew muhammed never turned away a hand that asked of him. the man said he wanted to have at least this cloak of the prophet, so he could be buried in it when he died. those who hate this man, or think him a tyrant or an immoral man, either know nothing of him, or have sickness in their hearts. this man was a model for all of humanity in manners, morals, and devotion to God. he was the image of a prophet, no different from thousands of prophets sent by God in the past. if there is any man in all of human history deserving of the title of prophet, it was him. may God shower him with His peace and blessings, and unite us with him in Jannah

>> No.16775038

I have a question for you.
In which of his books does he go into detail about this?

I'm also interested in defining secularism, the separation of church and state is insufficient as a descriptor.

>> No.16775049

>does nothing but twirl around the point with logical fallacies

Please donate your router to charity where it can be useful.

>> No.16775083

what point have i twirled around? the anon said he had an issue, and thought the prophet muhammed didnt measure up with prophet jesus or the buddha. i said he most likely knows little or nothing about the prophet muhammed, and that if he did know about his life and work, he would probably feel differently

>> No.16775292


>> No.16775467

What about this?



>> No.16775512

I'm not sure if you know what a logical fallacy is. Better do a quick search and check it out hey.

>> No.16775708

>criticizes islam
>"this proves you can't criticize islam"
How do pseuds take this dude seriously, what do they think happens if people criticize Islam? How the fuck is it dangerous? People everywhere criticize Islam 24/7, how fucking dumb is this guy?

>> No.16775718

you can't go on /lit/ and make false claims about books you haven't read, we actually read here we sniff your idiocy out immediately

>> No.16775770

The problem is that Europeans can't comprehend a reality in which brown people did something better than them. Islam is the single greatest thing to ever happen to mankind.

>> No.16775811
File: 20 KB, 326x272, 89D62268-7783-450B-BCE5-95A4D2BC5CA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this meme end?


Extremely BASED

>> No.16775885

>what do they think happens if people criticize Islam?

You get hundreds of death threads and in many cases actually killed. Are you living under a rock??

>> No.16775915

Explain yourself.

>> No.16775936

Take your meds, have sex and get over yourself.

>> No.16775958

criticism =/= purposefully goading to anger to elicit violent response

>> No.16776293


>> No.16776311

Not every culture can be goaded into beheading someone in the streets in broad daylight by a simple cartoon and still claim moral superiority, I'll concede that.

>> No.16776382

Islam is just christian fan fiction which is just jewish fan fiction

>> No.16776725

>Islam is the single greatest thing to ever happen to mankind.
It literally is not.

>> No.16776849

Annoyingly postmodern.

>Not every culture
Islam is a religion.

>can be goaded into beheading someone in the streets in broad daylight
The place and time are irrelevant except for the emotional response, which may or may not have been on purpose. What you ought to look at is the judicial process or lack thereof.

>by a simple cartoon
This is the thing, the outcome is the same although the tool used can be different. The cartoons are no longer 'simple', they are absolutely offensive to Muslims that's just a plain fact. If you want to argue that Muslims shouldn't be offended you can try that.

>and still claim moral superiority
This I'm not sure if it's relevant either, but I am sure it's redundant as every religion will claim this.

>> No.16777065

christianity is not compatible with talmudic values as well

>> No.16778805

Le based response!! Based xD!

Address the argument and stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.16778838

>if you want to argue muslims shouldn't be offended by that
Whether they are offended or not is irrelevant. I don't care what response their culture dictates when one is offended or happy or sad; Islam has its people killing people over cartoons and obviously has a large fraction of its adherents being okay with if not outright encourage it.

As for the rest of your statement, I can only utter the following: have sex.