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16768141 No.16768141 [Reply] [Original]

>"that that"

>> No.16768146
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>tum cum

>> No.16768166

Thought I was the only one who hated this. I've seen it in major novels. Blood Meridian included. Cormac doesn't like punctuation but uses "that that" pseud confirmed?

>> No.16768187

>"kna mean?"

>> No.16768195

>There's no there there

>> No.16768196

I used "there there" in a line of verse today. (And not in the sense of "there there, don't cry", either.)

>> No.16768202

>"I hate that."
>"That that that bad writers use."
>"Oh. That is annoying."

>> No.16768233

James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.

>> No.16768337

I've literally never seen that.

>> No.16768522

That that you've never seen does very well exist.

>> No.16768594
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>> No.16768600


>> No.16768605

It's avoidable. Cormac probably just likes it haha.

>> No.16768745

>"that that had had to have had"

>> No.16768748

or when you stumble upon an "is is" thing

>> No.16768769

That that that that that you read is worthy to you of making a thread is evidence enough of your small-minded hatred of the most elegant english language.

>> No.16768934
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I'm able to comprehend this sentence with 4 thats in it but that 5th that is fucking me up

>> No.16768942
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>"que ce"

>> No.16768945

wait nevermind I just got it

>> No.16768965

Imagine being triggered by the grammatically correct repetition of a word.

>> No.16769362

>That that that that that you had had had to have had an effect on your affect

>> No.16769730


>> No.16770453

The book or the phrase?

>> No.16771103

Sometimes fixing a "that that" makes the text more cumbersome than simply letting the infelicitous phrase lie.

>> No.16771288
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>in this context

>> No.16771305
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>> No.16771530

nothing with that that you think it's a problem is the problem