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File: 23 KB, 384x384, RC_Waldun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16766448 No.16766448 [Reply] [Original]

Norman Mailer published his first novel at 19 so why does RC get shit on for it?

Chigga's got ambition.

>> No.16766452

Well, he's no Norman Mailer, for one.
Anyone read Ancient Evenings? What did you think?

>> No.16766456
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1593267386284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like i could crush this faggots neck like a grape
yeah a couple of years of 10-hour-a-day manual labour days will do that lol

>> No.16766460

Mailer was 25 when The Naked and the Dead got published.

>> No.16766466

He published short works before that.

>> No.16766469


Reminder that he doesn't actually read the books he reads he skims them

>> No.16766470

Wu, is that you? Stop posting yourself on /lit/ im tired of seeing your face around.

>> No.16766474

Good for you bud. Now go break your back at your construction job while Waldun gets comfy at Robinson's

>> No.16766477

every writer who published a shitty debut got shat upon and some keep on writing and let the debuts be footnotes. it should be clear that a debut in question may never expose absolute plebdom or wannabe artistry with no life experience ever.

>> No.16766479

RC's problem is that he's not an autist, he lacks the divine spark of retardation, he's actually a serious and normal young man, that's why he can only adopt the exterior trappings of what he aspires to

>> No.16766484

That Eragon kid published his first novel at age 15

Mary Shelley published her first novel at age 20

>> No.16766489

>Now go break your back
can't break it if you keep it straight dyel

>> No.16766495

Orient, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Or-ree-ent: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Orr. Ree. Ent. He was Orr, plain Orr, in the morning, standing five feet eight in one sock. He was R.C in slacks. He was Waldun at school. He was Robin on the dotted line. But in my arms he was always Orient.

>> No.16766504

Both genre fiction. This guy believes he is ‘literary’

>> No.16766574

A question not related.
But is there any writer who was really successful without education?

Bolano dropped out high school and his books are pretty decent. Debord dropped out uni and he was a philosopher (not sure if good) and Spinoza, Stirner although they studied they had no degree I think.

>> No.16766591

OnlyFans with self-penetration when?

>> No.16766592

Dostoevsky was some kind of military engineer, no formal training in literature, philosophy or any kind of humanities.

>> No.16766596

Borges didn't go to University.

>> No.16766600

Harry mulisch

>> No.16766606

anyone under the age of 30 has nothing worthwhile to write about

>> No.16766608

Every comment after this is garbage

>> No.16766614

there are no good authors who came from literary education

>> No.16766625

eragon was just star wars with dragons and he wasn't a pseud trying too hard.

Mary Shelley's husband was Percy Shelley and her mom was Mary Wollstonecraft. She wasn't RC Waldun

>> No.16766637

Wrong. I do. Last night I wrote a piece about a Fleshlightesque homunculus creature. A female form, biotechnically-infused latex, clear, so you can you see your own venereal fluid suctioned out of yourself via a strong vacuum motor. Who wouldn't want to read about a living latex woman who has semen pumping through her body that you can see circulating through her clear epidermis?

>> No.16766640

This is exactly the reason why I am asking this question.
Because in technology we have Bill Gates, Steve Jobs even Nikola Tesla. They are all dropped out, but they somehow changed the industry and I am looking for something similar in /lit/.

>> No.16766695

are you subnormal?

>> No.16766853

Imagine placing Steve Jobs in the same sentence with two engineers, yikes.

>> No.16766885


>> No.16767029


>> No.16767057

Norman Mailer probably didn't have grammatical errors in the very opening of his book, for one.

>> No.16767279

This. Also Gass.

>> No.16768369

back to /fit/ you insecure cretin

>> No.16768385

Ray Bradbury never went to college and he's one of the most successful genre fiction authors of all time

>> No.16768473

Sounds like you've had a tough life.

>> No.16768493

Homer didn't even know how to read a wrote the Odyssey

>> No.16768527

Idk, people actually seem to like him aside from the meme >>16768080

>> No.16769469

RIP Waldun

>> No.16769510

Scathing critique

Arsey Walton just doesn't have it in him

>> No.16769519

I get this weird domino effect from his face. First, I hone in on the nose and think what a monstrous dinosaur nose. But then I think, maybe the eyes are even weirder? Afterwards you look at his lips, which are somehow unpleasant but in a vague way. Finally, you shift to the puffy, estrogenic cheeks that frames it all. Most of all I think it's the nose though...

>> No.16769530

Frankenstein is proper literary fiction. The 'genre' label is a later and modern addition.

>> No.16769531

why the fuck do i keep seeing this chink. does /lit/ have the yellowfever for chink twinks? What the fuck has he done?

>> No.16769540

He's an author and a decent one at that

>> No.16769557

i havent read him and i never will, but i can tell simply from the memes of him being a polymath and a dark academic or whatever, that he would make tao lin look like tolstoy

>> No.16769584

Gates might have an education but he bought MS-DOS from some guy at the uni.

>> No.16769601

I'm willing to bet that this faggot spends half his day creating these threads to shill his book and channel. Fuck you chink.

>> No.16769616

If people are annoyed and think he's spamming the board, all they would have to do to get him to stop is start rating his book with 1 star on Goodreads. Few enough people have rated him that a couple dozen 1 star ratigns would put the nail in the coffin of his YA novelist career.

>> No.16769620

Teens should stick to poetry and short stories. You're too clueless about life and lack sufficient insight into people to write a novel that has anything other than one dimensional characters and implausible, muddled sentimentality .

>> No.16769626

that's a good idea. thanks anon

>> No.16769635

On average at least

>> No.16769645

>Chigga's got ambition.
Wrong. Asians like him are only doing this because they have an overbearing mother forcing them to do this shit. Once they become independent, they fizzle out into mediocrity. Actual asians that are self-drive are clear as day; he's not one of them.

>> No.16769657

so that’s how you get strong

>> No.16769668

Gore Vidal

>> No.16769818

>I'm one of those crazy people that drift in and out of libraries and bookstores: traversing down the lanes full of books written by dead people (or people that are alive)
Sure he's not an autist?

>> No.16769939

this was painful

>> No.16770013

coconut roll pilled

>> No.16770088

that's the most arthoesque thing I've ever heard

>> No.16770095

>he's actually a serious and normal young man

There's nothing serious about him. His interest in books is a YouTube aesthetic to attract views, nothing more.

>> No.16770107


>> No.16770108


>> No.16770116

doesn't he have a video that says the exact opposite?
you're just reposting what that retard from yesterday posted

>> No.16770132 [DELETED] 

is there anything more hideous than these triangle shaped pig noses? god just looking at his gook freak makes me want to hurl.

>> No.16770141 [DELETED] 

stop trying to fit in so hard

>> No.16770146 [DELETED] 

get a rhinoplasty chang

>> No.16770149

Absolutely withering attack

>> No.16770155 [DELETED] 

Norman mailer was a kike.

>> No.16770222


>> No.16770604

Pynchon studied engineering at Cornell

>> No.16770622

His mannerisms upset me for some reason. Maybe it's the intonation of his voice or his choice of words, I don't know.

>> No.16770654

He dropped out to join the Navy, then came back to Cornell to take English.

>> No.16770801

big talk from a literal tripfag, tripfag

>> No.16770835

If he spoke slower he might remember that plurals exist. Surely they covered that in his ESL classes.

>> No.16770880

This video made me think he's ESL. I watched some of his more recent videos and his English seemed less broken.

>> No.16771008

If waldo was a walda we'd be simping rn

>> No.16771013

Who is this guy? I've seen him everywhere here and I don't get it.

>> No.16771016

Sometimes he forgets articles too. Like in his collab with cliff le sargent he does it a couple times

>> No.16771019

Just a twink

>> No.16771032

He's is an eceleb that gives advice on every topic while producing absolute garbage that completely exposes him. I wish I could have seen his reaction to opening Finnegan's wake the first time... It's on his shelf in one of the vidoes

>> No.16771060

Melville had no schooling beyond 12-13 because his father died leaving behind massive debts.

>> No.16771077

Mostly right but Fitzgerald published Gatsby at 29, and Hemingway published TSaR at 27 (and In Our Time a year before that was amazing for a young writer as well). Both had WW1 to wisen them up and psychologically age them faster tho, so that helped.

>> No.16771092

Pynchon was 26 when V. was published.

>> No.16771119


>> No.16771125

and Gaddis

>> No.16771280

Gaddis too iirc

>> No.16771287

Gaddis as well desu

>> No.16771293

Yeah, now that you say it, Gaddis too.

>> No.16771324

>he says this, when he hasn't read my romantic femdom erotica series

>> No.16771414

Have you read it? It's not far from pulp.

>> No.16771425

oh shit you're right, forgot about him

>> No.16771453

Do you know any of the historical context surrounding the publication of Frankenstein? It would be good to familiarize yourself with it before speaking.

>> No.16771454

I mean The Outsiders was written by a 16 yr old. I think its more that teenagers who set about to 'say something' and to emulate the writing styles of literary greats from decades ago are doomed to fail. Teens who write what they know (as cliche as it might be) and in their own voice using language that is natural and similar to the way they and their peers speak can end up producing good stuff.

>> No.16771577

The historical context? Listen to yourself. Let me guess, you just got out of 11th grade ela and during October your 35 year old unmarried female teacher told you that Mary Shelley sat around a fire with her husband and his fellow Romantics and created the novel as part of a competition between them? Fucking dunce. The backstory proves its pulp/genre fiction.

>> No.16771582

Oblivion by Wintersleep is a really catchy song

>> No.16771598

Yeah again it's got nothing to do with its status as pulp or whatever. The novel at that time was very in vogue and Frankenstein was especially popular because of its subversiveness. Do you know nothing of the popularity of gothic fiction? Of the novel at large? Again, it would do you well to familiarize yourself before trying to flex on /lit/. I highly doubt you even know what pulp is beyond the genre Quentin Tarantino named his movie after.

>> No.16771611

>Mary Shelley sat around a fire with her husband and his fellow Romantics and created the novel as part of a competition between them
And yes, they vacationed and read Fantasmagoriana, a seminal French collection of supernatural literature and decided to create their own stories in a similar vein. You can posture and sneer all you want but there is no denying the impact that Mary Shelley and John William Polidori had on literature at large. It's laughable that you think you're somehow above those whose names will be remembered long after you're dead and in the ground. Keep crying on /lit/, though. I'm sure the New Yorker will come knocking on your door some day.

>> No.16771617

I like Frankenstein. It is very pulpy but that doesn't mean it is without literary merit. Mary Shelley gets a lot of hate but I think it's unfounded: When you consider how surrounded by literati she was, from her father, mother, husband and friends, it's no surprise she defies the concept that women can't write good literature

>> No.16771624

Oh it's certainly pulpy but it's retarded to say that it was regarded as pulpy in its time. It most certainly was not.

>> No.16771626

No, it's just faggotry.
So strange how our simple intuition proves to be more accurate than any research. He's just a normal, disciplined person. Nothing to mock him for, but all great writers were anything but normal individuals.

>> No.16771633

There was no shortage of 2nd year English lit students at my uni who decided they wanted to spend their money to get their little vanity publishing projects to sell to their classmates.
Truly awful.

>> No.16771640

I quite agree. Its approach to monsters was quite fresh and apt for the age of enlightenment.

>> No.16771675

Raymond Chandler. Pulp is being used in the pejorative to denote 'genre' fiction in general which Frankenstein undeniably is.
No one said 'for its time' retard.

>> No.16771689

link it anon