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16759930 No.16759930 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Marx and Marxism?

>> No.16759934

First volume of Capital honestly. If not looking for a major investment, find a matx-engels reader and/or a terry eagleton book

>> No.16759938


>> No.16759948

The Complete Works of Plato

>> No.16759949


Communist Manifesto. Marx is unironically retarded though. Read Rousseau and Hegel instead.

>> No.16759951

Read Hegel and Smith and Ricardo and you will know Marx.

>> No.16759993

Marx - The German Ideology, Value Price and Profit, Wage Labour and Capital, Gundrisse

Engels - Socialism: Utopian & Scientific, Principles of Communism, The Origin of Family Private Property & The State, Anti-Duhring, Dialectics of Nature

Lenin - Imperialism, State & Revolution, Development of Capitalism in Russia

Trotsky - ABCs of Materialist Dialectics, The Revolution Betrayed, Permanent Revolution

Stalin - Historical and Dialectical Materialism, Marxism or Anarchism, Marxism and The National Question, Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR

Gramsci - An Antonio Gramsci Reader

Bordiga - Dialogues with Stalin

Deleuze - Anti-Oedipus

And now you have a decent framework which you can use to analyze the less important works.

>> No.16759994

Lenin's introduction to Marx, Engels, Marxism

>> No.16759999
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I would start with The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, anon.

>> No.16760034

shut nigger

Listen to me OP: you should start by:
On order: theses on Feuerbach, Critique of Ideology, The Communist Manifesto, Capital...

>> No.16760035

Critique of the Gotha Program
All 3 Volumes of Capital

Further reading
Isaak Illich Rubin-Essays on Marx's Theory of Value
Michael Heinrich-An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital
Moishe Postone-Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory

>> No.16760102

I don't need to read marx just to know he's trash just like I don't need to read harry potter to know it's trash.

>> No.16760113

Plato is anti-democracy, planned economy.

>> No.16760124
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Karl Marx was retroactively refuted by Charles Darwin (pbuh)

>> No.16760130
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this, includes reading guides that you can follow on each topic

>> No.16760173
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Read whatever you want. It won't change the fact that you are only yourself and all other Higher Causes are mere illusions in your mind.

>> No.16760364

Holy based

>> No.16760370
File: 540 KB, 1920x1080, MIA marxist introduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this chart

>> No.16760596

Marx shouldn't need reading guides. It's not Hegel, Heraclites or Parmenides.
Das Kapital Volume 1. But volume 3 is the most important, so you have to read volume 1 before, in order to understand it.

>> No.16760611

If the image was more accurate, it would have been pigeons.

>> No.16760638

I'm white. You honestly don't need to read the theses unless you want a deep dive.

>> No.16760698

Don't want to make another thread. What should I read from Max Stirner the spooks guy?

>> No.16760715
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Was Marx a Platonist?

>> No.16760718

>terry eagleton

>> No.16760723


>> No.16760725

Still never gonna read Marx OP I value my masculinity

>> No.16760753

with the greeks, spinoza, hegel, french revolution people etc

now a normal answer. Wage Labour and Capital for the economic part and The German Ideology for the philosophy part.

>> No.16760759


>> No.16760772

>read social and capital theory of guy who never experienced modern industry standards of labor
>didn’t experience union
>didn’t experience modern labor vs production ratios
>didn’t experience high wages
>didn’t experience non child labor
>didn’t experience workplace safety standards

Don’t waste your time op. This hack literally did nothing with his life other then leech off his rich friends and shit post about his made up ideology. Marx was basically your average 4chan users. Regard nothing he said seriously. It’s all feel good revolution bullshit like most.

>> No.16760774
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You start and end with Bohm.

>> No.16760820

Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses

>> No.16760846

the unique and its property

>> No.16761809

>Didn't experience Capitalism final crisis

>> No.16761834

What? He's fine at introducing literary and marxist theory. Not everything has to be a massive dive.

>> No.16761844

marx said communism is the inevitable result after capitalism succeeds itself
so u dont really need to read marx bc, according to marx, marx is just gonna happen anyway

what u should really do is accelerate capitalism

>> No.16761901
File: 362 KB, 1183x866, Marx and Engels on Stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx's critique of Stirner.

>> No.16762246

>what u should really do is accelerate capitalism

>> No.16762265

>Where do I start with Marx and Marxism?
This may seem like a long shot but have you considered starting with Marx?

>> No.16762420

the question was oriented towards which book(s) specifically

>> No.16762662
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Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf.

>> No.16762805

you don't