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File: 673 KB, 1387x1040, Hsu-Mark-Fisher-K-Punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16758109 No.16758109 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Mark Fisher?

>> No.16758124

Never read him. See no reason to do so.

>> No.16758189


>> No.16758294

I'm 36, he's great for people who have some memories of the late 80s and early 90s (or older) - his work is a eulogy to the cultural possibilities of the post-war settlement. It's a shame that he has nothing to say to Zoomers at all, his work is limited to a cultural critique of neoliberalism- if that is all you know then I'm not sure it will mean much to you. I do wish he tackled Hauntology better, I really do not think, at bottom, that he does not understand the concept and his misunderstanding is now popularised, it seems I read a mangled and vague allusion to Hauntology most weeks now, so tiresome.

>> No.16758454


buying K-Punk while drunk was the best decision i made last year. asking my ex out was the worst

>> No.16758510

>he does not understand the concept and his misunderstanding is now popularised
Would be interested in reading your understanding of hauntology.

>> No.16758549


>> No.16758592

I like his work. I don't think he says anything really new though. Leftist theory seems in the same slump fisher describes politically/culturally. I guess he himself recognizes this.

>> No.16758721

I don't think he misused derrida's term, but rather interpreted it in a different context. Iirc he said that in ghosts of my life.

>> No.16758809

I do like him but reading ghosts of my life was almost redundant. It had some very interesting takes and observations but I think he should've combined this book and capitalist realism together. I read CR first and when I read ghosts later on I felt like he's hardly telling me anything new.
Also he wrote too much about british pop culture than I really cared for.

>> No.16758834

i haven't read him, just some extracts and i got exactly zero from them, started reading Vampire Castle and it felt like i was reading nothing, like words come in but nothing was happening there

>> No.16758954

This is what I meant, thank you, anon. My own view is that it's his own personal and elaborated account of cultural lack.

Put simply, Derrida is talking about the unmarked - absent or hidden events and phenomena that are sort of ghost-signifers that interact with suffering and angst. This happens on a collective and personal level. They're unavoidable in individualised and ostensibly choice-directed identities - "I am (we are) *this*" is the wanted part of that identity - its shadow side "I am (we are) *not this*" nonetheless has a background reality and will always be threaded (in a ghostly fashion) into suffering.

>> No.16758956

I like Capitalism Realism a lot

>> No.16758958

nigga, that's Norm McDonald founder of McDonalds, you high?

>> No.16758985

K-Punk is essential reading, completely and utterly btfo midwits who think that fart-sniffers like Nabakov are good writers.

>> No.16759025

accfag recs are worse than butterfag recs

>> No.16759265
File: 86 KB, 500x500, aaagravestoneripresizedmarkfisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also like mark fisher

ur gay

sounds like ur a dumdum

>> No.16759279

what did the vampire castle mean?

>> No.16759302
File: 47 KB, 330x500, nk_coil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coil are pretty cool, OP

>> No.16759311


>> No.16759324

Mark Fisher probably liked Coil desu.

>> No.16759325

Is it true he killed himself because trannies were bullying him?

>> No.16759335

No, he was completely and utterly disillusioned with life. He had a Debord moment and realised life would just get worse and worse, there will never be another moment of high art, never be anything worth fighting for. Years as a precariat academic utilising his creative energies to make money was also a big part of this.

>> No.16759339

The trannies were just one part that convinced him the left was completely taken over by these freaks, it had been like that for decades but it takes a lot to accept that the left is irredeemably fucked.

>> No.16759340

I read part of Capitalist Realism and thought it was hypocritical trash.

>> No.16759343


>> No.16759361

To make that many references to popular art created in capitalist countries while simultaneously regarding capitalism as an imminent problem seems hypocritical to me.

>> No.16759387
File: 83 KB, 873x748, mark-fisher-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it was ever made clear why he did it, but I guess he had really low confidence. when did he ever say anything about trannies though? are you talking about twitter liberals?

>> No.16759393

You seriously need to read it again. Mark Fisher's whole point is that the popular art of the 60s, 70s and (to a lesser extent) the 80s and 90s, was so interesting and creative because it was caused by the introduction of a new class of people created by Social Democracy (a group Simon Reynolds called the liminal class) and is an example of what collective measures can produce artistically. He traces a sharp drop in creativity and increase in uniformity with the emergence of neoliberalism, where Social Democracy is gutted and free time is massively reduced.

I have, of course, seriously simplified his point. I'd recommend dipping into his K-Punk blog (just search K-Punk on google). He is primarily interested in art and his critiques of Capitalism are largely filtered through that perspective.

>> No.16759405

The Vampire Castle cleary touches upon toxic idpol twitter culture. On one of the online pages that contains the essay, the comments are pretty bad, and really shows how sick these people are.

>> No.16759411

Didn't know he had a son :(

>> No.16759418

wew, sad that the guy died and left his family, but imagine getting a "hunger games" quote on your facebook epitaph...

>> No.16759420

holy cringe.
stop reading pseuds

>> No.16759429

>Mark Fisher's whole point is that the popular art of the 60s, 70s and (to a lesser extent) the 80s and 90s, was so interesting and creative
was it?

>> No.16759437

ok bro
Does capitalist realism not touch on that? I did read it about 5 years ago, so maybe I have his argument mixed with those made in his K-Punk blog

>> No.16759445

he actually quoted that book in one of his lectures because he thought that the very idea of hunger games is reminiscent of the postmodern condition for young people

>> No.16759454

Women are gonna women anon.

>> No.16759460

isn't hunger games just battle royale for zoomers?

>> No.16759465

>Social Democracy
The US isn't the only country to have adopted this and yet other countries did not produce the same amount of art in those decades. It seems like a flawed analysis to ignore the importance of the capitalist preconditions in the country in relation to the country's artistic output.

>> No.16759471

Yes, but Mark Fisher liked to use references he knew most people would get. I think he was desperate to knock people out of their anhedonic haze, if he could get them thinking deeper about the shit they consumed, maybe it would have a knock-on effect. I don't agree with him, but it was a valiant effort I suppose.

>> No.16759480

wasn't it just a cultural imperialist machine pumped full of money?

>> No.16759496

Which is why I focused upon Social Democracy introducing the liminal class into culture, he of course would recognise the long history of influence produced by works in another economic situation, but some compartmentalisation is necessary.

>> No.16759568

Only read The weird and the eerie, was pretty entertaining. I should read Capitalist realism at some point.

>> No.16759597
File: 121 KB, 614x518, 1604011774674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accfag makes every thread

>> No.16759695

Terrible writer and a boring person. Met him a couple of times IRL. Really not than interesting a guy, elevated by suicide and general left mediocraty.

>> No.16761295

bit self absorbed though, surely he could have acknowledged the dire state of things but kept going for his wife and son's sake

>> No.16761318

Ya, been reading K punk recently. Pretty sad this is all there's ever gonna be.

>> No.16761378

hes the quintessential 'music journalist'. things seem dead because its easier to be a spurgy fantano or an e celeb dj, but no theres lots of new good music just gotta look

>> No.16761545

Yeah, I just started reading Ghosts of My Life and found it interesting up until I hit the chapter about Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Haven't read further, but I can tell the rest of my investment will lie solely on if I care about/have interacted with whatever piece of pop culture he's talking about

>> No.16761626

Capitalist Realism is only like 80 pages you can knock it out in one sitting

>> No.16761845

>the rest of my investment will lie solely on if I care about/have interacted with whatever piece of pop culture he's talking about
that was the case for me as well, although I probably only skipped 3 chapters

>> No.16762098

He's a failed academic with basic, boring contributions to "theory". He is overrated, and idolized just because he offed himself. If he was alive, he'd be literally who

>> No.16762292

sounds like a shitty year anon