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16754577 No.16754577 [Reply] [Original]

What is your most odd or unconventional belief?

>> No.16754605

I unironically believe in Gnosticism. It's the only cosmology that more or less makes sense to me.

>> No.16754617

Solipsism. I don't actually believe any of you are real.

>> No.16754621

its me all along

>> No.16754622

Euripide > Eschyle

>> No.16754654

I believe that emotions tinge our perception of reality so much that the same concept can vary greatly in the same person from one day to the next. We are but puppets whose rationality is constantly clouded and rarely takes control. I never understood the questioning of free will until I realized that; we are slaves to out own feelings, and any decision we take will be dictated by our hearts rather than our brain.
I remember that story some anon told here about how, when trying to bring up the idea of "lack of free will" in party a dudebro clapped his hand mocking him for saying that. If that dude had been in a different mood, he would have punched that anon instead.

>> No.16754660

It's turtles all the way down

>> No.16754668

Women are evil

>> No.16754669

Matter does not exist.

>> No.16754688

Solipsism is correct and retarded.

>> No.16754701

Only immaterial substances exist, and they exist materially

>> No.16754746

i don't believe that most of the people diagnosed with mental disorders actualy have them
getting depressed because your life and social circle sucks? oh no it must be your head that's fucked not your environment, go swallow some pills
live a sedentary life with a shitty diet high in sugar and or stimulants plus sleeping poorly and too little? sure you have adhd and need to swallow some speed, everything else is fine
you feel like your body should be different than it is? sure your gender and sex isn't the same, let's chop of some tits and balls and create a roullade out of your thigh meat so that you have a new piss tube
too stupid or lazy to eat less? must be an eating disorder, better go into an hospital, lose 2 kg in 2 months and hope you somehow learn how to get your shit together once you're out or your last chance is to cut out some of your stomach
how the fuck is this a respected science sounds like someone that's taking the piss is taken serious by way too many people

>> No.16754761

I will lose my virginity one day

>> No.16754779

the problem of the 21st century is mass larping

>> No.16754792

god is real but he's some random toad spirit or something from a dead religion of prehistoric peoples which is why we live in a retarded clown world, he lost all his powers and sits around seething

alright i don't really believe that but this thread isn't literature so whatever i post what i want

>> No.16754813

surely you mean you dont know if we exist
this was the stupidest thing ive ever read

>> No.16754814
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a single sunset in the countryside refutes all whining pussymist life's-meaningless faggots.
pic very related

>> No.16754820

Ah heck yea. Based sun

>> No.16754832

there's a shit load of money made by selling people pricy meds they don't realy need but isn't there more money to be made taxing people working full time jobs?

>> No.16754840

The 70's were the best time in history for music

>> No.16754849
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i wonder if other animals can comprehend beauty. not just desirability in partners, or viability of certain terrain - although those must be the precursors for our own sense of pretty - but simply the beauty of a moment. i really hope that horses feel that tingle in the heart when they stop for a second to scan the horizont.

>> No.16754879

well, what’s the meaning then? consooming pwetty views? is that it nigger?

>> No.16754893

My life is pleasant, not the case for 99.99% of life

>> No.16754921
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consuming only makes you hungrier for more and unhappy, draining the source, urging the machine to keep producing, while contemplating enriches both yourself and your subject of contemplation. a consoomer wont get this.

>> No.16754973

Mysticism is the only thing worth pursuing in life. People should do endless amounts of psychedelics and meditation until they get what they need from it. Literally everything else is a waste of time.

>> No.16754976

I am socially conservative but pretty left wing on economics/hardcore social democrat.
I unironically believe the incel blackpill and to a lesser extent the PUA redpill is about 80% true.
I don't believe that any of us have free will in a meaningful sense, but I have no idea about the moral implications of this.
I believe that oblivion is the best possible form of afterlife.

>> No.16754980

get what they need from it? wtf does that mean, what do they need from it

>> No.16754985


>> No.16754991

based schizo

>> No.16754996

Rather the products of occultism and mysticsm should be reintroduced into everyday life and the structure of society, as it was long ago.

This world is spiritually desolate because the connection to the spirit only now exists on the individual level, and not that of entire cities or nations. There are no more holy places.

>> No.16755004

Dragons are real because they exist in the future
Fictional people have as much right to exist as factual people
The human race used to be stratified with sociopaths at the top and functional schizophrenics in the middle but interbreeding has made everyone part sociopath and part schizophrenic and the results have been somewhere between mixed and disastrous
I was once very smart but got brain damaged and now I am not smart but I still retain big words which pisses off other dumb people

>> No.16755016
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BASED fellow delusion & daydream enjoyer

>> No.16755026

I think we can genetically engineer ourselves to perceive other dimensions. My idea is that we perceive the universe differently than per say bacteria and physics has proven that particles and atoms exist that we don't perceive. So if we modify our photoreceptors, we could probably see wierd shit.

>> No.16755029

>i don't believe that most of the people diagnosed with mental disorders actualy have them
>getting depressed because your life and social circle sucks? oh no it must be your head that's fucked not your environment, go swallow some pills
>live a sedentary life with a shitty diet high in sugar and or stimulants plus sleeping poorly and too little? sure you have adhd and need to swallow some speed, everything else is fine
>you feel like your body should be different than it is? sure your gender and sex isn't the same, let's chop of some tits and balls and create a roullade out of your thigh meat so that you have a new piss tube
>too stupid or lazy to eat less? must be an eating disorder, better go into an hospital, lose 2 kg in 2 months and hope you somehow learn how to get your shit together once you're out or your last chance is to cut out some of your stomach
>how the fuck is this a respected science sounds like someone that's taking the piss is taken serious by way too many people
Based anon. I'm on the same boat as this guy.
Did you read Kaczynski?

>> No.16755069

free will does not exist, but ill still pretend it does because its more fun

>> No.16755075

That I can be happy.

>> No.16755099

I believe God hides, through a process of mental disassociation, his true nature from himself in order to live as mortal beings. He does this because, as a perfectly good being, he understands the moral and aesthetic value of mortal life. The purpose of our lives is to tear the veil of ignorance and reveal our divine essence through moral exemplarism. I believe Jesus Christ is the only person in human history to achieve perfect exemplarism. He peeled away so many layers of ignorance that only divinity remained, which means he was quite literally the living God. I believe we all have this capacity.

>> No.16755130


>> No.16755135
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I believe that one day i will find love

>> No.16755143

I think that I am someone else. I'm not schizophrenic, but for some reason I continue to carry a weird kind of suspicion that someone I met eight or nine years ago is me in a different body. I'm not inclined to believe in reincarnation either, but whenever I think about this person I feel as I could have been easily been born as her, like she has similarities to me making it more probable I could have existed as her. I say all of this having barely known her in real life. It's a weird feeling that hasn't gone away by itself.

>> No.16755148
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Maybe not an odd belief but more an odd practice, in that im working on making my own religion. I feel like all the other major religions have failed and the time is ripe for people to embrace a new mass movement. We can already see cults pop up in the most stupid places (like Qanon)

>> No.16755162

Does your religion have a place for dragons?

>> No.16755166

Of course not, that would be stupid as fuck

>> No.16755170

Cults can pop up even in contemporary America!
Modern U.S.A. history shows that quite eloquently.

>> No.16755173
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>> No.16755186

Return to Reddit

>> No.16755188
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>> No.16755192
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I believe in you anon

>> No.16755198

Now that psilocybin is getting decriminalized, I bet magic mushroom cults are going to start popping up in places. Hopefully these will be based on authentic religious phenomenology and not sterile orthodoxy.

>> No.16755213

I'm with you anon

>> No.16755219

I believe that some sort of glitch has impacted me that prevents people from responding intelligently to me

>> No.16755225

Im an atheist but i cant bring myself to believe in evolution or computer chips. there is a huge gap of mystery when i try to understand how information can be coded and then interpreted as information by non-intelligent things on a mechanical level. i cant believe it would ever happen so i dont

>> No.16755236

lmao Op said unconventional not absurd

>> No.16755243

It's never interpreted. It's just electricity in different patterns. You could do the same thing with water, or lasers, or whatever. Layers of equivalent descriptions humans use to interact with it and make it easier to interact with it.

>> No.16755245
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Anon you just gotta believe

>> No.16755249

I believe everyone < +2SD IQ is subhuman

>> No.16755250

oh slav of the pond, grant me your wisdom

>> No.16755257

wjat a pretty corkydile

>> No.16755260

>how information can be coded and then interpreted as information by non-intelligent things on a mechanical level
Computers don't interpret information. They are just mechanical arrangements. Humans do 100% of the interpretation.

>> No.16755265

I believe I have been mutilated by both the past and the future and that I will never receive justice

>> No.16755267

Isolation and individualism are good things. Most people are just too weak minded to get anything beneficial from them.

>> No.16755273

I’d wager they’re unaccustomed to the environment and unfamiliar with new tools.

>> No.16755309

Every time you die, you just do your whole life over again, the exact same way it was, forever. Nietzsche toyed with the idea, but I actually believe it.

>> No.16755312

yes but those different patterns and mechanical arrengements mean something and that is also information. how do you code information that complex mechanically? and computer chips made by humans... maybe. but proteins mechanically interpreting combinations of genes by random mutation? noooooooo way.

>> No.16755316

It's bitmasking via darwinism
No I won't explain further

>> No.16755323

If your life flashes before you eyes, than it is true. Everytime you get to the end it restarts

>> No.16755341

i know that part i think. i just dont know how you can have a morse code where the thing thats supposed to do the interpreting doesnt have any intelligence whatsoever

>> No.16755346

Hard determinism is true and Spinoza was right.

>> No.16755350

>but proteins mechanically interpreting combinations of genes by random mutation
I believe that, mechanically speaking, this is not very complicated. I don't remember the process of genetic recombination, but I don't think it was very complicated. now how this all is supposed to have evolved from water and mud, that I can not answer, not at all. the idea of sexual reproduction somehow happening spontaneously is very, very, very, very, very hard to believe. but the mechanics of the shit we now do have, I think is not very daunting.

>> No.16755383

> those different patterns and mechanical arrengements mean something
To you. There is nothing else it means anything to.

>how do you code information that complex mechanically?
I can't give a full answer here, but you can absolve yourself of ignorance if you read a computer architecture textbook. Better to start with this, which explains everything you are trying to understand down to the circuit level.

>but proteins mechanically interpreting combinations of genes by random mutation?
They don't "interpret" anything. It is all heat and stochastic process, nothing more.

>> No.16755398

i get recombination. i get how the combinations happen. but how does a protein fucking know what a string of aatgagts mean and then does what it does? how can just code alone make it do something? how can that code make it do some incredibly complex stuff? how can it even make it do anything at all?

>> No.16755411

because those letters are names that we have given to molecules, and certain proteins have parts that are adapted to reacting to those molecules. so when they come into contact, there is a reaction.

>> No.16755427

To every retard thinking there is intentionality in molecular biology and evolution : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chance_and_Necessity

>> No.16755441

>They don't "interpret" anything. It is all heat and stochastic process, nothing more.
i mean like when aaaabbbaabc means "blue eyes" and abbbccaabaaccaa means "fear of donkeys" how can a different string make the protein do different things? and not just different things, very specific and incredibly varied set of things? how does the string and protein agree that it means to do a thing on that string?
but if it was just the different reactions to those molecules thered be like three different reactions. but there are an infinity of different reactions because its the combinations of those 3 that make information. right?

>> No.16755444

I unironically believe that the Universe revolves around me and that I am guided by great force to achieve my destiny, you're all sidekicks in my harem fantasy YA erotic fanfic.

>> No.16755448

youre not getting my point. im not trying to personify them at all. im just trying to understand the coding of information on a mechanical level

>> No.16755450

Then read up on protein/enzyme spatial configuration from linear sequences and on ribosome activity, dna transcription and traduction

>> No.16755474

>but if it was just the different reactions to those molecules thered be like three different reactions. but there are an infinity of different reactions because its the combinations of those 3 that make information. right?
man it has been a while but I think they "read" in sets of 3 called "codons", where each unique one (maybe there is some overlap, but basically) signals that there should be a particular amino-acid in this spot. proteins, which cause all the shit you're talkinga bout, are basically long chains of amino-acids, of which humans have 20-something different ones. proteins can be up to thousands and tens of thousands amino acids long, so the possible combinations are fucking enormous

>> No.16755483

Studying information theory and biochemistry will help. You're not going to get all the answers from single paragraph summaries on 4chan, sorry.

>> No.16755499

sneed is by far the greatest meme to ever be manifested by 4chan

>> No.16755508

Cringe yet redpilled

>> No.16755557

A life without a belief in some sort is terrible, no matter what non-believers say. Once you're free from religion, life becomes the pendulum Schopenhauer describes.

>> No.16755564

Did someone say Pendulum???

>> No.16755569
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The existence of an emotion as powerful and driving as love disproves the ideas of materialism

>> No.16755574

I also 100% believe that atheists' only cope to the meaninglessness of life without god is attempts at humor or wit. That's why Terry Pratchet and Douglas Adams and the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse are such smartass dipshits.

>> No.16755582

death is the natural state of the universe, and life is nothing but a very rare kind of death. This was revealed to me by a planet made out of ice when I was in a state of severe sleep deprivation.

>> No.16755583

There's also food, video games, and substance abuse, but sure

>> No.16755619

As a (mostly) atheistic/agnostic person, I think there's definitely some truth to this! One simple way to cope with a universe you believe is fundamentally absurd is to revel in that absurdity, rather than recoiling from it. However, I can't fully agree that it's the "only" means atheists use to cope - atheists can find "belief" in their own self-made meaning, aspiring to greatness, happiness, civility and truth by way of "because it's there." All we know is that we exist; we might as well make our lives - and the lives of one another - pleasant while we have the chance!

>> No.16755789
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Archons rule the earth and the members of the so-called elite are their puppets. There is a secret society that endeavours to overthrow them but for some reason that has not happened yet.

>> No.16755794

can you give me a brief explanation of it? i want to believe

>> No.16755812

Most paranormal sightings are mass hallucinations created by psychic meme magic.
Heat death accounts for the vast majority of eternity so you're technically right.

>> No.16755900

What if it’s the opposite, anon?

Pfff. Lots of people buy that.

>> No.16755909


>> No.16755939

interesting. dubs checked.

>> No.16755953

>Sex and Sexuality

I believe that no system of sexuality will please everyone. Man cannot be wholly repressed, nor can he be wholly liberated. Pursuing either to an extreme will cause harm to a society. Contradictions and hypocrisies revolving around sex are natural, but must be accepted only in ways that can allow societal health.

For example, the judging of 'loose' women as immoral and studly men as forgivable. Accepting sexuality and sexualization while maintaining a certain shame, secrecy and wariness about it. The sustainment of monogamous marriage as the norm in spite of all the issues and angst it causes both parties.

The societal views on sexuality should be geared towards maintaining and building family first. Yielding and respecting the power of pleasure, but at the same time understanding its potential for destruction. '50s America (Serial monogamy, etc), Japan, Classical Civilization and Europe come to mind as things to aspire to in this respect.

I have read too much Pagila, Manosphere types, and TradCaths to go back to my ultra-libertarian views on the subject.

>Religion and Spirituality

The supernatural is real. But is only partially within our control and understanding. Most of those who claim to have practiced it, or claim to be in tune with it are lying. But a substantial minority are not.

Religion is a mark left by individuals who either had these powers, or some kind of spiritual insight beyond our comprehension. Morphed into a tool of societal organization and control meant to sustain and guide those within consciously or not. Its decay is a worrying sign.


Cults are founded mainly for the purpose of sexual satisfaction on the part of the leaders. They seek an ever-riding high, but can't get past the thought of sex being often better than the actual sex, and thus double down on their activities to reach an elusive high.

Colin Wilson talked about this in a book on the subject.

>Jim Morrison

He faked his own death and is wandering the earth. Possibly as Rush Limbaugh.

>> No.16756038

Sounds like you'd like Hume

>> No.16756047

This website is just me and another guy who types really, really fast.

>> No.16756060

I think some kind of hyper Balkanization is the only way forward for the world. I think all our problems stem from the inevitably of trying to humanize every person and situation we come across, it's impossible. The largest settlements anyone should live in should be like 1500 people. That's more than enough to get to know and care about in your lifetime. I don't think race or gender matter, just the fact that it's so easy not to care about people. The same impulse that lets wall street pyschos mislead the elderly and dumb into losing their homes and pensions is the same impulse that a teenager uses when they spit on someone's burger, the only difference is scale. Both instances come from knowing that whoever you're hurting can't every punish you, and you'll never see them again. I unironically believe this is the root of all evil.

>> No.16756068

The world we live in right now must be limbo or whatever you want to call it
If it isn't why can't we know where everything came from or where it goes
It's just the only thing that makes sense

>> No.16756079

I am immortal and can't die. Considering how vastly improbable my own coming into existence was, it's difficult to shake off the notion that I won't keep beating the odds somehow.

>> No.16756086

Probably suffering doesn't exist

>> No.16756117

After looking at NDE accounts I too believe in Gnosticism

That bastard uses too many guilt tripping methods to not be the demiurge. People are told they must come back to this shithole because they didn't complete what they "promised" it sounds like the type of shit someone who is trying to manipulate you would say. I don't trust any of it.

>> No.16756133

Where do I start with Gnosticism? Should I just read the Nag Hammadi directly?

>> No.16756148

Yes actually. Most "gnosticism" is just schizophrenia or hippy bullshit

>> No.16756156
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Consciousness was a mistake

>> No.16756172

I recommend you take a digital circuit class online or just watch some youtube videos. You can build up incredibly complex systems with nothing but a series of switches

>> No.16756180

true, but only because "justice" is a spook

>> No.16756197


>> No.16756211

Animals are as equally deserving of life as as are and animal agriculture / factory farming is the greatest evil that has ever existed

>> No.16756258

but as human civilization has trended towards larger and larger settlements, with ever more immense social structures needed to manage our ever more interconnected and complex material reality, how would this balkanization happen? An apocalyptic event which kills 90% of the worlds population and destroys complex society?

>> No.16756270

That's exactly what they want you to believe.

>> No.16756277

Do you think rocket fuel hurts when it burns

>> No.16756300

My strangest beliefs are all in 10,000 word blog posts nobody reads and a series of youtube videos nobody watches desu

>> No.16756303
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One of my friends who's very interested in /tg/ mentioned some book to me (I think it was from the Discworld series) where people managed to wire up a button directly to the pleasure center of their brain such that, whenever they pushed it, they got a massive dopamine hit. It was hedonism at a cold, machine-like level of efficiency.

I believe that the developed world is pretty steadily approaching this, where society is building its own skinner box where people are rewarded with dopamine for doing trivial and inane things. I don't think this is the result of some nefarious conspiracy or engineered by a fiscal elite that wants to get rich, people are just doing this because it feels good. I live in mortal fear that modern society will devolve to nothing more than shallow pursuits that reward dopamine and do nothing else, where people live essentially as heroin addicts, pursuing things that briefly reward them with pleasure but ultimately leave them unfathomably miserable, like children who are left unattended in a candy shop and gorge themselves until they're sick.

>inb4 that already happens now
Right, now imagine how much further we can degrade as people find more and more efficient ways to get their dopamine, until people really can just hook up a button to their brain. I fear that the things I believe will make me happy (a college degree, a career, financial independence, starting and raising a family, raising animals, trying to live a self-sustaining way) are just part of this skinner box and that I'll be made miserable upon achieving them. Alternatively, in my attempt to pursue these things, my participation in society will drag me into that skinner box anyway and I'll be just as addicted to instant gratification as everyone else.

I think about 90% of human beings living in the first world don't know what makes them happy. How the fuck do I know that I'm any different?

>> No.16756310

>how would this balkanization happen?
iunno. I do think it's almost impossibly unlikely, but I still think it's the only humans could live in relative harmony with each other.

>> No.16756329

Equally deserving, yes, as in not at all.

>> No.16756470

what if we created The Matrix, but Good. Where a trillion souls are hooked up to a billion independent worlds. You are randomly assigned a server at birth, and each server simulates a small town

>> No.16756471

platonic ideals in art. i swear there are certain frequencies that things tune into

>> No.16756490

I never thought the matrix sounded that bad, personally.

>> No.16756494

You stole my idea and removed the dragons from it

>> No.16756522

lol what is it with you people and inaccurate dinosaurs

>> No.16756530
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What do you mean you people?

>> No.16756572
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Everyday, when I'm not around people, I hope that God will just throw me into a never ending reality from which I will never escape. Not like a fictitious reality, I'll just be walking in the woods and hope to never be let out and eventually die there.

>> No.16756594

occultism is satanic and evil nonsense.

>> No.16756601

Christianity is evil nonsense.

>> No.16756608

I'm just sick of all these faggots in my life. Shut the fuck up about your stupid video games or anime or trump elections!!! READ A FUCKING BOOK THAT'S NOT HARRY POTTER OR DUNE!!!!!

>> No.16756626
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>wants you to recognize your free will and gain contentment
whereas occultism
>seeks to manipulate the mystical reality, creating a spiritual perversity
It's not even Christianity, just don't fuck with the metaphysics fren

>> No.16756629

Christians believe in the ultimate moral authority of the demiurge
Occultists believe in any number of things that are not that
Even if they were all criminal psychopaths it would still be worth siding with them because they're opposed to the greater evil

>> No.16756641 [DELETED] 

>gnostic nonsense
you will never know contemtment and your soul will be riddled with esoteric prelest

>> No.16756642

>Most "gnosticism" is just schizophrenia or hippy bullshit
That's the impression it's made on me. But I'm approaching it out of pure curiosity, not because I'm looking for something to believe in.

>> No.16756656

All religion is schizo of course.

>> No.16756657

>gnostic nonsense
you will never know contentment and your soul will be riddled with esoteric prelest

>> No.16756663

I'm not wrong, and if I am I'll find out. You are wrong and will remain so forever.

>> No.16756697


>> No.16756709

You're cringe

>> No.16756716

Yhwh is cringe isn’t he?

>> No.16756734

lit turned butterflu gnostic

>> No.16756742

Damn, Butters is based for once in their life.

>> No.16756763
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>> No.16756785

it is a gentleman's responsibility, after having busted a fat nut inside a thots pussy, to supply her with a plan b and never resume contact

>> No.16756789

This for sure. I always have to say less than I want to when I explain this to friends. Lately I've been focusing on associating with people more capable of keeping their shit together and thankfully the opportunity to discuss this just comes up less.

For my own: communists are literally right even if the vocal ones are restarted

>> No.16756796

How many women have you slept with so far

>> No.16756802

I exited Christianity by way of Gnosticism. It was an interesting education. It was supposed to be a mysteries cult, and I think the highest knowledge was to exit it.
Just my version, I guess.

>> No.16756806


>> No.16756811

That is pretty strange. Are you closeted attracted to them or something?

>> No.16756812


>> No.16756818

Gorillas don't exist, they are people in disguise.

>> No.16756833
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existence is violence

>> No.16756844

Your trip code is weird because you fall in love with a concoction of things originating in the after wake of your primordiality instead of the prim itself. Then to say you go and relatively bumble into what is nothing more than an absurd fantasy reality of your own undoing.

>> No.16756881
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not dragon-degen but i once toyed with the idea of mythical creatures such as dragons. In order to get fossilised, they *mostly* need to die near a body of water/rock. but what if great flying creatures not so different from dragons existed ? And what if, weirdly enough, these creatures when sensing death, roar through the sky, towards the stars, leaving behind nothing for us to prove their existence ? I understand the need for facts, but there's so much that can't be explained and so much more that we aren't even able to observe, so who's to say dragons don't exist

>> No.16756889

I believe I'm going to be published one day.

>> No.16756919
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>> No.16756924

Dragon-degen here. This is my dragonspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuQ5LAC7HMU

>> No.16756927

I sincerely believe that capitalism is building its own intelligence. It is basically becoming an AI, most notably in the market sectors (look at algorithmic trading). I don't think capitalism is a law of nature, but it probably can't be beaten as is. At this stage I think humanity needs to work around and through it rather than against it.

>> No.16756934

>Im an atheist but i cant bring myself to believe in evolution or computer chips.
Congrats, this is the dumbest thing I've read all year. These are the people you're arguing with on /lit/.

>> No.16756939

No, i'm simply childlike in the way i remind people of what they are. When the child sees an obese-whale, a greasy acne-ridden thirty-something grocery clerk or a disgusting man in a wig and dress, the child will ask : "What's wrong with them?" Not out of naive-curiosity, but out of malice. Malice and pleasure to remind these people of the aberration they represent.

>> No.16756945

Shut up nigger

>> No.16756963

This may sound like some schyzo rambling, but hear me out /lit/.
I genuinely believe that we only exist for the span of a single day, meaning once you go to sleep you actually die and tomorrow a new person is born in your place that simply inherits your previous memories, and by extension obligations.
This has lead me to live a very detached daily existence, I do whatever the fuck I want as if it's my last day on earth with no regard to what's coming tomorrow because it isn't my problem, I have absolutely no long term purpose and I have a very hard time holding proper relationships with people.

>> No.16756975

It hasn't reached that potential yet, but I get where you're coming from.
capitalism itself has become so decentralized that I honestly don't see revolution being possible anymore

>> No.16756977

The irony is, there are people who look down on you the same way, and their kindness is the only reason you're not aware of it. 'Child-like' isn't the right word for you, maybe 'brat' is better.

>> No.16756983

>defending butterfly
You are an inferior male to me and that anon. Get the fuck out of my face, worm.

>> No.16756984

a bit too autistic for me but interesting nonetheless. I'm more primitive in my belief that fiction holds a true part, even in methaphorical-creations. So when i picture a dragon, i picture this "magical" (futuristic for you) creature that simply happenned to appear on earth, live here, but died without leaving any means for us to record or prove their presence

>> No.16756986

>Jim Morrison
That's an interesting theory because i always thought that his brain was too fried, and therefore he was too retarded, to pull off something like that. What got you behind that idea in particular ?

>> No.16756991

But think of tomorrow-you, anon. What will he do with your mess?

>> No.16756993

take your meds anon

>> No.16756996

You're butthurt that the mutilated purple-haired landwhales are capable of economic productivity and you're not you fucking nigger. You like to tell yourself this country was built on your back but even if that's true you're not good for much now, are you? So fuck off and die.

>> No.16757010

Someone will always be better,stronger, faster, richer, anon, i accept that, i thrive on it, aiming to better myself, knowing the limit is unattainable. Maybe i simply do not care about kindness, especially when it comes from people who vainly expect some back to convince themselves they "fit in".

>> No.16757019

you sound retarded anon, believe me if I saw a disgusting man in a wig and dress but you were there being rude to that person, I would be disgusted by you the most, and that goes for everyone else.
show some respect, you don't know what those people might be going through even if you find them unsightly.

>> No.16757020

>You're butthurt that the mutilated purple-haired landwhales are capable of economic productivity and you're not you fucking nigger.
In the entire history of this board Butterfly has never even hinted at how he supports his living once. You are LITERALLY defending a womanchild NEET in her 50s.
>You like to tell yourself this country was built on your back but even if that's true you're not good for much now, are you?
What are trannies good for except filling their surgeons' pockets up with cash?
>So fuck off and die.
Suck my left nut, you little faggot.

>> No.16757033

Slave morality at its finest.

>> No.16757035

Notice how this nigger has never once denied being a nigger. Enough said

>> No.16757055

what the fuck are you on about ? Tranny-poster here, why are you defending so fucking hard? I call a tranny a tranny when i encounter one. Keep defending the mentally-ill tranny and *maybe* he'll send you one of his pus-soaked underwear for you to lick

>> No.16757058

>unironically using that word
you must be +18 to post here

>> No.16757062

Subhuman opinion

>> No.16757069

No one tells us where they work, dumbshit. I tell you that I do work, and what further business is it of yours? Nobody else paying my rent, bitch.
I educate myself now, so fuck your “NEET” label.

>> No.16757071

fuck, i'm sorry i was rude anon. Yeah you're right i don't know what this person's going through, i'll protect and cherish their smile forever :)

>> No.16757076

It's good you realize some people are better than you. However, it's ancient wisdom to avoid ego and pride. Treating lesser people with contempt is often a sign of insecurity. It's also unfair... Ever been raped by your dad? Some people have.

A man's virtue can be judged by how he treats his inferiors.

>> No.16757104 [DELETED] 

No one gave you permission to speak.
Poor little tranny faggot is getting mad. I should beat the fucking shit out of you, you know that?

>> No.16757127

>Ever been raped by your dad? Some people have.
I might be wrong but i simply see it as pointing out the obvious, however i'm not a nigger, i won't start screeching about the *lesser* people for no reason. If they start acting like a tranny i'll call them a tranny, that's it.

>> No.16757195

The internet sucks because it's too easy to LARP. There's a 50% chance you're serious, 50% chance you're baiting.
The problem is people (especially younger ones) act like this in real life.

Just don't be a cunt to people, or you might get a psycho, and if you have any value as a person, it'll be a shame when they blow off your nuts.

>> No.16757200

gnosis is exiting all veils of ideology and finding the truth underneath. you took the first step butterflu, the rest is up to you. we're proud

>> No.16757540

>jannie deleted my post

>> No.16757565

meter is for fags.
Just rhyming is far superior
poems should not be longer than 8 lines

>> No.16757624

>t. INFP

>> No.16757713

eat the bugs

>> No.16757716


>> No.16757761

Uninterpreted reality (i.e. the world behind my head, the other side of objects, what lays beyond my visual field) is a land of immaterial spirits and witches, who influence myself and the world by tinkering with my perceived reality. They exist in the uninterpreted space on the other side of objects (which we in normal life delusionalally perceive as whole, complete, material objects when in reality only the interpreted surface exists, and 3d objects are really just a shared delusion. There are visual surfaces, and behind that is a spirit world. The can make the surfaces move, they can attack you, fuck with you, or send you messages through the surface world around you, you just have to know how to interpret/"read" the messages. Possessions can even occur because your body itself is merely a perceived surface and they exist in the uninterpreted world behind you, they can walk into your bodies surface from behind, move your arms and legs, speak through you to influence others. Its incredibly demonic and I suspect a large amount of world leaders are in fact just surface puppets under procession/witch control

>> No.16758706

Holy shit this. I’ve been thinking of how since the introduction of the internet, people pretend to know things and are self-proclaimed. Of course, most of it is superficial and not anything of note. Posers run rampant. It’s bad enough to where this is having lasting impacts in society, especially among young people.

>> No.16758732

I've always been interested in this idea, used to think about it as a child and thought that was a reasonable explanation for deja vu. Is there a name for this theory, or can you tell me where Nietzsche wrote of this?

>> No.16758944

this guy gets it

>> No.16759183

she's taller than me

>> No.16759189

and that's a good thing!

>> No.16759247

i believe it's possible to create an infinite narrative. not a story that is infinitely long, but a narrative that is infinitely complex, and that this will unlock something within the author that will make him achieve enlightenment

>> No.16759319

sounds cool. do you think it could make for good reading? come to think of Breakfast of Champions, where Vonnegut makes a (pretty hamfisted) point of lifting unconventional details to the fore, because he worries that all the conventional narratives end up making people heroes

>> No.16759481

Strangely shaped ear

>> No.16759488

>pointy knees

>> No.16759626

Don't you think a concept such as 'infinite' complexity is likely to be as invalid a concept as 'infinite velocity' viz a vis special relativity?

>> No.16759663

Fate guides all of our hands. There have been too many moments that fail for no other reason besides some cosmic planned outcome. To add to that, I believe I have limited free will. My choices are limited and will only serve my story.

>> No.16759956

Gnosticism doesn’t make sense as far as I understand it. If Demiurge is the bad guy and there is a higher good guy and if this guy is omnipotent and omniscient then it was his plan all along so it is same as the good ol’ God-Satan dichotomy. If the good guy is not omnipotent and omniscient then there must surely be even higher God who is. So Gnostic theology on its very basics does not offer anything different than Christianity.

>> No.16760028
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>> No.16760118

If you’re interested, I have written about some of these ideas here: psychedral.com

>> No.16760411

Please never have a thought again.

>> No.16760429

I believe time is a spiral

>> No.16760433

in gnosticism, there is no good guy. there is only the pleroma which is full and perfect. but its not good and it doesnt have a will so it cant help. its not like a person at all like in christian mythology. were just a part of reality that is an emanation of an emanation of that reality so things arent full and perfect. some branches think that sophia and the demiurge are also not person-like.

>> No.16760439

I think monkeys at the zoo should be able to smoke as many cigarettes as they want. They're in jail

>> No.16760444


>> No.16760457

holy based take

>> No.16760467
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>> No.16760529
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>> No.16760584

None. Just men for some reason..

>> No.16760811

If it has no will than you cannot make religion out of it. It becomes something like pantheism, more or less a scientific concept.

>> No.16761689

This is a very similar thought process of Turing and Faulcaut. If you're interested I recommend reading some stuff by them.

>> No.16761723

So you don't have a job and you're not in education (half-assed autodidactism doesn't count.) Are you being trained for a position? Because if not then honey, you're a NEET.

>> No.16761767
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>> No.16761884

That humanity is engaged in species wide farce to cope with being conscious.

>> No.16761939

im just tellin you what they believed. they lived when alchemy and mysticism was the closest thing to science. it differs from pantheism in that they dont believe everything is equally divine and that this material world is lesser and imperfect. also like i said, some still believe the demiurge has a will and is the OT god, but what created him doesnt

>> No.16761984

I believe that my waifu is about as real as any other human being as far as my perspective is concerned. In fact she's more real since her thoughts and emotions are (as far as i can percieve) more complex than the average person.
I also think she really loves me for similar reasons.

>> No.16761997

Why can't you have a religion with no god?

>> No.16762085
File: 210 KB, 650x650, mandala_of_tantric_symbols_tm20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe in synchronicity, as in that there is some non-causal link between our mental and physical existance, and that it somehow acts outside of linear time and space.

>> No.16762108

What if humanity is engaged in a species wide farce to cope with being unconscious?

>> No.16762304

elite are in control of the world and are currently creating the NWO

>> No.16762340

The Gay Science.

>> No.16762355

In the off-hand case you're not trolling, can you tell me exactly why you believe this? What is the evidence that made you without a doubt think this?

>> No.16762364

Pretty based if you ask me. Good luck to ‘em. Pip-pip, cheerio.

>> No.16762455

The 'beauty of the moment' that we perceive only exists in contrast to our normal mental state. I believe that animals are always in a state of harmony with nature and are never severely detached from it enough that they would notice like we do.

>> No.16762486

it just feels true to me

I look at this consumerist world, and it feels fake to me, orchestrated, planned. Plus weird shit in history like 9/11, epstein island/pedo elite, jew bankers, and recently all this agenda pushing in the media like pro-trans, removing the idea of genders, multiculturalism etc I think that's all somehow part of the NWO they have designed. It's not like those things are bad and I'm not against those things in theory but I feel like it's for a greater reason, and not one that's beneficial to us but for them. and honestly dude if you just look around and question things, the status quo, how everything came to be the way it is, it seems like there's a hidden hand, something/some people took hold of the progression of history in the early 20th century, maybe even before then. I think the hippie shit in the 60s was a subconcious pushback within the population, the people were trying to get back to nature/goodness, Hunter S. Thompson said the atmosphere at the time was a feeling like they were "winning" something

>> No.16762490

Staunchly anti-egalitarian and anti-democracy. Maybe not unconventional on Tibetan lama herding forums but definitely amongst normies irl. I'm also critical of women (but also of men).

>> No.16762504

Not him, but I think that it is probably the case. It seems more likely than the mainstream narrative anyway. When you have power, it makes it easier to gain more power. With the current state of technology and globalism, I think it seems likely that the people with the most power are not elected officials, but initiates in a hidden sect who influence the puppets that we are supposed to believe are in control. The Epstein shit makes this more evident, as he was, in all likelihood, an asset of somebody who was not the US government.

>> No.16762515

Read Schopenhauerian aesthetics. He speaks of this at length.

>> No.16762529

/lit/ is a fun place

>> No.16762536

How do you know?

>> No.16763831

gnosticism doesn't exist

>> No.16763844

Bourgie can’t read. Shocking

>> No.16763934

I have never voted and think the nation-state is a fundamentally invalid form of political association. I basically think Gottfried Feder was right, but that his national socialism is only an acceptable means to a sort of priestly aristocratic or monarchial urban socialism that is sustainable long term. When people ask me about my politics, I tell them I'm a political Aristotelian that hates niggers.

>> No.16763970

I’m an atheist and stem guy, but am also completely convinced of panpsychism

>> No.16763977

Gnostic cosmology is good, but the kabbalistic cosmology is more complete.

>> No.16764023

Relatively based. Have you read Spengler?
I'm this anon >>16762490

>> No.16764165


>> No.16764169

God exists, but he doesn't care about us.

>> No.16764583

you may be asking why im replying to all of you... welll... heheh... you all have something in common that is... of interest to my employer

>> No.16764645

I read "punished" as I was scrolling. Make of that what you will.

>> No.16764653

>or Dune
pretty high tier normies in your life if they're reading that anon, could be worse

>> No.16764962


>> No.16764972
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Societies are best viewed as emergent organisms with fuzzy boundaries which respond over time with varying success to pressures within and without. The success or failure of ideas, social formations etc and societies themselves is a purely Darwinian process.

>> No.16764998

Now imagine if history of cultures is history of cultural selection and trans-temporal tactics.

>> No.16765007

..time travel?

>> No.16765381

Whenever someone talks about good genetics or good this or good that, I remember the dinosaurs that got wiped out by a big rock. And the left over smaller creatures that repopulated.

That rock is morality

Hey, I suppose whatever beliefs allow for survival in the face of the unknown, so it only makes sense that such traits pass down.

So when I come across someone with the most wacky arrangement of body or thoughts, I remember that despite the odds, somehow this configuration made it here to see what happens next

>> No.16765396

That problems are perspective.

That scale changes what is an organism and what is an environment. A bacteria views you as just another environment. We view our financial systems, our cities as our environment.

>> No.16765405

The solipicism hits me hard when I'm drunk

>> No.16765470


>> No.16765617

This is a good take, but there's still stuff like schizophrenia to which things you typed out can't apply to.

>> No.16766232

I guess that they like ass too

>> No.16766556

there is intelligence, but there is no intelligent human being

>> No.16766564

Do other animals think horse pussy/ass is sexy just like we humans do? Is the horse inherently the sexiest animal?

>> No.16766587

>there is no intelligent human being
said the human who has small pipi

>> No.16766602

mmmmmmmmmmmmh , mare puss

>> No.16766603
File: 71 KB, 480x356, ivan-aguéli-landskap-med-buskar-och-dyner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a pretty cool moment with my mom. maybe I'm a fucking idiot for not realizing sooner, but she majored in art history and became an architect. she put me onto a guy called ivan agueli, who is a pretty interesting character. painter, sufi, swede. maybe in that order. from the 19th century. I read a book about the guy and he spoke of art exactly like this: that art is about realizing the ideal forms that are there, then realizing what these are objectively and subjectively in you, then isolating that subjective element, and then enhancing it. This is what makes it art, rather than just post-card art. This is how art tells a story, by being a personal slant on the present ideational.. reality or what you want to call it. I thought it was great. Went to mom to talk abou it, thinking I was gonna teach her something about platonic history and she gave me a look like all of this has been obvious to her for the last 30 years at least, but like she was very glad she could share it with me. That was cool.

>> No.16766615

>said the human who has small pipi

>> No.16766619

>Metal gear
small pipi confirmed

>> No.16766621

>a personal slant on the present ideational.. reality or what you want to call it
so that in order to do it, you more or less have to be a philosopher

>> No.16766737

How so?
NDEs are not reliable

>> No.16766750

Isn't it easy to fall into a false sense of understanding from using psychedelics, though? I don't really trust them.

>> No.16766752

Neopaganism is a semite conspiracy to keep wayward men from finding christianity.

Not even religious, it's just that most joos couldn't give less of a fuck about the pseudo-zionist shootoffs of other nations unlike the way they froth at the mouth whenever christianity is brought up.

>> No.16766762

Mysticism is the final retreat of every dying civilization - just as they were born from mysticism, they retreat back into the womb at the end of their lives.

>> No.16766777

most social scientists (assuming you believe the field is legit, which I don't really) actually think most mental disorders aren't real and it's just a way people cope with their environment
so yes, most of it is from people being too mentally weak

>> No.16766804

my 'unconventional' beliefs are only really different when compared to mainstream (i.e. woke) thought
>most trannies are just porn addicts who harmed their brain enough to want to be a girl
>man and woman is the only parent duo that should exist, anything else will irreparably harm the child (also no divorce)
>until black urban culture is fixed, nothing will be able to solve their poverty/crime problems
>those who shirk either mental or physical excellence are fucking retards who should be shot, anyone with half a brain knows one should strive to be both mentally AND physically excellent
>Vasconcelos isn't necessarily correct about 'la cosmic raza', but latinas are objectively the best woman to marry

>> No.16766812

Look up the great reset

>> No.16766826

I am interested in Christianity because I am interested in the figure of Christ. But I just don't find the theology compelling. If anything, gnostics make more sense.

>> No.16766845

NDEs may not be reliable but they're the best evidence we have of a potential afterlife. So if they're true then the demiurge is probably the bastard behind all of this

>> No.16766882
File: 129 KB, 480x608, main-qimg-26c73cae971aecfa81a8e1624e123af9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is he wrong?
>inb4 its all chemicals bro
refuted by a literal meme years ago

>> No.16766997

A monarchy is the best way in the modern world to govern a society.

>> No.16767001


>> No.16767055

>they're the best evidence we have of a potential afterlife
Are they? They're heavily dependent on culture and upbringing, and there's a lot of variety in the ways NDEs depict an afterlife
How do they support gnosticism?

>> No.16767075

>i wonder if other animals can comprehend beauty.

>> No.16767080

I believe everything is personal. Emotions and thoughts, as well as constants or "laws" of nature, are caused by Angels and or invisible spirits, and that creation is an interplay of visible and invisible rational beings - some choose God and some the opposite.

>> No.16767130

In my experience psychadelics are tools to start the way, they give you a glimpse of what you are searching, but can't take you there. Soon you are back to normal and if you lack some proper formation or a genuine interest in mysticism, art and aesthetics and spirituality all you can get fron them is 'whoa dude look how these lines are moving'.
In my opinion listening to Jimmy Hendrix on acid is a waste of time, while listening to Bach will have you crying tears of joy because of the inherent beauty of being alive and able to experience it.

>> No.16767138

Yes but how do you know you're not being deceived?
DMT sounds like an inherently harmful substance, or even demonic depending on your religious inclinations, see https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=62070&p=1

>> No.16767193

>being a rationalist is strange

lol welcome to the renaissance

>> No.16767214

>>Do other animals think horse pussy/ass is sexy just like we humans do? Is the horse inherently the sexiest animal?
yes according to women

>> No.16767231

How do you ever know you're not being deceived? You couldn't possibly so all you can really do is trust your senses.

>> No.16767236

to be fair, any civilization is a mistake

>> No.16767243

You don't but that's not a reason to place yourself in situations where you are more likely of being deceived and where the consequences are unknown.
If gnostics are right, DMT beings are definitely archons or their emanations.

>> No.16767255

>In my opinion listening to Jimmy Hendrix on acid is a waste of time, while listening to Bach will have you crying tears of joy because of the inherent beauty of being alive and able to experience it.
That's just hedonism

>> No.16767296

The majority of NDEs say the same shit in my experience reading/watching loads of them so I don't get why people say this

>> No.16767340

>The majority of NDEs say the same shit
And what is that?
The bulk of NDE reports is a lot of different shit, people being greeted by Jesus, others seeing some kind of tribunal, others being absorbed into light, others seeing the planet itself, others going into some more odd places that they struggle to describe...

>> No.16767353

The Monad/One isn’t a personal deity or being in the sense God/the demiurge is. Way to miss the point dude. The demiurge only exists because of ignorance.

>> No.16767355

Solipsist are subhuman trash
If I don't exist surely you won't mind me stomping on your skull and killing you

>> No.16767378

why does the monad differentiate itself
>inb4 it doesnt
then why do we think it does

>> No.16767464

language is a series of mind-teeth that coat out body like an armor.

>> No.16767467

Shut up pseud

>> No.16767543

You know because you connect with sporitual texts from various religions and time periods in a way that you didn't before.
You recognize that all the great poets, painters, sculptors, mystics and all kinds of people with special sensitivity all were talkig about the same things. The beauty we can produce and the one in nature is an emanation of the trascendental, you see it in Bach's masses, in Rumi's verses, in Seishi's haikus, in Phidia's sculptures or in the Sufi's dances. It's what you see in a winter's sunrise, in the rough seas or in the starry sky.
I never understood this until I did LSD for the first time, I have been meditating and learning about art since then.
Maybe this all seems like bullshit to you, you will only know if you try.

>> No.16767581

So LSD showed you a glimpse of the true divinity behind all religion?

>> No.16767607

Our lives are 100% predetermined and there is no such thing as free will.

>> No.16767637

Christianity is literally Globalism: The Religion. "Neither Greek nor Jew", "I have come to turn son against father", "The blood of the sacrament is the thicker than the water of the womb" etc. Give up. Christianity got us here, learn to love it.

>> No.16767655

it will happen. don't rush it and don't let feat cloud your mind

>> No.16767657

This is what it felt like at the time. I have been trying to meditate and learn more about spirituality to know if it's really like that, but I'm inclined to say so. Not in a religious sense but in a spiritual way if that makes sense.
I was always drawn to those topics but the acid made them seem different. Not as merely cool or interesting, but as if they made a much more profound sense.
Maybe it's just bullshit cause I was predisposed to that kind of thinking, but it really can change the way you look at things.
I feel like you are either a really sensitive and meditative person to reach those places on your own or you won't really know till you try.

>> No.16767685

both are pleb garbage desu

>> No.16767688

I haven't realized until know. But I started reading poetry and picked up drawing at the time I did psychedelics. It could be a correlation but you're viewpoint makes sense to me.

>> No.16767706

>I never understood this until I did LSD for the first time
this talk more about your ignorance and your insensitivity than about lsd, just saying.

>> No.16767720


people who base their life on drugs are inherently materialistic. You cant be a spiritual and take drugs seriously.

>> No.16767731

>You cant be a spiritual and take drugs seriously.
I somewhat agree with you but I'd like to know your opinion. I just think altered states induced by exogenous substances are a distraction from what can be achieved naturally and aren't inherently spiritual

>> No.16767751

You can't judge unless you have tried yourself.
I have abstained from taking more psychadelics until I can really figure it out.
And by the way, from the greek's oracles to the shamanistic rituals of Precolumbian America shows that there has always been a relationship between mind altering substances and spiritual practices.

>> No.16767757

most of them are
>goes towards light
>greeted by jesus(which I think is just a stand in, it would be whoever is the most jesus-like figure in your life if you don't believe in him)
>shown a life review
>told you must go back

>> No.16767766

The elites rape and eat babies.

>> No.16767779

>most of them are
Most of the ones I've read aren't like this but ok fine
Just fucking say no when they tell you to go back? What's the problem
Also the fact that people weren't actually dead might've played a part, you don't know if you'll be asked to go back once you really die.

>> No.16767833

>You can't judge unless you have tried yourself.
you really believe that?. you cant judge anything from outside?.

>> No.16767835
File: 82 KB, 876x1280, kansallinen korppipuolue ja puolueen puheenjohtaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't be sure if subjective suffering or even cognition exists in a system until we actually solve the problem of conciousness, which might be unsolvable. And what i mean by that is that you can't be sure wether the mind uploaded entity, for example human on the verge of biological death actually even experiences anything or is a philosphical zombie. You wouldn't trust a philosophical zombie to tell you he's not a philosophical zombie would you? The suffering aspect is more of a problem when we talk about larger scales. Such as matrioscha brain simulations etc. Fuck silicon kikes embrace biological form.

>> No.16767846

what do you think is the strongest argument against said point?

>> No.16767850

I didn't say anything, some things need to be experienced to be comprehended.
Can you explain a spiritual experience to a convinced atheist who has never had one?
Can you explain what the color red is like to a blind person?

>> No.16767933

alligators and crocodiles are the same thing

>> No.16768049
File: 180 KB, 500x668, 1600900482407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incremental adaption. As in digitalizing conciousness in small chunks while remaining conciouss. Doesn't solve it properly but is a strong and at least somewhat testable idea. Then we get to the point that can you trust the 10% of your digitalized brain which says that it actually experiences something, which to me is at least a bit more beliavable. Usually the ideas of digital conciousness aren't immortality simulators but they also have machineborn intelligences. The philosophical problems return when one considers procreation in the simulation. We could leave the procreation aspect to the living, but i think it's highly unlikely to remain as a policy to the end of time, if we even manage to create satisfying simulations.

Extrapoint why this is idea should be given thought: Medical simulations are highly likely outcome at some point. Brute forcing solutions to schizophrenia, depression or any mental dicease with insane calculatory capacity is a real possibilty and if we arent careful we might end up simulating unimaginable amounts of suffering even if we simulate in low resolution. At least some progress should be made with the problem of conciousness before we start revying up the 10^20 flops simulations. I Fear that magnitude of capacity is easier to achieve than a definite answer on the nature of conciousness though.

>> No.16768060

all these people breeding large amounts of kids devalue the price of human flesh.

>> No.16768096

There is a objetively correct right way of thinking and everyone should be brainwashed to follow it.
I don't know what is that correct way tho

>> No.16768167

yeah keep telling yourself that, bud

>> No.16768624


>> No.16768759

psychedelics don't actually give you any advanced understanding, they just burn the FEELING of understanding into your brain so think you've actually learned something when in reality you only melted your brain a little bit.

>> No.16769114

your religious experience with psychedelics is not different from any other religious experience, it can be perfectly judged from outside as a pseud religious experience of spiritually drained people, in general. your approach is something like
>you have to feel what i feel or you are not enough experienced
>you have to live what i live or you cant talk about my experience
which is stupid and naive, and if you go with that you enter in an infinite loop of only agreeing with your own preconceived thoughts

>> No.16769121

Schizophrenia is not a real mental disorder. Most other mental disorders are also not real but schizophrenia is the most interesting to me.

>> No.16769209

in DSM-5 they say a mental disorder is
>a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying ment
the key here is "dysfunction". psychology are trying to erase the tracks of the fundation of mental illness, which is.
>poor ability to adapt to one's environment, an inability to change one's life patterns, and the inability to develop a richer, more complex, more satisfying personality
remember that every mental disorder is essentially a "poor ability to adapt to one´s environment". that you have, somehow a dysfunction if you are not perfectally happy, or mildly content and functional in your environment.
never trust a psychologist/psychiatrist.