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16753992 No.16753992 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you anons read some Holmes or Poirot?

>> No.16754174

I've wanted to read Sherlock Holmes my entire life but never have, ):

Where do I start? I might read it on a trip.

>> No.16754213

What are the best maigret novels?

>> No.16754239

Start with A Study In Scarlet, which is the first chronologically. If you like the style then go for it, a lot of the segments are brief so it can make for great reading.

>> No.16754357

I will do it anon, I'll read it anyway, but how long do you think it is to read?

>> No.16754393

I was really young when I first tried reading them, so the difficulty seems greater to me than it probably is. I recently picked it back up though and it's a breeze.

>> No.16754543


>> No.16755518


>> No.16755521

Cheers lad, will read eagerly, and thankfully to you for the recommendation.

>> No.16755533

I got collection of Poe short stories. Which ones should I read?

>> No.16755555


All the stories are pretty good. You should be able to pick up some kind of anthology/collection of all the stories. Just start at the beginning and work through them.

You'll easily be able to read an entire story in one sitting. Probably even two or three.

>> No.16755576

I highly recommend reading random Holmes stories you don't know anything about and going on a trip.

>> No.16755586

This a based thread, so where the streams of based consciousness collide, I find it perfectly suitable to advise all to read Heraclitus here.

>> No.16755622

>How can you hide from what never goes away?
Would Heraclitus have made a good sleuth?

>> No.16755626
File: 11 KB, 400x400, entp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally Sherlock, AMA.

>> No.16755637

Also, I think it's totally valid reading audiobooks of them, they're just perfectly sized for one and a half walks or so and there's good readers of them.

>> No.16755643
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Without looking my pants, how big is my peenor?

>> No.16755660

Since you are not one for unnecessary questions, and one for apu, I shall say as big as your heart is.

>> No.16755693
File: 27 KB, 474x392, sherlockapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand callouses denote frequent masturbation and inability to copulate
(less than or equal to 15cm)
>most likely posting during late hours, again signifying a lack of social acuity and sexual veracity
>use of the word "peenor" denotes the presence of child-like maturity. Therefore the presence of some hormonal imbalance, mental handicap, or further stunted sexual attractiveness can be deduced
>posted apu
That comes to about 21cm, elementary I must say.

>> No.16756237


>> No.16756250

Glorious bump of life.

>> No.16756272

Based thread, I got the collected Sherlock hardcover and I'm going to plow through it in January. On this topic, do you guys have any lesser known authors you want more people to read?

>> No.16756333

The only other big name mystery author I know of is Christie. Although I suppose we could bring Encyclopedia Brown and the Hardy Boys back in style.

>> No.16756341

All of them. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.16756357

I strongly suggest to read George Simenon.

>> No.16756560

I wish you the best and admit it's pathetic to spazz out. Read what you want but dear god, keep it to yourself. That's all I ever even fucking asked.

>> No.16756565
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Are you okay?

>> No.16756683
File: 30 KB, 308x325, Sherlock_Holmes_-_The_Man_with_the_Twisted_Lip_(colored).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a study in scarlet is not really the best place to start with holmes. it would be better to start with the short stories, then come back to the novels afterwards or at least after reading one or two of the collections. ASIS is an important part of the holmes timeline because it starts with holmes and watson meeting for the first time and moving into 221b together, but really doyle was still finding his feet with the characters.
better to start with one of the collections of short stories. it's ok just to assume that holmes and watson know each other and come back to the novels afterwards.
the collections called the adventures of sherlocks holmes and the memoirs of sherlock holmes are the best to start with. at the end of memoirs is when holmes and moriarty fall off the reichenbach falls together. by this time doyle was a bit fed up with the character and wanted that to be an end to it but public demand made him write more. the return of sherlock holmes collection is also classic, his last bow is still good, but the final collection the casebook of sherlock holmes is best avoided until you have read everything else
the novels can be read in pretty much any order. hound of the baskervilles is the best known and for good reason.
also make sure you get an edition with the original sidney paget illustrations.

>> No.16756687

I know /lit/ is very big on dubs, but fucking checked my man

>> No.16756696

Thanks bunches anon, that's been very helpful.

Also check those quints of five.

>> No.16757439


>> No.16758212

Yes, Shit ton of Maigret books.

>> No.16758388
File: 123 KB, 790x1024, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite detective stories are the Father Brown series. A great mixture of mystery, philosophy and beautiful poetic writing. Also, I like an author who has a bit of hrumph in him.

>> No.16758399

>for me its Father Brown - mysterious, philosophical and with a wicked sense of hrumph about him.

>> No.16758405

Simenon is the best. Inspector Maigret is the best detective protagonist, every single book in that series is at least an 8/10, so consistent, so full of life and quiet humor, best mystery series hands down

i just read one about prostitutes in montmartre that was really good, and another one about a fallen family that used to own a biscuit empire that was great, and another one that took place in Belgium about murders in the canals and ferry boats. i dont remember titles

anybody read the Dr Siri Paiboun series? it's very maigret-ish murder mysteries set in Laos in the early 90s as communism is starting to fall, etc- he's a medium and uses his supernatural abilities to solve mysteries related to the excesses of communism and CIA stuff, really well written and as somebody who has traveled in laos quite a lot, they really capture the flavor of the country well. i think the author worked there for the UN or something


>> No.16758699

>When was the last time you anons read some Holmes or Poirot?
Like this morning, continued The Hound of the Baskervilles, it's translated but it's still a good read so far.

>> No.16759428


>> No.16759441


I read some Poirot every now and then, when I want something cozy to read, usually around christmas.

>> No.16759795

Anyone got any charts?

>> No.16759936

there should be a chart, I don't see one in the wiki

>> No.16759943

I haven't felt the need to read them since I have seen the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett.

Look at this scene from the Final Problem. Absolute kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsiE8ABiztU

>> No.16759962

Georges Simenon

>> No.16760782

Let’s create one.

>> No.16761427

go for it

>> No.16761807

After you.

>> No.16762512

>When was the last time you anons read some Holmes
read through them all earlier this year. some of them were good but many were absolute trash. i would have liked them more if conan doyle wasn't such a spartan prose stylist.

>> No.16762582

He doesn't really look like the stereotypical Sherlock. Still kino scene.

>> No.16763102
