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/lit/ - Literature

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16751633 No.16751633 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had one of those in a while but it would definitely be useful to prevent retarded threads.
Anyways, I'll start with a question myself: What are some good audiobooks to listen to while doing other stuff? I am not a huge fan of audiobooks but I'll soon be driving a couple of hours and would like something to listen to. I could also imagine doing it while lifting or doing chores.
I thought something like the Sherlock Holmes series would be good, but I am open to any ideas as long as its fiction. I would never be able to listen to philosphical texts, I need to be able to reread a page and even more so if I am interrupted for short amounts of time, like when someone talks to me at the gym.
Thank you and please use this thread to discuss anything you want.

>> No.16751655
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Not even once.

I'm about to finish The Golden Bough, where do I go from here?

>> No.16751676

how much of your neetbux did you use to shill the greeks, faggot?

>> No.16751885

How often do we need to tell you, newfags? Audiobooks suck.

>> No.16751986

Your pic refutes your own post. Homer is great in audio form, you're meant to hear it aloud.

>> No.16752074

What works of Bukowski should I read? My next order of books is already large as fuck but I definitely want to tap into some of his works, at least a couple.

>> No.16752097

>Start with the Greeks
What did the Greeks start with?
>Out of their ass
You are all eating greek ass and praising it. Not a question. Just a statement.

>> No.16752399

I have been reading the Greek epics, and I must ask, should I be getting any deep philosophical meaning out of this? It's a great story, but I someone trolled me with the philosophy aspect.

>> No.16752593

How do I edit my short story?


>> No.16752607

>What did the Greeks start with?
Cave paintings.

>> No.16752673

So is "Arthurian Literature" an established canon of ancient stories or is it a genre that writers can modify at their whims?

>> No.16752706

Bukowski is being shilled by one anon rn, he's a meme like Guenon. Don't fall for it
Modify, they're all folktales
Why are they called metaphysicians and not metaphysicists? They practice metaphysics not metaphysiology

>> No.16752802

lolwut. Perhaps if you know ancient greek, otherwise it's just the same as any other faggot audiobook, unless the translator was autistic enough to translate it into a verse (perhaps blank verse, since it's the English epic verse).
Face it, brainlet: audiobooks are trash and you're just too lazy to read.

>> No.16752813

My order was
Works and Days
Homeric Hymns
Golden Bourgh/Jason and the Golden Fleece
The Golden Ass

>> No.16752862

It depends on the epic:

Iliad: Wrath and mercy. Realizing your enemy is human too. Discussion about whether eternal glory is desirable. Duty to your family and nation

Odyssey: Coming into Manhood. Family loyalty. Trickery. Toil

Golden Fleece: Leadership. Standing out from amongst heroes to become the most distinguished. Questioning the effectiveness of different types of leadership (Heracles vs Jason).

Aeneid (Yeah I know it's Roman, suck my Roman dick Graecophiles): The power of fate. The rule of the gods. Duty to the gods, to your race, to your family.

>> No.16752875

I forgot to add: Odyssey is also about the relationship between guest and host

>> No.16753124

Ah, thank you I am kind of a half-wit, but I try, thank you very much.

>> No.16753156

The Franzen thread is kinda dead so I’ll ask here: has anyone read his essays? Are there any good ones?

>> No.16753789

Should I write in English as an ESL? I read most books in English (unless the author was German) but I still think that I will never achieve the same level of language skills that I have in German. Should I try anyway because there's a larger audience or should I just write in my mother tongue?

>> No.16754296

>The Pillars of The Earth
>Anna Karenina
>Rabbit, Run

Which should I read next?

>> No.16754316

Rabbit Run. I've never read better prose

>> No.16755115


>> No.16755136

Is there any better alternative to /lit/?
>inb4 reddit

>> No.16755914
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Any books on contemporary art that are a little less intimidating?

>> No.16756002

blogposting: is it worth it to keep trying? I'm a phil major and easily the most retarded in my classes. I initially liked phil for its own sake, but recently I've felt like it's a dead end. All that's left is a lonely life of wageslaving and death. How do I re-discover a love of phil for its own sake?

>> No.16756046
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Which great rec of /lit/ has the most waifu?

What's a decent romance novel? Does such a thing even exist?

>> No.16756090

Unironically, return to the fields. There is NO argument against farming. Or find some kind of Christian commune.

>> No.16756130

I will use my whole fortune wagie

>> No.16756136

What's the best edition of The Golden Legend in English? I see there are some that are two volumes and some that are abridged. I don't what to get.

>> No.16756141

How do I monitize my history of mental illness and vagrancy?

>> No.16756157
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Greeks and the Irrational will give you a better appreciation of Homer. Also Birth of Tragedy is a nice interpretation and ordering of Greek cultural output that you might find helpful.

>> No.16757497

Why would you write

>> No.16757525

Sadly no

Goodreads has some pretty good reviewers, and some interesting lists (like the Shandian Spawn), but that's not really an alternative to lit

>> No.16758274

I recently self-published a book of which I am no longer very fond anymore. Should I publicly distance myself from it, or not aknowledge it at all?

>> No.16758349

>There is NO argument against farming.

>> No.16758373

A lot of people cringe at their old work, but that just means they are interested in improving. Don't feel ashamed of your book, learn from the experience.

>> No.16758420

>the golden bough
Stop reading obsolete religious studies, this stuff is very poorly researched (include: Evola, Guenon, Eliade & friends)

>> No.16759102

Not really related to literature, but to writing (or calligraphy specifically)

I'm not an American and I never had to learn how to write in cursive. But I want to improve my handwriting, because right now it's really childish. How can I go about that? I think that learning to write in cursive would be helpful, but how do I do even that?

I'm learning Japanese, so remembering how to write a few letters should not be a problem, but should I cram it and then try to apply it when writing, or maybe I should pay attention to something specifically to become better?

>> No.16759299
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>NO argument against farming

>> No.16759323

I looked up how to write in cursive on YouTube and now I see that the key to it is to begin all your letters from the bottom upwards. It feels very unnatural to me, I've been starting most of my letter from up to down. I'll try changing it and my writing style will definitely change, for the worse or better. Let's see.

>> No.16759645

Could someone point me to a comprehensive list of principles of writing similar to the fundamentals of art? I assume there must be something along those lines, but most of what I find through google is the blogs of failed writers spewing subjective opinions.

>> No.16759680

Where should I begin with English Romanticism?

>> No.16759684

Just read Blood Meridian, loved it. What do I read next?

>> No.16759778

that ass!

>> No.16759805
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just read this book, and was positively surprised by its quality. checked the author and it doesn't seem the author has many more published novels.
Any other top quality chinese novels /lit/ wants to shill so I see if I can get my hands in one of them?

>> No.16760111

post office and ham on rye are ok
skip the poetry, it's literally just a step above rupi kaur

>> No.16760282

What's up with Borges and mirrors and mazes? Is it just empty symbolic posing claiming mirrors and mazes as his "thing" ? The way a person tries to make a fedora his "thing"?

>> No.16760296

Suttrree (it is actually better than blood meridian unless you're a pseud who just likes graphic violence, in which case American Psycho (?))

>> No.16760348

(not Oh Pee)

>> No.16760374

If you want more McCarthy?
Read 'The Border Trilogy'.
If you want more comfy Western?
Read 'Lonesome Dove'.

>> No.16760378
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>buy ebook reader
>download all the books I ever wanted
>over 500 books
>now I have too many options and don't know what to read
wat do

>> No.16760397

There is only one Bukowski book worth reading: Women
Ham on Rye is a poor loser wagecuck fantasizing and whining (poorly written) and his poetry is shit.
Women is the brilliant story of a degenerate alcoholic whose made it but tries to commit suicide-by-woman

so these guys are only partly right: women redeems Bukowski

>> No.16760453
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Is this any good?

>> No.16760586

they are interesting subjects, or at leat JLB makes them so. the way he can make a short story about a maze, mirrors, infinite libraries with all possible books or abandoned ruins down a river is what makes him special and likely the best 20th century writer

>> No.16760801

Yesterday someone used "gormless" in a /b/ thread loaded with bots, and it made me wonder if it was an algorithmic translation artifact or if the term is still in common use in Scotland or wherever, but with a different shade of meaning than in Shakespeare's time, since in Burgerstan it's archaic as that. Of course I could look all that up elsewhere first, but it would be more interesting to see if any UK /lit/tards are here to expand on this.
The automation of agriculture is the one thing that most justifies the industrial revolution in the sense that agrarian civilizations prior to it are predominantly totalitarian in tone, since they hardly function at all unless 90% of the population has the mentality of a draft animal--as most still do in the regions of Asia that are already too populous for a demographic transition away from it.

>> No.16760855

Well what books do you have?

>> No.16760917

Lol is that wojack

>> No.16760932

remove them and only have a few books that you're currently reading and plan on finishing.

>> No.16761034

Why is 'yes' pronounced 'jes' rather than 'yes'?

>> No.16761098

Because English is like Chinese, you have to memorize the pronunciation of each word, you only have some clues by looking at an unknown word, but you cannot be 100% sure without someone else telling you how it's read.

>> No.16761107

Ya it is

>> No.16762453

anyone remember the asian girl that did philosophy videos on Schopenhauer?

pls i've been edging for 5 hrs straight and this is the only thing I need

>> No.16762496

How do you spell wrong/wronge?

Wronge has a red squiggle under it, but it looks better than wrong.