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16749402 No.16749402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is lolita actually a good book? Or is it just pedo bait masquerading under the prose

>> No.16749412

why don’t you read it and find out

>> No.16749426


>> No.16749437

in the first like 5 pages there was a bit of time spent describing how much two 13 year olds wanted to fuck each other then all of a sudden the girl dies of typhus. so i want to know what i'm getting into

>> No.16749458

yes but not his best

>> No.16750235

it has incredibly good prose, though if you are not captivated by it right from the start you will hardly like it more getting further into it
the pedo content is actually very tame. I can't imagine a pedo actually getting any enjoyment out of it
first part is amazing, but personally I thought second part dragged too much and almost made me quit it. picks up a lot in third part but doesn't reach the highs of the first one

>> No.16750240

>is book really X or is it just Y?
>is book really good or is it just a meme?
One of the worst kind of threads on this board

>> No.16750249

Are there any editions in particular that are good? I've been meaning to get it for ages

>> No.16750612

as >>16750235 says, the prose is fantastic. Read it just for that.

>> No.16750652

It's not pedo bait. It's never overtly explicit and the prologue makes it clear Humbert is a disgusting, evil person and unreliable narrator who happens to write beautiful prose. Nabokov kind of wrote it as a jab at erotic fiction but it's more of a tragic black comedy than anything.

>> No.16750743

best novel baby

>> No.16750758

It's alright

>> No.16750768

I'm into cunny and Lolita is not pedo bait at all. There is 0 sexual content in it. Its a great book though.

>> No.16751039

It's a great book
+1 for outing pedos every day

>> No.16751070

>one of the best XX century books
>labeled as pedo book even though is a subtle critic to pedophilia

>> No.16751442

>10 yos better than 39 yo
based af. For me peak performance is 15yo. after 17 it's all downhills

>> No.16751453

It's a good book, but worse than The Gift, Real Life of Sebastian Knight or Pale Fire

>> No.16751494

there's literally zero fap material in the novel. It's all pastiche and double entendres and alliteration and literary jokes and Poe references.