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File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1500, Nietzsche and Wagner Existential Comics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16748483 No.16748483 [Reply] [Original]

Wagner btfo'd.

>> No.16748486


>> No.16748489

Nietzsche the jew-lover, I always knew it.

>> No.16748496
File: 1.12 MB, 1220x990, 1604690031646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16748501

That cuck can't beat anyone in a debate

>> No.16748523

I remember reading a Japanese article on Counter Currents once comparing Mishima and Wagner, I think it was a lady and she literally said Wagner was a coward for not killing himself like Mishima, "even though he had the artistic-suicidal tendencies and wishes" or something like that. As if Wagner must have the same destiny or ideals as Mishima because of similarly experienced states in life.

>> No.16749086


>> No.16749390

>said Wagner was a coward for not killing himself like Mishima
Huh that's weird wonder why they would think tha-
There you go.

>> No.16749428

I hate the moron that makes these comics. I remember they tweeted something about how anarchists have never been violent which is just some pants on head shit

>> No.16749481

What would that even achieve anyway? That anarchism is without the potential to be violent?

>> No.16749555

idk, their twitter account makes leftists look bad

>> No.16750001

>gaylord who wrote a few shitty novels
>kills himself
>straight artist who inspires billions to rebel against the jewish spirit in music
>lives a fulfilling life, is honored by kings and emperors
I wonder why.

>> No.16750029

It’s a fair comparison if only because Mishima used Wagner’s music for his short film. There’s something fascinating about him choreographing something as uniquely Japanese as the seppuku to Western music. What exactly he meant by it, I don’t know.

>> No.16750077

>What exactly he meant by it, I don’t know.
The Japanese and Aryan spirit are strangely simpatico and nationalists on both sides know it. Jews know it too and despise both.

Put another way there are many shame cultures but few guilt cultures. Europeans and Japs have guilt cultures.