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16745972 No.16745972 [Reply] [Original]

This book caused a golden age of philosophy and science in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. You have read the Quran, right /lit/?

>> No.16746075

the strangest thing about the Quran is that Muslims have to recite it in melody. Surprisingly, it sounds really really good. Maybe this IS from the Lord of the Worlds.

>> No.16746084

Fan fiction by a literate trader in the levant

>> No.16746088

I'm reading and enjoying it.

>> No.16746102

it's shit

>> No.16746108

They take credit for the culture ps they absorb and destroy like all Abrahamic cults.

>> No.16746113

It really is top tier. Sometimes when I look at the sunset or the night sky I can feel God calling me to Islam.

>> No.16746219

compared to the bible how long is it?

>> No.16746232

Mine is 400 pages.

>> No.16746242

You cannot prove that.

If you are white please don't talk. The Qur'an has higher value than the smut books westerner publish en masse.

>> No.16746251

way shorter.

>> No.16746261

you appear to have some sort of mental disorder anon. seek help
the only value the quran has is as toilet paper or kindling

>> No.16746290

The Qur'an is an important book, but if you're not white, don't post here ever again.

>> No.16746309


Besides bashing Islamic clergy and literature with weak arguments, what is your point?

>> No.16746326

I have never read an opus of over a hundred pages, which did not have a single interesting, or intelligent thought in it, the Qu'ran was the first.

What an anthropological anathema.

>> No.16746344

Its basically am pamphlet, a dumbed down version of the bible for brain-fried goatfuckers.

And I am saying that with the utmost respect.

>> No.16746360

Critics have yet to debunk the qur'anic claim on the corruption of preceding scripture (Christian Bible and Old Testament for the Jews).

Find me one single claim in the Qur'an about Christian and Jewish scriptures that is wrong. You can't and won't and therefore resort to invective and calumny.

>> No.16746363

No but I plan to. We wouldn't have philosophy if it wasn't for them

>> No.16746371

I really have tried to respect the Quran, it is not possible for a learned scholar, the Bible represents thousands of years of human wisdom, the Quran is it's aborted camel fetus.

>> No.16746389

>Critics have yet to debunk the qur'anic claim on the corruption of preceding scripture (Christian Bible and Old Testament for the Jews).

The premise of that argument is that of a believer of the god-give Quran. It saddens me that people like you exist.

I do not consider you a philosopher or a scholar, don't reply to me.

>> No.16746393

Another barrage of drivel without addressing the content. Embarassing.

This board really seethes over Islam.

>> No.16746398

You can be a non-believer and concede that the Qur'an is right about its predecessors being mistranscribed through the ages, and the original message in them lost (on purpose or not).

>> No.16746400

Quran literally calls out disbelievers and their behaviour. So people who think they are smart by rejecting it, the Quran and God is already ahead of you


>> No.16746414

The criticisms about the Bible and the Old Testament are correct just because it's fairly obvious to spot flaws in said texts, just as with the Qur'an. The Old Testament was written by literal savages in the desert, so it's probably easiest to scrutinize, but the other two aren't far behind.

None of them say anything particularly revolutionizing or unknown when you shred away the religious aspect of it (and even with that it's pretty questionable), in any case.

>> No.16746421
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Religion is a spireful mutation.
Quaran is trash.

>> No.16746424

Flaws in the Qur'an? Where?

>> No.16746433

My favorite recitation


>> No.16746437

There is nothing that could be adressed in the Quran, and I have read most important hadithes too, f.e. Al-Buhari and Al-Muslim both in full text. There is nothing to say about the contents because there are none.

Aphoristical nonsense without wisdom or insight, aborted judeo-christian thought combines with the lowest human indictment of perversed and repulsive greed.

The fact that this faith is the second largest on earth is the only interesting thing about this faith.

The conclusion of the eternal animalistic nature of our spirit.

>> No.16746443

>You can be a non-believer and concede that the Qur'an is right about its predecessors being mistranscribed through the ages, and the original message in them lost (on purpose or not).

That I have never questioned.

>> No.16746448

It is the largest and growing, and it will grow until its duty is completed. That's the final thing to disclose here.

>> No.16746453

Just as with the so-called corruption of previous scriptures, the Qur'an most certainly suffered with mistranslations, possible errors in the composition etc. which lead to damaging and change of the original text. That should be obvious if you're not a devout Muslim.

>> No.16746457

It is an amazing feat considering the willingness of people to corrupt it, as demonstrated here.

>> No.16746458

That is so very sad but true.

>> No.16746464

Sad is relative.

>> No.16746470

Just blatantly untrue, you can check the oldest found Qur'an and compare it to the newest one.

>> No.16746473

I prefer learning about Islam through books, Muslims online are without exception obnoxious and bigoted with a poor command of the English language.

>> No.16746475
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salaam akhis

>> No.16746480

Sad is absolute to the individual, and only in the individual sadness can grieve.

In conclusion sadness can not be relative.

>> No.16746487

You are right on this, the quran is the most clearly foretold religion.

>> No.16746488

>AND [only] those who are devoid of knowledge say, "Why does God not speak unto us, nor is a [miraculous] sign shown to us?" Even thus, like unto what they, say, spoke those who lived before their time their hearts are all alike. Indeed, We have made all the signs manifest unto people who are endowed with inner certainty
I wonderwhat mechanics in the brain changes, but once you believe in Allah the Quran makes sense, whereas if you don't it doesn't make sense. Mind you, most Muslims I've met also don't believe in Allah and can't make heads or tails of Quran.

>> No.16746492

Well, I do not believe you have read what you claim to.

>> No.16746496

I prefer learning about Islam through muslims, islamic books are without exception obnoxious and bigoted with a poor command of the English language.

fix'd it for you.

>> No.16746501

>most Muslims I've met also don't believe in Allah and can't make heads or tails of Quran.

>> No.16746502

But I have, my theological knowledge far exceeds your own.

Try me.

>> No.16746514

That is also true for the bible, a non believer can read, interprete and even analyse the bible for years without understanding a single word written in it.

Philosophers hate that fact.

>> No.16746519

Yet the earliest official versions are from after Muhammad's death and contain differences from the handful of fragments and manuscripts from before that (the few that survived, that is).

>> No.16746521

t. American

>> No.16746522

But how do most Muslims I've met also don't believe in Allah and can't make heads or tails of Quran ?

>> No.16746532

If they don't believe in Allah then they aren't Muslims.

>> No.16746538

Please use oxford english, I can't understand your backwater socio-lect.

>> No.16746539

Not sure I can. Once I started believing in Allah, I could see if another Muslim I was talking with actually believe or was just pretending to believe because of parents/clergy, etc.

>That is also true for the bible, a non believer can read, interprete and even analyse the bible for years without understanding a single word written in it
Yes though it's a completely different ballpark. Once you believe in the God of bible reading the Bible makes sense, but Quran doesn't. It's very difficult to switch but once you believe in Allah the Quran makes sense but Bible doesn't. They are very incompatible systems.

>> No.16746544

And yet it weathered the ages and solidified as it was, and is today. That is what I argued.

If you want to argue something else then tell me what. So far all wrong claims in this thread have been debunked.

>> No.16746545

can you give an example?

>> No.16746546

The second part was meant for>>16746514

>> No.16746554

>can you give an example?
Example of what?

>> No.16746577

Of interactions that lead you to think that most Muslims don't belive in Allah and can't u derstand the Qu'ran?

>> No.16746579

Both the Qur'an and the Bible make sense to me and I'm Muslim. The things in which they differ is where you go with Qur'an. There's a lot of good stuff in the Bible still, not that I'd recommend every Muslim go read the Bible.

>> No.16746599

>They are very incompatible systems.
True. That is the cultural difference imprinted unto us at birth. A border no one will ever cross

Also that is, to this day, the strongest refutation of islam.
Muhammad was an arab.
A literal arab.

Just say this word and examine your feelings.
Than you will know the truth.

>> No.16746604

>I know if people truly have iman or not
Making this assumption is condemned by the Prophet (pbuh)

>> No.16746609

>There's a lot of good stuff in the Bible still
I have never read a more offensive statement.

>> No.16746616

Islam does not care about the origin of its prophets - rather the word they spread.

Your refutations have been nothing but mockeries and ad-homs.
Do you wish to add anything of meaning?

>> No.16746618

>That is the cultural difference imprinted unto us at birth
That is not what I mean. They're two very different systems of communicating with the divine.

>> No.16746628

>arguing against Islam using Jewish concepts
It's not an ethnic religion. Every people received messengers, even Native Americans and Aboriginals

>> No.16746629

Well, if it comes to that, I can agree that Islam is the most homogeneous of the Abrahamic religions when it comes to its teachings in historical plan. It's logical for it to be, more or less.

>> No.16746644

I fully understand why Muhammed s.a.v.s would condemn such a thing. I understand the dangers of doing such a thing and of the folly of those that do so. So, yeah you will get no argument from me in that regard.

>> No.16746648
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>> No.16746653

>Both the Qur'an and the Bible make sense to me and I'm Muslim
Do you understand what is meant by "Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people"

>> No.16746661
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>I prefer learning about Islam through muslims
oh i think we've all learned a lot through muslims

>> No.16746668

>Do you wish to add anything of meaning?
Do you want to discuss implementations of prophety foretold by the old and new testament? I can do that.

But because faith is mostly a question of feeling we will never agree.

Tbh I don't even claim to know the truth, I am a scholar of the european (means mostly greek and modern) european philosophcal tradition. My reading expands into the deep roots of different religions, and I have found the intellectual implications of islam to be extraordinarily displeasent and shallow, I speak four languages and I have read sacred texts of religions you dont even know the name of.

Yet I don't claim truth: Because I am not a part of your school of thought. As I have said in >>16746514 I just can't.

>> No.16746672


Islam inspires shit thoughts in its followers and the fact that Muslim scholars are nonexistent when contrasted to the amount of Muslims on this Earth says enough.

>> No.16746677

Please expand this thought before me.

>> No.16746687

>Do you want to discuss implementations of prophety foretold by the old and new testament? I can do that.


>> No.16746689

Before I do that please state the reason for wanting said expansion

>> No.16746696

>Yet I don't claim truth
>and I have found the intellectual implications of islam to be extraordinarily displeasen
seems to me like you do calum to know the truth

>> No.16746707

What's offensive about it?
Where is that quote from? I want to check it.

>> No.16746710

My understanding?

>> No.16746727

Only from the viewpoint of the european philosophical and philological tradition. And in comparision too many other traditions I have learned about.

>> No.16746728

>Where is that quote from? I want to check it.

>> No.16746738

You can think it. You can't disclose it. This >>16746522 is dubious, but it's said anonymously and doesn't name anyone. It is a fact that there are hypocrites amongst the Muslims, and there's no harm in reminding of that without obsessing over it.

>> No.16746745

>My understanding?
I mean in the sense of are you a muslim or Christian or a philosopher that wants the expansion. The answer will be the same, only modulated to fit your preconception

>> No.16746754

First, there exists a unique Book called the Injil.
Second, Mary is part of the Trinity.
Third, Jesus wasn't crucified.

How can God makes errors, especially when pointing out the errors of His creatures?

>> No.16746756

How do you know that you yourself are not a hypocrite? I don't think taht I have more faith than your average muslim.

>> No.16746774

>Only from the viewpoint of the european philosophical and philological tradition
As someone who has also done such a thing I haven't found anything in the western body of work that will help you much in understanding the Quran. The closest thing, other than of course being born a Muslim and growing up in a Muslim world, would be Asian philosophy, more specifically Taoism, it might serve as a bridge for proper understanding.

>> No.16746778

Oh, ok!

Thank you, I am a western reader without school of thought.

>> No.16746790

>Second, Mary is part of the Trinity.
Catholicism was a mistake.

>> No.16746802

>without school of thought.
hmmm absolutely none? Does that mean you're an atheist?

>> No.16746814

If you're questioning your own iman you probably are sincere. I'm not qualified myself to give definitive advice and answers about this as I don't really know. You shouldn't be worried about how much faith other people have, remember on judgment day it is you alone before Allah. I don't really know for myself all I can say is that I believe.

>> No.16746816

>more specifically Taoism, it might serve as a bridge for proper understanding.

I have read the Daodejing and the conceptual spiritway to islam seems more than nebulous to me. Clouded.

>> No.16746829

Noo I was raised an anglican babtist. NOW PLEASE STOP questioning me and explain your interesting concept.

>> No.16746887


>> No.16746926
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I am forever grateful to Allah for giving us humans the ability to appreciate the beauty in His creation.

>> No.16746943

I apologize, it wasn't my intent to make you miserable, but I really had to know in order to be able to try and properly explain it. To start off you would say you believe in God? At least in the Christian notion of a God? Then my assumption is that you are simply unable to understand Islam and the central notion their deity which is Allah due to the inherently different way of communicating with the divine. The Christian notion of God comes from the idea that Jesus was a man, but also a God, and that we as humans share that divine with us, our souls. God is within us, every single one of us. Where as Allah is completely separated from that, and is on a higher plane... Apologise bro but it's just impossible to explain like this, it sounds like I'm rambling. It might take me a few days if we were talking properly to properly illustrate the concept

>> No.16746979

>I have read the Daodejing and the conceptual spiritway to islam seems more than nebulous to me. Clouded.
It seems it's impossible to put into words. The Tao that can be described is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. All I can say is, as I've already mentioned I know of a lot of, even devout, Muslims that don't believe in Allah. And I've also met some Westerns that have (somehow) came to believe in Allah, without them even being aware of it.

>> No.16746985

>The Christian notion of God comes from the idea that Jesus was a man, but also a God, and that we as humans share that divine with us, our souls. God is within us, every single one of us. Where as Allah is completely separated from that, and is on a higher plane

I knew that already, that is a jewish tradition, the jews and the muslims have the same reason to exclude Jesus from being gods son.
The reason is the death on the cross.
Not fit for a god.

>> No.16747027


Post your favorite Nasheed.

>> No.16747049

Muslims believe that copying the prophets (made up stories) is the best way to live even though they weren't devoid of sin.
When Abraham cut off Hagars clitoris and now 90 million egyptians do it because mah prophet did it.
Or when Muhammad squats to pee muslims just randomly follow it. Don't forget the amount of pebbles to rub against your dick to cleanse it.
Also don't forget to damn people to hell to scare them into converting.

>> No.16747068

Your time will come

>> No.16747102

My time to do what?

>> No.16747118

>When Abraham cut off Hagars clitoris and now 90 million egyptians do it because mah prophet did it.
Why the hell have I never heard of that!
WTF I thought that would only happen in the african nigger jungle.

>> No.16747135

the bible is padded as fuck
the last half of the old testament is just the repeated story of god's hate boner against everyone but how he will later make things good again, told over and over and over again. fuck i am tired

>> No.16747143

Hypocrites are secretly not Muslim, they are outwardly pretending to believe whilst inwardly they do not believe. There are some signs about them, there's some hadith which I don't know from where but it's well known, that whenever a hypocrite speaks he tells a lie and whenever he is given something in trust he breaks that trust. If you are consciously trying to tell the truth at all times, and if I lend you a book and you look after it and return it to me or at least have full intention to return it, if you do these things you are not a hypocrite.

>> No.16747152

Islam is filth. Iran has never truly been Islamic in spirit, and you stole of our achievements like renaming Academy of Gundishapur to House of Wisdom. Iranshahr will abandon Islam soon enough, and you will ALL be forced to convert to Zoroastrianism or die. You will kneel to Zarathustra's divine fire.

>> No.16747170

Ask him for the source of it if you like.
Squatting, or sitting, to pee is better for you. Your bladder drains.
There's no compulsion in religion in Islam.

>> No.16747185

Embarassing and biased take.

>> No.16747187
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>> No.16747195

meant for >>16747027

>> No.16747258

I just don't like Islam, sorry. Gulf Arabs have no identity beyond Islam. Turkey and Iran do. They can always leave it, and in the future, they will. I'm sick and tired of you dumbass Muslims, killing people over a fucking cartoon and obsessing about a pedophilia's *final" revelation. So fucking stupid.

>> No.16747292

I have a friend raised in a muslim family and once asked him why the average muslims person doesnt kill terrorists, he said they afraid of going to hell (basically). He said allah basically forbids all forms of murder, it's a one way ticket to hell, and that terrorists subscribe to a radical, twisted and heretical branch of islam that 95% of muslims dont subscribe to.

>> No.16747306

Should also add he was taught to be sharia or sunni is also heresy, there is just "Islam" and those sects are full of extremists.

>> No.16747309

It is wrong to behead people for drawing cartoons of the prophet in non-Muslim countries. Only in Muslim countries should Islamic law be enforced. This is not a controversial opinion, don't judge all Muslims by the actions of terrorists.

>> No.16747325

A simple beating would have sufficed. Perhaps a broken jaw. But beheading is too far. RIP to that teacher.

>> No.16747329

They ban Germans from drawing Moses and kill them if they resist

>> No.16747331

The only countries that will remain Muslim in the future are in the Gulf because with more historical understanding, people are going to drop it in large numbers. The only way to keep a country Muslim is through censorship and cutting off information outlets like Internet.

>> No.16747351

Further proof Islam is incompatible with modern times.

>> No.16747384

Like 30% of Arabs are Jews and Christians and the Quran tells Muslims to read the Bible, its not like theyre insulated

>> No.16747415

Only a slight percentage of hardliners are taking up arms against the West. So little that in fact you could just as well attribute it to anything but Islam.

>> No.16747416

I am also tired.
This discussion will only be decided through death.
Which also is sad. But on this premise I really think that it is lawful to hit the babies of the wrong faith on the stones with the head, to prevent the fiendish blood from growing up and procreating.

>> No.16747424
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>> No.16747486

You have it backwards my friend.

Modern times are not compatible with the year we currently live in.

You will feel that in your lifetime take my word for it.

>> No.16747498

Both Islam and Christianity are going to die out. They are both stupid religions that get bogged down in historical events rather than metaphysics or systems of experiential inquiry. This is why they are inflexible in a manner that is suffocating. A tradition cannot flourish when it is based on faith rather than experiential matters like purification, enlightenment, or whatever.

>> No.16747507

>a golden age of philosophy and science in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia
What are some of the fruits of that golden age?

>> No.16747510

Keep telling that to yourself until the stones hit your head.

>> No.16747515

Have fun in hell, Mudslime. Your soul is defiled, impure, and rotten down to the core. You are undeniably going to hell.

>> No.16747516

They're not going to die out. That's what we have drones and nukes for.

>> No.16747518

Neoplatonism? At least thats what they teached me at Uni.

>> No.16747530

notice the duplicity of the rafida, they actually want to fool you into believing that the wilyat regime is anything other than the new sassanids, lmao, who actually falls for this crap?

>> No.16747557

>Atheist cuck of the western devil
>Telling me I will go to hell

Yeah that is not even worth smirking over.

Your daughter will kneel before her muslim husband.

Your grandchildren will kneel before Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ)

You will see that in your lifetime inshallah.

>> No.16747568

You Arabs need to go back to being slaves either Turks, like you were for the past 500 years, or subjects of a Neo-Sassanian empire. You cannot rule yourselves. The reality is you need to be ruled by your superiors.

>> No.16747572

al muslim

you cant even get the name of the most reputed collection of hadith second to bukhari right and you expect us to trust you lol

>> No.16747579

I'm not an atheist, you low-IQ Arab subhuman mongrel. I doubt you even read any real literature, so what are you doing on /lit/, huh? Do you realize I talk a lot about literature here? I've given literary analyses and recommendations people have thanked. In fact, my mind is beyond your feeble comprehension.

>> No.16747645

I have studied both in full length and over months in a respectable and well known translation.

Believe it or not, I actually had fun reading them.

Ai'sas lost nechlace is my favorite drama.

>> No.16747649

>my mind is beyond your feeble comprehension.
Would you consider yourself euphoric in this very moment? And enlighted by your own intelligence?

What a fucking joke you are.

>> No.16747858

I am a prophet.

>> No.16748140

The Quran is impressive at its portrayal of the human condition and even uses it as one of the signs of God.

>> No.16748248

Funny how easy it is to disprove the peacefulness of muslims

>> No.16748465

lol words

>> No.16748477

r/atheism did to you exactly what you claim religion did to others

>> No.16748607
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>Horrible writing
>Pedophile prophet
>Produces more terrorists than any other religion.

>> No.16748627
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Actually, no.

Islam is dying. In fact, it's hilarious that it's dying due to "moderate" muslims rejecting the extremism that is called for in your holy book.

Islam will succumb to the same fate as Christianity. Where most people are simply religious in name only.

>> No.16748675

You have been mistaken my dear friend, Islam is ever growing in even Western countries. Its people are conquering the world through the womb, they won't even have to lift their swords because christian nations accept them into their own.

Who owns the streets now? Muslims can do as they like, it's ours and you dear sir have lost.

>> No.16748688

Westerners, is it okay when you slaughter the Muslims that you take the time to distinguish Muslim from non-Muslim Middle Easterners? Thanks.

>> No.16748732
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>> No.16748966

>Its people are conquering the world through the womb
>Muslim birth have declined by almost 50% in 20s years and are still trending down

>> No.16748984

Still more babies than Westerners.

>> No.16749083

You are the one thats coping, at birthrates that low and a lack of ability to convert and retain converts effectively means the the world is being delivered to the non believers by people falling out into cultural islam.

Your children will listen to western music, watch western movies, consume western food, play western videogames, use western search engines to watch western videos all while hungering for the latest western fashions and consumer goods. Few will know and even less will act on whats happening in China, Burma and the gulf.

The blackpill is that its all one steady march into post western global homogeneity

>> No.16749770


>> No.16749798

Not him but why do you insinuate that there can be no such thing as a Western Muslim? Where did you hear of this concept?

I'm wondering because there are Muslims living in the west which have been for many generations, I personally know some family which is 7th generation of Muslims in a western country.

>> No.16749816

Wow. Wonderful insight, anon.

>> No.16749833

Have you finished high school.

>> No.16749845

>Not him but why do you insinuate that there can be no such thing as a Western Muslim?
I can assure you that I dont believe there is no such thing as Muslims living in Western Societies. The point I was trying to illustrate how flawed the notion is of "conquering the world through the womb" was as it was raised by that poster and how its not being reflected in reality

>> No.16749879

It is not reflected in reality, it already is reality.

God I hate americans so much...

>> No.16749919

> it already is reality.
How so?

>> No.16749926

Meh, the prequel is better.

>> No.16750251

Did Islam/the Quran speak of the World of Forms that Plato revealed? How similar is Islam to Platonism/Neoplatonism?

>> No.16750255

Quran doesn't. Islamic philosophers do. They've tried to modify several concepts of neoplatonism to fit the Quran

>> No.16750263
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you could have just let the thread die but noooo

>> No.16750926
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The Greeks were African, who cares.

>> No.16750952

fucking retard

>> No.16750966

>How similar is Islam to Platonism/Neoplatonism?
Like a rat to a horse.

>> No.16750975

>story of god's hate boner against everyone
I can just imagine the soi face behind this post. The malice of mortal sin is infinite and the number, therefore all chastisements of the lord are just, and also the number of the elect are few. The new testament further tightens the gates and the condemnation of the wicked is irrevocable by the incarnate word, Jesus Christ.

>> No.16750982

>Literally beliebing in god

>> No.16750995

Yeah, its below that. Its the best kind of toilet paper though

>> No.16751011

>claims not to believe in God
>still a moralfag and upset about the wrath of a fictional character to the extent you have to say "hate boner"
Not him. I don't believe in God but be was 100% justified in the OT. That bald guy was right to maul those kids to death with bears. Paul and the gang was right to kill that faggot for not giving them the money they needed in Acts in NT. If you have a problem with these, I regret to inform you that you have the religioustard moralfag brain.

>> No.16751128

Judaism for the masses.

>> No.16752277

Why do mods leave obvious shill threads up while deleting actual discussion? This place is a shithole.

>> No.16752297

No. Every muslim takes part in fighting against kafirs, the real difference is whether they do it explicitly, or implicitly, by enabling and quietly supporting the explicit ones.

>> No.16752315

It makes really good toilet paper

>> No.16752709

The Quran is the most /lit/ religious text, it's not anybody's fault but your own if your low IQ bars you from appreciating it.

>> No.16752740

The Qur’an is the exact opposite of philosophy. It’s just repetitions and rambling. Comparing it with anything like the Bhagavad Gita really goes to show how impoverished and uninspired the Qur’an is. If I’m wrong, prove to where the hard-hitting truths and philosophy of the Qur’an are and I’ll go and reread them

>> No.16752766

No idea what you mean by that. If your post implies that Muslims are urged to fight injustice, then that is true, but Islam rejects conversion by force.

>> No.16752772

that's not catholicism, it's heresy.

>> No.16752805

>The Qur’an is the exact opposite of philosophy
>It’s just repetitions and rambling
no, THAT is philosophy lol

>> No.16752951

So, what is the merit in the Qur’an if it is the exact opposite of philosophy and is of little to actual literary merit? I’m not one of these /pol/tards ITT, I want to know what is so captivating, because I don’t see it, it’s a slog to read

>> No.16753066

>Islam rejects conversion by force.

The surah saying that got abrogated.

>> No.16753639

>Israa & Mi'raaj
>سُبْحَـٰنَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِۦ لَيْلًۭا مِّنَ ٱلْمَسْجِدِ ٱلْحَرَامِ إِلَى ٱلْمَسْجِدِ ٱلْأَقْصَا ٱلَّذِى بَـٰرَكْنَا حَوْلَهُۥ لِنُرِيَهُۥ مِنْ ءَايَـٰتِنَآ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ هُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْبَصِيرُ
>Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muḥammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing. [17:1]
>وَلَقَدْ رَءَاهُ نَزْلَةً أُخْرَىٰ عِندَ سِدْرَةِ ٱلْمُنتَهَىٰ عِندَهَا جَنَّةُ ٱلْمَأْوَىٰٓ إِذْ يَغْشَى ٱلسِّدْرَةَ مَا يَغْشَىٰ مَا زَاغَ ٱلْبَصَرُ وَمَا طَغَىٰ لَقَدْ رَأَىٰ مِنْ ءَايَـٰتِ رَبِّهِ ٱلْكُبْرَىٰٓ
>And he certainly saw that ˹angel descend˺ a second time, at the Lote Tree of the most extreme limit ˹in the seventh heaven˺, near which is the Garden of ˹Eternal˺ Residence, while the Lote Tree was overwhelmed with ˹heavenly˺ splendours! The ˹Prophet’s˺ sight never wandered, nor did it overreach. [53:13-17]

Israa: This is the journey of earth and that amazing transfer, in relation to the human familiar, which was made by God's ability from the Holy Mosque to the Al Aqsa Mosque in one night, and reached in a speed that transcends imagination.

Miraaj: The yaw is the rise (or the ascent) from Earth's surface to the upper layers of the atmosphere, to the point where the penetration and penetration of Earth's diameters and other planets and stars has not yet been known

>Israa: Fast alien teleporing travelling
>Miraaj: ascending to the upper layers/to the heavens/to God

Riding the "Buraq", A camel, and travelling from The Holy Mosque to the Al Aqsa Mosque in one night, and then "ascend" to the seventh sky by which "jibreel" hit the face of "Buraq" to make it fly, then when he got to the heavens or to the seventh sky, he begged God to lower the times of prayer from 50 times to only five for the sake of his believers...

Muslims pray 5 times a day...

>Fajr: 2 sunni rakat + 2 obligatory rakat = 4 rakat
>Dhuhr: 4 sunni rakat + 4 obligatory rakat = 8 rakat
>Asr: 4 sunni rakat + 4 obligatory rakat = 8 rakat
>Maghrib: 2 sunni rakat + 3 obligatory rakat = 5 rakat
>Isha: 4 sunni rakat + 4 obligatory rakat = 8 rakat

...That costs about two hours of continuos praying on average which by then you'd be considerd "midocre" in the religon and those who only pray at least four hours a day those are the true believers which in compare to those the "mediocre" will be gaurenteed the Intercedence, and the mediocre will not gaurenteed...

Imagine if God didn't answer Muhammad's begging to lower the times of the prayer... It would have been 50 times a day... KEK.

>> No.16753651

>فَٱعْتَرَفُوا۟ بِذَنۢبِهِمْ فَسُحْقًۭا لِّأَصْحَـٰبِ ٱلسَّعِيرِ
>And so they will confess their sins. Screw them, the owners of hell: they who are sentenced to go to Hell [67:11]

>وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ ۚ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ ٱللَّهُ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَـٰكِرِينَ
>And ˹remember, O Prophet,˺ when the disbelievers conspired to capture, kill, or exile you. They deceive, but Allah also deceives. Allah is the best of deceivers.

>وَقَالَتِ ٱلْيَهُودُ يَدُ ٱللَّهِ مَغْلُولَةٌ ۚ غُلَّتْ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَلُعِنُوا۟ بِمَا قَالُوا۟
>˹Some among˺ the Jews said, “Allah is tight-fisted.” May their fists be tied and they be condemned for what they said

>Screw them
Allah is cursing the non-believers in his book
>Allah is the best of deceivers.
>May their fists be tied and they be condemned for what they said
Allah hoping that their hands get cuffed/tied

nice shill there Abdul


>> No.16753797

jew-set conversation barrier thread

>> No.16753808

Don't listen to OP

>> No.16753834

P3. Start fights between different races, Classes and religions

P11. Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

>> No.16754593

>>Screw them
>Allah is cursing the non-believers in his book
I have looked at seven most popular translations and none of them use the word 'screw'

>> No.16755348


>> No.16755579

>I have looked at seven most popular translations and none of them use the word 'screw'
I am partially Arab;
>فَٱعْتَرَفُوا۟ بِذَنۢبِهِمْ فَسُحْقًۭا لِّأَصْحَـٰبِ ٱلسَّعِيرِ
>(سحق - يسحق - سحقًا), (had crushed, crushing, is to crush)
'screw', 'سحقًا' is to mean "to crush", but also it means "scew, fuck, curse on, etc..." The old Arabic at that time "the time of Muhammad" isn't like today's Arabic. So if you want to say "fuck someone" in today's Arabic, there's alot of words that can accomplish this meaning especially that there's an accent for every Arab country. However in the old times, Arabic was called 'فصحى' which means 'Fusha' (the pure Arabic, without any accents in it at that time, there weren't any Arabic accents yet), so if you did want to say "fuck this nigger" you say "سحقًا لهذا الزنجي". You can also just type 'سحقا' or just copy it and paste it in google translate, you'll probably get 'shit'.

>فَٱعْتَرَفُوا۟ بِذَنۢبِهِمْ فَسُحْقًۭا لِّأَصْحَـٰبِ ٱلسَّعِيرِ
>Litarelly translates to: And so they confessed their sins, screw I hope they get crushed those who didn't believe "Muhammad", who will eventually go to hell.

>> No.16756174

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck islam and the bunch of illiterate scum who still follow it.

>> No.16756220

>If you are white please don't talk.
This isn't twitter, my love, where white-shaming will get you the sympathy of sjws. What the fuck does skin color have to do with criticizing islam?

The Qur'an has higher value than the smut books westerner publish en masse.
the audacity, the ungratefulness... mother fucker, go live in the sahara relying on the scientific discoveries made by the Quran then

>> No.16756227

The balkans are full of white muslims lol

>> No.16756308

>those who didn't believe "Muhammad", who will eventually go to hell.

The guy who had so much sexual prowess, he was said to fuck all his wives (about 11 at some point) all on the same night

The guy who flew to heaven on a horse which had the face of a woman... Who wouldn't believe that? Also, he went to negotiate with allah to decrease the number of salat from 50 to 5 because apparently muhammad knows better than allah

Islam is a fucking joke. I can't believe anyone who's read Quran and Hadith could still think muhammad wasn't a conman

>> No.16756414

Not a problem, if the West stops their ambitions in Muslims nations that is. In the meanwhile, Muslims have the right to play the game too, and win in the long run (which wasn't even a goal, Western rulers cuck their own people).

I mean, Western governments literally brought us here in the first place, it would be dishonest to defend the suggestion that we just swarmed in here for no good reason.

>> No.16756423

Yeah, but intentions were obvious that muslims knowingly usurp the naivety. Not our fault for revoking stupidity.

>> No.16756464

Could you please make another attempt and repeat that in English?

>> No.16756690

>Western governments literally brought us here in the first place
no they didn't. most muslims are immigrants in europe are immigrants (legal and illegal)

>if the West stops their ambitions in Muslims nations
blah blah blah colonialism. China was colonized too. So was Japan... And most muslim countries are nowhere near as developed as these countries.

And it wasn't whitey who made those countries backward: most of them have been backward for centuries before whitey came and colonized them.

And btw, muslims aren't innocent angels: they've literally invaded other countries + had slaves

Do yourself a favor and go read sahih bukhari and sahih muslim. These books are the reason I left islam. The part about the collection of quran was particularly eye-opening.

>> No.16756699

If the U.S. bombed Japan like it did Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria you would see the same

>> No.16756722

China is also thousands of miles away from Europe.
Besides bashing other cultures with weak arguments what is your point?

>> No.16756726
File: 1.18 MB, 988x1170, 1419755383800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we just have one pedo rapist cult book thread at a time? can you just make one /goatfucker general/ that the rest of us can hide?

>> No.16756895 [DELETED] 

>China is also thousands of miles away from Europe.
Are you retarded? Why are you asking this question? And how does it relate to any of what I said?

>Besides bashing other cultures with weak arguments what is your point?
This isn't a fucking college essay. Also, I'm not bashing other cultures: the fact is many muslim countries are backward and have been backward before colonialism (unlike for example Japan and China were colonized as well). So for >>16756414 to blame their economic and scientific lack of development on colonialsm is bullshit. And what's worse, they say shit like >>16756220 "The Qur'an has higher value than the smut books westerner publish en masse"

>> No.16756909

How the fuck does that relate to what I said?
Japan is more developed than most muslim countries; do you have an objection to this?

>> No.16756921 [DELETED] 

>China is also thousands of miles away from Europe.
Are you retarded? Why are you asking this question? And how does it relate to any of what I said?

>Besides bashing other cultures with weak arguments what is your point?
This isn't a fucking college essay. Also, I'm not bashing other cultures: the fact is many muslim countries are backward and have been backward before colonialism (unlike for example Japan and China were colonized as well). So for >>16756414 to blame their economic and scientific lack of development on colonialsm is bullshit. And what's worse, they say shit like >>16746242
"The Qur'an has higher value than the smut books westerner publish en masse"

>> No.16756987

>China is also thousands of miles away from Europe.
Are you retarded? Why are you asking this question? And how does it relate to any of what I said?

>Besides bashing other cultures with weak arguments what is your point?
This isn't a fucking college essay. Also, I'm not bashing other cultures: the fact is many muslim countries are backward and have been backward before colonialism (unlike for example Japan and China which were colonized as well but have managed to become economic powers). So for >>16756414 to blame muslim countries' economic and scientific lack of development on colonialism is bullshit.

>> No.16757012

To add: look at gulf countries. They have the natural sources to become among the world most developed countries, but they're not. Why is that?

>> No.16757188

You can't be white and Muslim. They are niggers in crackers' clothing.

>> No.16757743
File: 222 KB, 800x600, 1572814411302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden age of philosophy and science

>> No.16757753

whats that a brazilian guy

>> No.16757754

Developed is just code for centralization/communism

>> No.16757766

This book is easily one of the most diabolical works of literature ever written. It fuels an extremely out of touch and hyper-violent creed of 7th-century fanaticism that had led to modern terrorism and seeks to subjugate the entire world under its yoke of oppression. Islam gives zero shits about the lives of women, gays and people who don't subscribe to its beliefs.

I dunno why the fuck you people are praising this like its THE word of God. If anything this, this book was literally funded by Satan himself.

>> No.16757778

I don't care what the politically correct libtards have to say about this "religion" but this book is not the primary cause for the so-called Islamic "golden age" that was the result of soooo many genocidal Jihads and beheadings.

>> No.16758120

>blah blah blah anit islam
Why does Islam make Christcucks seethe so much?

>> No.16758250

What was Bin Laden's true motive?

>> No.16758270

not satan as in Lucifer i believe but i think some lesser demon residing in Arabia cave whispering to Muhammad

>> No.16758297

>promotes pedophilia
>jihad is the way to go
Fuck your islam shilling ass, goat fucker.

>> No.16758314

The Prophet was white, infidel.

>> No.16758468

but why? All he did counter pagan idolatry and stop the Jews killing Christians, which he also stopped from killing each other for sectarian reasons