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16745571 No.16745571 [Reply] [Original]

I love what he inspired, but I've yet to actually read any of his works. I know he has a lot of short stories and novellas, where should I start?

>> No.16745634

The Hound.
Or just get that complete collection and read from start to finish.

>> No.16745639

Do that

>> No.16745734

Read the Color from Outer Space, it's a good one, only like 15 pages long

>> No.16745753

Start with the first Penguin omnibus of his works. Also, Lovecraft's racialism is an important of his vision, so I wouldn't discount it as an "outmoded belief". I'm not saying this in an edgy /pol/ kind of way either, but you can't really understand Lovecraft's overall if you ignore his racism.
Also, Lovecraft did not like dogs, so your image doesn't make sense.

>> No.16745768

Dagon is pretty accessible but kind of unlike his other stories, I also like the Dunwich Horror

>> No.16745777


>> No.16745779

nigger cat XDDDDD

>> No.16745788
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>> No.16745798

based, wordsworth's even cheap in my third world shithole.

>> No.16745821

ST Joshi's commentary on Lovecraft makes the Penguin omnibuses worth it though. I also like how ST Joshi does not explain away Lovecraft's racism as a product of his times.
The reality is Lovecraft believed the evolutionary sophisticated and civilized man, in particular Anglos, will reach the realization there is a kind of unfathomable chaos underlying reality with science, but this is what primitive people had already understood (e.g., the craziness of Aztecs and Aboriginals). Therefore, the civilized and sophisticated man will shrink away in horror while the primitive man continues dancing to the mad tunes of reality.
So far, I think Lovecraft's best story was "The Shadow over Innsmouth", which does deal with the horror of miscegenation.
Also, Lovecraft has many stories where he believes the only way to escape the world's chaos is through dreams like "Celephaïs". His views are a lot more complex than what modern culture makes it out to be, and I don't think you can ignore how racism is an integral part of Lovecraft's vision. There's no problem with that though.

>> No.16746434

I have the complete fiction of lovecraft and everynow and then I read a story, I'm still right at the start though, the most recent story I read was The White Ship and its definitely one of my favourites so far along with this one where a guy living in an old castle finds out about a family curse

>> No.16746593

definitely this

>> No.16746612

Like others have said, just get a complete collection and read them all. You can watch his work get better if you do that. But if you can really only read one or two, read Beyond the Mountains of Madness and the Color from Outer Space. Those are probably my favorites.

>> No.16746698

Oh hey, it's Niggerman's brother, Jewessgirl

>> No.16746855

That's not his wife, Anon, it's a puppy named Irishman, because of the color of its fur or because it was dumb.

>> No.16747523

lovecraft is terrible don't bother. if you like him you're either a pseud or a woman.

>> No.16747675

Dunwitch Horror is probably my favorite so far

That's the one I liked the least. It didn't really have anything that made it stand out.

>> No.16747711

Based, their version of the Portrait of an young man as an artist has even some great endnotes

>> No.16748142

Didn't live a tough life.