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File: 447 KB, 700x700, borzoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16744460 No.16744460 [Reply] [Original]

>This is a Borzoi book.

>> No.16744470

Based Borzoi

>> No.16744707

new hyperpodcastism when?

>> No.16744863

I fucking love borzois, they are so long yet friendly-lookin'

>> No.16744882
File: 78 KB, 807x886, o9kgncnlcnu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16744913

hey lay off. those are good bois

>> No.16744921


>> No.16745003

aleks mcnabb and borzoi make a good combo

>> No.16746004
File: 73 KB, 540x720, 1591694225919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borzoi is the ultimate /lit/ dog.

>> No.16746013
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>> No.16746016

get lost mohammed

>> No.16746046

His Baudrillard one was surprisingly good, probably because he made no pretense to be an authority.

>> No.16746064

Given that he's gonna be a father soon I think he's slowing things down a bit.

The moldbug one was hilarious. The two of them are perfect for each other, they're both autistic nerds who like arguing about obscure books.

>> No.16746078

lol i know its a dog but it reminds me of a duck because his snout kinda looks like a beak haha

>> No.16746082

cute snoot

>> No.16746152

I don't get it

>> No.16746340

it's a /pol/ meme based on all the Jewish people who make Tweets or write news articles saying shit like "we white people need"....[liberal nonsense].

>> No.16746650

He really succeeded in getting Moldbug uncomfortable. Most Moldbug interviews, especially lately, he just steamrolls the host and rants autistically about Anglo historicism, chuckling to himself.

>> No.16746680

low iq

>> No.16747233
File: 48 KB, 596x596, 1452227924863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not a borzoi book

>> No.16747277

I couldn't make it through the first fifteen minutes. It sounded like fellation to me.

>> No.16747503

What happens when you crossbreed a Borzoi and a Pug?

>> No.16747527

Well it's Moldbug, that should be a given.

>> No.16747552

I sponsored an episode on Sam Francis’ book Leviathan and Its Enemies, I think that one’s coming out after the McLuhan episode. Hopefully soon.

>> No.16747584

Good Ol Boyz did a truly shit interview with Moldbug where Beef was too drunk to formulate a coherent question so it mainly ended up being Moldbug teaching them about American history

I stopped listening after that, what a waste to bring Moldbug on for that

>> No.16747591

I don't like this meme. Always bothered me that someone had a bone to pick with the Borzoi

>> No.16747595

That's been every Moldbug interview since he started his substack grift, to be fair. I doubt a coherent interviewer would have made much of a difference.

>> No.16747615
File: 441 KB, 3500x2940, 1603990660968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme to denigrate jews
>picks Borzoi to represent jews

>> No.16747751

I just came to realization that I've never seen a Borzoi in real life :(

>> No.16747793

it's just funny because the long face/long nose, you're taking it too seriously. also most antisemitism has a hint of admiration in it tbqh

>> No.16747898

It's genuinely fun in my opinion. The two of them steamroll over Nike, but he didn't seem to mind. Borzoi and Moldbug lock horns a few times. It's fun to see Moldbug get his ass put to the fire, both to see how he responds and just to see him sweat a bit. At one point he tells Borzoi that his conception of history is pretty Jewish, and Borzoi fucking loses it laughing.

>> No.16747907


>> No.16748025
File: 31 KB, 474x355, e20f1058ca473f9b83a96fd5c7ef05c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War and Peace has borzois. They go hunting with them and Nicholas daydreams about owning a really fast borzoi.

>> No.16748075

calling it admiration is weird. It's more like if you're going to portray them as that successful in manipulation, you'll have to portray them as kinda intelligent.
So it's more like it comes with the narrative that they want to them on jews rather than genuine admiration

>> No.16748101

my translation didn't called them borzois, just dogs or haunting dogs maybe

>> No.16749479

I don't want to stop seeing this snout on the catalog, bump.

>> No.16749491

Damn, the right really can't meme after all, sad!

>> No.16749517

it is very obvious that posts like this are not organic, tell your bosses to switch it up

>> No.16749530

You lost.

>> No.16749550

I didn't lose actually because I don't live in your farce of a country and I am well aware that whether Trump or Biden wins, nothing changes for the actual people, what happens is that one set of rich assholes get to slurp up corrupt pork rather than the other, the people are never even slightly taken into account, they are just riled up through propaganda to care about it and fight so that their masters get a spot at the trough.

You are probably some kind of hybrid of a slave and a would-be tyrant, paid to disseminate misinformation in the deluded hope that you might one day be part of the people that actually have power-- you will never be, you are a slave just like everyone else, you are just more obsequious, you lick their balls better.

>> No.16749616

this is a post about a dog

>> No.16749634

a dog that eats you alive, which lol you can't look at either if certain dog breeds might be more likely to do that

>> No.16749677
File: 11 KB, 1042x562, b6f2b66da76ebafb110f7391eb623e32.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually about the Alfred A. Knopf publishing house

>> No.16749970

Cute dog

>> No.16750252

Same for Childhood boyhood youth. he has a borzoi called Milka

>> No.16750257
File: 1.71 MB, 480x480, borzoi snout twist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16751206
File: 90 KB, 1200x675, 1598632046212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way.

>> No.16751220

I used to daydream about getting a borzoi or Irish wolfhound for a few years and would check craigslist and websites for puppies. When I finally found some they wanted $2000 for them. I gave up looking after that but will still on occasion search.

>> No.16751627

i literally laughed out loud when i saw the snout move

>> No.16752859

What does the borzoi tell us about the Russian soul?

>> No.16753022

I would

>> No.16753032

But what if you scritched both sides at once??

>> No.16754597


>> No.16754648

>known for being one of the dumbest dog breeds in existence

>> No.16755894

Such a stupid dog. I hate dog owners.

>> No.16756008

keep seething incel

>> No.16756031

This the current meme breed?

>> No.16756142

Yes, Biden is literally Marx and the struggle is over.

>> No.16756633

are they expensive?

>> No.16756658


>> No.16756660

Spoken like a lesser being

>> No.16756666


>> No.16756684
File: 83 KB, 760x507, Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for war Borzoi boys, this is one of the first times in our lives that the spirit in which we've all felt so solemnly is being represented in the public. This is a world-historical moment for one reason or another, and as for its potential there is no question.


>> No.16756791

borzoi are Russian you dumb mutt

>> No.16756792

God, I lost my bookmark halfway into War & Peace, stopped reading it for a while now. Was that the part where two dogs competed in a hunt?

>> No.16756803 [DELETED] 

No, when natascha succumbs to black cock iirc

>> No.16756823

I think it happens when Nikolai goes back home for Christmas.

>> No.16756965

>Jon Voight
he a notorious delusional MAGA boomer

>> No.16757270

Weird thread

>> No.16757290

Where's your earnestness?

>> No.16757296

Tfw hyperpodcastism is my favorite podcast except myth20c but ngl they've been limping recently idk what's going on with them.

>> No.16757297


>> No.16757690

has anyone actually seen a dog like this irl?

>> No.16758230

>borzoi does a podcast with mcnabb

Aaand dropped

Does Moldbug go on literally anything he's invited to?

>> No.16758800

I have. It's impossible to look away from them.