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/lit/ - Literature

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16741803 No.16741803 [Reply] [Original]

why don't more people read

>> No.16741806

Because it offers less answers for people

>> No.16741810

because reading is hard and youtube and social media are easy

>> No.16741812

the west is becoming more existential than it already was

>> No.16741814
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>> No.16741815
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>reading is hard

>> No.16741818

ironically one of my favorite movies (and books, too)

>> No.16741819

Solutions not problems. Consequentualism is bugman-esque

>> No.16741865

because reading is generally pointless

>> No.16741914

Because people need to find cures, immediately!

>> No.16741938

Efficiency. I could read a 20 page manual, or I could watch a 10-minute YouTube video that covers the same exact thing.

>> No.16741946

Because they enjoy life oddly enough.

>> No.16741952

That's a shame that people get to enjoy life only if they watch super hero movies

>> No.16741954

Because they are minmaxing their dopamine

>> No.16741957

I haven’t enjoyed anything since my last dentist appointment

>> No.16741972

because limited people. no good for large scale testing; the results are always meaninglessly negligible. ants are really ideal. they tell stories mostly through smell though and are very hard to survey for literacy. you can mostly only ask them the way to the food/queen/slave colony/termites in smells, and humans already copyrighted choose your own adventure stories, so that market is shot.

>> No.16741984

If you want a non meme answer, I believe it's because of our education system.
we're handed reading as an obligation from a young age, while other art mediums always served as a leisure. so most people grow to associate reading with studying/work but other things with entertainment.
There's also the fact that reading takes more time and effort than, say cinema for example, it's basically a modern barrier of entry that turn off many, chances are if you enjoy reading it's either because you've done so from an early age as a leisure or you've exhausted every other medium and came looking for more things you might enjoy in literature.

>> No.16742067
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Because bitches are too busy suckin my dick Nigga

>> No.16742115

That's right huh mayne

>> No.16742125

Who could resist

>> No.16742171

I truly believe that school, with its assigned readings at a forced pace and with tedious analyses of everything, smothers most people's literary curiosity in the crib. Add to that a superfluity of high time preference entertainment media today, and they never return.

>> No.16742225

pretty much

>> No.16742369

What does have a point?

>> No.16742406


>> No.16742435

this so much why the fuck would it take a whole quarter to read lord of the flies

>> No.16744048

The Victorian educational system is a disaster at churning out anything but chaff.

>> No.16744057


"I was forced to read in school so I don't like reading

The ultimate faggot cope answer. Humiliating non-revelation every time.

>> No.16744062

Unlike posting here?

>> No.16744063

I can’t read
Alexa submit post

>> No.16744111

Too busy watching teenagers shake their asses on tiktok.

>> No.16744128
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Mrs Dougherty is too busy with Phil to read. She says she hates how her husband and his dad have a full head of hair. She admires Phil's brazen Norwood 7. "That is handsomness manifest" she replies.

>> No.16744200

This, but also the books themselves they force kids to read. Instead of reading books by white European men, as they should, they are being forced to read "This is what it is like being a poor Hispanic girl in the Bronx" or some retarded shit that no one cares about. This immediately turns you off reading. And they know exactly what they are doing too. They know no one can possibly like these shitty books they assign. I'm convinced it's a conspiracy to make sure people are conditioned at an early age to have the love of knowledge stamped out of them.

>> No.16744204

Absolutetly wrong.
No one forces the comsumption of art or music in school and there is still the same lack of people appreciating them.
The people that read literature, can appreciate the high art in museums (note the appreciate, not just visiting like the mindless tourist drones) or that go to the opera are all equally scarce (and have a huge overlap too), so this forcing it on kids is not an excuse.

You force a retarded kid to read = He will conplain about it, never touch a good book again and post on reddit 20 years later about how Percy Jackson gave him back his love for reading that his awful English teacher took from him.

You don't force a retarded kid to read = He will never touch a book in his life until he comes across some stupid fantasy novel that makes him feel smart for actually readig a book, while thinking he has reached the pinaccle of the medium.

You just can't win with stupid people, and the world is full to the brim with them.