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/lit/ - Literature

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16741237 No.16741237 [Reply] [Original]

>"We need to read more PoC authors!!!"
>Authors they bring up are literally all modern black activists or YA retards
>Sometimes very recent dumbasses like Coates or Kendi, no Baldwin or Ellison even
>No 4 Great Chinese Novels
>No Meiji & after Jap lit, or any Jap lit at all
>No interesting LatAm lit

>> No.16741239

One of these things is not like the ootthhheerrs

>> No.16741248

Meds are borderline PoC.

>> No.16741252

Most white supremacists are not even white

>> No.16741255

I think most western audiences only want western authors. I remember being confused when some movie based off a book with a bunch of asians came out a few years ago and people were all surprised that asians can act; and the response I got from a friend was "oh, but those are movies from Hong Kong, this one is American".

>> No.16741273
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>> No.16741374

not even. it's simply that american people and american media only allow a narrow, corporatised worldview and strictly middleclass american culture to be publicised. so they must manufacture their own PoC content that fits that.

>> No.16741376

basically americans are too narrowminded and stupid -> westerners becoming to narrowminded and stupid -> op's pic

>> No.16741507


>> No.16741529

It doesn't help that media panders with clickbait rather than nourishing what culture could stand to grow

>> No.16741537

How is it that Ellison only wrote and published one novel in his lifetime and still became one of the most notable black authors?

>> No.16741545

I sometimes fantasize about having Ibram Kendi strapped to a chair and reading him papers about IQ

>> No.16741573

>”we need more PoC authors!”
>has never heard of Paul Beatty
Every time

>> No.16741586

If you want interesting LatAm lit read La Maravilla, it was pretty good and I had to read it in "Multicultural Literature class" (only took it to knock out two degree requirements with one stone- multicultural and literature). It's like a burgerpunk bildungsroman set in the 50s,

>> No.16741611

Beatty is awesome.
Yeah the new phrenology genuinely sucks. Ta nehisi coates interprets every sideways glance as a reconfirmation of racism. Afro pessimist faggot, I wonder what it's like to be married to that depressive fuck. He is married, right? Poor lady if so.
Anyway, white supremacists are a pretty diverse group. The only place you can get really indoctrinated and tatted and shit is prison, it's like everybody vs the black people in there so the aryan nation is a nice broad umbrella. American race and prison culture as it diffuses into the mass culture is much weirder than the academics would have you believe, and generally it's a bunch of fucking dorky fucks justifying their own gay jobs. Nobody likes them. They dont even like themselves. A ton of them are gonna end up killing themselves, mark my words.

>> No.16741690
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>Hmm, I should expand my horizons by reading some classic works of other cultures
>Read the Thousand and One Nights
>Every third story is "this powerful guy got cucked by a HIDEOUS BLACKAMOOR, how hilarious! And then he murdered everyone, and lived happily ever after, the end"
>Suddenly I understand the experience of Arab-Americans!

>> No.16741703

You want me to tell you something funny? They also push away POC who don't like focusing on identity politics bullshit. For example, if the minority is writing something that doesn't revolving around victim complex or foreign identity, then it's going to be rejected too.
It's just social engineering for globalist purposes or whatever.

>> No.16741778

Other stuff isn't very safe. Have you seen how women, gays, and the non-majority ethnic/racial groups are treated outside the narrow window of contemporary Western culture? It would be counterproductive to recommend anyone from outside that narrow perspective.

>> No.16741844

I would give everything to be a black woman right now, shit out rehashed ideas and become a bestseller

>> No.16741894 [DELETED] 

>To 4 Great Chinese Novels
This. University literature classes are so eager to make you read niggers and spics but never chinks

t. chink

>> No.16743594

America is obsessed with black people to the point of civil war and mass psychosis.

>> No.16743610

Reminder that Machado de Assis was easily the greatest black author of all time.

Harold Bloom himself admitted this.

Also, Machado barely wrote about slavery. He had little time for such trifles. He mainly wrote about schopenhauerian issues under a tristram-shandeam perspective. This is why he doesn't feel dated or too localized: Machado is universal.

>> No.16743621

What are you talking about? Everyone in the West knows at least Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, and every educated person knows Kurosawa, Ozu, Mizoguchi, Toshiro Mifune etc.

>> No.16743676
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The world has always been obsessed with the Negro

>> No.16744035

African anthropology is awesome. Mayobulbs sense this.

>> No.16744047

I'm a former "poc", I was born purple.

>> No.16744066

What does BIPoC even mean? I thought it meant black and indigenous but there's an obnoxious pajeet bitch I know always talking about it as if she's one of them

>> No.16744074

Bipolar cockroaches.

>> No.16744107

That's funny, I would give anything to fuck a black woman right now, use my elevated status as a cute white boy and smash juicy ass.

>> No.16744116


>> No.16744161

And so the /pol/ migration continues...

>> No.16744165

Bangladeshi and Indian Peoples of Color

>> No.16744197

It means black > indigenous > (other) people of color. Hierarchy within the "oppressed".
Sometimes if an Asian gets uppity it suddenly means black & indigenous people of color.

>> No.16744328

>this is what Amerimutts actually believe

>> No.16744669

Bipolar non-white women?
That'd be by guess.

>> No.16744723

Who cares they make some new meme acronym every few months because the old ones become racist or a meme

>> No.16744801
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How did these people ever convince mass society that equality not only was possible but something they desired?

Leftist propaganda needs to be studied. It's frighteningly effective.

>> No.16744926

Because they, meaning middle class white and black liberals who write and read this stuff, only view "POC" in relation to white people. Their achievements aren't culture or empire, they're only "resisting colonialism". Really, libs are more Eurocentric than the stuff they rail against.

>> No.16744940


>> No.16744998

Most hit you with the Ackshully we want Muh equality of oppurtunity but people will still fail in this society suggesting some shit is just innate

>> No.16745041

>equality of oppurtunity
They don't want that anymore. Kamala Harris just recently posted a video that explained 'equity' or equality of outcomes on her Twitter.
So they do understand that some things are innate (would never admit it tho) and have moved on to the next stage.

>> No.16745094

you are optimistically and foolishly assuming they aren't just racialists who know full well they don't give a fuck about equity for all races either and just want whitey gone lole

>> No.16745111

What do they think will happen when whitey is gone? Why don't they just go live in a country without white people since that's exactly what it will be like if white people disappear

>> No.16745119

People saw equality as a deity; but when given increased/actual equality, they see there are still differences in outcome -- which can truly be explained by innate human differences; but, such an explanation isn't enough. So, they have to go a step further to address this difference in outcome -- and will eventually realize that, too, does not solve differences.

>> No.16746315

Parasite was a decent film

>> No.16746384
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i enjoyed the sequels

>> No.16746392
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>> No.16747861

>western audiences
You don't live in the west.

>> No.16747879
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Race shit is gay, Romans were what /pol/ would call mutts, yet they were far superior to any of the barbarian ethnic tribes.

>> No.16747891

POC means brown

>> No.16747903

wow, white supremacists sound like a very accepting group

>> No.16747910

Because idpol is disingenuous

>> No.16747912

Super cope

>> No.16747946
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>Rome was a white ethnostate liek nazi germany xD

>> No.16747963

Yeah, it’s all /pol/, not a mass psychosis in murrica pushing this shit