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/lit/ - Literature

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16736665 No.16736665 [Reply] [Original]

So what books have you read so far /lit/?

>> No.16736678

Last two months
Gallic Wars
The Idiot
Imitation of Christ

>> No.16736685

I can't remember the last time I finished a book

>> No.16736697

Mizuki Dragon Warrior Vol 1
The Art of War
I Am Not a Soldier
Chronicles of Eden - Act II

>> No.16736708
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>no Bukowski
Get your shit together man

>> No.16736723

2020 best american poetry
A Portable Paradise
Vertigo and Ghost
The forward book of poetry 2020

>> No.16736741

How did you find the Idiot? Recently received my copy and about to start it.

>> No.16736756

haven't read much because i have an entry test next week. I read "The brothers Karamazov"
and "Frankenstein" in last 3 months

>> No.16736793

My October/November so far.

06/10/20: Into the London Fog: Eerie Tales From the Weird City (edit. Elizabeth Dearnley)

12/10/20: Zofloya (Charlotte Dacre)

21/10/20: The Black Reaper: Tales of Terror (Bernard Capes)

01/11/20: The New Monk (R.S Esq.)

04/11/20: The Complete Short Stories (Oscar Wilde)

07/11/20: Table Talk (Oscar Wilde)

>> No.16736797

In the last month or so:
>Visit from the Goon Squad
>Zero K
>The Twyborn Affair
>The Revenge for Love
>Simulacra and Simulation
>In Country
>Philadelphia Fire
>Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
>Ontopower by Massumi
>Heidegger's Basic Writings

and then I'm slowly making my way through Gravity's Rainbow, and The Complete Diaries of Tony Benn

>> No.16736798

I’m not even halfway thru it yet. Very good so far

>> No.16736870
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this bad boy here

>> No.16737016

Hm, I sort of lied, I didn't read 'The Innkeeper's Song' all the way through to end.
It was pretty bad, and the constant shifting to the perspective of other characters was poorly done.

>> No.16737024
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Nobody told me how fun this shit would be

>> No.16737194

Flashman at the Charge
Midnight's Children (dropped)
Norwegian Wood

>> No.16738190
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everything i read this year
starting from the bottom

>> No.16738208


>> No.16738242

>the catcher in the rye
really good don't know why there is so much hate here

>the notes from the underground
I expected something 'different', it was good, but not very good

Now I'm reading Platform, and its not that good as I expected.

After that I don't know what to read next, I have around 200 titles in my backlog,
I'm thinking about
The Words (Sartre) or Novel with Cocaine (Ageyev), or The Stranger (Camus). Not sure, which one I should start

>> No.16738250

>Jacques Ellul - The Political Illusion
How was it? Would you recommend it?

>> No.16738271

if you have read technological society and propaganda first then sure
i cannot imagine it making much sense if you havent

>> No.16739027

Last week I finished
>Rendezvous with Rama
Heard it was a classic and I liked it. Although like most SF the prose is pretty dry

>Flowers for Algernon
I was quite a retarded as a child (and probably still am) so this one felt a little personal.

>Howl's Moving Castle
Needed wholesome stuff to counteract my loneliness

>The Martian
Fun and smart engineering to keep me from dropping out of uni

Currently going through Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, War of The Worlds, Children of Time and a couple of others. Also my copy of Quijote arrives in a few of weeks.

>> No.16739064

Yes I have, that's why I asked

>> No.16739086

September to now:
A Hero of Our Time - Lermontov
Taras Bulba - Gogol
Dead Souls - Gogol
The Hunger Artist - Kafka
The Wayward Bus - John Steinbeck
Fathers and Sons - Turgenev
Notes From Underground - Dostoevsky
The Cossacks - Tolstoy

>> No.16739125

Not that guy but I think it has a REALLY good beginning, stays good until about the third quarter where its a little meh, then the ending is pure fucking kino.

>> No.16739818

Last Month:
Journey to the End of the Night
No Country for Old Men
God's Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science
Some Prefer Nettles

>> No.16739876
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Last little bit:
Hygiène de l'assassin - Nothomb
Deficit myth - Kelton
Philosophy of action - moyos
world of the Anglo saxons - higham

>> No.16739893
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A play but, I read Endgame by Beckett. wtf.

>> No.16739923

One of my favorite books, the prince is one of the purest characters ever written

>> No.16739939

i'll be getting Beckett's trilogy soon; I'm looking forward to reading him

>> No.16739966
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past couple of months;
>Karl Keating - What Catholics Actually Believe
>Leon Pompa - A Study of Vico's New Science
>Shuzo Oshimi - Trail of Blood
>Shuzo Oshimi - Aku no Hana
>St. Augustine - Confessions
>Dante Aligheri - De Monarchia
>Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood
>E. Michael Jones - Islam and Logos
>Nisioisin - Kizumonogatari
>Proclus - Elements of Theology
>Jacques Derrida - Writing & Difference
>Joseph de Maistre - Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions
>St. Thomas Aquinas - On the Principles of Nature
>Sean Martin - The Gnostics
>Georges Bataille - Visions of Excess
>Roger Scruton - Kant
>Immanuel Kant - Prolegomena
>Julius Evola - Doctrine of Awakening
>Ferdinand de Saussure - Course in General Linguistics
>Alasdair MacIntyre - A Short History of Ethics
>Thomas Crean - A Catholic Replies to Prof. Dawkins
>Aristotle - Poetics
>Arthur Farndell - Gardens of Philosophy (Marsilio Ficino's Misc. commentaries on Plato)
>Jungi Ito - Uzumaki
>Edward Feser - A Beginner's Guide to Aquinas
Currently reading
>St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologiae (Concise Transl.)
>Edward Feser - Scholastic Metaphysics
>Plotinus - Enneads
>Eric D. Perl - Theophany
>Yukio Mishima - Spring Snow
>Niztan & Bichler - Capital as Power
>Slavoj Zizek - Sublime Object of Ideology

>> No.16739992

Silence (Endo)
Children of Hurin

>> No.16740025

>The Horus Heresy #1: Horus Rising
>The Horus Heresy #2: False Gods
>The Horus Heresy #3: Galaxy in Flames
>The Horus Heresy #4: The Flight of the Eisenstein
>The Horus Heresy #5: Fulgrim
>The Horus Heresy #7: Legion
>The Horus Heresy #12: A Thousand Sons
>The Horus Heresy #14: The First Heretic
next up:
>>The Horus Heresy #14: Prospero Burns

>> No.16740093

How many hours a day do you read?

>> No.16740460

I'm currently reading The Man Without Qualities so it's been kind of awhile since I've finished anything. Last novel before this was Pere Goriot.

>> No.16740531

I hated Fathers and Sons what did you think of it?

>> No.16740550

Read 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro in one sitting today. Despite being the first book I've read in one sitting in years, I thought it was alright I guess. I'm supposed to write a paper on it, and literally cannot think of anything that would constitute a half-decent thesis.

>> No.16740648

You like it? I bought it but haven't really started.

>> No.16740879
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here's reading since beginning of october
I will rate the books
>On the Road and Dharma Bums
felt like sister books so I will lump them together. just terrific, I thought On the Road was better at first but Dharma Bums was the one that left the strongest impression. should read more Kerouac next. both books get 5/5, really good books
>Islands in the Stream
not one of papa's best, It was released posthumously and is basically 3 short stories featuring the same character stitched together. first 2 stories are good, but final one is not great. 3/5, being generous cuz I love hemingway
>Moveable Feast
really nice, companion read to Sun Also Rises. I dunno if I can ever read gertrude stein after this, papa has poisoned me against her. Very comfy autumn reading, 4/5
some were good, some weren't. the problem is I don't think haiku works translated. all the rhythm, rhyme, and wordplay is lost. I feel like this is a uniquely japanese thing that I cannot understand in english. 2/5
you guys already know. post office 3/5, women 3/5, ham on rye 4/5. ham on rye really stuck with me, easily his best. factotum is coming in the mail and will be my next read.
>Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden
boy I'd need an essay to really talk about these at length so i'll just rate them, both get a 4/5. very different experiences. east of eden was more pulpy and entertaining. east of eden is popcorn and grapes of wrath is a hearty meal i'd say. both taste good
>Perks of Being a Wallflower
gee this one turned me into an absolute bitch. 5/5, really fucking good book, I don't care what anything thinks. made me feel like crazy, and that's all I'm reading books for

ty for reading my blog

>> No.16741087

most of these books are really short
the manga (oshimi, ito) takes a couple hours tops
e.g. Maistre's essay took two sittings
poetics i finished in a couple hours but ill revisit it after re-reading Sophocles
Derrida, Augustine, Evola and MacIntyre were the ones that i spent the most time on
but either way, I'm really schizo about it
ill read 50pgs here, 20pgs there
and before i know it i will have finished a bunch of books on the same day

>> No.16741131

Holy crap that was my exact experience; the bedroom scene had me nodding and smiling, but getting there was dreary

>> No.16741147

Mansfield Park
The Nose

re-reading Elementary Particles to learn French

Are we posting weeb stuff now as well??

>> No.16741326

>Confederacy of Dunces
>Young Werther

Right now I’m starting Ego and it’s own

>> No.16741329

How’s Lemontov? I’m starting after Stirner

>> No.16741381

I, too, hated it.
It was a struggle to get to the end to see the dude finally die and leave his parents in tears.

>> No.16742589


I liked perks as well

>> No.16742644

Was about to say this. Have about 50 books at various stages of progress

>> No.16742696

Nice, I’ve been looking to get into Dune seeing the movie is coming up.

What’s it like?

>> No.16742713

This year I finished Houellebecq's body of work, got more into poetry and philosophy and non-fiction in general, read more fiction authors from different continents, specifically Asia, and lived a tough life.

>> No.16743019

highest brow in the west
fastest reader here (if true)
true scholar tier
most emotional /lit/ poster ever

>> No.16743112

These past few months haven't left me with as much reading time as I'd have liked.
Negroes With Guns - Robert Franklin Williams
Circe - Madeline Miller
Plato (complete works)
Metamorphosis - Ovid

>> No.16743157

I blew threw 2/3rds of One Hundred Years of Solitude then kinda forgot about it, opened it up yesterday and didn't know who the hell was who then I just closed it.

>> No.16743181

>the catcher in the rye
>really good don't know why there is so much hate here

It's a pre-4chan meme to hate on The Catcher in the Rye because it's essentially about a teen edgelord being a little pretentious cunt. A lot of people honestly don't think the author was self aware and making fun of teen edge; still more people unironically idolize Holden and think he's Truly Deep, similar to how people actually think the point of Fight Club was "hurr durr tyler was based i want to join fight club xD"

(It's one of my favorite books, by the way.)

>> No.16743182

Not him but very epic. The ending and psychedelic scenes are memorable. Lots of jargon but most editions come with a glossary. The action and world building is done really well. Well worth a read.

>> No.16743187

Recently read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. I was surprised how good it was, since I didn't think the last two books of the Hunger Games series were that great, and overall it's a trashy YA page turner type series.

The protagonist's inner monologues as he tries to play 4D chess in conversations were the best part. Overall a fun read.

>> No.16743206

I switch a lot because ADHD but these are what I've started so far, haven't finished all of them though maybe a third

Juliette - de Sade
Spoon River Anthology - Edgar Lee
Corpus Hermeticum
The Temptation To Exist - Cioran
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoy
Two Essays on Analytical Psyhology - Jung
Gibbon's Decline

>> No.16743217
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>> No.16743380

>tfw i've only read 200 pages of Demons in the past month
i'm done for, bros...

>> No.16743388

I just finished The Mystery of the Grail. I'd really like to read more of Evola's writing, yet at the same time I want to read something lighter before getting back to him.

>> No.16743723
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I read The Invention of Morel recently, after having been a fan of Borges for years but having only just thought to start checking out Bioy Casares's writing recently, and I was struck by how similar in its themes the novel was to a concept for a story that I'd had kicking around in my head lately...

“Where are we going? Like the unheard music that lies latent in a phonograph record, where are we until God orders us to be born? I thought of people who are no longer alive. Some day the men who channel vibrations will assemble them into the world again.”

>> No.16743975
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Roman Catholicism and Political Form by Carl Schmitt
Urban Acupuncture by Jaime Lerner
Biopiracy by Vandana Shiva
The Trigger by David Icke (still reading)
Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy by Hayao Kawai
Living Machines by E Michael Jones

>> No.16744637

I really loved this book.

>> No.16745162

What the hell man

>> No.16745202

for some reason Iike weird alchemy books
I'm reading Cosmos, Earth and Nutrition, about Biodynamics (some kind of alchemical agriculture by Rudolf Steiner)

>> No.16745523
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This year in roughly chronological order

Wrestling with God and Men Steven Greenberg
The Kuzari Judah Halevi (boring so didn't finish)
There There Tommy Orange
Imagining Head Smashed In Jack Brink
(before this line may have been late 2019 and not 2020, I can't remember)
The Lathe of Heaven Ursula LeGuin
Pastured Poultry Profits, Fields of Farmers, Everything I want to do is Illegal, The Sheer Ecstasy of being a Lunatic Farmer by Joel Salatin
Holistic Management Allan Savory
Soil Fertility and Animal Health William Albrecht
No Risk Ranching Greg Judy
Biomimicry Janine Benyus
Dirt to Soil Gabe Brown
The New Organic Grower Elliot Coleman
The Unsettling of America Wendell Berry (boring/didn't finish)
Grassland Richard Manning (same as above)
The Invisible Rainbow Arthur Firstenberg
Silent Spring Rachel Carson
The Body Electric Robert O'Becker
Invisible Rainbow Changlin Zhang
The Web That has No Weaver Ted Kaptchuk
Society of the Spectacle Guy Debord (couldn't even start because it was unintelligible)

Currently reading The Art of Biblical Narrative Robert Alter, next thing up will probably be the book of Job in Alter's Hebrew Bible and maybe Storming Heaven Jay Stevens, idk yet

Looking at the different iterations of this thread, all I see are the same 20 books. How do littards shit on academia and then proceed to read a gogillion pages worth of the exact same stuff that those academics they think are so stupid were forced to read in college? I don't see how you're supposed to come out especially enlightened when you only read what millions of others have read. Sounds like a huge time waster especially considering all these "foundational texts" and "classics" are 500+ pages

Parece basado y me interesante

>> No.16745648

yeah... Cosmos, Earth and Nutrition by Richard Thornton Smith is great, if you are into Rudolf Steiner stuff.
I stumbled upon that book while looking for another book that I haven't found yet: Sacred Agriculture by Dennis Klocek.

>> No.16746111

Nice. I haven't gotten into Steiner yet but I've been looking to since I recently read somewhere that flowform water enhanced germination of wheat seedlings by 13% over untreated water.

>> No.16746332


In the past month or so:

The Witch-Hunt Narrative by Ross E. Cheit
Fade by Robert Cormier
Crash by J.G. Ballard
Duma Key by Stephen King

>> No.16746351

Reading the odyssey, hoping to continue with crime and punishment and another one I don't remember now.
Finished the illiad.

>> No.16746362

Finished HP series and Crime and Punishment last month. Currently finishing Stoner (fuck Edith).

>> No.16746459

I normally never read. But I'm almost done with a book called (how to make friends and influence people-Dale Carnegie)

>> No.16746494

People are stupid, but not in the way they won't notice you trying to manipulate them. Don't use manipulation to make friends

>> No.16746506


>> No.16746561

I greatly appreciate your concern about my methods, I really do. My problem is that I'm always failing in discussions. People don't wand to hear certain facts or go with my rational thought. They receive my words as pure opinion or lies. I may be not a really smart anon but I like to have my loved ones on the side that is best for them. What would you do in such a situation anon?

>> No.16747941

Who is the best English translation of Hans Christian Anderson's works?

>> No.16748026


>> No.16748086

>2020 best american poetry
is it really reading if the book is just blank?

>> No.16748119

does anyone have any thoughts to share about your reading? Have you had any cross literary insights? Have the themes of the books blended togther?

I was reading Interpreting the French Revolution by Francois Furet, but it is taking me some time.

>> No.16748235

Everything I've been reading just blends together. I could read something and it all just sort of goes out the brain just like that. I don't enjoy my favorite hobby anymore

>> No.16748247

let me guess, you think fight club was about toxic masculinity?

>> No.16748256

i would stop taking shortcuts.

>> No.16749387

In October and November, I've read:
Dostoyevsky - The Gambler
Solzenistsyn - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitsh
Milton - Paradise Lost
Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice
Shakespeare - The Taming of the Shrew
Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
Sterne - The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
Vargas Llosa - The Dream of the Celt
Tolstoy - Kreutzer Sonata

Now reading Tolstoy's Resurrection.

>> No.16750805

now this is based

>> No.16750856
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New lockdown here so a lot of books during this last month:
The joy of the people - André de Balzac
Entre la page et l'encre (between the page and ink) - Hervé Barberine (really great poem collection)
Reflections concerning the causes of a new social ontology - Theodor von Grünwaldburg
Butterflies of the new world - Serge de Toctocville
The book of air - Victoria Pet
Map of my loves - Sir Arthur Benat
The big book - de Rougessa

>> No.16750951

Since the start of October:
Bolano - The Savage Detectives
Lovecraft - At the Mountains of Madness
Klein - On Fire
Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Heller - Catch-22
Bukowski - Post Office
McCarthy - Blood Meridian
Galeano - Open Veins of Latin America

>> No.16751533

Bllod meridian is fucking amazing, ending is 20/10 for me

>> No.16751755

The 12 chairs