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16734265 No.16734265 [Reply] [Original]

>these gymnastic exercises and common meals, useful though they are to a state in many ways, are a danger in their encouragement of revolution—witness the example of the youth of Miletus, Boeotia and Thurii. More especially, the very antiquity of these practices seems to have corrupted the natural pleasures of sex, which are common to man and beast. For these perversions, your two states may well be the c first to be blamed, as well as any others that make a particular point of gymnastic exercises. Circumstances may make you treat this subject either light-heartedly or seriously; in either case you ought to bear in mind that when male and female come together in order to have a child, the pleasure they experience seems to arise entirely naturally. But homosexual intercourse and lesbianism seem to be unnatural crimes of the first rank, and are committed because men and women cannot control their desire for pleasure.

>> No.16734272

Hylics seething

>> No.16734275
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>> No.16734277

spot on
viva la revolushion

>> No.16734285

One of those media is.

>> No.16734370
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Imagine being a fitlit fag and a dotard

>> No.16734491
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>losing to a senile socialist

>> No.16734506

You wish anon but that student debt isn't going anywhere

>> No.16734519
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>plato thread
You need to go back

>> No.16734528

He's literally just Bush painted blue

>> No.16734535

ur making it sound like it’s his fault he lost instead of all the dumb beaners, whites and women who vote in line with what the media and celebrities tell them to. they could have put a broom against trump

>> No.16734559
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are you retarded
back on topic fags.

>> No.16736027

Trump? Yes.

>> No.16736037

Trump got votes from Latinx folx more than Biden, and there's more Latinx folx in alt right now.

>> No.16736044

At least he's having fun.

>> No.16736047
File: 387 KB, 1028x1600, Plato-portrait-bust-original-Capitoline-Museums-Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plato thread
>retards sliding with love for democracy

>> No.16736057

>American electoralism and representative democracy is Athenian democracy

>> No.16736065

yeah it's worse. what's your point?

>> No.16736098
File: 515 KB, 1080x1702, And that's why he lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Proud Boys aren't "alt right." Alt-right is white racialist, anti-gay, and antisemitic. I'm sure most of the groups you imagine are alt-right reject those ideologically.

Trump ran as the President of White People but he governed as the King of Israel. The demographic he betrayed stayed home, or voted for someone else, and that was it for him. DJT is probably preparing to scoop up Rush Limbaugh's listenership after he dies. They're all "don't care still voting Trump" people, so it's a ready-made conservative audience for him to fleece. But I hope the jewish elites he terrified by pandering to White Nationalism in 2016 have him tried for imaginary crimes, or the common corruption everyone does. Treason is a capital crime for a reason.

>> No.16736121


>> No.16736337

Trump had overwhelming support from Hispanics (unsurprising considering that they’re religious and therefore right wing), the largest change in voting demographic from 2016 to now was white people voting for Biden

>> No.16736386


>> No.16736408
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Hey look I can post twitter screencaps too.

>> No.16736425
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>> No.16736555

Buttercunt must be SEETHING

>> No.16736801

>Spencer being based
Must be election season

>> No.16736818
File: 21 KB, 597x559, DFCD9AB1-64A6-492E-A8DC-3EEB73E8F617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy who hated Athenian democracy would totally love an even worse form of democracy