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16733975 No.16733975 [Reply] [Original]

The more I look into philosophy the more I realize it's the most pretentious subject I've ever seen.

Philosophy is just describing very simple things in the most complicated way possible for arbitrary reasons.

There's no logical basis for epistemology and all the word games we play are predicated on arbitrary, conceptual priors.

>> No.16733985

>reddit spacing
>narcissistic fag

>> No.16733998

> Philosophy is just describing very simple things in the most complicated way possible for arbitrary reasons.

Examining anything on a deeper level than what I determine to be enough is stupid as shit. For this reason I think biological chemistry is worthless, we already know water makes plants grow.

>> No.16734011

That's fine but you do accept the importance of learning and growing even as an individual no?

>> No.16734030


Imagine trying to convince OP of anything.. unbearable

>> No.16734093

The more I contemplate your post the more of a retard I think you are. Many words are needed to explain an intricate idea so that it isn’t misrepresented by scumbags. Additionally, providing reasons for a conclusion is important because it lets others see gaps in logic or other omissions.

Try this for me, OP; read a passage in a philosophy book and when you get to the point where you think you can describe some concept in a sentence, write it down. Approach what you wrote as if it were a philosophical text and do it again. If you get to a point where you can lay out Kant’s categorical imperative in a way a five year old can understand the way Kant did, then I’ll personally see to it that you get anything you want from the world, not that you’d need my help with an ability like that.

>> No.16734107
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>> No.16734116

>There's no logical basis for epistemology
Then are all beliefs ultimately based on faith?

>> No.16734124

Based totheheaetofit poster

>> No.16734168

I get the joke fucktard I was going on for the kill

>> No.16734173

A real beast, you are!

>> No.16734175

nice bait blogpost, OP

>> No.16734201

I've stayed up past midnight before.