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/lit/ - Literature

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16733917 No.16733917 [Reply] [Original]

>Sits down to write
>Nothing to write about

Maybe I should just accept I am not cut out to be a writer?

>> No.16733923

Live a little, try it again in the future.

>> No.16733931

I have the problem where I have too much to get down but not enough time.

>> No.16734046

I know what I want to say, but don't know how to say it eloquently like the greats

>> No.16734527
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Realizing you are not cut out to be a writer is the first step to becoming a writer, the second one is realizing no one wants to read your shit no matter what you write and just sit down and write staying as true to yourself as possible

>> No.16734601

Shit advice. Don't listen to this idiot. He sounds like he's in his early 20s. Do not take advice from people like this. Become a medical lab assistant, lab technician, OP. Get your real estate license if you want to have a flexible schedule where you can manage your own time if that freedom appeals to you so much.

>> No.16734647
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Tends to be the case. Give yourself time to think, but get out of your own head is the best advice I can give.
Do you want a prompt or something?

>> No.16734648

Death, please.

>> No.16734662

You're not OP judging by the post counter, but death is a pretty broad subject.
Do you want to write fiction? You could do something from the point of view of a person on their deathbed, or maybe a war story, people love those. Horror stories are another avenue that involves death as a driving subject.
You don't need to reinvent the wheel starting out.

>> No.16734679

you sit down to write? like, you actually designate a specific time to write? Lol, what a faggot.
you should always keep a notebook, so when you have the almost biological necessity to write, you just do it.
then later if you have time, sit down and "clean" what you wrote.

>> No.16734721

Go live your live. Write short stories in your downtime. You’ll get more and better ideas when you actually have life experience

>> No.16734728

If you have nothing to write about you aren't suffering enough.

>> No.16734751
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they are right, op. Every single one of them.

>> No.16735068

No I want my novella to be good lol

>> No.16735089

OP here

I'll take a prompt if you're handing them out

>> No.16735103

It's just an exercise, no need to be aggressive.
Well, what subjects/genres are you interested in?

>> No.16735153

1. It is true, most species in the galaxy found us to be uncivilized. But they lived for millennia under the thumb of an empire that basically bred them for domestication. They fear us like wolves, we pity them like pugs.

2. Years ago, you were a feared warrior, until a witch cast a spell on you. "May you never hurt or kill anyone by blade, word or through any other means." Now, you are the world's greatest healer. You just open your clients and do random stuff. After all, you cannot possibly hurt them!

3. You are the dangerous Chaos Mage. Everyone fears you. You are actually just dyslexic and keep reading you spellbook wrong.

>> No.16735174

Just give the man a prompt and let him figure it out on his own

>> No.16735443

You're protag is strapped for cash and living in the slums of a city. A house flipper starts tearing up the neighboring townhouses and the bums who'd previously inhabited the area seem to have left. Until you notice that some of their essential things are still there. The protag suspects the flippers, but what evidence is there?

You're a drug runner who stashes the goods inside your car tires. (Didn't know that this was actually common. Also read that runners have tried the gas tank, the air intake, fake batteries, and even the rear differential.)

3 made me chuckle

>> No.16735449
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Fuck, I feel stupid for missing that.

>> No.16735481

Just write anything. Surely you at least have an idea for a cool setting you would like to see a story in. Start with that, throw in a character, he might flesh out and develop as you go.

Nobody starts writing with a complete vision in his mind.