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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 4 KB, 362x390, slash comma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16726084 No.16726084 [Reply] [Original]

Home come there is no punctuation mark that represents this idea? It would save us a lot of unnecessary words.

>> No.16726086

>home come

thread ruined pack it in boys fuck niggers

>> No.16726145

Is that like and/or thing but in terms of a second clause?

>> No.16726153

have sex

>> No.16726326

what idea

>> No.16726370

yes, it would be great. but the real meaning is >>16726153
it's about having sex

>> No.16726382

andor should be word at this point

>> No.16727119
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>> No.16727145

It's vel. In logic we use a v for and/or logic truth functor. The Latin for exclusive or is aut. A v. works as an abbreviation.

>> No.16727188
File: 40 KB, 360x360, satania sicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure logic is even more autistic than programming, even better!
Fuck Lojban, we should be communicating in LISP (v. Haskell).

>> No.16727291

Learn you haskell for the greater good was a great primer for process philosophy. And it's an easy segue to lambda calculus.

>> No.16727322

Are you the satania in the Akari b threads?
We use Latin anyways so why not

>> No.16727562
File: 98 KB, 612x491, c7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What idea? I dont understand

>> No.16727633

that doesn't work in the normal language though. i'm saying we should start using it as a word and see if it catches on as a default. it's not really necessary, in truth there is no ambiguity (outside of logic) and using it is just pomp, but it would be cool.

>> No.16727689

xor - rhymes with soar but with the x sound

>> No.16727964

yes i'm aware what or sounds like thanks

>> No.16727981

It adequately sums up what HAFNIM means, submit to to Unicode OP

>> No.16727991

>the more esoteric a programming language is, the better it is and the people who use it!
This is the part where you dig up a retard in profile and caption it "Yes." to feel confident

>> No.16728073

xor is exclusive or in logic or aut in latin

Yeah but we use Latin phrases all the time. You just have to use it enough ppl use it subconsciously. In continental Europe they use y to mean yes like a bunch of ungrateful turds instead of it meaning phonetically why so if a bunch esl retards can meme it and latin has precedence over barbarian, I think it's easier to just use vel.

>> No.16728078



>> No.16728137

Don't worry about it, it's not going to catch on.

>> No.16728421

everyone already uses and/or and if they don't the meaning can be known from its parts immediately. so it's just removing / in writing and using it more often in speech, boom real word. then the d will likely drop in speech (at least in natural-paced) and children who have never seen the word in writing will not know its original parts but see it as one. perhaps even once they've seen it in writing they won't recognise it as such, so distinct as words become a string of characters is 'coincidentally' the same but not seen as the same word.

once this is established or will become XOR by default.

>> No.16728459

Why ruin the page with weird looking marks?

>> No.16728515

Why would and/or ever be exclusive? Nobody is going to say and/or in conversation because it sounds awkward even for enunciated English. People use Latin. Granted idk if the opportunities that are presented to say it are enough.

>> No.16728520

Where is xor coming from? I keep thinking you mean exclusive or

>> No.16728670

and/or means OR. or will become strictly XOR with the normalisation of andor. presently or means OR or XOR determined by context.

>> No.16729167

a jew ?

>> No.16730042
