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16722297 No.16722297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It has come to my attention that some of you are writing subpar works in your universities in order to appease the unwashed professors. Sometimes even going as far as using "gender-neutral variations" for words such as MANKIND and MAN. My message to you is thus: Is this the sight you wish your fathers to see? A slave on all his fours, his mouth wide-open ready to eagerly receive more cum, as his mouth is already filled with their putrid ejaculate? Amongst gagging and gurgling come about three lonely words from this sad stench: "play the system". How long will you willingly bend over on their terms, and continue this rape willingly?

No man is free who is not master of himself, and yet you lay here, willingly welcoming the jewish cock within your entrails. Shame. Resisting the jew should be your biggest achievement, far greater than GPA, employment and diploma. What are these insignificantly puny matters to the pride and dignity of Man? Yet pride and dignity you have none, disgusting slugs that you are. You may think that acquiring your diploma and achieving a good position in society will excuse your bending of the knee, but your anus will forever remember who was your master, as it proudly assumes the slack, loose and saggy shape of the vagina of the cock hungry whore of a mother that must have given birth to such pathetic maggots. So please look in the mirror and ask yourself: Is my anus tight, strong and vigorous as the mighty unyielding ox? or does it more so resemble something which has GIVEN IN and which has FALLEN ILL. Remember that when you submit YOUR assignment, YOUR work, YOUR essay, it is yours and not theirs. May they fail you the course, may they kick you out, for you shall not yield under such conditions. And if otherwise, you still decide on doing it, spare us at least the courtesy to say: YES I AM YOUR SLAVE, AND YOU MY MASTER. THE FLOOR WILL BE CLEANED OF CUM, MY MONARCH

>> No.16722316

But but but I need straight As so I can get a six figure job at corpcorp or to get a PhD in the humanities in burgerland ;((
Even more so, I need to make my dyke prof happy so she can give me a glowing letter of rec!!!!

>> No.16722333

Glad to see America is losing the culture war. Shalom

>> No.16722337

"They" can be singular now. It's really not a bi g d eal. If I ever hear such sentiments as yours, OP, in real life I instantly cringe in preparation for the effete babbletalk of a pained, teething mind.

>> No.16722344
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the trips have spoken

>> No.16722353

Local handsome & jacked man goes on internet forum to write about saggy shaped anuses of its users; assures users his anus is tight and well-formed

>> No.16722380

This. Accommodating the changing language is necessary to anyone writing in a professional way. OP is clearly a neet

>> No.16722396

>write college papers for money
>it's as bad as they say
>actually had to write a paper on transphobia once
>undermine a corrupt and bloated system by helping chinese nationals cheat
>always challenge liberal talking points
>always drop tantalizing hints of far greater systems out there
>disseminating anarchist thought through the vast and ephemeral network of seeds planted in the right mind and right time


>> No.16722621

based vitalist poster. fuck all of these anons who spout about selling your soul to accounting or economics or some other mundane low risk shit.

>> No.16722629

t. basedboy

>> No.16722683

“In lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3)
“God send everyone their heart’s desire” (Shakespeare)

People like you are faggots insecure about their sexuality (see constant talk of cocksucking and buttfucking) envious of those who live theirs freely. Nobody actually intelligent gives a fuck about the system, but nobody intelligent autistically obsesses about which pronouns to use. If you were to not be a loser, you would have found some qt philosophy bitches to fuck and wouldn't have a problem including them amongst those whom you metaphorically address with your writing. Since using singular they is so bad, why use "you"? That's originally a plural pronoun. Where's thine "thee" and "thou"?
>b-but language changes through time
Oh, just like they has come to be used as a singular pronoun to the point of being included in dictionaries?
Seethe more, cumguzzling enthusiast.

>> No.16723124

They is singular now. Words have no meaning and can be changed at a whim. This is the world we live in.

>> No.16723905

Y'all is mufuckas, they is mufuckas, all y'all mufuckas

>> No.16723911

You ain't an anarchist, bub

>> No.16723953
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>I instantly cringe in preparation for the effete babbletalk of a pained, teething mind.

Don't forget to cringe in preparation of my fist intercepting your jaw. From the very way you write, emanates a certain effeminate, vaginal air, reflecting your subpar physical state. Physical strength is but a shadow of the mind supporting it, and the insignificant size of your shadow speaks volumes about your cognitive capacities.

Oh how right you are, my friend. I salute you for speaking truthfully.


The university intellectual copes, trying to assure himself that his virtue-less stay in a place of wisdom could not be done any other way. See attached picture.

>Muh homophobes are just repressed homosexuals.
Please, delight me more with your groundbreaking theories.

>you would have found some qt philosophy bitches to fuck
This task, I do already, but it has no bearing on what I am calling upon you to do, to live virtuously and honorably.

As a final remark, I don't give a fuck about they being used as singular. YOU all know what problem I am talking about and yet you chose lying both to me, but most importantly, to yourself. Practices such as: gender-neutral variations for man, mankind, freshman, fireman, etc... Or any other way of trying to "progressify" the text in order to make it more palatable to the oversocialised activist.

>> No.16724139

>born in 2000

>> No.16724323

If I see you in one of my zoom seminars I'm going to bully the shit out fo you for being a fucking LARPer nerd

>> No.16724331
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>> No.16724353

what an utter faggoid

>> No.16724428

>goes to university
Cringe. Who the fuck values university accreditation nowadays? They are all full of women and niggers anyway.

>> No.16724480


>> No.16724488

What is this specific type of "purple but too scared to say anything edgy" prose called? Lots of women and effeminate men use it now

What also set me off to this post being typed by a woman or effeminate man is the apologizing for idiocy and the appeal to social normalcy ("Ummmm it's not that big a deal :) Just go along to get along"). Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.16724523

Based. Throughout college i wrote proper papers and retained my integrity and pride. Had two teachers read my essays out loud in class and berate me before everyone. They were both fired and the wntire class said they appreciated my courage and honesty. I see all of them as pathetic cowards. They grovel before some washed up hag to get a meaningless grade. I was there for an education and to be intellectually challenged. College was largely a waste of my time because of the fucking marxists

>> No.16724536

Rectification of Names (Chinese: 正名; pinyin: Zhèngmíng; Wade–Giles: Cheng-ming). Confucius was asked what he would do if he was a governor. He said he would "rectify the names" to make words correspond to reality. The phrase has now become known as a doctrine of feudal Confucian designations and relationships, behaving accordingly to ensure social harmony.[1] Without such accordance society would essentially crumble and "undertakings would not be completed."[2] Mencius extended the doctrine to include questions of political legitimacy.


>> No.16724800
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What is this, a leftist meme? I'm not going to read your essay.

>> No.16725006

Wow you’re litteraly me

Ie born in 2000

Can we hang out?

>> No.16725089
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>> No.16725683

The censorship within universities is generally over-exaggerated, so far as it concerns faculty. Most of my English professors were lefties, but they never aggressively forced their views on me and I could pretty safely speak my mind without fearing punishment.
I did subconsciously adjust my wording and presentation to be more palatable, but that's also just social life in general.

I think most most active conservatives tend to feel under threat, but they can also fan the fires for attention and to "own the liberals." Though that's because the only conservative student I knew literally angered the entire school.

>> No.16725920

"Mankind" already is gender-neutral, though.

>> No.16726021

Says you

>> No.16726294

Thats the whole point

>> No.16726379


>> No.16726421

>Muh homophobes are just repressed homosexuals.
I didn't say you're a homophobe. I said more than half of your rant was talking about taking dicks up asses and guzzling cum.
>Trying to "progressify" the text in order to make it more palatable to the oversocialised activist
And yet you're the one triggered by it. Takes a complete faggot to consider using words with "man" in them as courageous acts and standing up to the system. Nobody actually gives a fuck.

I will agree with you that someone getting worked up over "mankind" or the like is physically retarded though. But considering it virtuous to write "mankind" in your essay, revelling in your ""basedness"" about the matter, and ranting about your superiority to imaginary characters based on their... college essay vocabulary? Damn man, a real Socrates you are.