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/lit/ - Literature

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16721666 No.16721666 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16721673

Strictly for the YA or beginner crowd. If you are beyond 25 you shouldn't be reading him.

>> No.16721676

Didn't live a tough life

>> No.16721678

>the average John Green fan

>> No.16721700

hello satan

but seriously, he's a good writer, better than most. I would imagine that the reason he gets shit on here (see: >>16721673) is because his writing is simple enough for 'normies' to understand and appreciate at face value. But the guy literally coined the 'Iceberg Theory' term so I would imagine that most normies reading his stories aren't reading in-between the lines for the deeper meanings hidden within. The fact that he was able to even communicate some kind of deeper meaning with such a simple and direct writing style is a testament to his skill as a writer.

>> No.16721710

I think he’s a fine writer and his importance in shaping the modern novel is something to be respected.

>> No.16721714

Did he actually coin the term or he simply described his style and some 'critic' put a name to it?

>> No.16721716

>reading in-between the lines for the deeper meanings hidden within

do they really exist or are they just imagined by the reader who is compensating for the paucity of information?

>> No.16721717

>wahhhh I cant impress anybody with my literary prowess by reading hemingway so whats the point wahhhhh

>> No.16721719

I'm amazed that some of his novels are still sold in those first-edition covers. Pretty cool.

>> No.16721725

to answer both your questions at once:
>The iceberg theory or theory of omission is a writing technique coined by American writer Ernest Hemingway. As a young journalist, Hemingway had to focus his newspaper reports on immediate events, with very little context or interpretation. When he became a writer of short stories, he retained this minimalistic style, focusing on surface elements without explicitly discussing underlying themes. Hemingway believed the deeper meaning of a story should not be evident on the surface, but should shine through implicitly.

>> No.16721729

can you give me a list of writers who are for the YA crowd too?

>> No.16721737

What about Flannery O'Connor?

>> No.16721738

Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.16721741

right so far. But I know you can give me more names.

>> No.16721745

She’s a good writer. If she gets hate recently it’s probably just because anons are paranoid that people are only praising her because BLM decided she was on the naughty list this Summer

>> No.16721746


>> No.16721749

Very enjoyable.
The Old Man and the Sea is a fantastic book.

>> No.16721753

That’s all I’ve got without listing literal YA authors

>> No.16721758


>> No.16721761


so what's the criteria for Hemingway and the authors you listed here >>16721738 to be considered 'YA'? I'm interested to hear why you chose those authors specifically

>> No.16721764

I never hear Bukowski talked about expect by pseuds and kiddies getting into lit.

>> No.16721766

I wrote >>16721738 and >>16721753 but not >>16721673

>> No.16721770

Old man and the sea is one of my favorite books.

>> No.16721779

The only thing I know from Bukowski is:
>Lighting new cigarettes,
>pouring more

>It has been a beautiful


Good poem. I like it.

>> No.16721799


>> No.16721816

Me, eventually, but I embrace my future celebrity.

>> No.16722091

Just started A Farewell and I am genuinely impressed, I’ve reread every chapter in part one at least twice now (the first chapter maybe five or six times), there is a lot of subtext behind everything, especially the obvious shit. I do wonder if his style and influence may have unintentionally dumbed down pop-lit, but who cares, this guy had a brilliant mind and revolutionized our language

>> No.16722135

Pynchon is the quintessential YA author. His meme status on this board is a testament to that

>> No.16722736

He was in a fist fight with Orson Welles.

>> No.16723016
File: 26 KB, 262x400, buk3.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor mans buk

>> No.16723248

sun also rises is my least fav book ever. pointless, no beauty, dull and boring. feels like a journal. absolutely no imaginative thing in it. old man and the sea is good, it feels like a classic

>> No.16724248

Hemingway is my favorite author. Pseuds just get mad because he doesn't write in convoluted prose. Love him so much I got a tattoo of the Sun Also Rises cover.

>> No.16724290
File: 4 KB, 179x176, the-last-psychiatrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bukowski was a favourite of one of the greatest bloggers of all time.

>there are worse things than
>being Alone
>but it often takes decades
>to realize this
>and most often
>when you do
>it's too late
>and there's nothing worse
>too late.
-- Charles Bukowski

>> No.16724301

post pic of tat

>> No.16725037
File: 42 KB, 586x691, TSAR tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16725063

i thought u was trolling, nice job nigga.

>> No.16725071


>> No.16725081

Hey, that's actually pretty good

>> No.16725085

unironically looks good

>> No.16725176

I read OP and for whom the bell toll but I really don't get the appeal. I will give a chance to old man and the sea but if that doesn't click either I will just ascribe him in the not for me category and move on. I may or may not proceed to call him shit in lit threads

>> No.16725241

hahah what? fuck you. im 28 and i just read TSAR. it was a good book