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/lit/ - Literature

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16718266 No.16718266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you smoke /lit/?

>> No.16718284

On occasion

>> No.16718291

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.16718296

No, I want to try but my dad and grandparents would be disappointed :(

>> No.16718333

yeah and ive been smoking twice as much since i got corona

>> No.16718353

Only when shitfaced in the summer months.

>> No.16718509

Smoked cigs for 20+yrs now;
Making the switch to pipe for my more refined years.

>> No.16718523

I dip

>> No.16718581

Yep, and should have started earlier. Smoking is such a good way to give yourself time to think. And since this is a literature board, the biggest example for me is the break and stimulus it provides after writing sessions.

>> No.16718602

Is he natty?

>> No.16718606

He evidently smokes and probably drinks wine, beer and coffee too

>> No.16718685

I smoke cigars and pipe tobacco, but not cigarettes.

>> No.16718714


>> No.16718725

Quit at 27, I'm 30 now.
It's relevant.

>> No.16719196

>author is in pic related so it's relevant
I mean I dont care or anything but come on man it's not actually relevant. If a picture of Ian Curtis or James Dean was posted would it still be relevant?

>> No.16719203

Quit back on September 1st. Though I've had one or two here and there because I was drunk, I ain't going back to it!

>> No.16719220

>It's relevant
smoking has a vague association with literature/authors. you're really reaching here. this thread isn't literature or literature related

>> No.16719287

Not anymore.
There are thousands upons thousands of smokers who wish they could quit. There are literally zero former smokers who wish they still did. Think about that long and hard before you start smoking.

>> No.16719318

The former smokers who wish they still did just start smoking again

>> No.16719441

>There are literally zero former smokers who wish they still did

>> No.16719482

it's not even that hard to quit.
When I was a teenager i had a smoking habit but when i stayed over at my grandparent's during winter break I would go months without smoking and it didnt bother me at all. I started smoking more in college but quit pretty easily after some years.
Maybe its just me tho

>> No.16719510

2 packs a day here. And I enjoy it too much to quit.

>> No.16719836

Only on Wednesdays.

>> No.16719846

Yes, Malboro's, Camels. Goes well with a drink

>> No.16719872

Started twenty years ago, smoke alot yhese padt few weeks, almost third grams of tobacco every two days

>> No.16719888

when i am deep in a writing project i will smoke a pack a day to keep myself focused but not regulary

>> No.16719920

I try different snuffs, Klostermischung right now. Nothing other than that.

>> No.16720128

Yes I have a small collection of briars and a small humidor, though I’m thinking of getting a larger one. I’ve had trouble concentrating on reading sense a mental breakdown last year and the nicotine helps. I want to get into snuss also.

>> No.16720146

Super duper tryhard

>> No.16720208


>> No.16720210

I smoked from age 14 until 26, and now haven't had a cigarette in just over a year. I'd strongly recommend against people starting for the image or because its part of the 'art life' (love David Lynch but that is retarded). There is absolutely no reason to smoke, and every reason that smokers come up with is their addicted brain making excuses. There's nothing good about making your life worse in order to make some multinational tobacco company richer

>> No.16720280

When I tried cigarettes they made me feel more anxious. Tried chewing tobacco it was quite relaxing. Not sure why the difference. Didn't stick with either but have fond memories of chewing.

>> No.16720412

I just quitted 23 days ago weed and cigs after daily use of 5 years

>> No.16721888

weed is for stupid people.
You are smoking something that is making you dumb, why are you doing that?
There isn't any single smart stoner out there! If you are going to inhale something, then at least tobacco may enhance your ability to think.

But people, don't smoke.
I do smoke but just when I listen to music, generally I put a symphony to play, listen a little then light a cigarette, finish, keep listneing, then light another one, finish and wait for the symphony to be over

>> No.16721933

Actually, high openness to experience is positively correlated with high IQ. So, lesser intelligent people are less likely to try drugs. Regarding its cognitive impact, it could only decrease your iq if used consistently in early adolescence (neuroplasticity can still fix much of the damage later in life but that early period is critical for brain development and thus harder for recovery). I would also contest your statement about there being no intelligent stoners, as that is quite anecdotal. Many great literaries smoked weed. Deleuze & Guattari were both fond of it (especially during the writing of A Thousand Plateaus).

>> No.16721946
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I only smoke meth

>> No.16721949

>do you smoke, /lit/?

>> No.16721954

I started saying "sup /lit/" out loud to myself when I'm offline and its helped me quit smoking fasho.

>> No.16721963

you're annoying as fuck

>> No.16721964


>> No.16721969

based on what?

>> No.16721974

based off.

>> No.16721984

Cigs no. Weed yes

>> No.16721986

dont smoke if youre not a francophone jew. you wont pull it off
based akio

>> No.16721988

free base

>> No.16721990
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this is actually my new favorite
>used to vape
>drank e-juice once
>I refuse to do dip/snuff on principle

>> No.16721993

You will never be Japanese cletus

>> No.16722001

I quit this year.

>> No.16722008
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Hey bro want a free cigarette?

>> No.16722096

Probably not a strong habit. I quit after a solid decade. I smoked the most in the last 4 -6 years, after quitting and restarting many times. Not to sound like a clone of my compatriot in this thread but as soon as you really quit (and I mean really decide to never have one again) you start feeling better. You're always accruing a debt when you smoke and you only pay it off when you quit. And once you've paid you never waste a cent on them again.

A better /lit/ choice is to become fit in a way you find personally satisfying. Don't be a Chesterton.

>> No.16722101
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Shooting for a poet's lifespan, anon?

>> No.16722103

No thank you. I don't smoke anymore. The smell really does become repulsive again.

>> No.16722123

Smoked socially for some time. It was pleasant, but I never got addicted. Miss it every now and then, but won't do it anymore.

>> No.16722228

I hate people who are like "dont do it" but seriously dont do it. ive played around with every drug known to man and cigarettes are the most insidious. You try meth and its like yeah whatever I cant do meth in the DMV but you try smoking and you want to smoke literally everywhere

>> No.16722231
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Mellow way to wind down and enjoy the nootropic effects of nicotine without it fucking up my sense of smell, raspy throat, shit lung capacity and smelling like ass. Although there is a possibility of mouth cancer down the line through heavy usage, some companies are releasing tobacco free dip to alleviate that. Having said that, with an active lifestyle and good diet, I hope to end up like Jung who died in his 80s despite chain-smoking a pipe his entire life.
Could be that cigs overload you with nicotine since it's an instant hit. The smoke goes to the lungs and straight into the blood stream. Chewing/dipping is a lot more slow in its delivery of nic.

>> No.16722260

Reported and saged. No need to thank me, Supreme Gentlesir at your service

>> No.16722281

which poet?

>> No.16722282

Right. Good point. And most are glad they failed at quitting, right?
>quotes a smoker
Thanks for that bold rebuttal.
You quit smoking while a teenager and physically deprived of cigarettes for months on end? Wow, impressive. Try doing it when you've been smoking for 8-10 years, have the money to afford it, a lifestyle that facilitates it, and a routine that relies on it.