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16717923 No.16717923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Nabokov was reading Rimbaud, Verlaine and Wells at 10
/b/ros, I've got over a decade of reading to catch up with... I'm a retard

>> No.16717987

This makes him the ultimate pseud, and also why he missed childhood and became a pedo. A child of ten doesn't have the brain or spiritual development to get anything from those writers

>> No.16717989

Reading literary fiction as a child makes you a pedo?

>> No.16717992


>> No.16717993

Missing childhood makes you a pedo. Later he married a Jewess who provided girls to him.

>> No.16718000

>Reading literary fiction as a child makes you a pedo?
I think that's a kind of "Michael Jackson theory". The one where he didn't have a childhood and now try and overcompensate.

>> No.16718005

Yes, I learned to speak the language of love before I learned to speak English... as all well-adjusted people do

>> No.16718007

>Later he married a Jewess who provided girls to him.
Tell me more, humm.

>> No.16718010
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>> No.16718020

and you read Rowling, so you are reading the modern equivalent.
Congrats! you are as patrician as nabokov.

>> No.16718071

>not learning to read at 3 and being a jaded intellectual at 5
wtf are you even doing?

>> No.16718446

Eh Nabokov wasnt that great. No example to lead yourself by

>> No.16718488
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>insert quote disparaging Dostoevsky that atheists insist you need to take seriously

>> No.16718520

Nabokov was crazy rich, spoiled, and pampered as a child, of course he was.

>> No.16718529

>missing childhood makes you a pedo
His childhood looks pretty comfy, from Speak, Memory. I mean he was reading, painting, chasing butterflies, stuff like that. I think he was just a pedo

>> No.16718574

>he missed childhood and became a pedo
Most people miss childhood and don't become pedos, also source on him being a pedo, if it involves anyone between 12 and 20 (i.e. pubescent) it doesn't qualify to civilized people.
>A child of ten doesn't have the brain or spiritual development to get anything from those writers
We all know American children are retarded, but keep in mind this is specific to your country.

>> No.16718739

Seriously if you aren't struggling with your first conscious existential crisis by 4.5-5 years old you're already a pseud and it's over

>> No.16718774

Scion of aristocratic family has access to resources most don’t, who would have ever conceived of this?

>> No.16718816

Pedo-apologist: the post

>> No.16718845

Instead of wasting time with fiction, why don't you put the hours into math or physics? You know, things that actually help our civilization progress instead of whatever bullshit the humanities dept. have invented just to ensure the backbenchers get a degree.

>> No.16718911
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>t. feminist

>> No.16719014

>read cervantes, dickens, hugo, lermontov in 5th grade
>didn't understand a word and couldn't recall a thing i read
I was still an intellectual as a kid, r-right bros?

>> No.16719034

yeah dude don't worry it's all stored in your subconscious

>> No.16719059

he didn't live a tough life like Bukowski (pbuh)

>> No.16719168

Don't understand this mindset. Why do you /lit/ards view everything as a competition, catch up with what?

>> No.16719186

t. Teen who hasn't live a tough life

>> No.16719239
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it's because of start with the greeks, muh western canon, flowcharts, etc. it's all a game. they've taken the thing that is the number one distraction from real life drudgery and turned it into just another rat race, a bunch of boxes to be ticked. speedrunning literature. no wonder they're so angry all the time

>> No.16719254

Don't see how that relates. It's reading. I can't think of a more chill activity, yet you retards have to turn it into some SpeedReading competition. If you want to quantify all your hobbies and joylessly measure your words per minute that's your perogative, I just don't understand it.

>> No.16719368

t. Teen who hasn't had a tough life

>> No.16719377


>> No.16719399

>all sex is rape
>t. Feminist

>> No.16719408


>> No.16719423

>I'm a crypto-American and I think a pubescent teen can't wrap his or her mind around having sex because it feels good.

>> No.16719433

Pubescent teens aren't children anymore retard, they've literally went through the biological change that's meant to allow for them to have sex. They've been having sex for the whole of history before feminist puritans decided that sexuality the law had to step in because sexual relations were impure if there was any inequality in "power", which means they literally all are inevitably.

>> No.16719444

*they're literally gone through
*before feminist puritans decided that the law

>> No.16719449



pick one retard

>> No.16719460
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>> No.16719470

We never really forget anything, we just can't recall it. I like the thought that I have all of Paradise Lost stored in my brain.

>> No.16719471
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Because "feminist puritans" wanted to eliminate little girls as a sexual threat.
Pure jealousy from old hags.

>> No.16719496

>that armband
>prohibiting fucking children is totally like fascism!!
>t. Foucault

>> No.16719505

Bergson thinks that, it's a nice idea but I'm not sure it's true. In case it's not, you'd better try to remember things Anon.

>> No.16719515

And he was still not imaginative enough to write a character who wasn't a self-insert. Stephen King-tier.

>> No.16719530
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it's just to get a point across
unteralterbach was jew pilled
i mean it's made by krautchan ffs

>> No.16719557

Foucault didn't think that. He was dumb but he didn't think that. After Discipline and Punish he precisely tried to describe how society was now normalizing and directed behaviour by redirecting desire rather than threatening and violently repressing actions. A bit like you do when your only response to things you dislike it to send social signals of "this is shameful" in public. Foucault was stupid to try to make this into a deep analysis of a new historical epoch though, and his general stance led him to something like an apology of late american liberalism in his late College de France lessons, reducing reactions against this normalizing process to having institutions step out and an "ethic of the self" allow people to discover through experimentation what was good for them. Which isn't exactly wrong as much as it is missing the entire reason for the existence of the State, of social institutions, and is frankly uninteresting.

>> No.16719575
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That game is a work of art.

>> No.16719583

what the fuck am i looking at

>> No.16719592

A loli-fucking based VN that satirizes german politics, moral panic, and chan culture.

>> No.16719593

Not him, I still haven't played it, but it looks like based deutsche Kunst. So nice to share a frontier with these guys.

>> No.16719602

name? even though i feel like i might end up on some list

>> No.16719606

Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach, and you can just download it on their website https://unteralterbach.de/index.en.html#download

>> No.16719611
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For me, it's Maja.
The soundtrack also bops.
>even though i feel like i might end up on some list
Hehe you must be new.

>> No.16719629

He still fugged boi arse

>> No.16719631

this thread what

>> No.16719642
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Why is stiglitz in the game?

>> No.16719659

Fucking tourist

>> No.16719765

pedo shit isnt shameful, its actively harmful

>> No.16719787

it literally isn't

>> No.16719789

>people i disagree with ugly
>noo ur just moral panicking hypocrite!!

>> No.16719791

I don't call pedo what you call pedo. Also yes, it is shamed, in fact it's more shamed than obviously more harmful things, even accepting usual narratives. People will feel more righteous anger at a guy who abused a child than another who killed ten people or even tortured someone.

>> No.16719798

>people i disagree with ugly
That's just the art style

>> No.16719810

There is mountains of research to show it is. There are millions of cases of pedophiles ruining childrens lives. Why would anyone trust you? Let me guess, "its the stigma that does the damage"- typical unfalsifiable cope. As long as your reason exists as a self therapy method you are never going to have serious arguments or evidence on your side.

>> No.16719811

Only plebs defend pedophilia in public. The based patrician stance is to shame pedos publicly whilst privately enjoying the finer things if you acquire my drift ;)

>> No.16719824

ever hear or the "joker test"?
>kill people and even torture some.
>heehee what a cool villain
<what if he targeted exclusively black victims
The morality today judges "racism" as an even bigger sin than murder and torture.

>> No.16719825

>Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function, beginning in 2002. Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls, these studies found associations between pedophilia and lower IQs,[49][50][51] poorer scores on memory tests,[50] greater rates of non-right-handedness,[49][50][52][53] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences,[54] lesser physical height,[55][56] greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,[57][58] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures.[59][60][61]

>> No.16719834

>There is mountains of research to show it is.
No there isn't.

>> No.16719845

>The based patrician stance
It's the spooked faggot stance

>> No.16719853

>nooo wtf why are people protective of children
a child matters more than an adult. that is common sense to people who have not had their brains rotted by decades of hedonistic mind poison

>> No.16719854

Not him and I don't think sex with prepubescents should be legal because I think this muh science is unclear. But there is debate on it. Look at Rind et al. and the controversy around it.

>> No.16719867

Studies of people convicted for possessing or producing CP show them having more often traits correlated with being a retard, what a shock!

>> No.16719868

what you call "child" is subject to change in different periods of history

>> No.16719870
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lol ok pleb

>> No.16719878


there are things in life that matter more than you getting yourself off. it worked with fags, seething about being shamed, but nobody is going to feel sympathetic toward narcissists crying that they cant fuck kids.

>> No.16719891
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>posts pubescent girl and thinks it's pedophilia
You're spooked beyond repair.

>> No.16719895

they are PRE pubescent. the debate ends there.

>> No.16719898
File: 71 KB, 564x846, 24021aa0bcba2e6fba21588e299971d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the only pic you have?

>> No.16719899

>wikipedia link
Sex isn't abuse

>> No.16719902

This is actual bullshit. Medieval england had age of consent laws. People know when someone has gone through puberty or not.

>> No.16719914

no, it's my favorite stock image loli.
>denying a human being bodily autonomy
>yOu'rE a NaRcIsSt bRo

>> No.16719915

>show evidence
>noooo not that website which collects thousands of studies
cope. the thing that usually exposes you retards is how you are literally incapable of self awareness. you cannot recognise your own bias and disposition to believe your own bullshit, you cannot recognise that "sex" has wildly different connotations from normal when its an adult manipulating a child into it.

>> No.16719918

>Medieval england had age of consent laws.
yeah and it was twelve.

>> No.16719919

>noo bro just ignore all the evidence and let me tell kids to touch me reeeee

>> No.16719921

I'm sorry but no, I don't see how you can justify shooting fifty innocents as more defendable than child abuse. If anything, people actually apologize for mass murder of random innocents, too. There is an obvious disrepancy. I'm not assuming "one life is equal one life" here, or utilitarian calculus, or anything of the sort.

>> No.16719925

a wikipedia link isn't evidence
You might as well link me a salon article
>the only way a minor can feel sexual attraction is manipulation

>> No.16719931

where is the evidence

>> No.16719938

this is the only right answer. hags still shame greater age differences within consensual, legal age relationships, see leo. it's a sexual strategy.

>> No.16719941

Well if you make up retarded shit in your head that never happened im sure that helps your argument. People are hard wired to protect children. Their innocent state of being is something everyone misses when they grow up. Obviously people find it repugnant to see people who will manipulate their ignorant minds for a few moments of satisfaction and end their youth effectively there. You are autistic if you cant see the aversion to it

>> No.16719953

>Child sexual abuse can result in both short-term and long-term harm, including psychopathology in later life.[14][26] Indicators and effects include depression,[9][27][28] anxiety,[11] eating disorders,[29] poor self-esteem,[29] somatization,[28] sleep disturbances,[30][31] and dissociative and anxiety disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder.[10][32] While children may exhibit regressive behaviours such as thumb sucking or bedwetting, the strongest indicator of sexual abuse is sexual acting out and inappropriate sexual knowledge and interest.[33][34] Victims may withdraw from school and social activities[33] and exhibit various learning and behavioural problems including cruelty to animals,[35][36][37][38] attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).[29] Teenage pregnancy and risky sexual behaviors may appear in adolescence.[39] Child sexual abuse victims report almost four times as many incidences of self-inflicted harm.[40]
A study funded by the USA National Institute of Drug Abuse found that "Among more than 1,400 adult females, childhood sexual abuse was associated with increased likelihood of drug dependence, alcohol dependence, and psychiatric disorders. The associations are expressed as odds ratios: for example, women who experienced nongenital sexual abuse in childhood were 2.83 times more likely to suffer drug dependence as adults than were women who were not abused."[41]

A well-documented, long-term negative effect is repeated or additional victimization in adolescence and adulthood.[13][42] A causal relationship has been found between childhood sexual abuse and various adult psychopathologies, including crime and suicide,[18][43][44][45][46][47] in addition to alcoholism and drug abuse.[41][42][48] Males who were sexually abused as children more frequently appear in the criminal justice system than in a clinical mental health setting.[33] A study comparing middle-aged women who were abused as children with non-abused counterparts found significantly higher health care costs for the former.[28][49] Intergenerational effects have been noted, with the children of victims of child sexual abuse exhibiting more conduct problems, peer problems, and emotional problems than their peers.[50]

A specific characteristic pattern of symptoms has not been identified,[51] and there are several hypotheses about the causality of these associations.[9][52][53]

>> No.16719959
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Many such cases, sad!

>> No.16719963

>Depending on the age and size of the child, and the degree of force used, child sexual abuse may cause internal lacerations and bleeding. In severe cases, damage to internal organs may occur, which, in some cases, may cause death.[77]

>Child sexual abuse may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases.[78] Due to a lack of sufficient vaginal fluid, chances of infections can heighten depending on the age and size of the child. Vaginitis has also been reported.[78]
Neurological damage

Research has shown that traumatic stress, including stress caused by sexual abuse, causes notable changes in brain functioning and development.[79][80] Various studies have suggested that severe child sexual abuse may have a deleterious effect on brain development. Ito et al. (1998) found "reversed hemispheric asymmetry and greater left hemisphere coherence in abused subjects;"[81] Teicher et al. (1993) found that an increased likelihood of "ictal temporal lobe epilepsy-like symptoms" in abused subjects;[82] Anderson et al. (2002) recorded abnormal transverse relaxation time in the cerebellar vermis of adults sexually abused in childhood;[83] Teicher et al. (1993) found that child sexual abuse was associated with a reduced corpus callosum area; various studies have found an association of reduced volume of the left hippocampus with child sexual abuse;[84] and Ito et al. (1993) found increased electrophysiological abnormalities in sexually abused children.[85]

Some studies indicate that sexual or physical abuse in children can lead to the overexcitation of an undeveloped limbic system.[84] Teicher et al. (1993)[82] used the "Limbic System Checklist-33" to measure ictal temporal lobe epilepsy-like symptoms in 253 adults. Reports of child sexual abuse were associated with a 49% increase to LSCL-33 scores, 11% higher than the associated increase of self-reported physical abuse. Reports of both physical and sexual abuse were associated with a 113% increase. Male and female victims were similarly affected.[82][86]

Navalta et al. (2006) found that the self-reported math Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of their sample of women with a history of repeated child sexual abuse were significantly lower than the self-reported math SAT scores of their non-abused sample. Because the abused subjects' verbal SAT scores were high, they hypothesized that the low math SAT scores could "stem from a defect in hemispheric integration." They also found a strong association between short-term memory impairments for all categories tested (verbal, visual, and global) and the duration of the abuse.[87]

>> No.16719966

Again, I didn't say I had no aversion to the abuse of children, quite the opposite. It's just how you find it obvious that this aversion should be as intense as the one one would have towards a guy who kills 50 people that I don't understand. Our culture worships a lot of violence and gratuitous evil, and it makes an exception there. Don't tell me there is no disrepancy.

>> No.16719970

>Pure jealousy from old hags.
I think that nails most of the outrage from the older females.

>> No.16719971

sex != abuse

>> No.16719976

sex != abuse

>> No.16719988

This is assuming stuff like rape and penetration of prebuscents, which is obviously hurtful. Do you have stuff that at least distinguished the cases of (alleged, to be neutral there ; expressed even if you think it's actually not legitimate) consent and non-penetrative sexuality? It'd be more fair.

>> No.16719992

Thats the point, fucking a kid is labelled as abusive because these things happen most of the time. I mean, try to step out of your coomer fantasy a moment. A pedophile has to idenitify a target, groom them for some time, and then explicitly introduce them to sex and ask of it off of them. At what point is this not an utterly one sided scenario? I have mountains of research backing me, no ulterior motive. It is just actual cope to deny these facts. There is more to life than sexual gratification

>> No.16720003

this example of a guy killing 50 people is in your head though. both are violent acts. as well, our culture does fetishise violence, but you miss where it protects child abusers too. many celebrities and public figures have sketchy and well known pasts, like david bowie or whatever, and people ignore it and worship them anyway. it goes both ways

>> No.16720007

ITT: People think they actually had a childhood because it was wasted on Star Wars and online videogames.

>> No.16720028

How do you define consent with a child is an issue. If they get told to do it, or manipulated, do you call that consent since they have no idea of the concequences? Regardless, say they do, the vast majority of people who had sexual experiences in their early teens say they regret it, or end up emotional wrecks who feel used by everyone. As for non penetratative, I think the psycological point still stands, people supress memories of oral sex

>> No.16720030

lmao David Bowie fucking a 13 years-old groopie isn't pedophilia. You're a living exemple of this double standard if you think a pubescent girl fucking her idol is abuse.
Now I agree the elites among the elites can do whatever they want, but do you really think that stops at pedophilia?

>> No.16720032

Common bullshit reasoning is acting like your opponent has no rational reason to disagree.

>> No.16720036
File: 95 KB, 1200x942, Child_Victims_Often_Know_The_Perpetrator_08.18.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A pedophile has to idenitify a target, groom them for some time, and then explicitly introduce them to sex and ask of it off of them.
This post shows how retarded you are.
Le ebin pedo stalking school yards grooming elementary schoolers is a myth.
Vast majority of child sexual abuse cases happen within family and friends. 2/3 of which happen to children over the age of 12 which also removes the "pedophilia" aspect of it.

Your "mountains of evidence" only talk about forceful scenarios and make some asine statements like "sex abuse victims have lower SAT scores"

>> No.16720040

arent you coping here? you were talking about what the mainstream thinks, and the mainstream considers 13 a child. so it refutes your idea of the masses being hypocrites

>> No.16720041

I don't disagree, what you say makes sense. But you also discarded the "social perception of it" factor. I know you'll just reject it, but what if growing up in a culture that says this is the greatest evil is why people often suddenly, later in life, "discover" how awful what they experienced was?

>> No.16720047

>muh statistics of settled cases
No. You seem quite desperate to defend though, I wonder why.

>> No.16720053
File: 573 KB, 1200x932, Of_All_Victims_Under_18 010317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2/3 are within 12-17

>> No.16720062

>only talks about forceful
How do you know? Where did it say? Or are you being selective about what you personally consider abuse, even when evidence disagrees? And secondly, that just further proves my point. People in positions of power and trust with easy access. Fucking retard. How do you read this shit and not realise how predatory it is

>> No.16720065

>muh statistics of settled cases

>> No.16720071

Good point, I typed too fast. I still have an intuition there's a hypocritisy there, but you may be right that it's because I autistically just think about what's good and bad rationally instead of putting myself in the shoes of the average person and see where their empathy naturally goes.
That just displaces the debate on what exactly should be called pedophilia and what to think of it though, but I admit the hypocrisy I first assumed, I may wrongly have assumed it for the aforementionned reason.

>> No.16720072

>typical unfalsifiable cope.
No, it is not. Is a totally FALSIABLE claim.
We have another cultures and another times to show. Most societies until not so long ago worked just right allowing sex with teenagers/pubescents.

>> No.16720079

1/3rd of 10 million is still quite an amount
Or is the abuse of those under 12 completley negated because there are more reports from older children?

>> No.16720083

Because there is no evidence for it, it is totally irrational and infact evidence flies in the face of it. Many children being fucked by someone will show clear signs, constantly seeming uncomfortable with their genitals and grabbing at them, making themselves look unnattractive on purpose, behaving abnoramally. This is how abusers are caught most of the time. They show signs of mental damage before they are aware of any "stigma", which is why it has become a stigma. The only reason to think a stigma causes damage in a childs mind (who barely understands it) is wanting to believe the evidence is wrong for biased reasons

>> No.16720090

What socities? Muslim goat herders?
You are a pedophile and it's clear as day kys pedo

>> No.16720094

>Depending on the age and size of the child, and the degree of force used
>Various studies have suggested that severe child sexual abuse
>Some studies indicate that sexual or physical abuse
All this about child rape victims. It wouldn't be mixing in physical abuse otherwise.
Majority of child abusers aren't pedophiles. Even pedophile is overused retarded word because it denotes exclusive attraction and girls (who are the vast majority of abuse victims) begin puberty anywhere from 7-10

>> No.16720096

convieniently all times where people had no idea what mental illness was outside of the town lunatic and generally behaved in totally inhumane ways in a lot of cases. im not even a liberal and I can accept that

>> No.16720101

>children being fucked by someone
I don't want to be autistic, but I thought we'd agreed we'd put to the side *obviously* harmful things like penetration of prebuscents or sex with no expressed consent. I don't doubt those symptoms all show up from the beginning in those cases, do they show from the beginning as well in the others?
I don't really want to keep this going though unless you have a specific answer to my question there, because I'm not in the business of defending sex with prepubescent, I think lacking strong evidence that it can be ok it should be forbidden.

>> No.16720102

its not mixing shit, it tells you in each case what the type of abuse was.

>> No.16720103

>a child abuser isn't a pedophile
Yes they are. A child is a child anon.
Why are you even arguing for and defending these child abusers? Trying to pretty up your mental illness?

>> No.16720105
File: 1.45 MB, 2311x3000, txv8mq8wu4v31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What socities? Muslim goat herders?
Did you pay attention in any European history class?

>> No.16720114

Ah yes bum fuck Serbs who are most likely inbred and live in a forest.
Such civilizations. Much prestige.

>> No.16720115
File: 742 KB, 1800x1800, age-of-consent-europe (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking a 15 year old is pedophilia?
They're legally minors, and the case would be treated as abuse.
I'm a pedophile rapist in america but a law abiding citizen in europe?

>> No.16720117

by "fucked" I mean anything involving their genitals, I worded that poorly. what im saying is, they show signs of mental abberation quickly, before anyone even knows to step in and produce a stigma or whatever. Secondly, its common practice in most countries NOT to go into details with the child, nor goad them into admitting anything, but simply act on what they say and give them therapy when they are older if they want it. For some reason pedophiles act like these protocols dont exist

>> No.16720124

I gotta go now. Im sorry if I was over insulting to people but nonces just annoy me since I deal with their shit as part of my job. bye

>> No.16720129
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Those are americans in the pic.
Remember Helen of Troy? Do you know how old she was?

>> No.16720133

Or self employed American farmers, the most wealthy European "populus" from the 17th to early 20th century. But I don't think these marriages at early age were sexual before pubescence, I'd suppose they weren't supposed to be.

Good point, I think you're right.

>> No.16720140

You're a dumb faggot and you should feel bad.

>> No.16720147

Greeks weren't rhe height of civilization either
They stole from the east and yes they were degenerate hedonists
Still can't believe you are tryijg to defend it. You really must be a pedo

>> No.16720149

To be fair pretty much everyone was. They didn't have stuff like Harry Potter or whatever so everyone just read classics.