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16717070 No.16717070 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, the beginning is sloooooooow.

>> No.16717085

Then stop reading it if you've been filtered.

>> No.16717088

>if you don't like my precious little book then you've been filtered!!11

>> No.16717092

Yes but its worth it. Don't act like you don't enjoy getting to see what a weirdo Stepan Trofimovich is

>> No.16717093

I don't even like it, but you've clearly been filtered.

>> No.16717096

Are you mad? Of course I'll finish it.

I've read any other book besides House of the Dead by Dosto and nothing was as slow as this.

>> No.16717097

TIL 19th century Russians could triforce.

>> No.16717103
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Filtered = having taste

>> No.16717107

You don't even know what the book is about. You can't even claim to truly not like it because you were filtered before you could even stake an informed claim on its contents.

>> No.16717111

I felt bad for Stepan during the whole book. Why was Dosto such a bully to him?

>> No.16717137

>You don't even know what the book is about.
>You can't even claim to truly not like it.
Yes, yes, but what again, do tell me, please, what does that matter, mon frere ? Shit is shit – nosed people avoid it.

>> No.16717144

It doesn't matter if you're okay with being filtered. Clearly you are.

>> No.16717145

Garnett is never slow.

>> No.16717164

If I say a book is shit, it is what I say. To read it, and to argue about it, would be for no purpose other than confusing your mind, so that you would think, too, that the book I said was shit, is shit. But, since nothing can be accomplished in online discussion, since no confusion is possible for me to arrouse in you: why should I say more than: shit is this book. Intellectual games, what do they accomplish but conquest of the mind of the other by the forces of your own ?

>> No.16717171

That's all fine, just don't pretend it didn't filter you. Think it was shit all you want, but if the book prevented you from getting to the end, that's definition filtration.