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16716592 No.16716592 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16716607
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>> No.16716616

Centuries from now, will anyone remember your shitposts?

>> No.16716678

Plato should have been more precise in his definition.

>> No.16716738

all of the reddit-tier anecdotes about diogenes come from a work written by a literal retard 700 years later

>> No.16716753

the Attic word for "befeathered" that Plato used in the Statesman means "able to grow feathers", so Diogenes was just a Retardon

>> No.16716764

for reference he uses πτεροφυεῖ

>> No.16716801

>ramblings of a lunatic who urinates on the street and faps in public places.

>> No.16716813

They will remember mine because I got the 16000000 get

>> No.16716816

how come people hate nihilists but everyone likes Diogenes?

>> No.16716825

He wasn't a nihilist. He was like a primitive an-prim that thought even Greek society was too much.

>> No.16716840

back to monke uh uh ah ah

>> No.16716847

Can someone please explain this meme to me? I don't give a shit about Greeks and their ancient backward ass bullshit but I'm curious enough to ask about this.

>> No.16716857

In one doalogue, Plato defines man as a featherless biped (this was before Greeks knew about monkies) so Diogenes plucked a chicken and called it a man.

>> No.16716869

Which demonstrates how retarded Greek philosophy is, hence 'Fuck the Greeks'.

>> No.16716875

What are the logistics of this? How did he pluck the chicken? Did he hold it down himself, or have someone else hold it down as he plucked it? It probably took awhile; I imagine the chicken would be in a lot of pain. In fact, it probably would have died from shock or something of the sort. Do you think Diogenes just showed the dead, featherless corpse to Plato? If so, maybe he just killed it before plucking the feathers.

>> No.16716880

>I imagine the chicken would be in a lot of pain.
It's a big bird

>> No.16716893
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Based, just look at my get! (that everyone swiftly forgot):

>> No.16716896

I wait that's your get as well.

>> No.16716902

He was more back to dog than monke

>> No.16716904

They'll remember it now

>> No.16716906

For you.

>> No.16716936

Why do you figure?

>> No.16716938

Plato never defined man as a featherless biped. Is pretty explicit in lots of dialogues, especially Timaeus, that man is defined by its functions and dispositions, exemplified by the proper working of his soul. The same can be said about other biological species. The biological bodies of living beings are designed in thr way they are so that the soul can express its functions up to a certain point (i.e. the bodily disposition of plants make it impossible for them to think, and that happens because rationality is not part of their essence)

>> No.16716947

No, he uses the phrase in one dialogue at least but I am not sure which one.

>> No.16716959

The one in the Statesman is not a definition, it's just the element of a definition. Similarly, in Sophist (I mention it because thr Eleatic Stranger uses the same method in both dialogues), "person who practices the art of confutation" is not a complete definition of sophist, but the complete definition of sophust will have to include that bit for the sake of completeness (the actual essence of "sophist" will, instead, be "person who imitates surreptitiously philosophers"; similarly the actual definition/essence of man will have to do with its essential functions, rather than accidents such as "featherless biped")

>> No.16716965

I really hate over circulated unfunny shit like this.