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16713477 No.16713477 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a fan of reading entire book charts since I don't believe that every book mentioned in said chart is worth the read but is rather there to fill up space. Even if all the books are of value I don't want to spend too much time on something I only want to read to help me with a certain aspect of my life and that's why I'm asking out of these 8 books which 1 or 2 are the best to read when it comes to focus.

Although I'm not diagnosed and am afraid to even attempt at identifying my own mental health I've realised, ever since I started taking my education seriously, that I have issues with sitting down. I'm in college right now and at times when I'm studying I randomly stand up and start pacing around my room before snapping myself out of my awoke sleep walk and get back to business. this happens often and I don't always stand up. I don't want to run too far with this. I remember once a couple of years ago I got into a debate with a user on discord and he tasked me with responding to a website link arguing for an arminian interpetararion of romans 9. In my anger fueled rage I got off my laptop and got on to my computer and started typing away. I expected the response to no be too long. Perhaps a paragraph or a page but I ended up writing 4 pages, roughly 3000+ words, on microsoft word and I was amazed at myself.

To be fair though even then I occasionally stood up and started pacing for no reason but I much more quickly snapped out of it.

Sorry about the blog post but I'm looking for a good book that will help me with my focus. I'm aware of carl newport's book but apparently he only discusses getting rid of distractions but I feel as though that's only a part of the puzzle. What 1 or 2 books would you recommend from this list to help with my issue or if you can think of a better one then please do recommend that one.

>> No.16713494

The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker.

>> No.16713512

A lot of "unfocused" behavior is really two problems.

First, an extremely sedentary lifestyle which your body rebels against. There's nothing to do about this but exercise daily.

Second, fear (anxiety). And the only thing you can really do against fear is exposure therapy. A book isn't likely to help with this. You have to gradually expose yourself to more fearful things in sessions of 45-90min.

>> No.16713514

I think you've missed the point. I'm looking for something more practical and by looking at the wikipedia page it seems to not touch on adhd or attention deficit disorder and how to fix it. But since you recommended it I assume you're read it and if so how has it helped you if at all?

>> No.16713519

what fearful situations do you suggest I put myself through?

>> No.16713549

How to do Nothing by Odell
24/7 by Johnathan Crary

>> No.16713571

>How to do Nothing by Odell
Hhh, I'm trying to be more productive. Protestant work ethic, you feel me?

>> No.16713590

productive for who? why?

>> No.16713597

>productive for who?
For myself and God

It's why God put me here and I'm hoping to start a family one day and provide for my wife and kids. So, I'm gonna need to have the basic skills of keeping a job and make enough money for the family to happily get by.

>> No.16713686


However, still worth reading those books. Antifragile has some overlap with Odell's book. The idea is that if your life is fully optimized, scheduled, etc. then you leave no room for opportunity and chance. When you do "nothing" you have a chance for the unexpected. Antifragile is a good book to read as well btw.

>> No.16713700

Don't read any of these, read Society of the Spectacle instead.

>> No.16713709

It's not my priority rn and so will leave it for a later time


>> No.16713724

Guy's, I'm looking for something practical that can help me with my issues. Stop recommending my y'alls favourite books.

>> No.16714263


>> No.16714528

Hyperfocus and Digital Minimalism.

Absolute bangers when it comes to non fiction.

>> No.16714539

If you think reading a self help book is going to improve your life, you're ngmi. They are full of obvious shit that everyone knows but are too lazy to apply to their lives.

>> No.16714612

This, i also enjoyed Deep Work
But like >>16714539 said, you can read wathever book you want, but if you don't apply these thing into your life, you become a consoomer who read self-help books just for dopamine or satisfying ego.
Digital Minimalism is definitely a starter, stick to it, apply everything you think is reasonable , skip/jump to another book only if you tried these things and they didn't worked or you already do that stuff and you want something new

Try meditation and do daily exercises also

>> No.16714862

Thanks, this is all I needed really.

>> No.16714896

I exercise every other day and meditate to work on my focusing skills. Quitting porn, weed, and alcohol has made things easier to. When I do want to be productive I just turn off my phone and use a watch to keep track of time. I can easily play an instrument or read for an hour before wanting to take a five minute break which is totally natural. Writing is still difficult for me because I just don’t know what to write about half the time. I think I need to designate time to just daydream and come up with ideas in order to work on my writing.

>> No.16716139

bump cuz why not.