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16712662 No.16712662 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know, it actually doesn't seem to be that bad of a world.

>> No.16712666

isn't that the point of the book? it's only bad because we think it's bad

>> No.16712683

It's not supposed to be shown as neither good or bad, it's just the description of an end game that the humanity might reach

>> No.16712704

I'd stay on the reservation

>> No.16712713

I will start a terrorist cell before I am forced to become as socialized as the cucks in the World State.

>> No.16712722

Yes the the complete submission of all spontaneous hyperactive life domesticated for the stability and maintenance of humanity as a resource for the endless reproduction of pre determined consensus based 1 2 3 4 is totally not creepy weird if not totally fucking stupid

>> No.16712730

Yea its pretty terrifying that we are slowly devolving into the World State right before our eyes.

>> No.16712736

If at some point humanity realizes that colonizing other planets is impossible, then it might be the best solution, to simply live comfortably and hedonistically.

>> No.16712790

Helmholtz's fate wasn't that bad

>> No.16712806

>living a life scripted by hbo is living hedonistically

>> No.16712815

yes, because you have nothing else to do. you are even required to take soma

>> No.16712843

>No shakespeare
>No bible
>Not that bad
Take your meds anon

>> No.16712850

It's the case for the heroin junkie

>> No.16712859

It's bad because we know it to be bad. No amount of reasoning will lead you to answers of ethical questions. Purely empirical

>> No.16712872


>> No.16713674

Take a step back

>> No.16713707

I have never understood why nobody ever questions the sustainability of the World State and its obvious detriments (controlled speech, utilitarianism to the max, no ethics) when at the same time everybody is crying about 1984 and its obvious detriments. It is like people are so fucking stupid that they will let the jews choose "happiness" for them and be completely cool with it.

>> No.16713751

would you be willing to step in an experience machine?

>> No.16713776

No. I would rather deal with my depression on a daily basis. At least knowing that I haven't killed myself yet feels like a victory.

>> No.16713785

>becoming a pet is not bad

>> No.16713802

Stop imagining your in the high caste.

>> No.16713831

you are ideologically possessed if you wouldn't to live in it

>> No.16713834

if you don’t find the state in brave new world disgusting you are probably sick, but yes the author assumed people could come to their own conclusions about it.

>> No.16713846

>colonizing other planets
Small minded fool.

Life takes 3.5 billion years to jump off this gravity well and you can't think of a higher calling than to drop your offspring into another one?

>> No.16713852

Hedonism is an insidious ideology.

>> No.16713861

your head is filled with spooks, who cares about freedom when you are happy

>> No.16713966

You aren't happiness.

Happiness is a mere state.

The subjective self is an emergent property of interaction of mental faculties on each other.

Whatever mental faculty is not exercised atrophies and is lost - this is how we forget things, how we lose our constituent mental parts and make room for new ones.

We perceive continuity in ourselves because we are replacing ourselves incrementally and there are aspects of our present selves we can identify with when we look to distant past selves, when we predict future selves and even when we look those beings we feel some kinship with.

A being that feels only joy is so far removed from my self/ego that I'd prize the life and struggle of a dying tree over it, and would rather extract fuel from the former over the latter.

>> No.16714345

I'd be an ALPHA

>> No.16714362
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>happiness comes from pleasure

>> No.16714378

i'd like to shag lenina

>> No.16714397

Freedom makes me happy.

>> No.16714906

Total retards. Did you even the sections with John the Savage? Consider why he is thought of as a savage at all? You don't have true happiness and joy without the experience of suffering. He literally says it at the end of the book. He wants the right to be unhappy. A state that cannot grant that right cannot make its citizens truly happy, but it can keep them as its slaves.

>> No.16714971

I've read this a long time ago, but I remember the book as an argument against hedonism, a case for values higher than happiness (like freedom). But maybe I improved the author's intent, because "you can't have happiness without suffering" is just meh at best and retarded at worst.

>> No.16715224

The entire society was happy though, except for John who didn't belong in it.
One individual doesn't mean much in the face of the whole trend

>> No.16715248

Anon, honey is sweet because vinegar is bitter.

>> No.16715461

That is a romantic idea an adolescent would say. Suffering is suffering and the catharsis we experience gives us the illusion that suffering is important, but the suffering always remains and grows while the catharsis gets smaller and smaller.

>> No.16715480

Suffering is necessary for the human spirit. It's how we learn to genuinely appreciate life.

>> No.16715492

go back to reading thomas ligotti.

>> No.16716414

You didn't improve shit. It's not just that you can't have happiness without suffering, it's that you can't grasp the true passions of human life without it. That's why Shakespeare strikes John so forcefully and it's why he kills himself when he arrives at the World State. It's also that the subjects of the World State aren't *really* happy, they're sedated. They are not free to explore the human experience to its limits. They are kept in a box.

>> No.16716579

If you don't want to die in a war in your brother's arms you are literally not a man.

>> No.16716687

Please learn basic reading comprehension

>> No.16717170

Then tell me, what is suffering to you? I don't think we have the same concept of it.

>> No.16718479

your head is filled with spooks, who cares about happiness when you have freedom

>> No.16718512

are people in this thread seriously arguing that suffering is not necessary for a healthy happy life? it's literally evolution, humans thrive thanks to struggle and solving obstacles and all that. if you were omnipotent you'd get bored out of your mind in a couple weeks, and depression and unfulfilment would kick in. and rich people aren't happier because of it, they just have different problems, this shit is obvious. did you guys not watch Bruce Almighty?

>> No.16718559

It's literally called "brave new world", the creator was a globalistic technocratic advocator of it, despite his personal grievances which he never seemed to actually face.

>> No.16718570

my nigga, we have been invaded by faggot "i love science" people and /pol/tards. A lot of threads of the board are attempts at subversion.