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16712578 No.16712578 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here read any of the accepted submissions so far? I quite liked a few of them.

>> No.16712763
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Got mine in the mail on Monday, planning on reading it this week. How does this issue compare to the last one? I really enjoyed the submissions in Asterism.

>> No.16712811

got a pdf?

>> No.16712857

What is this OP?

>> No.16712922


>> No.16712996

It’s a magazine for lit made by lit

>> No.16713000

What genres don’t they accept

>> No.16713215

It’s barely made by /lit/ it’s mostly redditors and Twitter users

>> No.16713266

fuck i might just buy an online copy after all

>> No.16713426

How much is the pay for accepted short story?

>> No.16713950

I really enjoyed the poems from Ryunsuke Hasimoto, his first one is quite enigmatic. Other than that I greatly enjoyed much of the submitted fiction.

>> No.16714070

What stories do they accept? Im writing a western short and i was wondering if they’re will pick it up?

>> No.16714820

I mean to fully read mine soon. The introduction pieces have been good. Any particular observations, anons?

>> No.16714938

Depends, but usually $80-100CAD.

Don't know how we would verify reddit users, but statistically, there are only 3 or 4 confirmed /lit/ contributors this time around.

>> No.16715464

I read the last one and the story called "Slothrop's Torture: An Erotic Gravity's Rainbow Fiction" really rubbed me the wrong way.
"His cramps alleviated when he finally gave to his captor’s struggle, to seize like a feral caught in the maw of a terrible beast’s an unsavory way to spend one’s final moments alive… but the terror now afflicting his neurons, a distress signal sent to frenzy the quartz within his heart to implode, pushes his system to do things he’s never done before—the skin flush, wet with sweat all of sudden, hot then cold, and his colon, careless to his plight, just unleashes… oh no, the dread tenfold… just so helpless, callow in the face as it contorts in pleads, images of youth… dragged through scenes of urbanite decay, concrete chipped by Lord knows what, urine-scent stabbing through his swollen nose, hallways and antechambers lacquered by the wet feet of comings-and-goings, lecherous red lights in iron-latticed fixtures. Slothrop’s crying. He’s regressing further… helpless as a dumbfounded college kid, new to a dorm, slightly confused by the seething testosterone he can feel in the air, in the shapes of those freshman lads, as they struggled so with their cardboard boxes, their pulsating forearms sure to be sore, and oh, the Big One… The Black One, the athlete, lean, the light just sliding off his wild skin-kissed complexion, and how he could throttle young Slothrop, deliver the impassioned might of the whole continent of Africa directly inside him: the bruteness, the brashness, the filth and dirt and smearing of sclera upon naked bodies in Bacchic rites, the sweet reverse colonization… helpless in the arms of these brutes."

Like what the actual fuck is this shit?

>> No.16715474

/lit/ shitpost slop written in a high minded way

>> No.16715477

You're literally just seething over getting rejected. Maybe learn to write better?

>> No.16715484

I didn't even submit anything

>> No.16715488

Then stop ya fucking bellyaching.

>> No.16715788

Completely fabricated.

Then why are you making shit up?

>> No.16715792

What are you talking about?

>> No.16715796

I'm talking about this post

>> No.16715798

I don't know who you're trying to fool. That's a quality piece, and is indicative of the calibre of work we wish to highlight and curate here at Lit.

>> No.16715806

kek. carry on

>> No.16716810

Good stuff, ngl

>> No.16717218

t. o b s e s s e d

>> No.16717227

What's the average length of a prose piece in this publication? Short stories? Prose poems? What is this made of?

>> No.16717280
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>deliver the impassioned might of the whole continent of Africa directly inside him

>> No.16717479

>Olákìtán T. Aládéṣuyì
>Paa Kwesi Arko Cee
>Osahon Oka
>Ugonna-Ora Owoh

what the hell kinda names are these?

>> No.16718531

African. Quarterly got BLACKED. It got Afrikaaned

>> No.16718550

Op this is amazing I feel ashamed for not knowing of its existence until now

>> No.16718618

Is it better than the Legacy of Fascism in a Tundra at least?

>> No.16718833

A little bit of everything. Fiction is usually 200-5000 words. Poetry we ask for 12-40 lines, but it's not strict. Some shorter, some longer.
We are an international publication and we have had contributors from Nigeria and Ghana this time around.
That's for you to decide. As enjoyable and pure as more-or-less unedited collaborative works can be, our journal is heavily edited for tone, content, and grammar.

>> No.16718857

Sounds quality. Where can I query or submit?

>> No.16719139


and from previous post >>16718833
*2000-5000 words

>> No.16719149

Thanks anon.

>> No.16720285

Will you accept an erotic furry story if it's really well written?

>> No.16720293

What the fuck? There are more female writers in this rag than males. Are women the only people writing on this shitty board?

>> No.16720297

the editor is a known simp

>> No.16720327

most of the writers are from twitter.

>> No.16720983

It would have to be VERY well-written.
That's the digital-only edition, which is a supplementary collection of writings from people whose writing we liked but couldn't fit into the print edition. Half were chosen by me, half were chosen by my editing partner.
And just so you know, I get disproportionately more poetry submissions from women than from men and disproportionately more fiction submissions from men than from women. So, though I haven't kept tabs, I would suspect our accepted submissions reflect that.

>> No.16721050

he only used us to get his thing off the ground

>> No.16721061

>We are an international publication and we have had contributors from Nigeria and Ghana this time around.
pozzed and DROPPED

>> No.16721195

not quite. I decided to take it more seriously after how well the first two issues went.

I figured I'd lose some of you for publishing African writers. Oh well. I know I lost a few of you when you saw a woman has been printed in each of the editions too.

>> No.16721205

Don't mind based black guys but women and Twatterfags are unacceptable

>> No.16721217

I get that. But it's hard to curate a solid and well-rounded volume with accepting writing from one demographic. Furthermore, as I'm sure you know, we here at /lit/ are very spotty in production of, and defensive about, our writing. Having a broader scope of contributors truly improves the overall quality of the journal. And keep in mind one of us is at the helm...

>> No.16721224

how may copies have you sold so far?

>> No.16721242


Thank you for continuing the slow death of grassroots art via commodification.
This isn't a /lit/ project. He has abandoned /lit/ users. He mostly publishes twitter users. There aren't even 5 /lit/ contributors. He used us to promote his future revenue stream.
This isn't /lit/, and therefore it's just another kike shill self promoting. He should be mocked and disregarded like all of the others.
You were made to look the fool, /lit/. Don't prolong the charade. Don't be a sucker.

>> No.16721246

>It's hard to create a quality literature mag without women and twitter users
Fuck you. So full of shit. Can't believe /lit/ still gives this kike money.

>> No.16721273

Frogs are green
Roses are gray
I'm a BBC queen
Yes, bitch, slayyyyyyyyyy

publish me now, you stupid faggot.

>> No.16721285

Jews are God's unending curse on this land for betraying his trust in the Garden. The only explanation for why they persist.

>> No.16721291


>> No.16721302

lmao holy shit nigga you really went with the cheapest possible site hosting service, huh? didn't even shell out the 30 bucks for a theme that didn't have the watermarks.

>> No.16721303

Not many. All four editions combined, probably about 350 tops.

What have you done to support grassroots art? This venture has paid dozens of unique contributors real money for their writing. Do you know that I operate at a major loss; that each issue costs roughly $3000 to produce and the vast majority of that sum is paying contributors. Did you know that? Do you know that I have not even generated $3000 revenue TOTAL across four issues? That I would have to increase the sale price by 100% and ALSO increase sales by like 400% just to break even?
You don't have a clue what this quarterly is about or what its intent is. You're just talking shit because it makes you feel good.

You're distorting what I said. I said I need to get submissions from a wider demographic than just the types who are
1. on /lit/
2. aware of the quarterly
3. willing to submit
4. submit quality writing
5. male
Tell me how many people meet all those criteria. Also, I pointed out the fact that most poetry submissions are women and most fiction submissions are men. This disproportion will inevitably occur

>> No.16721341

> i NEED female writers

>> No.16721376

I'm sorry that you're losing money. I'm sorry that your profit margins are going to be even slimmer now that your core base sees you for what you are.

You saw fields of green, that's why you started with such an ambitious model. You knew that twitter would let your efforts drown into the ether, you knew that it was impossible to grow your magazine on reddit. You came to a small but dedicated community of literary types and sold them a dream. A real, published magazine for their art. And as soon as these people gave your "venture" legitimacy, you immediately shoved them to the back of the line. Behind fucking twitter.
You did this to yourself. Now go shill on your homesite nigger.

>> No.16721393

"I being this story by warning you, dear reader, that what you are about to become privy to is perhaps the most lurid, rancid, and alarming accounts of this 21st Century; and so, it begins on a hazy spring day, some fifteen years before, where we arrive in a room where two young men are acquiring carpet burns upon a floor in a carnal romp. They have been going at each other's anuses for quite some time now, edging their silken rupture to the point of absurdity. The penetrating objects increasing in size, used on the submissive one's ass, could alarm anyone with a sense of decency. Too late, it's happened. His anus horribly distended. Drooping to the floor, loose, open like an Elephant's trunk. He screamed in pain. Cut it, cut it! he cried, clawing at the red tentacle hanging out of him. Scissors are used. It's a jagged, nasty cut. He began to seize, bleeding from the missing portion of colon out his bottom. And, my God, remarkable, they both regarded the sight, as it was, and I sweat to God, the distended anus began to shake as well. It began to move the way a grub would, creating a fecal-blood trail in its clumsy wake. The two gay lovers, after immediate emergency surgery on the bottom, would grow a fondness over this anus homunculus, often guffawing at the anus' various exploits—like its proclivity to fall from the ceiling onto the plate of an unsuspecting dinner guest, warm smiles and friendly eye rolls, "Oh, anus, up to its usual shenanigans," and the whole dinner party would roar with laughter. Yes, it did strengthen their relationship to have an animated distended anus around. So perhaps our tale isn't so sordid after all; perhaps it can show us where to find strength in even the most dire circumstances; perhaps we need to find the distended anus within ourselves as well, expel it, and let it enrich our lives."

This is the type of shit that gets published in this fucking journal, /lit/. Literally just grifting people. I can't believe I fucking bought a copy. Fuck this stupid 4chan marketing troll shit. What the fuck...

>> No.16721406

what's going on here

>> No.16721417

based anon ripping the shit out of LQ conman

>> No.16721437

A grift

>> No.16721453


>> No.16721467

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16721481


>> No.16721487

I see through the lies of the tribe of Judah. This makes me sane.

>> No.16721490

based schizo

>> No.16721499

I wanna write an extremely graphic account of John Lennon beating Yoko Ono.

>> No.16721503

he wouldn't publish it, it would offend his new twitter griftees

>> No.16721518

Why doesn't he just split the current series in two then?

>> No.16721532

someone should take a shit in a zip loc bag and send it to this guy disguised as a manuscript

>> No.16721604

Are real literary magazines $80 to $100?

>> No.16721615

Why the hell would this stupid nigger need $3000 to make a book filled with submissions from /lit/ and random people on other parts of the internet? He could upload to Amazon KDP for zero cost and then get 40% to 70% of the profit straight into his bank account

>> No.16721622

he's got integrity or something... an idealist. he doesn't want artists to starve.

>> No.16721639

I don't see why he doesn't just simply upload to Amazon and skip the private printer. He'd get tons of downloads/physical purchases from randos and then he could stop whinging about muh no revenue. Not to mention, Amazon's print on demand service is free

>> No.16721647

I have an extensive interest in artisanal dragon dildos. They're art, and I see them as investments. That's where the money is going.

>> No.16721659

Damn, all well at least i support that Pynchon magazine someone made if only i can find it

>> No.16721826

Ironic, that it is /lit/ that he made this magazine for, but also /lit/ that drives him away from /lit/, and vice-versa

>> No.16721881
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>75 replies
>24 posters
Someone here is an upset ex-girlfriend.

As for you OP, keep doing ya thing. I respect the hustle and I don't care who you publish. I would have submitted some poems except for the fact that even anonymously, my standards just couldn't drop as far as some of the jizzposters I've seen in your curation.

>> No.16721895

lmao nigga why do you care? just submit and get paid under a pen name, you fuckin faggatron 3000.

>> No.16721906

Why do I care? Honestly, I might publish those poems under my real name. I care about my resume more than getting paid

>> No.16721924

You've never published anything, pussy.

>> No.16721930

au contraire, mon frere

>> No.16721967

Stop larping.

>> No.16722024

On one hand, I myself can see several issues with staying true to lit:
>small pool of contributors
>somewhat homogeneous contributor and user taste
>lack of blacks/women for academic cred
>general neuroticism
I know that I would never expend the time, stress and money needed to do the work that you've done and the backlash in this thread probably seems disgustingly unappreciative. I also understand that the schizo who believes that someone would start a literary journal of all things on this website of all places for the purpose of making money is obviously wrong. However, it is clear that you are no longer interested in this board and its residents and are now pulling from a much less idiosyncratic pool of contributors. Your journal's title is an anachronism and there's no point in engaging with lit because I doubt that anyone is especially interested in submitting to just another normalfag publication.

>> No.16722113

If I were to go without women writers, it would be forfeiting my poetry section and missing out on a number of good fiction pieces.
I "need" female writers because I want to produce a well-rounded journal.

This is so far from the truth, it's not even funny. The project started here. Why? Because I post here regularly, saw lots of good crit threads, had lots of good conversations about fiction, and saw lots of potential in some of the writers here. I stand by that. Simultaneously, I was disappointed with how I never met my own deadlines for my own writing, so I wanted some kind of motivation.
Last year, I got some time off work with the intention of finishing my degree but I wasn't accepted back into the faculty and so had extra tuition money and three months off work with an income, so I decided to collect some writing here to print in a book. A real, holdable book with the writing of myself and other anons. And that's what I did, and it was a success. Yes, I lost money, but that was never the point. It's not even the point now.
If it were the point, I'd be charging more and paying less.
As time went on, I found it harder to keep interest on the board other than a handful of loyal contributors/members. Even then, submissions were very limited. There was still good, solid stuff, but we didn't have a wide enough pool to choose from to produce the journal. It would've just been the same 5-10 guys contributing over and over. So we made some moves to broaden the field of submissions.

So, again, this has nothing to do with an ambitious model or making a profit. It's about generating enough revenue to keep the bloody thing alive. "What thing?" you ask. The thing that pays amateur writers real money for contributing their writing to a completely independent literary journal. I have final say on everything in the journal.

You bring up reddit. If you had read my essay from the third edition, you'd know that I was shadowbanned after being on reddit for ~7 days last fall.

But I'll ask you again: what have you done to support grassroots literature and art?

I, a /lit/ poster since 2015, started a quarterly comprised of anon writers last fall. The second edition was about 90% confirmed /lit/. Third edition was about 75% confirmed /lit/. And latest edition has about 15% confirmed /lit/ posters.

My options over the summer were limited, but I chose to seek out submissions from outside of /lit/ to keep the thing going. We were inundated with submissions over the summer and that wider field brought wider selections of writing. A couple of anons here are now bitching about the fact that I had the audacity to print African writers in my journal instead of only non-African /lit/ anons.

I have final say over everything. I contributed an essay on avoiding the social media echo chambers. Before that, I printed "The Internet is Serious Business." You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.16722129

no one "needs" grassroots support, not in the age of self-publishing. Everyone who can submit a .doc or .pdf to Amazon/B&N/Ingram Spark has instant access to all the expanded markets. And considering you've sold only 500 copies at a price 10x the price of the New Yorker, I doubt your contribution to "literature and art"

>> No.16722178

I've been told that I pay more than many independent journals. I suppose most would probably pay by word, but I don't know.

The printing is only a few hundred bucks. I pay a few hundred bucks for cover design and editing as well. Paying the contributors is the bulk of the expense, but that's the whole point: to motivate writers with potential to finish their writing projects.

I sell on amazon right now, but because of complications with a single ISSN/ASIN, each new edition gets absorbed under the product ID of the last edition. If you're referring to print-on-demand, I don't see how that would save me much money... unless I charged roughly double for each copy.

what is this profit you speak of?

Just by a fickle and inconsistent contributor base, yes. We have some good, reliable /lit/ anons who contributed to multiple editions, but most seem to be one-offs.

>lack of blacks/women for academic cred
academic cred does absolutely nothing for me. As a matter of fact, the fifth edition has all submissions denuded of any identifying info. Just a submission number, a title, and the genre (poem/fiction/non-fiction) so that our team of editors judge only the writing itself, not the traits of the author.

I appreciate your summation. Just three points I wish to contradict.
>you are no longer interested in this board and are now pulling from a less idiosyncratic pool of contributors
I disagree. Opening up submissions to a wider pool does not erase /lit/ posters from the pool. Their idiosyncrasies are still here, and their submissions are still read (and with noticeably more interest when the source of the writing is recognized). Furthermore, this is the only literary discussion board I use, so my interest is very much here. Always on the lookout for excerpts in which I see potential.
>Your journal's title is an anachronism
Perhaps. Except remember it was many /lit/ anons who, in the first six to ten months of this project, who expressed a reluctance to be associated with the site in any way. They feared ruining their careers, getting doxed, or being in any way affiliated with the site. I assured them in two ways: "just use a pen name. Most people do anyway." And "I didn't include the slashes around "lit" because we have no formal affiliation with 4chan, its owners, or subsidiaries."
>yours is a normalfag publication
This one actually hurts. I make a point of leaving space for edgier, more unique, and even unpolished writing in order to reiterate that the whole point of being independent/self-funded/uncensored is to curate a space with free exchange of ideas can exist. People who have controversial things to say need to contribute, but they need to write well and with well-reasoned arguments. It can't just be a /pol/ blackpill in cheap essay form.

>> No.16722186

So you've done nothing to support grassroots literature and art. Got it. You judge a book based on its cost compared to the New Yorker.

>> No.16722236

By supporting grassroots literature, do you mean
> being too stupid to realize that Amazon's print on demand is free to you, and in total, Amazon takes a ~$10 cut per book, including printing costs
> using the same ISBN for the entire journal instead of getting a separate ISBN for each different edition of a book, which is standard practice
> going REEEEEE during every self-made thread

>> No.16722269

No, I mean supporting it by providing income to people who are amateur writers so that they can write more and become better writers. And encouraging other writers to write more and become better writers. And by rewarding people who continually work to improve their writing not only with money, but with an actual book that has their name on the cover.

>being too stupid to realize some fact about the costs of modern publishing
It's not about the money. It's about encouraging people to write, and publishing independently.
>using the same ISBN
Who said ISBN? I could've sworn I said ISSN...you know, that thing that's required for serial publications in Canada.
>going REEE during every self-made thread
You mean defending myself when people who don't have a fucking clue about this thing at all talk shit about me in threads made primarily by other interested anons? Dude. You haven't the slightest clue what's going on here and you're making yourself look like a retard.

Do you want screenshots of the thread to prove I'm not OP? Here are my posts:

>> No.16722274

Don't ISBNs set you back, moolah-wise?

>> No.16722291

No, it was free if I recall correctly. A one-time thing, but takes a couple weeks to get it. And once your thing is printed, you have to send them a copy or image of the cover and the barcode. ISSNs are one-time as well, even with different editions of a publication with the same title.

>> No.16722553

ISBNs are free if you get them from Amazon, but this does beholden you to have the "printed by Amazon" thing on your metadata. You can buy your own ISBNs, which allows you to say "printed by [insert anything you want]" on your metadata. ISBNs costs less if you buy them in bulk. One costs like $100, but you if you 500, they're like $1 each.

You are right about the one time thing. Any difference in edition or format requires a different ISBN. For example, JK Rowling wrote one Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone but there are maybe 500 different ISBNs for it, for every book with a different cover, paper back or hardcover, new edition, language, updated with new foreword, etc

>> No.16722566

That hasn't been my experience. I don't recall paying any money whatsoever for the ISSN. In my application (for an ISBN originally), when I stated that it was a quarterly, I was informed that I would require an ISSN, not an ISBN, but that the ISSN should be used for all subsequent editions of the quarterly. This doesn't jive with amazon, so for the second LQ I sold on amazon, I applied for and received an ASIN (amazon-issued equivalent of an ISBN, applicable only on amazon). This number, however, if in any way linked with the ISSN, caused all items under that title to be considered a single product. So the Winter 2020 page was sucked up into the Spring 2020 page...it was a big clusterfuck, so I decided to just sell of the website itself.

>> No.16722607

>ordered a copy of the new quarterly
>all the texts by Anons are RIPPED OUT when it arrives
>postcard literally glued to the cover advertising the co-editor's twitter account
Never again.

>> No.16722670

That's no glue. That's the editor's cum.
Countless customers received coomed in issues

>> No.16722702

If you email him and say you're allergic to cum, he can replace it with that fake cum they pump into dragon dildos for a few dollars more.

>> No.16722711

You can still sell the issue as a book. I don't see why you don't. There are literally blank books, sold as writing notebooks, with ISBNs

>> No.16722969

I'm sure there are more /lit/ contributors then that, it's just hard for him to know because he doesn't explicitly ask in the submission process. Me, for example.

>> No.16723070

Anyone read the drought? I thought it was salubrious

>> No.16723074

yeah, i'm thinking salubrious

>> No.16723724

i liked forever things from the issue before this one

>> No.16723967

Not sure if it's a different process in Canada or not, but for ISBNs, I would need to apply for a new one for each book and lie on the application saying it is not a serial publication. When applying for an ASIN on amazon, when I put in the application, it automatically flags the title as being a similar product (of the previous issue) and won't allow me to differentiate them.

>> No.16724675

I liked it... subtle, straight-forward, realistic. Can't complain one bit.

>> No.16725087

>writing we liked but couldn't fit into the print edition
>spanish bus kino didn't make the cut
shit, either i have shit taste or you do

>> No.16725279

spanish bus kino did make the cut...what do you mean? that it didn't make the print edition?

>> No.16725336

yeah. i'm under the impression that the online edition is only second prize. am i wrong?

>> No.16725420

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, maybe a little bit. But not necessarily. Because when we go through the entire pool of submissions, part of our consideration is how the pieces fit together. We do like our volumes to have--no matter how subtle or broad--some cohesion between the works. Some works are selected not just on their quality, but by how they compliment other works we've accepted. But yeah, I see your point.

>> No.16725502

The way that Amazon does it is series name is the name of your magazine, and title is the theme name of the current issue


>> No.16725506


>> No.16725533

they should probably call it the lit occasionally

>> No.16725776


>> No.16725802
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>> No.16726814

Saw this bullshit coming from a mile away when the owner refused to anonymize all the contributors and put forward-slashes around the "Lit" of "Lit Quarterly". This isn't a /lit/ magazine, but rather a generic literature publication that used /lit/ to get itself off the ground. Any tenuous connection that can be drawn between it and /lit/ will only diminish with further publications. The owner should be banned for self-promotion.

>> No.16726867

>The owner should be banned for self-promotion.
this honestly. the dude wants to go mainstream and make shekels, whatever, good for him. just get this shit off the board because it has nothing to do with us anymore.

>> No.16726954

You are doing good. Ignore these fags.