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File: 15 KB, 245x300, Malcolm_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16712346 No.16712346 [Reply] [Original]

Malcolm X telling you why reading is important.


>> No.16713598

Enjoyed this, anon. Thanks.

>> No.16714074

Malcom, my boy, they are WOMEN, bro. Don't make the things harder for us men.
Also, the girls who DO read only read young adult trash. So that's all the same.

>> No.16714963

Malcolm: far more /lit/ than even /lit/
At some point this board will discover that he's actually *the* ideal

>> No.16714976

Malcolm X veers pretty heavily into /pol/ territory

>> No.16715048

is there a transcription of that speech?
I can't find one

>> No.16715203

So that I can get a man?

>> No.16715215 [DELETED] 

>dey iz hidin books and shiet from the black man cuz dey fear the educated black man and shieeeet

>> No.16715219
File: 165 KB, 402x600, yakub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16715242 [DELETED] 

cope more white boy

>> No.16715244
File: 147 KB, 828x891, 5eff6b45c3e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen a PoC actually reading?

>> No.16715297

yes :3

>> No.16715322
File: 54 KB, 1024x670, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16715350

Yes obviously on the one hand, but as an unabashed reader of the classics that /lit/ adores, no. Malcolm even read and annotated a dictionary, was infatuated with Spinoza, and was clearly influenced by Nietzsche. He read Bodmer's The Loom of Language, Goethe, Emerson, Thoreau, etc., etc., and he did so unabashedly. He read great political thinkers that the world now stupidly ignores like John Morley and Lord Acton. He more than once proclaimed that his years of reading were among the happiest of his life. Ironic that the most venerated black leaders (MLK too) were squarely involved with books /lit/ adores and the world contemns in 2020. That's all I'll say. Read the fucking Autobiography.

>> No.16715355

Based. Which autobiography do you recommend?

>> No.16715372


>> No.16715402

The Autobiography of Malcolm X, of course, as told to Alex Haley. Also read Haley's epilogue. While talking about his life Malcolm had the tendency to doodle on stray pieces of paper, napkins, whatever. He's almost always thinking about the books he's read, as he leaves quotes in the midst of his doodles all over the place. He's got books on his mind, and knew more than most are willing to admit these days what a great source of power they (classics) were and remain.
He's utterly based, and his book's a flat out American classic. Read it.

>> No.16715411

Thank you fren.

>> No.16716720

The "smartest" nig is still a retard https://cumtown.org/f/cumtown/12636/malcolm-x-explaining-why-black-people-like-well-done-steak

>> No.16716726


>> No.16717848


>> No.16718325


>> No.16719933

Precisely why I didn't check it out

>> No.16720023

How do you reconcile the yakub retardation and Elijah worship with this high IQ behaviour?

>> No.16720038


>> No.16720108

Ephebehood, gratitude (feelings of debt), the need for something (anything!), loyalty to his benefactor, the times. Also after studying Mendel he realized that given a common ancestor white could be (in fact) derived from black but not the reverse, so why not? After abandoning it he never gave it a second thought.
In short, I have no idea, but it is a pretty cool myth.

>> No.16720112

>after studying Mendel he realized that given a common ancestor white could be (in fact) derived from black but not the reverse,

>> No.16720179

Yeah, he was infatuated with Gregor in prison, and became a dilettante genetics enthusiast. Given what little he actually knew at the time didn't prevent him from making (and later abandoning) grand pronouncements: /lit/ is full of these types; I'm no doubt one of them! Malcolm was fully aware that he was a work in progress, however, and wanted to believe (ultimately) that everybody else was one too.

>> No.16720243

the internet and proliferation of video recording has been a disaster for public figures and, therefore, for cohesive succesful social movements. today there are lots of figures comparable to malcolm x, and maybe plenty of them are as good or better than he is at talking, but the spectator has too many exposure to opposite views (on the internet) and he too often watches these figures in video instead of live as part of an audience (where the effect is much weaker) and so he takes the message less seriously, he kinda forgets about it after a while.

right? or am I making all of this up

>> No.16720269

I like this guy. The way he discusses infatuation with reading in his autobiography was interesting to learn about and even motivated me a bit to read some more

>> No.16720288

I have been as moved by video recordings of speeches as by live speeches. I will agree that it's easier to access them online--which has contributed to the decline in my interest over the past decade.

>> No.16721226


>> No.16721407

Fuck you and this dumb pseudointellectual nigger

>> No.16721421

shut up cracka

>> No.16721586

Malcolm started reading in prison. Prison was an intellectual vacuum, 99% of the people around him were probably 60iq retards who couldn’t read. Not exactly scholars for him to discuss ideas with. He couldn’t go on Wikipedia or the internet to fact check things, it was just him alone in a cell with books. Can’t really blame him for taking in certain things that normal people would think is stupid.
2nd the only contact he really had with the outside world were his family, most of whom were already brainwashed by the Muslim brotherhood. They helped to brainwash him. He was also corresponding with Elijah Muhammad through letters who was basically offering him a whole new life, a rebirth.

>> No.16721597

Not that anon, but I think a speech made and posted today on the internet would be torn apart by opposing viewpoints and retards on social media for any to lead a coordinated social movement

>> No.16721617

Childhood is thinking MLK was right. Adulthood is realizing Malcom X was right.

>> No.16721620

>filtered by well done steak
enjoy your raw meat mutt

>> No.16721837

Incorrect. I think had Malcolm lived this would have become so however primarily because I think he was an incredibly gifted human being (if not a genius) with uncommon energy. But he started late and his 'work-in-progress' was cut off way too quickly. Because King has now become mainstream with the holiday, the National monument, etc., it becomes very easy to discount or even diminish all that he accomplished, or take it completely for granted. ..King and Malcolm met only once, very close to the time of Malcolm's assassination, and the fact -like it or not -was that by moving away from Elijah Muhammad Malcolm was moving very much in King's direction (minus the Christianity, of course). That's just a fact. We post about Malcolm here primarily because [we] love his fire, his valiant negativity, and his relative youth. Though more exciting than King, especially by today's standards (that need all of us have for greater amounts of stimulation) King was the greater man.

>> No.16721848

high iq individuals often have other esoteric beliefs

>> No.16721854

I can sense your passion. I will look into this thank you.

>> No.16721955

>and i don’t mean read comic books
/co/ BTFO

>> No.16722286

Yes, have you ever actually spent significant time with a poc in person?

>> No.16723778

The heavy artillery would have noted that in the end Malcolm was at most a media celebrity and a proselytizer of a racist religion, who though he frightened whitey was surrounded by a protective organization that no one wanted to fuck with: his life only became in jeopardy when this protection (through envy) banished him, and wanted him dead. For all the FBI or whatever Intel conspiracy theorizing since his killing the truth is that such organizations knew that they didn't have to lift a finger to 'get him gone,' and didn't. Once banished, Malcolm knew that he was a dead man and knew precisely who is killers would be- his own people.

>> No.16723786

yeah i think this was part of my point. nowadays there are so many speakers to choose from that it's very hard for anyone to get as big, and they get rebuked by other speakers and random people on social media much easier. I don't think nobody will remember jbp or sam seder as MLK for example

>I have been as moved by video recordings of speeches as by live speeches
i'm pretty sure being part of a live audience and seeing the speaker in real person makes a big difference. i've never been to a speech like those, but i have been to comedy shows and it's a huge difference, i feel much more engaged and prone to laugh live than watching the same thing on video.

>> No.16723828

King on the other hand was a marked man from almost the very beginning of his career, surrounded by no such bad ass organization and therefore 'protection'. Nonetheless, unlike Malcolm, he confronted whitey every day with his body (as well as his mouth) -- how many staggeringly precarious demonstrations in the deep South did Malcolm X involve himself in during the course of his career? Zero. He did not lay his own body NONVIOLENTLY on the line on an almost daily basis like King did; what he did certainly required a kind of courage but not the kind of courage and certainly not the rectitude that King displayed. In truth, it's not even close. And I say this as an absolute devotee of Malcolm X: he's one of my heroes, but King was so incomprehensively great that many today have trouble comprehending it! both black and white.

>> No.16725384

Malcolm X was a meme. His suit and black skinny tie combo was cringe af.

>> No.16725492

I want moar. What should I read ?

>> No.16725721

t. Boomer parents, not mod x'er fashion plates
I actually feel kind of sorry for you, anon.

>> No.16725730

Malcolm X is 2016 /lit/

>inb4 go to another site

>> No.16725745

King amounted to nothing but gibs in the end, which just turned helped ruin black america

>> No.16725818

That's because he was assassinated. He offered a Christian conception of civil rights as opposed to the Aristotelian Islamic interpretation. Not Islam but the Aristotelian aspect seems to amount more to gibs than MLK's

>> No.16725837

Know what the most dangerous thing in America is?
Nigga with a library card... heh