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File: 20 KB, 330x413, a3a45697e82cffcc69a2cdffebf6521e84-23-thomas-pynchon.rvertical.w330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16711402 No.16711402 [Reply] [Original]

Is Pynchon a genius or a madman?

>> No.16711417
File: 211 KB, 600x350, 15a2e0d7a6a2d7eba88393aa24922adb04e8139c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both !

>> No.16711877

can someone be a genius without being a madman? serious question

>> No.16711885

Yes, they're just insufferably boring and their achievements are the sort that nobody enjoys reading about.

>> No.16711887

>tfw will never be friends with shit-eating grin little pynchon in middle school
>tfw will never see him tape a note to the teacher's back that sez "Drub I"
>hold in laughter while looking at his shit-eating grin and mischievous eyes

>> No.16711894

If you mean madman as an arbitrary term used by bugmen to categorise and dismiss a person whose inner workings of the mind are beyond their comprehension then yes.
Although nowadays, the connotation of "madman" in colloquial english is becoming closer and closer to that of "genius".

>> No.16711896

Spinoza was considered a madman. But, his madness was so reasonable it was geometric.

>> No.16712035


>> No.16712351
File: 165 KB, 650x883, bukowski-c-1981-by-mark-hanauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"name one genius that hasn't had a tough life"

>> No.16712743


>> No.16712754
File: 127 KB, 545x991, pynchonesque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pynchons my fav writer for sure because my fav thing in books is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his books are full to the brim of it. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! and then you think hmmm whats he gonna do next, this trickster, and you pick the book back up and BZZZZZZZZZZ you get a shock and Hahahahahah you've been pranked again by the old pynchmeister, that card. "Did that Pynch?" he says, laughing yukyukyukyuk. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up into his mouth and displays em for you- left, right, center- "you like dese? Do i look handsome???" Pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and appears again hauling a huge golden gong.